(2009) Twins/ Triplets/ Multiples mummies to be

SeeJay, Just went for my checkup at 36 weeks last week..err..i better warn you when you going for your next checkup cus doc may do a vaginal examination to check if you have dilated or not.. :D For me, no dilation and baby's head not engaged yet..so may have to go for c-section if nothing happens this week.. Actually the nurses at KKH are quite kancheong type..they also asked us to choose ward and pay the deposit when we are around week30

Joe Foo, you can enquire the costs at the admissions office at level 1. Ask them to print out all the different costs i.e. Ward A, B, Normal , C-section delivery how much? I think you can still go ward B1 and still choose your gynae, btw they allow you to pay the deposit by instalments (think for DBS, UOB credit cards only). Think normally, twins are considered full term at week 37..but i read some past postings that babies earlier than 37 week no need for NICU as long as they are healthy weight and everything is fine

76, haha...I'm like you..I bought some of the stuff already but they are still all in their boxes, cus pantang also..so i guess it's a mad rush to get the nursery room ready while I'm still in hospital! Haven't gotten the stroller yet as not sure whether to get a twin stroller or 2 single strollers..this can wait..anyway, there are usually 20% storewide sales during the national day hols..

anyone here who din employ CL at all and just depended on mum or MIL? can share experiences or how you intend to delegate the job? coz my mum is helpng me confinenemnt and i sort of regretted not getting CL coz she insisted she could cope..
Hi 76,
I got my mom and the maid to help me during the confinement. It all depends on whether ur mom is supportive over certain things like bfeeding or will agree with whatever way you want to look after the bb, like having a routined sleep, meal..etc
I quarrelled with my mom on the very first day i brought the boys back coz she wasn't giving her full support in breastfeeding. If your mom is like that, it's better you hire a confinement lady who listens to instructions from you.
76, twinsmama, haha! my cot is still not set up also! cos my mum says "it should be set up after i have given birth" :D my twin stroller is totally untouched in its original packaging also. btw my mum says it's better to buy two separate strollers but i think it's cuter to put twins in a twin stroller..

my scan yesterday was alright, doc has confirmed that the small baby (2kg now) will be gor gor because his head is nearer to the exit. the bigger one is now 2.2kg. i also got an ointment for my rashes, it doesn't stop the itch but my rashes did subside after one application :D hopefully it'll heal soon ah.. and yeah, doc will see me in two weeks' time and will be doing the vaginal examination. i heard from my colleagues that it's very painful

76, if you find out that your mum cannot cope and you need to engage CL at the last minute, my fren recommends going through those CL agencies. i've contacted Bliss Confinement and PEM Confinement before and personally i prefer Bliss because PEM has more rules and regulations. e.g.: they will insist you engage a maid to do the housework. also, they insist on the CL resting for a few hours each afternoon. i feel that these "rules" are quite inflexible. for you to consider lah
See Jay
I got my confinement lady liao...through referral..at 2.7k. She got experience handling twins, so lets just keep fingers crossed lah..
As for strollers, i had intended to get 2 single..coz if one falls sick, i cant possibly bring 2 to see doc right? so at least with 1 single stroller, i can bring anyone out to see doc.thats my opinion lah.
76, 2.7k is a good rate, and you're so lucky to get one at this time too
and your mum can have more time to rest also :D
feeling so shitty lately.. sigh..
hi 76... my mom did my confinement..she went to take up a cooking class for confinement dishes. During my confinement, my mom is in charge of cooking while my dad is in-charge of marketing for the ingredients. As times, my mil will help buy some stuff. Surprisingly, it worked..but I must admit it was tiring. However, it was possible cos my 2 boys were in hospital (high dependency)for almost half a month...so it was not too bad. By the time I was discharged (abt 5 days) and they're back, my 1 month is almost over..
see jay
i also feel shitty lately....and moody..sian...maybe HL too long, anyhow think, too free.
how does the doc check if you have dilated? is it by putting in the finger? then how do they measure how much dilation?
76, yes..doc needs to take a swab first, kinda like a papsmear, before he checks for dilation - he will insert finger abit forcefully... As I haven't dilated, I'm not sure how they measure..?? Take care, don't feel so sianz.. I know how it feels, cus I have been on HL for quite long too..feels like home quarantine doesn't it? Can't go out and totally dependent on family members...it's really waiting just to give birth. Just tell yourself, one week at a time..
76, i feel moody cos of the ugly rashes on my tummy
feel so uncomfortable and ugly nowadays.. and the worst thing is even if i don't nap in the day i totally can't sleep at night, because my mind becomes very active at night and keep thinking about scary things also..

in the day i occupy myself with light housework and some hobbies, maybe you can try?? reading, watch some cartoons, or draw something etc??

twinsmama, i'm a bit worried about the check cos i remember pap smear was quite painful for me :'( and when i did the vaginal scan it was quite painful also.. hope the doc has slim fingers.. haha..
Having a big headache..

iszit true that to hire a maid, both must have an annual income of 30K per yr.

