(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

sigh. i dun usually look out for deals.. i just buy whatever i need wherever i see and whenever i got the moolah..

but this bb has cost me $500++ in just less than 2months. better be more hardworking in getting deals.. otherwise big holes in my pockets..
MRs L: Thanks.. will go and check it out.
Hi Miemie, I've announced on FB. Some friends responded already. Hehe.
Fifi: ya lor, that person super thick skinned. How to increase one cup size if not pregnant? I saw her on the cooking show, really like wearing bikini.

Dreamygal and xoxo, Panda club is not a good club to join.
Super sleepy now. THink I'll turn in early, but I hope I won't get insomnia again.

Don't know why, today around 1 plus, I felt faint while standing up, and had to sit down repeatedly. Only when my colleague made milo with added sugar, and I ate some biscuits. Maybe I was too hungry. It's the second day it happened.
aloe: I also think the baby is very expensive. I think I've spent more than $800 on consultation and tests, and another almost $200 on 3 pieces of clothes. Thank goodness my hubby asked me to use the sup card. Hahaha.

My mother told me that the CL also never do much when she had one for my birth. When I cried at night, the CL continued sleeping. I think I shouldn't have any problems with people cooking. My mother can cook.

My concern is my inlaws want us to hire maid, so must train the maid and everything. Don't know what to do.
well said. exactly my point.
think maybe you were hungry. so try to eat regularly. even if its some snacks like biscuits or whatever. but you may wanna check blood pressure too just in case. try and eat iron rich food will help too i think.

yup. gotta buy on sale. i only bought couple pieces of maternity wear when on sale. keep your skin well hydrated with moisturiser lor. i'm using shea butter cream. doc asked me to buy some stretch mark cream but i decline since already have shea butter. i try to apply twice a day. so far its been ok.
glass: ILs paying for the maid? haha.. training maid is one troublesome thing ah..

hrd: yeah.. i think i read somewhere saying that stretch marks caused because not enough collagen or something like that.. and vit C is good for preventing stretch marks cos it helps to build up collagen... i wonder if pig's skin is good since it has high collagen. haha .. my fav food.
Hee. me using Mothercare massage cream.

Mi told me boss today. He was happy for me and said kenot c. I quite small size, no tummy increase yet though now at wk12. Still wearing my current clothes + heels :p

Astro > Wah...so happy to hear Teng settled at Purple Train.

xoxo > me too. Duno my mum will come to SG or not. my HB say he will be my CL :p. He plan to take one mth leave (1st mth). Don't know can or not. So he say he will learn to cook confinement food. ahhaha..duno how true. at e end most prob we cater :p

Jacelyn/xoxo : hmm..so we can shower during Confinement? Tot heard must have minimum contact w water.
jacelyn >> the herbs apparently includes stuff to bathe with, all 21 days of cooking (not much herbal mixes in the first 7 days) and also, to have red date tea on demand for the entire month..no plain water..i am cool with all of that, just must take baths..2x a day..

gal >> my mum's cooking..cannot make it. my MIL lagi worse..she will prepare only macrobiotic stuff, blended rice etc for me..no thanks. the one mth is meant for us to rest and recover..not to suffer some more! muahahaha...

i'm also not able to comment much abt the CL but i asked to meet her in person, got third party references and can only pray for good luck. don't think i am the super difficult type also and she doesn't have to help me with hsewk since I've part-time help for that already...in addition, i will take antenatal classes like how to bathe the baby, change diaper etc (i was the last baby born in the family, same with my HB..so no one can remember how to do all these things)..and last but not least, "retire" from work for the next 2 years..so budget wise does not allow us to hire domestic help, just gotta make do..oh yah, not to forget..must budget for the jamu post-natal massages!
Fifi, my blood pressure is ok, though it's towards the lower end of the ok spectrum. My blood platelets are too small to carry enough oxygen, and the size decreased.

Aloe, both in-laws are not working. FIL wants extra pocket money for looking after baby, but they will only supervise the maid to look after baby. Aiyah, I hope my MIL can get her sis to train our maid first. See how.

Anyway, I finally managed to sleep until this morning, but still feel tired coz of interrupted sleep. Oh well, will try to go home early to rest. Still feel a bit faint right now even though I've had more to eat this morning.
lydiagal: yes we can bathe! with those herbal bath pack...

xoxolight: mine was 24 days herbal soup pack ard $150++ and herbal bath pack ard $60+ for 30 days supply.. .hee.. maybe i go find my contacts for the soup and let then mummies here know.. ;p
Hi Joanne, I am not too sure abt the reasoning behind of not taking seasame oil. Cos my grandmother told me previously when I was expecting the first one. But I suspect is because seasame is consider as Nuts. As I know if we go through any operation, we are not suppose to take nuts for quite awhile.

