(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Now, my hubby and i are thinking how to handle no 2 as currently my mil helps to look after no 1. Definitely, she cant handle no 2 next yr. We're sending my no 1 for a half day prog in cc, so thot of either employ a maid to help, i work part-time, i quit my job to be a SAHM or engage a nanny to look after no 2... headache leh..

anyone having the same concern as me? or anyone have prior experience can share with me your advice? thanks.

hello Happyface, both my kids go to CCC, full day. i used to be a SAHM but i wen bk to wk last nov. i tink its better cos they learn tings there. they get more disciplined.

but of cos CCC oso hv pros n cons.


I'm wondering my maid alone can handle 2 or not...but i think shd be ok cos no.1 goes to kindy 3 hours prog...but will leave house ard 7.35 and back ard 12pm. afternoon he also will nap for 2 hours...so i think my maid shd be able to handle ba...currently my maid is very free...

Hi RinaFoo,


Me have 2 kids le, #3 soon.. EDD shld be 16 Jan bah, bt hvnt confirmed yet, cos i oso dun knw hw many wks nw. Doc nvr say i oso nvr ask... tink must be #3, so e feeling is "bah" already??? lol..

FACIAL - I went for my facial every month too when I was pregnant with my boy.. wan to look nice nice.. In fact, today I am going for my facial [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Wan to look nice and feel good.. in a way also comforting the pregnancy ba..

DYE HAIR - I think I will give it a miss lar. I know for BF, definately cannot dye hair..

High Five, Yang!! me also feel bloated if I eat too much.. and my this pregnancy seems to wan a heavy breakfast as in fried bee hoon, egg, veg, milo drink and sandwiches together! goodness! But come dinner, no appetite..


I'm a Jan MTB too. Due in the 1st wk of Jan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

2nd kid for me

YC, Jasmine, same gynae for me too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

He also ask me how i found him hehe.

no la Rina,

my 1st gyne was Dr Vincent Lee fr Raffles, bt he migrated to Aussie le.

2nd one was Dr Choo fr Specialist Practice, bt too far for me cos she at Paragon, plus oni 9-5 fr mon-fri.

So i chose Dr Ang who is nw nearer to my hm lor...


My elder one 4yo, 2nd one 2yo, both delivered at Raffles. Dun knw if i shld try TMC anot... nvr like it there lei...

Oh Amby and Jasmine, u seeing Dr Ang too? Maybe we will meet at his clinic some day. Im seeing him next mon again.

i jus saw him tis mon cos i hv spotting on sun-mon. den he gave me the "an tai" medicine to take. can see e foetus bt no heartbeat yet...

Hi, Amby

Yup, my first one came exactly on teh 36weeks and he weighed about close to 3.2kg. Gynae is saying my body cannot take too heavy so will just auto go into labour. I certainly hope this will apply to my this pregnancy as well.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

LC, my next appt only on the 29th june. hehe. he was saying hes going on a holiday?

wah your baby was 3.2 at 36 weeks? i think if wait until full term sure reach abt 4kg le.

i want to go for natural labour this time. last time induced. hope dr ang will let things happen naturally. He def seem like a chop chop gynae which is more suitable for 2nd or 3rd pregnancy.

I rem he didnt tell me EDD also but i saw on the ultrasound printout got the date there.

hi lee tai,

yes, I also posted in Bedok mummies thread cos I'm staying in that area. So how many kids u have now? Sorry, many mums ard so can't really remember how many kids each have.

Hi LC, mine is usually scan from the tummy, nv do it from the below though I heard some gynaes do that. But is it really necessary to do it from the below? Kind of sensitive leh...

My gynae is at TMC, Dr Paul Tseng. Any1 gog to him too?

YC, i saw him on monday. i'm now 7 weeks n a few days.

Then he said lor he going holiday so he'll see me on the 29th and he'll do the blood test thing. for me i'm ok lah. not as anxious to see gynae like last time mah. so see lesser the better also haha.

hmmm, true lor...

bt i still hv no idea hw many wks i am in... kekeke... by right i shld be abt 7wks oso, bt based on his calculations maybe lesser 5-6wks?

dat day he tell me, i mother of 2, i shld knw e symptoms ma, bt i tell him i forget liao... :p

im feeling so tired n hving heartburn lei.. hungry bt no appetite... u will anot ar?

for me depends on the day. like today no appetite and feel like puking but i still eat abit hehe. now feeling super bloated and very very fat feeling. keep passing gas.

heartburn not yet.but i know i want spicy food. i crave for lots of spicy food but my husband yet to get me anything. and i got terrible mood swings one.

everytime i'm like one crazy woman snapping at my husband, he will laugh n say "this is not you. this is the fellow insideeeeeeeeee"

Dr Ang, also tell me i should know the symptoms but yet he explain to me, then i tell him myself " yes yes, memories still fresh!" haha

happyface & cladi, so nice to c ur here hehehehe.. like meeting up lao peng you :D

happyface, hmm.. i oso discuss this issue wif hubby.. but had come to any terms with .. but becoming a sahm is not possible.. haiz.. so still in the mist of discussion.. u ne??

wat bout cladi??

ya boy, tell me abt the mood swings, been so bad tempered... sigh... i oso keep snapping at my hubby lei... jia lat... kekeke...

i kept feeling very "gasy" like machiam gastric pain feelings lei... ya, stomach also feel like as if expanding to e maximum. my co told i 3mths preg liao... lol[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/biggrin.gif]


Har.. Wat wat ah.. This thread moving so fast.. Cannot catch up le.. Gal.. Tot ur edd is 31dec09? Hee

hi mummies!

I saw my gynae this morning. Baby at 8 weeks, can see its heartbeat & also my gynae showed me the blood flowing to its heart! It's amazing. I thought I wouldn't be as emotional seeing the ultrasound image as I did for my first one, but actually I was equally excited & my eyes began watering too. It's really an amazing feeling, thank God for this [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My EDD is 3.1.10. My gynae said we could do a countdown too, haha!


Wow.. Can c blood flow to bb heart ah.. Ur gyne machine must b very high tech.. My still using 2d scan only.. Haha.. Nvr get to see those b4 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi everyone, just saw my family doc today and confirm that i m preggy, my family doc say can start looking for a gynae already, now abit dunno wat to do...

hi ladies, i just woke up from my nap, din go to office today cos i was having a very bad ms, so take leave and rest at home. ughhh, i hate ms!

btw yc, jasmine and amby, i presume u gals stay in yishun or sembawang, i also staying in sembawang but my gynae is Dr Sim at TMC. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ET, shld be normal bah... wen i had my #1, i dun feel tired n sleepy... i was very active in fact..

#2, was sick thru'out e 1st trimester, aft tat always very tired n sleepy.

tis one, feel tired n sleepy, abit naseous feeling lor...

so nothin is gd ma...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yc, aiya, thinking of going back to work tmr, i am very sian, but still have to go back cos it's month end closing and have to do packing as well, coy is shifting.

ET, it's definitely normal for us to feel tired and sleepy, no worries! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u having #1?

YC, u good leh, when I had my #1, i was very tired and sleepy, even this #2 also the same, just that ms monster caught me very early this time. My ms is relly very very bad, hope this one is a gal, keke!

Ya ya, #1.. oh, ok, cos many of my friends had terrible ms when they are preggie, even during very initial stage like now, but i like nothing, only tired and want to sleep..


hi all...im new here...mtb in 2010...hehe...edd is 25 jan but since its my first...they say my baby will be delayed abt 2 wks.....any good gynae to recommend?? im stayin in amk near to yck....