Gosh, I am a housewife & hubby only earns 2k gross per mth. Really aint sure who can take care of my twins as both MIL & parents are working and also not eglible under that income blanket

Wish can win TOTO to solve the problem =p haaa
Any idea how much would a caregiver charge for caring twins during daytime & where to find them
hihi recently too bz w work. i m 33 wks now. both babies are 1.8kg. now i felt uncomfortable and hard to move.Check w ur, is epidural will have side effect?
oh which twin stroller ur will recommend? i haven bot yet.now don really hv mood to shop and work.it's like waiting for my boys coming out everyday....
76, it's not really papsmear..doc jus swapped with a cotton bud or something for a culture test..it was done very quickly, so not painful at all..all over and done with in less than a minute...i was in fact more worried and paiseh about my itchy red tummy and all the scratch marks on my thighs and butt!

Marcia, it's not true you need annual income of $30K to employ a maid! Anyone can employ a maid as long as you can afford the maid pay (about $350-$380) and maid levy ($170) per month...at least this was what i found out when i was maid-hunting a few months back. Caregiver nowadays also quite expensive..think for 1 baby is almost $600 per month?

Little Queen, pei fu, pei fu...still working at 33wks?! I was too tired to stand for more than 10 minutes when i'm 33wks... i haven't bought stroller yet but was eyeing Maclaren twin techno previously...
hey all.. cant rmbr if i posted this qtn before... but anyone knows if prior to c-sec, will the nurses shave our pubic hair arh? i duno whether wana go for brazilian wax or not leh.. i left 5 days niah...need to decide fast fast liao.. ):
I m going to work until 35 wks. So all of u rest b4 30 wks?my gynae never give me HL.If opt for nature birth nurse will shave our pubic hair also?.
i heard alot of pregnant women go for BW leh..

cos last time i shave myself at the sides beforel.. kaoz the regrowth damn sickening lor.. so itchy n painful....

so.. i tot if need to shave.. (thanks little queen for letting noe).. i might wana do the BW.. at least i tink the aft growth is softer arh.
HI bbq98, i think so far only twinsmama and myself are waiting for natural birth

bobo, i've been doing BW since week 14, i think i stopped at week 26 or 27 cos it became too painful to lie down. i am lucky cos nothing bad happened to me after waxing. i've read that our skin changes may cause allergic reactions. so fast, 5 more days only ah!! i wonder when my boys will come out ~~

Little Queen, i started my HL at 33 weeks. i requested for the HL because it became very painful for me to walk. my doc initially wanted me to start going on leave at 35-36 weeks but i CMI at 33 weeks already so i requested for HL earlier
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Thank you.
Hello all!

I've just found out I'm currently pregnant with twins. Went to meet ML Yeap from KKH for my first check-up.

What gynae did you take and roughly what are the monthly expenses?

Help needed. Thanks!
Little queen,
i worse lagi CMI..HL since week 26 to delivery. Doc gave voluntarily, say my tummy too distended and hard..scared will get pre term labour.ask me not to overstress..last check, gynae touched tummy again and say softer now with much rest...Now just cross week 30..hope can sustain till the end.
Welcome Anna
How many weeks are you now? My gynae is from O&G partners, Prof Ng at Gleneagles, consultation is $60..scan is $120 (twins) excluding medicine. but nowadays, he dun scan, coz i will bring my detailed scan report from NUH to him. So my gynae only charged me consultation (e.g. measure my uterus size thru measuring tape and touching my tummy to see if too hard)...

bbq98, I really want to try natural birth but doc said it deepens of baby position. On my 26weeks bbs are bridge( I hope they will change)
twinsmama and seeJay when you twins change the position? Will be looking forward to know about you experience. Wish you easy and smooth delivery!

About Brazilian wax I'm not sure if it's first time for you could you take a pain or not. I'm doing it for many years, even during pregnancy. My first pregnancy I was so lucky did it just one day before delivery ) But I heard in Singapore it is up to women remove or leave hear, better check with a your doc.

Anna_bananna, I'm also Anna ;-) Congratulation! More rest for you! And enjoy your pregnancy! Take it easy! ;-)
Helloo...I went for my checkup yesterday and still not dilated and baby still not engage...doc said could be both babies trying to descend at the same time and kenna 'stuck'..lol! Will be going for c-section on monday... no time for me to go for BW...and i think it's impossible for me to shave myself
twinsmama, good luck to you on Monday! you going to see them very soon! You must be very exited! Everything is ready, isn't it?
Hi just to share-
I gave birth to my twin naturally with no epidural in Apr prematurely at 30 weeks at KKH. The nurse did not shave as the gynae delivering for me said no need. Not sure why no need though. You ladies must jia you!
Hi Anna! Welcome
i am seeing Prof John Tee (from KKH also), i usually pay about $60+ for each consultation, if you choose The Private Suite (TPS), i think it'll be slightly more expensive, but not sure how much though :eek: the growth scans for twins are quite cheap, at about $80+ each time, i only had to do these twice (wk 25 and wk 30). detailed scan at wk 20 was quite cheap also, i think about $100+ or so. FTS (First Trimester Screening, wk 13 or 14 i think) was the most expensive test for me so far.. it cost about $500+. HTHs!