Hi Astro, my bleeding has turned to spotting already. Hope that my spotting can stop within this week. If not, I have to extend my bed rest again.
looks like your condition is improving. great to hear. more rest is good!

yes pls share your contacts for herbal stuff. hehehe... am sure everyone's interested.

wah pig skin. you have acquired taste lor. hahaha... i aint putting that in my mouth.

wah so sweet your HB wants to be CL. eh, does he know that means he wake up at night for feeds? hahaha...
xoxo : lol. then better test the CL cooking first :p

joyce : that's good positive news.
do take things easy ya.

jacelyn : yea!! can bathe. haha. but i think i can only bathe in secret i.e. cannot let my MIL know. She more towards tradition where kenot touch water. Don't think I can take not bathing. so sticky. heheh

will wait for ur contacts ;)
Hi ladies,

With regards to the herbal pack for bathing, I have used on my first pregnancy, the selling price is $1.10 per pack. Recently, check with the shop again, the selling price has increased to $1.50 per pack. Each pack can be used 2 times. So all you need is to buy 15 packs for a month supply.

Altneratively, you can just buy lemongrass and ginger and boil together with water to bath. I had used this method for my second one.
Astro: Wah. Looks like Teng is big boy already. Such a nice laoshi he has. Looks like it'll be smooth sailing from here. Btw, how come you got time to bring Teng to school everyday ah? I wish I can do that next time with my girl but fat chance!

Loke: Me too I love pigskin! Especially the yong-dao-fu kind! It's like imitation fish maw! I luuurve fish maw too!

Jacelyn: The bathing herb I think is called dai-fong-bor (in cantonese). Maybe can try to buy from JB yao-chai-dian. Last time my girlfriend got hers from Malaysia don't know where. She says one packet (one packet for one bath) was only RM1. Anybody sourcing from JB? If so, please share the lobang! heh heh

Joyce: Good that you are feeling better. Looks like its smooth sailing for you from now on too!

Glass: No offence but how can your FIL ask for more money to look after his own grandchild? I was quite shock to read that.
I bathed without letting my mum know. She only gave me a miserable pail of herbal water and tell me to wipe my body. The moment i shut the door, i filled the pail with water.

Confinement food
My MIL said if cesarean, cannot take chicken. Limit ginger if you are breastfeeding cause ginger may cause jaundice in newborn. Alcohol don't take unless its through prolonged cooking. But still must limit.

Heard the red dates tea will aid in milk supply. Drink plenty and plenty of fluid. Fish soup is super also.

That's what i know.

I have a friend who did her own confinement. Her hubby will make her a big big pot of red dates tea before he goes to work. They collected a lot of recipes and just tried to prepare the food themselves. Really not easy, but she did it.

But if really no help at all, that means thing like cannot touch water ya, cannot do this and that ya got to be compromised le.
good morning babes! yesterday i went for the NT test, so today am waiting anxiously for the results.. and 2T starts at week 12 or 13 or 14 ah?
hi astro : great that teng is adjusting well now since there is one to one attention to help him adapt faster.

Herbal bath
I used the herbal pack together with wine for bathing. My mum say need to add the white wine(those white bottle that we can easily find fm ntuc). Not sticky at all. I bath daily except for first few day just wiping with cloth due to c-section.

Joanne : my CL is using seasame oil for all the Confinement food. She did not say cannot use. She only say no chicken and egg for c-section(if i rem correctly).

Joyce :great u r gettg better now.
dreamygal : my CL say can use ginger but only breastfeed after 2 to 3hrs n i follow her advice and so far so gd last time. i even took a small cup of dome daily as she say is gd for me. As usual, after taking it, wait for 2 to 3hrs before u BF or pumping out.
chiapatty : i oso give my mum more $ as she helps to look after the grandchild. She did not ask for it but i think it is only right that we give her few hundreds more since she need to look a newborn which is nt a easy task.

xoxo : seems like u got a good deal as $2k include herbal stuffs as well. Confinement food easily will set u back by another 1k+ as i spend aro $1k + just for the marketing only.

Joyce : my CL work for 26 days too instead of 28days. I did not question her as she been a great help to me during my confinement period(i hardly need to do anything during the 1mth). Tink std mkt practice is 28days n not 30days.
pp..it's like i walked into a mine field at work. feeling overwhelmed. and i am sooooo hungry. didn't bring anything to munch...my colleagues only have chocolates which i don't feel like it..trapped!

jacelyn >> I dunno whether the herbs are the same though. I know that they are getting the herbs for the food in addition to the soups, teas and baths. I am so sotong in this area that I think it's just better to hand it to them..anyway, contract signed so I will just have to go along with it.

gal >> cannot test lah. how to ask for that? i went with this place because it came on the back of good recommendation. and they were out of my #1 CL choice..too popular i'd say. so better book your CL early if u are thinking of it.

ong >> haiz...expensive endeavours eh? that's why i am now back at work..slogging it out so i can have all these herbal confiney stuff later..muahahaha...
ong : That's what i did also. That's why i say must limit. But i never drink DOM lah. I don't like. So my mum will cook dishes with it. Put little bit loh.

