(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

p: yeah. i'm really blessed.. bulk of the m wear in my wardrobe are given to me by my sis. but i cant wear some of them.. cos she's smaller size than me.. haha.. plus.. she's giving me the breastmilk pump, bb cot and a few other things which would probably cost me quite a bomb. so thank God lah.. but in that way, i also helped her to clear up her house a little.. hahhaa....

pu: wah. shiok man.. bb cot also give u! :p i am still thinking if i need two cots inmy house.. like very exaggerating leh.. coz teng sleeps in his cot mah. .or i turn that into a toddler bed.. but still .. it is two cots lah.. haiz

ha.. breast pump are exp.. so that's a good bargain too..
think when ur bb is born. she is going to pass u that hand me down clothes as well..

My SIL gave me loads of things.. ha.. now some of teng's clothes.. belongs to my nephew.. hahhaa..

ong: gynae told me drink warm water.. and take lozenges in the morning.. and night time then take cough syrup coz that is drowsy.. wah liew.. just one doze.. i am knocked out.. gosh..

don't have to cut down lah. just nibble?? bread, rice cakes etc?

haiz.. i need to be back on my daily vit C liao. haiz.. *sigh* chiam..
P, Pu,
yah i have a fren whos giving me stroller, bassinet, walker, not sure what else. but quite big ticket item. now i eyeing my ex-boss' breast pump. hehehe... that one is the most expensive i think. also waiting til end of this week to announce pregnancy so that can 'wait' for pple to offer me things. hehehe...
today's such a hot day. very tempted to go for a swim. but i only have bikini that can possibly fit. 1-piece swimming costume cant fit already i think. but stomach so round i feel like need to cover up leh. later i gross pple out. hahahaha...
think the cute hippo in Madagascar?! round but cute what!
i like. hehehe... i'd also like to think that i'm round but cute right now. wahahahahahahaha
for me, in the first few weeks (5-8) the nausea was quite bad. the only thing that could alleviate nausea was lemonade. so i drank a lot. but then lemonade very acidic. so i was like hungry all the time. naturally i was always snacking - biscuits, chips, buns/bread, etc. i think that's how i gained quite fast.

actually altho i'm not impressed with gynae's tactlessness, i do think he has a point. so am a bit more conscious of what i eat. gynae advised me to cut down on carbo stuff like biscuits, chips, etc. he rather i eat more fruits or proteins. e.g. cheese slices, ham, better than crackers.

but i still indulge in my tom yum soups and spicy korean hotpot from time to time lah. dunno why am craving these like all the time.
i have put on like 3.5kg so far. coming to end of 13 wk. i m actually few kilo over weight to start with. so, gynae adviced me to put on another 8kg (and should be bb weight wor) by the time I deliver. aiyo, cannot lah!
Mrs L: yalor.. the ah yi/s are always very enthusiatic. before i started putting teng's pics as my wall paper or on my hp screen.. she started liao.. then go gushing.. 'aiyoh. my nehphew so cute'.. blah blah blah.. :p

HRD: tom yum and spicy korean hotpots? wah. i dun even dare try!

gosh. i am having a bad cough and cold :S
Mrs L: can.. last time i put on 11kg.. but that's becoz i lost weight in first tri.. heehee :p

and i am more than a few kilos overweight.. haiz..i am 10 kg overwieght!!! kill me.. :S
astro: i have been "trying" (not much success in 1T though becos of the MS loh) to make healthy food choice. tml visiting gynae at tmc. hopefully my weight gain is acceptable. sigh. my hb also put on weight...kekeke...btw, do try and go home to rest. many people at work are down with cough and flu this period too. i aim to leave office at 4pm!
Mrs L: i have a meeting which starts at 4! :S haiz.. sob sob.. and i look a sight now. i dunno hw to attend the meeting in this state.. :S
stuffy nose, teary eyes, continuous sneezing (punctuated by coughing).. and erm, dripp nasal mucus! :S
11kg is below avg weight gain leh. ok what. i know quite a few pple who gained like 17kg! ha. and my mum was one of them. i think i cant escape the same fate already lah.

