(2009) Twins/ Triplets/ Multiples mummies to be

wow twinsmama, hope you're coping well with the babies and breastfeeding smoothly. did you buy any formula milk to put at home?? i didn't buy cos i really wanna try breastfeeding fulltime. but that day my MIL asked me if we bought already, i dunno what to reply her cos i think i sound quite ambitious leh.. *sigh*

xiaofu, my sister bought a twin stroller (maclaren) for me during GSS, after discount it was $590. sigh, after we bought it my mum told us we should have bought two single strollers as it would be cheaper and easier to maneuver. i think my mum has a point, cos sometimes you only want to bring one baby out, and it's not practical to use a twin stroller

76, must believe in yourself. your body is a good environment for your babies to grow in! maybe you can try some of the suggestions like milk, cheese, ice cream, durians, chocolates
try to drink a glass of milk everyday to boost your calcium intake. i am also drinking ginseng (the sliced kind of ginseng) tea almost daily cos it is supposed to make the babies strong

Thanks annfresh and seeJay for the tips and encouragement. I certainly will pick up all the health and makan tips and 'cheong' for the last lap liaoz... coz so far, i only put on 11kg...gynae say the range for twins is 16-20kg...so, ganbatte!!!
bbq98, the whole operation takes less than 30 mins..basically, you don't even have time to think! There are around 6-8 medical staff in the theatre and all are busy checking stuff with you e.g are you allegic to any drugs etc..It's a swirl of activities..and you just go with the flow...my hubby was allowed in the theatre but he didn't see anything cus they put up the divider quite high..so he just sat in for 5 mins with me..then the babies arrived and he went over to check them out.. Don't worry, it's over before you know it

SeeJay, I breastfeed and supplement with formula.. It's not easy to go on total breastfeeding esp when there are 2 babies..I simply do not have enough milk to satisfy 2 babies. All the talk about demand and supply of milk is true only if you have the will to breastfeed and pump like every 2/3 hours..can you imagine waking up few times in the middle of the night to pump?
thanks twinsmama for sharing the process. As my c-section gets nearer (around 1st week sept), i get curious and panicky about what is going to happen inside the theatre. Can hubby take pic inside (not on the process but of the bbs and mum)..how about the urine cathetar? Is it inserted before or after epi?
Congrats, Twinsmama..your twins are really of good weights as compared to mine. Both born at 33 weeks weighing 1.9kg and 2kg but thank God their checkups yesterday were about 5kg each. I'm still breastfeeding both of them. I do wake up every 2/ 3 hours to pump my milk to increase the supply but I wanna encourage all to go for it cos really good for the bbs. When the boys just came back, I woke up every 2 hours to feed, then pump out the milk. Before I know it, it's their next feed again..so was super siong during that month. Hang in there, all mommies!
twinsmama, hoops, wow thanks for sharing your experience. i'd like to try pumping every 3 hours in the first week to see if i can establish something. if really cannot, then i'll ask hubby to run downstairs and buy FM.. hee hee

76, how come first week of sept? you're not going for 09/09/09? most of my friends managed to take pics inside the op theater, but i think it's better to check with your doctor first
090909 is just a tot, scared that day many mums opt for c-section and hospital too busy to attend to me...sure many visitors too...for the rest, another date is 20/09/2009...good number too, idea!
76, hubby not allowed to take camera in..urine cathetar is inserted after epi..cus i dont feel anything...

