(2009) Twins/ Triplets/ Multiples mummies to be

Thanks bbq98 and annfresh. Seems like both of you didn't scan as many times as I did. Mine is once every 1 or 2 weeks. Already so many times compared to yours!! Imagine continue visiting doctor every 2 weeks and do the scan... we'll burn a big big hole in the pocket.

I think I have to speak with my doc about which are the essential scans and the frequency of visits at my next appointment. I always thought that the doc need to do ultrasound scan to monitor the fetus. But my mum did say that don't need so often. During her time, doctor touch also can tell the fetal development, and also she didn't visit the gynae so frequently.. :p

Hi See Jay and bbq98 and LuzBB

Actually everything happened so fast that i don't really have time to react. My 2 boys were delivered naturally (actually my 1st born was also prematured but by emerg c-section), 3 minutes apart. I just pushed really hard, hold breath for abt 15 seconds each time.Older twin came out rather easy but the 2nd twin was a bit stuck, so forceps were used as his heart beat was falling quite fast then. That's the danger of giving birth naturally for twins.

Twin 1 weighed 1.5kg and Twin 2 weighed 1.7kg at week 30. Now they are coming to 4mths, Twin 1 is 5.3kg and Twin 2 is 5.1kg. They stayed in NICU for 35 and 39 days as KKH is pretty strict abt premature babies. They will only discharge them at 35 weeks AND 2kg.

By the way, i delivered at 2.15am and by 7am the same morning, i was walking around already. Guess that's the diff between c-section and natural birth.I discharged from KK the next day.
Hi Girls,

I just came back from my gynae and am having twins but they are in a single sac and sharing a placenta. Hence the consideration to change from my private gynae to KKH where they have the equipment to monitor such complicated preganancy. I am currently 8 weeks and really baffled by the mortality rate of 50% of such pregnancy.

Does anyone have had any experience with MOMO twins as per what this sort of pregnancy is called.

Thanks =)
Kath, how much did the fees came up to with the twins being in the NICU? I worry about the charges >.<

Ling, its really better to go straight to KKH if you forsee having complication with the pregnancy as u'll be referred over as a pte patient and charged pte fees eventually if the need arises.
My bbs weight also low at week 28 around 1kg and 800+g only..doc also said must monitor the smaller twin.. my bbs next growth scan is week 32, so hopefully will see a jump in their weight. I took durians too, 2x so far, but din dare to eat much..My scan since week 27 has been weekly coz to monitor doppler studies. if amniotic fluid low, bbs have to be delivered within days...till now, my gynae cant give me tentative date for c-section...coz my case quite volatile...so keep my fingers crossed that i will cross week 34 at least, like what the doc says.Must rest more...
Why were your bbs delivered at week 30, so early? Any reason your doc gave?
Hi Kath, 76 and bbq98, thanks ... hopefully the BBs weight can go up ... doctor has scheduled another scan next tues ...

Kath, is the cost very high for the BBs to stay in NICU for so many days? Will the downgrade you to ward B or C, so as to cut down the NICU cost?

Ling, my pregnancy is also MOMO, it's considered high risk ... was quite worried when first read abt the 50% mortality rate, but don't worry so much, rest well ...
MLPY, welcome! my doc always does a quick scan for me every consultation to check on their growths (these scans are foc). so far, those very detailed scans lasting more than one hour, i only did 4 times

kath, you mean your birthing process was very fast?? that's good leh.. hee hee.. i'm worried that i dun know how to push or breathe cos i didn't attend any lessons or did any reading up.. hope the skills come naturally :p

Ling, welcome! i also agree with xiaofu. But if you choose KKH, i suggest paying for private rates instead of going for the subsidized scheme. KKH's private rates are still quite affordable compared to other hospitals

bobo is going for c-sect tomorrow! i wonder when my boys will arrive.. hee hee..
76, xiaofu, I had very good advice from my own (pte)gynae. When my water bag burst prematurely for no reason, she told me to go to KKH instead of Mt A which I originally booked. She told me that the costs would be very high and KKH has the best facilities for premature kids, esp for twins. And in order to keep cost low, she told me to sacrifice myself. ie we mothers only normally stay at most 4-5 days if by c-section. But the babies would stay longer, so i shd downgrade. I listened to her advice although that means she won't deliver my babies. I was in Class C and boy, it was the best decision I have ever made in my whole life. Class c is not fantastic but think long term, it is ok for me as it was only 1 night. My delivery costs was ard $4k (normal delivery with no epidural) and that was all taken care by medisave. I only stayed in class c ward for 1 night. I discharged the next day as I was well already.