yah, only want to eat hot and spicy. dont really want sweets like chocolate.
so glad to find that u girls are eating well..
nauseasness has started to hit me real bad.. sigh.
I cannot take rice at all..or vege since they are harder to digest.. like now..tummy empty but my chest area feel like want to vomit..my auesophagus(is that how u spell it) feels really thin, like food is hard to pass through to the tummy.. so i never feel full. Always burp and burp..coz if never burp, food will not go down the tummy, and it will eventually go down the toilet bowl. Anyway, I had a bad experience yesterday... I was taking the train at Lakeside MRT to office in the morning,there was no seat, so i stand near the door. At Jurong east mrt, train got super crowded..and there was not enuf room for me to breathe. I nearly blacked out in Dover mrt, sweating profusely, while the whole world spins. Forced myself to go out onto the platform to take a seat. Vomitted at the platform
Luckily a nice soul told the staffs that I needed help. Help arrived.. To that nice soul..u made my day.. At least there are nice people onboard the mrt! Hehe
fifi: me too! i want food like korean hot and spicy soup. don't really fancy chocolate. that day i bought four bars of chocolate on sales. in the end my dh ate 3.5 bars!
Maid abuse Baby!


For a moment when I was watching this clip I thought I was going to explode in anger. I am not a violent or abusive person but I wished I was there when it all happened so that I can kick that #@#$&(&@ maid too!!! and hug and comfort that poor poor child! WHY ARE THERE PEOPLE LIKE THIS?!! How can anyone abuse a helpless child like this!!! Sigh..make me cry liao..
craziepie: how about taking some hot soup like miso with tofu? i avoid greasy food as it gives me indigestion feeling on my chest. i drink 100 plus or coke light to help me burp too

i too have to take the mrt to work everyday. i try to avoid the peak hours as i will surely faint or feel uncomfortable when it gets crowded. i guess i m lucky so far that my company is not strict on the hours we start work. btw, try bring a bottle of water with you. it helps me everytime i feel queasy .
oh no! luckily u got out to sit down on platform! must be careful in future.
i fainted on MRT before also. (not preggy at that time tho) last stop i know was bugis. when i woke up i was at cityhall. then got aunties rubbing ointment on my temples. wah... first time it happened to me. i had flu at that time.
crazypie: wah. sounds bad.. nibble? i also kept burping the past few weeks :S
hey.. how many weeks are u now?

chia: that clip has been circulating.. i am forcing myself not to watch it. coz i will def get super affected :S

Mrs L: cannot. coz external meeting as well. and Reporting officer in the same meeting. cross departmental :S.. not i initiated one.. somemore.. haiz.. only choice is i MIA.. wah. also not a good hoice :S
Astro: Good move. I am SUPER AFFECTED already! Make me so angry and sad! At the same time I get really angry too reading the many cases recently of maid abuse. It's just that so far no one install camera to capture such abuse. I just DON'T understand why people can be so cruel!

Mrs L: I know. So so sad and horrible.
PU, wow you are so lucky...we gotta buy everything...im the only child and hubby's sister is not married yet...so no hand me down...the worse is we gotta get 2 cribs..one for our house and one in my in law's place...sigh...gotta be a bargain hunter again..

shugar, does your belly belt come with a piece of cloth? how do you actually use that? im contemplating of getting myself a set...i wanna fit into my jeans..
Hi babes have been trying to post pics of my scans but always kena this file size too large thing. so have given up for now. went to the doc and everything looks fine. bb last sat was 11 wks 5 days, 5.04 cm. at first doc says looks like girl, den later say looks like there's something in between the legs so now now sure. i guess its too early to tell.

haven't been logging in cuz was feeling really tired and crappy for the past week, i think the ms hit a peak. BUT for the past 2 days, i've been puke free (i'm now 12 wks 4 days) so really really praying that i've turned the corner cuz i'm due to go for my long awaited honeymoon to greece later this month!
been reading abt the pains of MIL cooking and i can totally totally relate. they try to accomodate me like no garlic no lard etc but i will still PUKE! i used to be ok w their food but now it sickens me. but when i eat my mum's food or fast food, i'm fine. i think its a matter of the freshness. if the food is the slightest bit not fresh, i will feel queasy.

miemie: u mean we r not supposed to show yet? my lower tummy is already bulging visibly and my gyn says its normal, in fact many of her patients are even larger at my stage. i have gained abt 1.5 kg so far
cream: wow! honeymoon to greece! woo-hoo.. how cool? how's the weather like in greece now ah?

ya. i think it is early to tell lhe.. i going for oscars next week.. dun think they can pick up the gender also.. hmmm..

