(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

hi all I am in my 11 week and i still have MS. Feeling of queasy and vomiting is really bad. praying that it will end soon.

Hi ladies, are ur tummies showing? mine is showing slightly. Got to go and get new clothes soon!

hi mummies,
the days are slipping by quite quickly but i am still nowhere near OK too. just threw up lunch and was so hungry but had no appetite to the pt i'd gastric. unpleasant. still cranky/hormonal and cannot sleep for more than 3 hrs b4 i need to wake to answer nature's call. so yeah, the 2T is here already but no relief, yet.
astro >> you ok babe..caught the whiff that you'd the flu..are you feeling better?

strawberrystars >> not showing really much at all but my underwear is unwearable..tight!
am 17 wks now, my tummy started showing about 3 weeks ago. Mine tend to bulge higher, cos had ceasarean previously and now the scars are not elastic. Its kind of like having a balloon squeezed at the bottom and having the air bulge upwards.

i too having pains in lower abdonmen, near pelvic area. i thought it could be ligament or womb stretching. if it continues i'm gonna give the maternity belt a try ... the type that hold up the belly and reduce strain.
screaming : maternity belt will help to hold up belly?

strawberrystars/xoxo : ya, its odd. Am at 2T as well but I honestly think I MS more often now than during 1T.
hilo ladies..

re bulge showing/not showing
the bulge, showing or not showing, is is affected by many factors such as the turn of preg (first or second), skin elasiticity (tight or 'loose'), overal frame of the mama, number of bbs expected etc.. in all cases, the former wld mean the bulge will show earlier.. so pple with a big frame like me, show later than the slimer ladies

clumsybabe: both my babies (As of now) ain't not acrobats like urs!

ladies: seemed like hor.. the 2T starts in week 14!!! :S.. coz i remembered i felt much better when i was in week 14 last time.. and like u all, i am not feeling miraculously better (though i am still week 10 going into week 11).. so i did a search.. and found out though week 12 is the end of the first tri.. most will feel better in week 14 onwards! oh well.. at least u ladies are further, reaching week 14 earlier than me! :S

haiz. coughing my lungs out now.. poor appetite.. gaggingon the prescribted cough syrup by the gynae although it isn't that horrid.. :S
then have been gagging more often now.. haiz.. one fine day, i will eventually vomit.. haiz..

HRD: not yet..it seems.. week 14.. press on..

Screaming: i think u are having some round ligament pains? i think i am experiencing this.. but i forgot to ask my gyane :phttp://www.pregnancyhut.com/round-ligament-pain-during-pregnancy/
astro >> choy!!! what TB! (in yr facebook acct)..i am STILL coughing..but don't feel ill anymore. Thinking that perhaps it could be a case of pregnancy-related rhinitis - some get a swollen nose, others stuffy nose and yet others, coughs..i sorta feel i am the last one. just puke it lah, it does make you feel much better..haiz, take it from this veteran merlion now. muahahahaha...

i had dinner at waraku, east coast..the breeze after the rain and the wondeful warm slurpy yasai curry udon really made my day! hopefully tonight will be peaceful.

hmm...u know, i experienced something queer yesterday around the pelvic region. my husband and i both saw something turn at the lower abdomen and i could feel the twist inside. yes, SEE..HB even placed his palm on the spot and sure enough, it turned again was like a tiny mentos tablet. i was wondering if it is the BB but ain't sure at all. the whole night there was a rubber ball rolling and i couldn't sleep much. today there isn't any sign of what i experienced yesterday. do u have a clue what it is that i've experienced? my butt ache is much better now..but more than ever, i am praying that my nausea will resolve once and for all. i've lost 2kg..bone thin now @ 40kg
screaming >> hihi, were you experiencing MS? if so, when did yrs finally abate..since you are week 17 i am so ever hopeful you could shed light on all us very anxious, newly 2T fellas..(astro..week 14 did you say? rats..that's like 2 weeks away for me!!)..thanks.
Hi All, my oscar test last fri was bad. Baby hv low risk of DS 1:2000+, but high risk on Edward syndrome 1:57. Baby with ES will not survive. So gynae wan me to do the amnio test next month. If test positive, then will hv to terminate my pregnancy...so pray that my baby will be ok & result will be normal.
OMG you're so skinny! eh, you stand behind me, sure cannot see you. bwahahahaha...
play hide & seek is the best! eh, i dont have what u experienced. maybe cos i have a lot of jelly like flabs. so these movements probably not visible on me! hehehe...