My 2 boys stayed in NICU for 35 and 39 days and their costs (pegged to mother's ward) was $30k and $35k. Again all paid by medisave. If i have been to Mt A or even Class B or pte suite in KK, the costs would have been doubled or tripled. by the way, originally when i went to KKH, they refused to admit me as i was not their patient. However, as I was considered high risk(I am 37 yrs old, carrying identical twins sharing the same placenta at 30 weeks, water bag burst, contractions on going), they admitted me in the end.

Seejay, i was not even emotional prepared for natural birth as i thought it would be c-section. My 1st born was also emergency c-section at 32 weeks as my water bag burst too. I just pushed really really hard when the dr and nurses asked me to.
Wow! i really peifu you leh, ur bbs came early and the cost so high. My own gynae also told me if i deliver early, i shld do it at NUH (where i usually do my detailed scan)to keep costs down and also coz NUH has good neonatal services. Now, me at week 30, so if i deliver anytime before week 34, i think i will 'check in' NUH instead of gleneagles.
See Jay
Yup, bobo is doing c-section at 830am tdy. She can see her princesses v soon.. so nice....
Hi Girls,

Thanks for the information. I have told my husband that after the 3rd month I would opt to go to KKH after my 3rd visit to my regular gynae.

Can I check with you girls if we opt to take our appt at the TPS can we opt for Class C ward? I am looking at the bill size of kath I am ready to faint!

Thanks for the support!!
May i ask how many feeding bottles you bought for your twins? You bought separately or together with the breast pump or what? How does it work out?
Kath, thanks for sharing.

Hey, I thought nowadays, the hospital subsidy is no longer pegged to the ward class but to the income of the family?

I bought the milk bottles separately. Bought about 4 for each.
bbq98, oh i only went for detailed scan at wk 20 also. the other three scans are done during wk 13, wk 25, and wk 30, i dunno what they're called but each scan lasted as long as the detailed scan.. haha..

kath, your gynae was very good!! i just got the pricing for KKH A-ward, i think NICU costs almost $500 a day per baby for the ward only. i feel like fainting after seeing your bill size!! i think the additional items all add up to the total bill *scary*

76, jiayou! 4 more weeks and you'll be safe

hee, can't wait to see bobo's little girls!
No lei, fully subsidised for my case. Thank goodness. By the way, the bill is not considered high. When my twins were in NICU, I have seen other prematured babies and met some parents. They are in another thread under prematured babies, 1 of the parents' bill was $150K! lucky he only has 1 baby. Imagine if they were twins. And my 2 boys do not have major problems, except jaundice and low blood count. Otherwise, bill would be even higher.Oh, by the way, take everything when you or baby discharge, including the tissue box and wet wipes, they are all chargable and there is no breakdown in the bill, so you don't know what is charged.

For milk bottles, suggest don't get too many first. I bought 2 Nuk. Turned out they don't like. Changed to Pigeon, can't suck for dunno what reason. Changed to Avent, ok for 2 days and then don't want again. Finally tollyjoy(my last choice as not BPA free), surprising, they took to it better than the rest. So i rushed out to get another 4 bottles. Now i have 8 bottles(120ml and 240ml) for the twins.
Fat Bobo has popped yest morning via c-section with epidural. Mattea and Keona weighed about 2.13kg and 2.03kg. Will leave it to her to elaborate more when she is up to it... congrats bobo...to the rest of ladies,lets jiayou together!!!
Fat bobo popped at about 36 weeks right? Wow....good wt for the babies. Can't wait to hear her experience.
Think its week 35 for her.
I just discovered to my horror, i got water retention at my ankles...know its quite common and need to prop my legs up... besides that, anything else i shld do or eat to solve the problem? I pressed my ankle, wah, the skin cannot pop back leh, machiam like dead fish and also a bit of pain adn itchy..
hi girls, how's everyone? i've been waiting for action but so far nothing yet.. dunno when they're gonna come out :'D

just checked the KKH delivery package and true enough, the tissue paper, sanitary napkins etc are all lumped together and billed to the patient, so i'm gonna be kiasu and take home everything when i discharge!
Yaya see Jay
I was telling bobo if can, take along the mattress, pillow, urine cathetar...hahahahahah since everyting is chargeable.Your bbs enjoying life inside your tummy, dunwan to come out..you giving them good food ah....
Hiya all!