hoops, hats off to you on total breastfeeding! i would be too stressed out...i find my babies are not full with breastmilk, i.e. i fed my babies 80 ml breastmilk and they are hungry less than an hour later..so i had to supplement with FM...
twinsmama, KKH does not allow camera for c-sect ah? did you feel very restless and depressed while you were waiting for contractions to come?
can.. i am preparing for natural.. but it seems like babies do not want to come out yet, although one is very engaged already :'(
doctor will recommend cesarean if the pregnancy is beyond 38 weeks
seejay, yes, it was a waiting game when i was 37wks..but i don't feel depressed..just very uncomfortable and restless, and also anticipation..? But the real 'scarey' part is the time when i waited for my ceaseran op...mine was scheduled in the afternoon but i had to checkin to ward in the morning so that the nurse can prep me...it kinda felt like before you sit for your 'O' or 'A' level exams..
the room is so comfortable with the bed and TV..but you are in no mood to enjoy..while you count down... Anyway, it's good you going for natural delivery, keep us updated!
twinsmama, yeah i am feeling super restless nowadays. during the day i feel very depressed because i can't go anywhere and no matter what position i am in i feel uncomfortable TuT.. and the waiting game is killing me also.. arghhh.. it's just a mix of feelings
SeeJay-Jia you!
lionky-yes, I delivered mine naturally without epidural in Apr 09 even though my 1st born was by c-section.
twinsmama-agreed with you on the breastfeeding. those bks abt bf both at the same time, really impossible, it was so difficult for me. Those who did it, i kowtow to you
In the end, i just expressed them out and feed by bottles.
Now in my 32nd week.. i v kan kor...whenever i sleep, i dunno where to turn. Turn left or right, one bb will droop down, it seems and v painful...sleep facing up, is my most comfy position but seems not good for circulation...then leg got water retention...which is even noticeable by me who sees my own legs everyday.then false sense of poo poo...dunno wana s*** or not...but despite all these, i hope they stay in there longer...
can i ask,. for bbs thermometers, what kind did you all buy? Is it the armpit type, ear type or the contactless infrared type? i prefer the infrared type coz less hassle but my SIL says armpit type more accurate ah..is it true?how about diapers and milk powder brand? Thinking of getting pampers and similac for a start...any recommendations?
Hi 76, use the armpit digital thermometers. The ear kind is not advisable for babies as it may hurt their delicate ear drums. I'm currently using Drypers and Friso Gold 1(as a standby in case my BM supply drops). Hope this helps.
Hi girls, I am scheduled for cesarean tomorrow morning! Waiting to do my pre-admission blood test now.. Yawn..
76, jiayou! It'll get more and more uncomfortable as your babies grow but must endure ok?
Hey Everyone, it been a while since I last log in.. Wow, seem like all mummies are at 3rd trimester now. I am just entering my second tri. =)
See Jay
Still no action from your bbs ah? tmr you will see your bbs soon...yay!! yah, nowadays, i walk slowly also breathless..pins and needles on my leg too...pain everywhere including back, leg and tummy (poo poo and wind feeling still cant get away)But i still hope they stay inside..
btw, your bbs movement is it the same, as in they kick same amt of force and times? My right one seems to kick more leh...worried...sometimes as long as my left one kicks, i am more assured.
bbq, actually the doc wanted to check for dilation today but i told him i wanna go for cesarean directly. i guess i'm getting too impatient from the long wait le :p and i'm really scared of VE *sigh*

grace, jiayou jiayou! for us, the second trimester will start to feel like normal people's third trimester! hee hee..

hee.. i'm so excited about seeing bbs tomorrow! lalala ~~
Hey seejay, all the best for your c-section 2mr!! keep us updated...and we can compare our experiences also..keke...Time flies..my twins are 2 weeks old liaoz...phew! what an experience it is - equally exhausting and rewarding
Grats to seejay. Can't wait to hear about yr experience.

Me barely into my 2nd tri. Going for my 17th week scan next tue. So far one baby is very active, can see him/her in different positions all the time "prancing" around. The other baby is usually in the sleeping position. To the sonographers, that baby is very "guai" but... I feel worried coz he/she is not as active >.<
hoooo... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BUBU &amp; BABA~ wonder hw CJ is doing now.. lalala~

wow.. reading up.. den know that twinsmama's bbs r of so good weight. congratz to u..n yur bbs. so u delivered on which date?

ya.. my girls will be 2wks old tmr le.. hehe.. has been quite fun. hehe. well, except that im not producing enuff milk to satisfy them! ): kind of depress at times. *sigh*

n nw.. rashes all over.. neck la..arms la.. haiyo! (actually i kind of 'rehersal' before delivery..hahaha..ever tried 2 days dun pongpong..oni wash below la. but still ok. nw, even with herbal body wipe, n so far 2 baths n 1 time wash hair.. still...rashes all over!! grrrrr~)

nw.. another headache abt whr to hold the babies' 1st mth showers. if at hm, which caterer to engage.
Congrats to fat Bobo! ! !
Happy birthday to your little girls and Happy life! How do you feel to be a mother of 2? Every day smiling when you see them and touch them! How many hands do you have to menage them?!
Please tell us more about you delivery. Doc said you were good and babies alright! =) How was girls weight? How many days did you stay in hospital?
You take care!
Hi all!