get well soon eh?

hopefully your amnio test will turn out well.
xoxo : could be the bb moving cos i feel some movement the last few days as well. normally can only feel it when i am lying on bed and the surrounding is silence at nite. Daytime can hardly feel anything since we r moving aro.

astro ; take care. Maybe u need some antibiotics ? Previously i was sick for wks and only get well after i took the antibiotics like amoyxicilin(spelling shld be aro there).

joanne ; i will b fixing the appt for amnio test soon when i visit the gynae this wed. hopefully our result will turn out to be fine.
chiapatty: i booked a cruise to the greek isles under Insight Vacations. They do organise some tours for some of the islands that we will visit the rest is free and easy. hopefully it will be relaxing. just what i need now

joanne: will pray for you and your bb. all the best for the amnio.

xoxo: the mentos turning thing sounds bizarre. maybe u r so thin now that u can see the bb movement fr the outside?? but the uterus wall should still be quite a thick barrier i thot?

on bulging tummies: i went to collect my wedding photos fr the photoshop last weekend and the lady there asked me if i was pregnant. din know whether to laugh or cry. do i really look that bloated/fat compared to my wedding day?

on ms: no puking for last four days. small hurray
hi all,

had emotional breakdown the last two days. like PMS... crap.. today i realise i'm feeling stressed out. temper not v good. feeling a lot of frustration also.

joanne: please take care of urself. think good thoughts! maybe u were too stressed out last few weeks already.. anyway, i'll also pray for u ok! Easter is coming and its going to be a great weekend!
is it one of those nothing in particular but just feeling lousy blues? or something more particular? dont frus dont frus. take a deep breath and go shopping for maternity clothes.
hrd: haha. its one of those nothing in particular type lor... but if something in particular comes along then "BABOMB!!!"... hahhaa.... waiting for hb to come back to office then we can have lunch..
then its ok lah. it blows over pretty quickly one lah. i'm happy cos i bought some maternity tops last weekend. then got a fren bringing back some gap maternity stuff for me from US. so am looking forward to more loose clothing.
so go shopping. retail therapy works wonders!
hi ladies!

lately my bloaty feeling has come back to haunt me. not much appetite but feel hungry on and off. haiz... hope this goes away soon. oh and i'm rather gassy too!

xoxolight: wow... its fascinating to read what you mentioned about moving 'mentos tablet' experience. :D hehhee, i dun think i'll get that experience yet as BB is probably covered with a nice layer of flab! :S

Joanne: hoping and praying for all the best for you! my HB's cousin did not have good results for her oscar test... apparently the BB had a form of mild DS. Her parents asked her to consider terminating but she decided to take amnio test which turned out to have good results in the end!
I thought 2T is suppose to be a easier, happier time for Mtbs. Does not seems like to me. I am so drowsy, hungry etc... these days.
Shugar: but i have a bad feeling leh. coz ES think nt much pple will hv, most pple is DS. some more mine ratio 1:57 which can consider very high risk leh. Oscar test accurate think is arn 80+% leh....have a very bad feeling lor....Spend $400plus for the oscar test, nw hv to spend $900 on the amnio test, haiz if i knw straight away go amnio test like ong. So dun hv to endure the long waiting time for my amnio test
Hi Joanne, though the ES the percentage of ppl getting is low, you need to stay strong and put your faith to the God. Because He is in control of Everything. Trust God and He will answer your prayer. TRUST HIM...
joanne: dont focus on the bad feeling yah.. just enjoy the moment now.. u really never know if good things are coming along ur way!

ww: same here ah.. i'm still burping non-stop and sleepy all the time and hungry all the time.. haha..
hi all..
rotting at canteen again. coz i forgot my windbreaker.. was shivering at my officee.. see the cabs waiting there for me.. i feel like hopping on one and go home straight away :S

xoxo: wah ! 40kg?! ok.. u know my weight. i dun comment! :S
hmmm sometimes.. it might be the rumbling of stomach and such. but u can actually see it?! wah.. then might be the bb moving! but 12 weeks is still kinda early wor..

ya.. i hacking away.. coz i stopped for one night the cough syrup. it returned with a vengence..:S

I seriously dun dare to touch any curry or anything spicy.. all HRD's fault (siams HRD) she tempted me go and try some thai food.. turns out i order some papaya salad.. so spicy.. haven't finished my noodles.. go home stomach churn churn churn.. curry udon?! gosh. i dun dare try liao ! :S

gal/HRD/Ong: thanks for the concern
this cough is annoying! i can't seem to shake it off!! arghh..