It's been an eventful week for me since i gave birth last Mon! My babies are at 3.1 and 3.2 kg!! Imagine my surprise as my last scan showed their weight at 2.4kg...hmm..no wonder i felt exceptionally heavy and terrible on the week before delivery...heng i opted for casearan...

ok, now for the details...for those who are gonna deliver at KKH under premier A1..and i would strongly suggest you take this package if you are going for caesaran. This is because you will have complete privacy while you try to recover from the surgery. Also your hubby can bunk in with you and help you to the attached bathroom 'cause you will have difficulty moving.

Items 'given' by hospital includes - 1 pack loop kotex pads, 1 pack kotex adhesive pads, 1 box facial tissue, 1 pack disposable undies, 1 pack toiletries (shower cap, toothbrush, paste, comb, face towel, shampoo and body shampoo). For babies, they are given 1 small pack pampers diapers, 1 box tissue and 1 pack wetwipes which the nurses will use while they are in hospital). On the day before you discharge they will give you a small box of cake - not sure whether nice or not as mine is still sitting in the fridge...

Anyone trying for breastfeeding, be prepared for the nurses to come in and ask you how are your breasts etc and they will teach you how to massage your breasts and express your milk. It can be confusing cause everyday different nurses may tell you the same thing but differently..so be prepared...the best is to ask for a lactaton consultant. There is this lactation consultant who will go round to teach you and demo on you how to massage and express..and damm...the massaging can be painful! This is to open your milk ducts so as to prevent engorgement.

Lastly be prepared for your life changing experience..i was feeling abit weepy (could be due to hormonal changes and also facing the fact that i'm a mother of 2 now). So please prepare your hubby for this so that he will understand.

Jia you to all mommies here!
Twinsmama, congratulations!!! Good luck with breastfeeding! The babies weight!! unbelievable! It's very GOOD for them! How many kg did you put during your pregnancy?
twinsmama, congrats! it must be so tiring to carry 6kg of babies! i have already booked A1 ward as i've heard from many mummies that staying in single ward will allow us more time to rest after giving birth
thanks for sharing your experience with us! i'll be doing VE tomorrow, dunno if the boys are ready to come out.. hope i can carry till next week ah :D

i've been craving and eating chocolate ice-cream almost everyday now, dunno if the babies will have a final growth spurt in the last few weeks cos my babies were about 2kg each during my last check, hope they've grown a bit
bbq98, my twins were 38 wks..

annfresh, i put on 25kg, but lost 12kg within a week..guess breastfeeding helps...

seejay, i'm sure your twins will put on weight..i was craving for chocolate ice cream too and ate quite alot of that and durians too..

btw, after delivery, please expect your tummy to still look like you are 6 months pregnant..at least that's what happen to me..maybe my twins too big already and my womb had been overstretched...so it may take a while to go down..hiaz...will try to get a massage lady after my wound has healed..
Hey bbq98!
I did it! I couldn't bealive myself :-D First time with pancake, second time it was Japanese desert with fresh durian. And what I can say....I like it! But my husband and my son didn't want even walk with me after I ate it (
2mrw morning when they are at school and in office I going to have my durian pancake! Ha-haa...
Twinsmama, you can say that you had perfect pregnancy! Full term, good babies weight! All of us could dream about it!
It's just only a half of extra kg but with breastfeeding you will surely lose it!
Now you need time to recover, have more rest! Enjoy your motherhood!
Congrats twinsmama. I also hope I will be able to carry my twins to full term and also have the nice babies weight.

Any tips to share how u achieve that? ;P
Congrats!! Wow! Very heavy leh, 6kg+...Thanks for yur sharing... How is the recovery of the c-section? VVV pain? I am going for my growth scan tmr... been feeling the jabbing and poking feeling near my ribs of late, hope showing bbs have grown...Nowadays bbs seem to be pushing against not just bladder but the rectum, giving me false sense of poopoo...aiyoh...
See Jay
I also got craving for ice cream..will try my first stick (since preggy) tmr after my NUH check up...update us on your VE.