I'm new to this thread and am 18weeks pregnant with twins. Just wondering if most of you mummies-to-be are with kkh or if any of you are with private gynaes/hospitals.

I'm currently based overseas but will be moving back to Spore for good next month so am looking for a gynae. Any recommendations/advise?
Hey Xiaofu, me also in my 2nd trimester. =) Btw, u hosp is at? Mine is at kk.. I now 19weeks, next week will be 20weeks. =)
Hi Grace, I am at KKH too. I do not know their genders yet. Hopefully next Tue when I go down I'll be able to know. If not I'll have to wait for the detail scan at the end of Sept ;(
Hi Grace and Xiaofu -- Would you mind sharing who your gynae at KK is and what your experience with kk is like so far? Thanks much!
Hi Chameleon!
My doc was recommended by one mum from this forum (many thanks to her), yes she just become a mum :) and I very happy with him! He is in privet hospital and can go for delivery any hospital in Singapore, depends of you. Package price and delivery are reasonable!
Can contact me for more info [email protected]
Hey Xiaofu, oh okay! =) for me, my detail scan will be next week on 27 Aug.

Hey Chemeleon, I dun have a fixed gynae cause mine is subsidy rate. =) Btw,I heard Dr June Tan is very good. =)
hihi annfresh.. hehe.. oooh..i din noe he deliver at any hosp in singapore.. i tot oni glenE or mtA niah.. hehe.
anyways.. although he smtimes dun say much or wat.. or can ask same qtn/say same tings agn for the last few weekly check-ups..(like so can deliver like when when.. or like hv u chosen a date.. or watever...)(haha..at times i was joking with my hb..duno need to give him morning call on our delivery mrng or not..hahaha) BUT..when my hb saw hw he 'performed' the c-sec n delivered our daugthers..my hb said he really admire n respect dr tan.. he really experience n very good at his job.

ann.. u going to deliver at which hosp?
Chemeleon, my gynae is Dr June Tan.

I think KKH so far has been fine, except, i do not like waiting. Even at the pte suite I spent at least 15-30mins after my appointment time waiting. More waiting to get medicine or make payment if you are not on the FAST scheme.

Went for NT scan and the same thing happened. Lots of waiting >.< I think thats because KKH is serving alot of patients ;(

I'm sure Grace has her fair share of waiting esp she's on subsidy rate...
A question to the twins mummies who have already given birth... Does the twins wan their milk at the same time? How do you cope during feeding time?

I will be trying to cope with 1-2 more adults at home, either my mum or my MIL or both, will be around. No maids, no CL. Sounds a bit ambitious, but I am really uncomfortable with engaging a maid..

Now I am just pretty worried how will the feeding process turn out...
ladies.. juz to update that 76 had given birth last night at abt 10pm (at 32w4d).... our 76 has gone thru quite abit. congratz to 76. let's wait for her to return here to share her birth story.
xiaofu.. for my case, my girls sometimes can hv different timing.. n sometimes they will (self)adjust to be fed same time. (becos i dun latch them on, i express n bottle feed them with formula milk... i find it better that they hv the same or very close time table. so that aft feed..both will sleep tog.. u hv free time to do other stuffs.)

i believe at all times, u shld hv at least 2 adults to handle your twins.. if ur not working, u can hv either yur mum or MIL to assist u. (whether or not they r on the same time-table.)

i had engage a helper since early june.. but i definitely very bu fang xin to let her handle the girls. my mum will be cmg to help me when i finish my maternity leave.. i oso abit worried she 'forgotten' hw to take care of little babies le..hahaha.) but of cos..trust my own mummy more than MIL or the helper la. if we cld afford, i wld definitely wana be a full-time SAHM to my girls de.
Hey Xiaofu, u are right! =) My waiting time is worst than urs.. mine can be for hours. hehe =) There is once where i waited for two hours plus to be scan.. usually it one hour to one hour plus. =) But no choice, coz mine is subsidy rate.
