(2009) Twins/ Triplets/ Multiples mummies to be

Hi babes, hope everyone is fine! i am sick now with blocked nose and sore throat. hope to get well soon!

xiaofu, glad to hear that your twins are doing well
my mum has offered to help me look after the twins, but she needs someone to help her with the housework so i will be engaging a maid after the confinement. otherwise, i think my poor mum won't even have time to go to the toilet!

hee, i don't think i will be watching the documentary also, cos i think it's gonna be very disturbing

Hi all
May I check if anyone is experiencing braxton hicks contraction? what is the feeling like?

I been having frequent tight sensation in my tummy. Not sure what it is and I am afraid my twins will come out prematurely.
Finish watching the documentary. I think my husband is more disturbed than me when he see the doc push the equip into the tummy just like that.

But I am very touched by the 2 mummies featured in the documentary. They are very brave and strong indeed. I hope all the mummies-to-be out thre will also be brave and strong!

Will be going for my chorionicity scan in a couple of weeks to find out if my twins are identical or fraternal ;X Quite obvious which one I am crossing my fingers for...
hihi ladies, i din watch last nite oso... hb not so keen to watch..nor let me watch.

SEEJAY, i'll oso be getting help frm my mummy to look after the bbs too. (own mummy, easier to 'voice' things oso.. haha.) i suggest if possible, u try to hire a helper slightly earlier n not after confinement. at least, frm now, u hv time to get to use to her, n her to get to use to the family. and also to guide her with the chores n how u wan tings to be. during confinement, she can 'learn' frm the confinement nanny too (if ur hiring one).... if sway sway she's not up to yur standard or wat...at least hv time to chg for another helper.

i got my helper in earlier this mth.. really quite early..(haha) but ya.. my MIL kind of insist we get help earlier cos mid-may i was in hospital for pre-term contraction n some dilation mah. although sometimes she can be quite free now..hahaha.. but ya, at least nw i oso dun hfta bother so much abt the hsehold chores.. (as like..actually i hvnt been doing much since i got preggy...hb has been doing.. but i bu hao yi shi mah..hehehe).. n ya lar..she noes now is her 'honeymoon period'..n i even allow her now to read some mother/baby magazine.. (who noes, can prolly pick up some tips oso..) lalala.

BBQ98, i tink im experiencing quite abit of BH.. go talk to your ob-gyn. im currently on ventolin to ease the contractions.. am supposed to take till i deliver. cons of taking too much ventolin...as told by the nurse at the clinic... some patient experience shaky hands.

for me, my diagnose is 3-times a day (aft meal).. i take 3x if im out.. but if im resting at hm.. den i skip the lunch time dosage lor. BUT, if i rmbr correctly frm the sisters in glenE, they say cannot suddenly stop taking totally oso...the contraction will be worse de.

so prolly speak to your ob-gyn see what's exactly your condition n let him decide the best way for u bah. wish u well.
In the end, i chicken out and also din watch. Told my fren to watch adn msg me..
See Jay
My mum will be helping me look after but i wil be hiring part tme helper ($10 per hour kind) to help withhousework. Like what fat bobo say, i will ask helper to come say 1mth before my delivery to familiarize herself with the household chores...
fat bobo, i am given ventolin too. does it help? i was told the side effect is increased heartbeat, a bit like when you are anxious.

how many weeks are you? how is BH different from pre-term contraction? or are they the same?
hey BBQ98, for me, i did not experience increase heartbeat..(or shaky hands)...(though my fingers r pretty stiff n painful now..like arthritis..but ob-gyn says mine's water-retention).... anyways.. i feel that sometimes it does ease the pain of the contraction.

i tink for BH..it's irregular as compared to labour contraction bah..

btw.. i'll be 31 wk tmr le. :)
something to share abt BH:

Braxton Hicks contractions are a tightening of the uterine muscles for one to two minutes and is thought to be an aid to the body in its preparation for birth. Not all expectant mothers have these contractions. They are thought to be part of the process of effacement, the thinning of the cervix.

Worsening factors
1.Dehydration can make muscles spasm, bringing on a contraction, and is thought to be a factor in extended Braxton Hicks contractions. Adequate hydration can alleviate Braxton Hicks contractions.

2.Rhythmic breathing may alleviate the discomfort of Braxton Hicks contractions.

3.Lying down on the left side can help ease the pain of contractions.

4.A slight change in movement sometimes makes the contractions disappear.

5.A full bladder can sometimes trigger Braxton Hicks, so urination may end the contractions
fat bobo, is your helper a stay-in maid?? that means when you go to work she is left alone at home?? i don't want to employ a full-time helper now cos i wanna enjoy my "er ren shi jie" for as long as possible :p right now i am engaging a part-time helper, she comes twice a month to clean the whole house. day-to-day chores like laundry and vacuuming i can still do so still ok for now.