Glad you like it. Where did you get your durian pancake? There is a stall at the basement of Takashimaya that has nice durian pancake (stall just infront of the food court). If you want nice durian puffs, one shop in Katong (with a branch in Suntec) has nice ones. You should check out if Goodwood park hotel still has durian strudel - those are heavenly.


I have severe rib pain too and I also have false sense of poopoo. Hate it.
bbg98, pancake from Emicakes in Downtown east, they fry in front of you and put fresh durian inside! only $1.60. I stay near by.
Goodwood park hotel and Katong it's far away from my place, but if I will be around that aria I will try =)

You go to the downtown east?? I am a Sporean and yet I have never been there :p Emicakes...not bad. Yummy....

My place just opp Downtown east, that's why
Downtown east is good for family fun specially with children! Do not worry one day you will definitely need to come here and bring your children! ;-)

My most comfy position now is lying on the side whereby there is pain. Sitting is very uncomfortable unless i sit at a slanted angle. So, I don't really enjoy meal times.


Yes, I think I will be a frequent visitor next time :p
hello girls,

i just came back from the doctor's.. he says if i don't pop by next monday then i'll have to go for c-sect on next tuesday. caesarean is recommended because the success rate for inducing labour for twins is quite low due to the over-expanded uterus. also, he says that they don't encourage mummies to carry twins till 38 weeks as the oxygen flow will drop.

i did the swab (ouch!) today and also the VE (OUCH!! OOOOUCH!!!!). i am 1cm dilated today, still dunno if it'll be natural or caesarean.. haha.. and the funniest thing is my smaller twin not only caught up with the bigger twin, he is now slightly bigger than the other twin already.. something unexpected
bbq98, mine was epi c-section..kkh seems to encourage epi rather GA..cus recovery is faster..? anyway, i actually 'felt' the doc pushing my tummy to get the babies out..but it wasn't painful...the minus point is i felt nauseous during the op but didn't puke...

xiaofu, no tips lah...i was working till 28 wks till doc gave me hosp leave to rest at home..if i could carry on working i would...cus it felt like home quarantine while on hosp leave..during this period, my mom will pop over quite frequently to cook for me, of cos i had the once a week bird's nest and tonic chicken (alternate week)..Basically, i was eating and resting..that's why put on 25kg..

Try to think positive, i know it can be difficult when you can't sleep well at night, can't even sit comfortably to take your dinner etc..but you will miss your babies in your tummy after you deliver, so try to enjoy them..
Twinsmama, what were you doing when the doctor was cutting you up? Just lie down and listen or talk to your husband? I am thinking of going for for epi csection but I really wonder what one does while waiting? How long was the whole "cutting" process till you see your babies?

It's good that you got to rest. Maybe that helps the babies put on weight too.

How are you coping with your babies?
Hi all, I am currently planning my to-buy-list and one of the major headache is the pram. Any mummies got twin prams or did most mummies go for 2x single prams? Any recommended brands? Seems a big hole to burn in the pocket..
just came back from my NUH scan. Doppler studies and oxygen flow still normal but bbs are small in size, worried. About 1.1kg and 1.4kg at week 31. Anyone can share your bbs weight at around week 31? Doc say can take out bbs if not enough food to feed them, but most impt is to ensure blood and oxygen flow is normal. Judging from my case, he says I can still hold till his target of week 34, if can drag till week 36, all the better. Now keeping fingers crossed. I am going to cheong and eat more now, starting with icecream today....
hi twins &amp; triplets mummies: anybody been prescribed Utrogestan for prevention of early labour? i'm trying to give away one box, don't want it to go to waste. pls do PM me. congrats to all.

The first thing your doc couldn't tell you exactly weight of babies! Easy ex twinsmama's last scan showed 2+kg but actual weight 3+kg...
Then you still have 5-7 weeks ahead!
I dont bealive bbs will put weight if you eat more ice-cream! You need to balance you daily meals: meat, fish, vegetables and fruit, carbs and durian ;-) Try to be positive and happy you pass it to your bbs!
My doc every visit reminds me do not eat sugar and sweets and he never say anything about bbs weight, only says bbs size is ok...mm...interesting... will ask next visit. I'm 27 weeks now