mine is a slight bulge.. not obvious to the sight. but can feel the bulge.. pls stay that way.. ha :p
magnolia>> that is wad my gynae told me when i pinched my fats and showed her.. she say shouldnt really show now leh.. but i guess there are those ladies who can 'hide' their stomach(old pple have this saying la).. so i suppose we belong to the group who cant 'hide'! hahaha

anyway i was trying to make myself believe that the bulge was due to the baby although deep down i do know is my fats showing.. hahahaha
melwong: the belly band is a stretchable piece of cloth that covers the unzipped portion of your pants and also covers the back that may show when you sit down. it will look like you layered 2 t-shirts. you can also use it as a tube top in future.

the one i got looks something like this.
astro: i bought it online from this lady who handmade them. yah, i thought her variety was quite good as she's got many diff patterns instead of just plain colors.
astro: weather in greece abt 15 degrees. i hope it will be a good trip! i haven't taken long leave for a holiday ever since i started working! which is like 8-9 years! so i'm really hoping my ms will be gone by then

belly band looks very nice. i oso wanna get. but today even when i tried to zip up my jeans halfway, the part where the zip ended was pressing into my tummy and it was quite painful esp when i sit down. looks like i really need maternity jeans. sigh.

when i touch my bulging tummy its really quite hard. so i keep telling myself it has to be fluid and not fats cuz fats shouldn't harden so fast ya? haha. i'm walking ard looking like an anchovy these days. my hubby keeps assuring me its quite sexy and i tell him he dun have to try so hard

oh i hear that in japan the doctors will scold u if u put on more than 10 kg during your whole pregnancy bec they believe anything more is going to be your own fats. and u know how looks conscious pp in japan are. i would be soooo stressed getting preggers in japan
chia : so sad to c the video.... best is to put the maid at parents' place so abuse can be avoided.

shugar :the belly band is so nice. maybe i will get one too. thks!

melwong : mine tummy is buldging too! tink i look probably like 5 mths....*sobz*
Video - Yes, very disturbing. How can that little girl who looks like she's less than 2, withstand the ENTIRE weight of an adult standing on her?! That (#&$&@# stood on her for a good few seconds. Blood boiling again. Don't know what kind of internal injury that poor baby has sustained already. I hope her mummy will bring her to see a PD for check up.

Belly - My belly now at abt 11 weeks looks the same size it did when I was 4 mths pregnant during my 1st pregnancy. On top of that, I noticed last night that my belly button is on the verge of popping out already! Last time it popped out only in the 5th or 6th month. Terrible.

Cream Magnolia: Wow, really envy you. Everytime I watch travel and food programmes on Greece, I so want to go too! Are you joining a tour or venturing on your own?
hi mummies,
i'm another oct mummy too.. like hui min, this is my no.2 and my girl too is an oct 07 baby
so, this baby is a nice suprise to us..edd is 1st week of Oct

i'm interested to get the band.. is there a minimum quantity and how much was the total amt to pay for 1 belt? how to pay her? sorry, so many questions
feel very uncomfortable after watching that video. P is right. should've not watch it. unfortunately things like this happen around us.

its impt to keep in mind that our actions will have consequences. not trying to justify the maid's actions. i think she should be hanged. but there are some people who ill treat and abuse their helpers. but they dont realise that eventually its their kids who suffer cos there's no additional supervision from say in-laws or something.

it is precisely because of cases like these that many of us have to enlist our parents or in-laws to keep an eye on domestic helpers. i for one certainly will not leave my baby unsupervised with the helper alone, no matter how trustworthy she may be.
I have just ended my evening walk. My bb is about 6cm edd on the 13 oct. Hb will be away with Pil. I am worried about food posioning etc.. thus i decided to stay back in sg.
astro/hrd , btw nibble on cakes, fruits etc is makg me more busi as i realise i cant concentrate on my work if i am constantly hungry. My boss is amazed by my appetite too!
crazypie/mrs L, I have same problem on train too.try 2 stand in centre instead of near 2 door.i realise d ventilation is so muc better n cooler in d centre area.okie,gg 2 take a rest nw n shower soon!
ariajo: hihi! you can get just 1 if you want. no minimum quantity. i posted the link a few posts ahead. i paid about US$10 for 1 band. (add another US$5 for postage) you can pay via paypal.
hello, ur tummy showing oledi?
i m at wk12 but no physical changes? My mum told me hers only started showing at mth5 so hmm...different pple different symptoms?
astro: hahaha.. i also lied down when doing scanning mah.. my baby was climbing down leh.. the head was at below, so kind of topsided like how babies should be in correct position during childbirth lol