Joanne: it is certainly worrying to hear the high risk. Your gynae can't do the amnio at an earlier date for you? what's the normal range like for ES?
Hi Mummies
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p: same here. dun dare to take too spicy also.. in case stomach hot hot.. then after that cant burp cant fart cant do anything.. haha...
Pu: i remembered u are like me.. gagging on ur toothpaste?
i changed my toothpaste recently. coz finished liao (FINALLY!).. previously the Colgate one is so digusting.. now i changed to Darlie one.. much better.. no gaggin liao leh. i recalled my other thread commenting on the same thing..they used Darlie lime or something like that leh.. to avoid puking when brushing teeth..

what toothpaste u using?
p: oh. the darlie one works fine for me too.. before the darlie one was a sensodyne one.. that one is ok too.. now i'm using darlie green tea flavour. this one i cannot tahan. haha. sometimes i just use plax to rinse my mouth after brushing w/o toothpaste..
PU: darling green tea? sounds gross.. even when i am not preggy! :S so conclusion.. colgate cannot make it for me.. arline is a better choice.. ha :p
p: but i think previously it wasnt really because of the toothpaste.. i think it was because i was hungry.. plus ms was almost at peak.. so that's y gag..
Pu: are u a loyal customer then?! whahahaha.. (tonight must go and stare at the box liao)
wah.. u are flithy rich.. own gem family business.. and ur hb owns Darlie toothpaste empire also? wah...:p
Pu: i am gagging more now.. even when i have just eaten.. goodness.. with teng, it wasn't like that.. never so uncomfy :S think if i have a third.. sure MS liao :S
astro: the at risk rate is 1:300, think normal range is above 300 or wat. So mine is 1:57, u c it so much high risk....haiz, hw to be positive...
p: haha. darlie's not his name though i call him darling sometimes... hahaa... i'm not filthy rich lah. i'm an educator just like u... my appetite is better but the burping is becoming louder.. not sure about the smell though.. hahhaha
joanne: hw many wks r u right now? tink they fix 8 may for u is becos u are probably aro 12 or 13 wks. Amnio test can only be done fm 17wks onwards.
pu: ha. i called Miser darling also. but i dun think he looks like that man :p and dun be gross :p:p

Joanne: i see.. hmm.. there are some surviving ES kids, i read .. from the web.. it seems.. but then again ah.. OSCARS might not be the most accurate.. i have frens who OSCARS results was very very bad.. did amino.. turns out kids okay leh..
ong : last fri go check, they told me i'm arn 12weeks plus, baby is 6.5cm...tot amino test 16week can do liao rite? dunno i juz call up my gynae, ask him which is the earlier date i can do the test, wait for him to reply me lor...actually schedule 01 may but tat day is labour day mah, so postpond to 08 may.....so thinking ask him 30 apr can do anot...
astro: ES kid mostly can survive one. Even give birth liao with a month will be gone also. If the result turn out bad, i will terminate for sure. Now juz hope the result will turn out normal, N i'm not the 1 out of 57....
joanne : mine gynae told me 17wks is the best. But i read fm web that 16wks is the min. there is another test that offer 100% accurate result which is CVS. It is an invasive test as well but they extract the fluid fm placenta instead of your belly(for amnio). However, CVS can only be done around 13(if i rem correctly) and not later. If u find it too long, u can opt for CVS. Amnio test is more commonly opt as it is offered many years before CVS. However, doing CVS have higher risk of miscarriage due to it is perform in 1st T.

joanne : your $900 for amnio is it with express result(within 3days) or normal(2wks)? KK charged 600+ for normal.