76, part-time helper really helps a lot! especially with the more tiring jobs like washing bathrooms, wiping windows, and cleaning fans
good to start early also cos after one or two sessions they'll be familiar with your style and you don't really have to give any more instructions!!

anyone of you hiring confinement lady?? i "booked" one but i'm very worried now cos doc brought forward my edd again, i'm really worried that the CL will not be able to finish her July job in time
hihi SEEJAY.. yep..mine's a stay-in helper. day-time when hb n i r off to work, she's all alone with my doggie lor. haha. she's been with us like a mth now already, ok la..hb n i r alrite with her existence at hm. haha.

yur ob-gyn brought forward yur EDD? now to when?
did u call yur CL to check when she's finishing her jul job? i tink good to update her yur date also.

btw..how much yur CL charge u arh? mine's like so expensive.. $2.4k lor! @(&*!@#*^!#*(!
fat bobo
I think i experience BH from time to time...the contraction seems to be lower...and seem to link to my anus like that..is this how it is felt?
See jay
i m not employing CL coz mum is taking care...just the part time helper.
hi fat bobo, i think my week 40 EDD is still 2 Sept but gynae says i will probably give birth in early august. a bit disappointed cos i was still aiming to give birth on my birthday TuT

2.4k is not expensive for Cl leh! mine charges 1.8k for one baby and 2.8k for two babies. since my mum is helping out so i will only be paying for the 1.8k "package"
oic.. (did i miss in previous post or...) r u going for c-sec? u not selecting a date? or juz let yur ob-gyn decide?

but at least yur CL can let u take the 'one baby' package.. haha...
some really inflexible de...

hoooooooooo~ exactly 5weeks more for me.... (cos i'll be going for c-sec at wk36 mah)... lalala~
hi i m 29 wks now. yest juz went for check up. my babies are 1.2kg and 1.3 kg respectively. Pray hard tt they'll grow up to 2kg when i give birth. Gynae did 3D scan for me and i can c bb's feature a bit clearly.so happy
LITTLE QUEEN.. congratz on the good results...

i oso anxious to know my bbs' est weight now.. will be going for check-up this fri..(im wk31 now). my girls were abt 1.1kg at wk28 d2... as i'll be delivering them at wk36... really hope they will gain sufficient weight oso.
Hi ladies
i am in my week 25, went for my scan today at NUH. My TTTS has improved slightly.if condition maintains this way, NUH doc and my Glen gynae say i shld target week 34 at least (given my existing TTTS). Of course, the longer i drag, the better lah... Then after nuh, went to see my gynae at Glen, he measured mytummy and said its v tight and shiny..meaning v stretched and distended, may go into pre term labour.so gave me HL all the way (combined with my own AL) to delivery in Sept...woo-hoo...start from next mon...
76, glad to hear that your TTTS has improved!! must rest well and stay happy ok?? continue to talk to your babies and tell them to be happy and healthy

haha, my tummy is also very tight and shiny (esp around the middle, belly button part).. and despite my daily applications of stretchmark cream, i had stretchmarks at week 27 or 28, near the belly button there.. but doc never mention about pre-term labour, just told me i will be due about one month before EDD (2 sept), and encouraged me to work until august :eek:

i'm so envious of your HL! cos my tummy is really very heavy now, even sleeping on my side is very painful now.. *sigh*

just called my CL, she sounds like she cannot confirm my case like that *worried* anyway hubby says he'll rather let my mum take care of the babies and we hire a maid to help with the housework, so he asked me not to worry about it now..
76, my "contraction" is always on the left side of my tummy - which makes me wonder if it's "contraction" or coz my babies are all squeezing there so it feels tight.

Actually, does the weight determine if the babies shld stay in NICU or if it's determined by the week they are born?
heard that bbs must be at least 2kg before 'graduating' from NICU...so must find out cost of your neonatal services
actually i was surprised that gynae ordered rest...feel so shiok writing my handover duty list in office... think in the end, we may deliver same time coz my week 34 is end Aug...hahahah
Btw,may I know if you ladies intend to buy one car seat for each of your child? Is it possible to fit 2 car seats and an adult in the back seat of a normal sedan?
i dunno man...coz my hubby driving mazda RX8, can only fit exactly 2 car seats...absolutely no space for a '3rd party'....
Since am having twins, Any idea if KK Khong from KKH is good ? He is a senior consultant.
Coz I saw him only once and haaa felt his consultation was very swift.
Need your advice so if not that good thinking of switching gayne
76, so paiseh, just now i went for long snake-eating session that's why didn't reply your msn :p congrats on last day of work! have a good rest and think happy things all day long ok? :D

bbq98, i bought two car seats. my hubby drives subaru impreza and it is impossible for an adult to squeeze between the baby seats
not sure about bigger cars cos our car is very small

Marcia, i think it depends on how you feel about KK Khong
my doctor is also senior consultant from KKH. he speaks very little, always has very short consultation, and my appts with him are not very frequent, but somehow i feel that i am in safe hands so i continue to see him. i think it's important to find a doc you can trust and feel comfortable with, that's all
Hi Everyone.. haven been coming in.. Coz I be sleeping and watch TV most of the time.. Hardly can sit down for long.