annfresh, my babies were in upright position all the while until week 33
try talking to them when you're massaging your tummy everyday :D

twinsmama, jiayou jiayou!! Good luck and keep us updated ne!

kath tan, how was the birth without epidural? was it very bad cos you had to go through two rounds of pushing? hope i dun get shaved also, i hate the aftergrowth!

How many weeks will you be on Monday? Pls share with us your experience.

Kath Tan, yes, how was it pushing twice with epi?
wow.. twinsmama is going to seh today liao.. congratz.. good luck!

i tink twinsmama shd be abt wk37 or wat izit?

hooo.. wed will be my turn liao... at wk 36.
Fatbobo, you going for csection on Wed? Why at wk 36 and not wait till baby full term at 37 weeks?
jia you jia you...
my gynae was saying that the growth of twins is faster than singleton by 2 weeks..meaning, if bbs are week 36 now, means it is equivalnet to week 38 for singleton.
heeee bbq98... they're getting too heavy for me to carry oso liao le... might as well fix a date.. rather than need emer c-sec or smting.. lala~

oh 76.. i din noe that twin's growth is faster than singleton... hmmmm~ thanks.. at least nw i feel more fang xin oso.. hoooooooo~
fat bobo

How heavy are yours at the last checkup?

My gynae asked me to choose a date after they are 36 wks so now i thinking if I should choose one during 36 or one that is like after 37 wks.
hi i m 34 wks now.but gynae never give me HL. he juz asked me to take rest more & take ML from 35 wks. but due to work i can't take. so gotto endure until 35 wks.

I opt to nature birth also.Hopefully everything goes smoothly

I feel i m walking like a big penguin
Little Queen, I also don't have HL. Have to work till pop lor. Did you gynae persuade you to go for csection? He or she is okay with you going for natural?
Hello everyone,

I am 10 weeks pregnant with twins. First time pregnancy. I would like to ask those who are having twins (which is everyone else here :p) what is the frequency of the ultrasound scan? Right now, everytime I see my gynae, he will do an ultrasound scan. My visits are every 2 weeks, but recently increased to 1 week because I had slight staining. Is this because twin pregnancy is higher-risk hence everytime must scan? Also after first trimester, how often should the ultrasound scan done? I want to know because

1) not sure whether it is safe for babies
2) $$$ - ultrasound scan is $60+ each time

Thanks in advance for your responses!
Hi Kath Tan, do your babies need to stay in NICU? What's their birthweight?
Consulted gynae, advised to deliver at abt w34, because babies shared one placenta ...
Last scan at week 28, their weights were about 1.1kg and 900g ... was told their weigths quite low ... got to home rest till next appt ... any advice on how help the BBs to gain more weight? Thanks a lot ...

Congrats and welcome to a journey less travelled. :p

I had my scan once a mth during my gynae visit. I thought even singleton will have scans during every visit. As for the safety, I have never considered that aspect. I just assume it should be since the gynae should know best.
As I know on first trimester visits are every 3-4 weeks, on 2nd one if any problem you could see your doc every 2 weeks, but of course it depends of your doctor. That was the reason I did change my doctor, for first 14 weeks I spend half that I'm paying now for package incl delivery! :-O It is depends of doctor.
And also for multiples there is 3 planing detail scans on 20th, 28th and 32nd weeks. I did it in NUH cost $190 for both bbs (with my first doc prise was $200 per baby) This scan usually takes about 1 hour+.
About ultrasounds you can say to doc that you don't want to do it so often, as my friend did say, specially if you need to do it every week from beginning!
Good luck to you! And easy pregnancy!
Do you have any suggestion how to eat durian, any easy way? I'm ready to eat it for my babies but need to know HOW? :-D

You are not a local? Most Sporean like durians. If you don't like, you can aways take full cream milk (those for pregnant women) and beef.
I'm caucasian. I know all my local friends love it! I'm quite some time in Singapore already but still staying far from durian. But want to try just because it's good for bbs )

If you can take the smell, go for it coz it's really nice. Ask your friend to buy some for you. If not, like I said, you can always take other "fattening" stuff. However, do note that durians have very high sugar level. Stay away if you have GD. My friend's gynae ask her to eat a slice of cake everyday to put on weight. Again, don't take this suggestion if you have GD.

Goodwood park hotel has very nice durian strudel. Not sure if the hotel is still selling it. If so, you can try it. It's nice.