Marcia: I not sure, my kk appt with the twinclinic is on the 16July. How many weeks are you...
76 and See Jay,

In that case, you going to sit infront and let the babies sit behind on their own? Maybe not - coz you may have to tend to them when they cry. I wish I can just buy a van..
Grace: my appt with doc is also on 16Jul, seeing doc at 10.30am..what about u.
Am 23weeks this week
16Jul need to see doc and do some bloodflow scan for 25wk & back for subsequent scan on 30wk

SeeJay: Thanks ! Guess since I only saw KK Khong once, cant determine yet if can trust him..maybe after a few more visit and will c how. Thanks as its gd to have a 2nd opinion since am a 1st time twin mum.
Hi Marcia, Mine is early.. @ 8am. But maybe we be able to meet if the waiting time is long. =) Wow, that great 23 weeks.. I am now on 12 weeks only.
bbq98, actually i will be putting both at the back. at first i suggested placing one bb seat in front, one at the back, so that at least two adults can sit behind.. but someone told me cannot put baby seat in front cos it's very dangerous if the airbag is activated

Marcia, how come you're changing doctor at week 23??

i just washed the new baby clothes today.. will be packing my hospital bag soon.. just in case.. :p
Grace: cant be that the waiting time is that long rite.

SeeJay: I was in Melbourne before that, came back to singapore only at 5th mth, was kinda rush looking for doc so tot if KKH doc isnt gd, will have to switch..haaaa confused 1st time mum horrr
Hi Marcia, ok. hehe, cause the first time i went kk, i spend two hours waiting for my turn. Maybe the twinsclinic have lesser ppl so faster.

Maybe we will meet again cause i believe our checkup will most prob be around same day. =)

Wow.. so envy you.. now 23 weeks le.. me still long way. =D
BBQ: yah, i know both bbs may need to sit behind coz like See Jay, i read that bb cant put front seat coz got air bag..i also dunno how leh...maybe borrow car from in law or change hubby car to weekend car..and buy new car..

My bbs weight at week 25 are 671g and 824g....hope the smaller twin catches up fast. Next apptment is at NUH 15th July...

Btw, any one of you doing any reading or educational stuff with bbs? Since i am on HL now, thinking of buying some VCDs or read story books to them to tai jiao..any recommendation? Where can we buy from? My fren mentioned about "BBs can talk series" and "Young eistein"...
Ya lor...both have to be behind but wondering how we going to take care of them, esp when they cry and we are sitting infront. hmmmmmm
i dun think we can afford a bigger car, really headache about this issue also

some more i'm worried that when they're bigger they will itchy hand open the car door while the car is moving, especially when child-lock is only on the right door, not on both doors
hi..as for child seat... we're driving a subaru legacy (space wise, not much difference as normal sedan car).. we've juz bought the combi duno-wat coco..wat-coro..watever model..haha. (paiseh cant rmbr the model name..) its quite compact n cm in many colours too. tink quite easy to remove n fix oso. hvn't really tried it on our car, but guess our (quite) small-sized helper can squeeze in-between bah.

initially hb n i oso went to look at some MPV or SUV (at least with the children on board, we can still bring our doggie out oso.. but then ya... $$$ wise.. not at this moment bah. *sigh*

btw.. im oso officially on hosp leave liao le. my bbs' growth scan at NUH on last fri wasn't too good.. my smaller bb's growth abit slowing down. (but really hor...duno izit NUH's kuku computer fault or wat! they owas like hv prob plotting the graphs/charts de!) cos hb say if look at the measurement wise.. looks ok. prof oso rule out TTTS.. juz that ya.. i need to rest more la.
Hi all,

I suggest putting both car seats behind side by side and if possisble, mummy squeeze behind. Actually when they are so young, they just zzz once the engine starts; and if u are not going on a long journey, its alright to leave them seated behind unless u wanna b/feed them in the car.
76, some car would have seat belt in the middle. but again, it all depends on how big your baby car seat is relative to the space for each seat in the back of the car.
wow, bobo you're on HL also?? i think i'm gonna be thick-skinned and ask doc for more MC/HL on monday. my hip joints, knee joints, and ankles hurt a lot when i'm standing/walking now and my fingers are so swollen that i can't clench my fists already
do you have these pains now?
See jay
take! you shld..with all the conditions you mentioned..more valid....me and bobo enjoying paid tai tai life now
seejay.. ya... haha... take take take!

my hands hv the condition since weeeeeeeeks back... so painful.. especially the middle finger on my left... smtimes i clench into fist..need another hand to 'unfold' my left middle finger de.. hahahhaha.
Hi 76,

Yes, can put in the middle of the back seats. As long as the seat belt is those across the shoulder type...doubt waist type can.

Someone here owns a legacy, sure can.
can i ask what kind of bra you are wearing now? I am still wearing the wired type and its feeling uncomfortable. But i tried nursing bra at the shop last time, so saggy one ah...got better options? e.g. no under wire but still can give shape?

Don't wear the wired ones anymore. It will aggrevate rib pain (if you have any). Buy those non-wired but padded ones. Maybe they will look nicer.