My SIL ate too much ginger and her gal got severe jaundice after a few days. The PD asked her to stop giving breastmilk and take lesser ginger.
My Mum also spend arn 1K when she do the confinement for me...she use alot of herb, like the red date tea, she still put, Dang Shen, dry longan, wolfberry...she use her own $$$ to buy for me & i nv pay her coz no money (feel bad that i hv to spend her $$$), so this time round i think better dun ask her to do confinement for me....cook simple confinement dish can liao.
I always tell hubby hor... If never bathe, all sweaty, so smelly... Later carry baby, baby cry how?? Haa....

Will feel more refreshed and relaxed after a warm warm bath.
dreamygal :ya must limit. guess diff CL hv diff std. Some CL could hv put alot but we hv no idea hw to gauge. I realise all CL hv different stds. Now wondering if i shld go to agency instead.

Joanne : my in law just gave us $1k for the purchase of confinement food. This is after my mum made noise that they r practically doing nothing. They say they hv no idea on the traditions tats y can't help anything. I think PIL shld be bearing it as my mum is the one who do the marketing daily n carrying the stuffs around.
chia: haha. ^5! pig's skin and fish maw my fav too. hee.. anyway, my mum also will ask for allowance if i really want her to take care of bb for me. i think its just reasonable for her to ask for some $$ lah. cos they also not free labour mah..

joanne: dont worry so much about ur mum.. she loves you that's y she'll spend on u.. just give her back what u can in future.. she's happy to see u strong and healthy and give birth to happy babies! :D
My PIL very realistic one, talk abt $$$ only hide liao....all along is my mum who did all the tins for me. The most they give is a $400 angbao after tat nv show up liao. Ya i knw my mum loves me alot but she is nt working nw liao so tat is her saving leh, i nv give her $$$ yet still take from her....so bad...
dreamygal >> completely agree with that! i cannot imagine not bathing for even a day...ugh! no ill-effects right on your part when u "broke the rules"??
joanne: yeah.. i understand how u feel. cos i also never give my mum $$.. hb also had to take from his parents sometimes. but we also try our best lor.. i also feel that as long as our parents are happy.. it isnt that bad.. cos i also believe that i'm not going to stay the way i am forever.. eventually i'll be the one providing for them.. so for now just do our best...

xoxo: no bathing for 1 mth is terrible. i think just make sure u dont catch a cold when bathing..
I think bathing is all right during confinement as long as we dun use cold water to shower. We need to stay fresh so that we can offer the clean breasts to breastfeed our bb, right????
.... I did shower almost every day using the herbal or lemongrass with ginger.
I also batch everyday (with herbal - da feng chao) but not my hair. Wash hair every 3-4 days i think. so far, no side effect (too early to tell may be). :p
PU_RYC : i give my mum $500 every month to help look after my son. My bro & sis also got give her allowance every month also. It juz tat during confinement i nv gave her any $$$ (except the 2 angbao) still nd her to pay everytin, really feel bad. So when she heard that i'm pregnant, she nv say anytin also look abit unhappy, coz she think i cant even support the family nw still give birth again, hw am i gng to support the family with the little income from my HB & me...haiz...i knw she heart pain to c me like tat but juz hope tat she can understand me more....she also mentioned nt gng to help me look after my next baby anymore, so think hv to souce for other alternative liao....haiz....everytin is $$$$ nw...
hi ladies!

I'm back! how's everyone doing?

back to the warm Singapore weather again. Tokyo was quite cold and windy plus the air was quite dry and i ended up have bleeding stuffed nose and cracked lips. :S
there are way too many posts for me to read so i just skim through a bit!!

Dreamygal: you girl is so cute!

joyce: hope you'll will ok soon!

astro: hehe, you boy so funny. its amusing reading about him in school leh.
xoxolight : No ill effect yet. Haa...

shugar : Thanks.

Joyce : Later when we wanna feed baby, baby reject. Milk plus sweat... Yucks!! :p
joanne: hehe.. my mum also like that lah. she say she wants her own entertainment time.. but i still hope she can help lah. anyway.. dun worry so much k.. everything's going to be fine when the time comes.
we can always lend u a helping hand if u need! :D

dreamygal: salty milk.. hahhaa... yucks..
Pu: ha.. coz i haeing a late day in school.. till 730pm :S so i need to grab something to fill my tummy or else i think i am going to suffer terribly :S but nothing's good at the semi closed for business canteen here..

went for my week 10 scanning.. according to gynae everything seems ok.. as usual.. the scan is very fast fast chop chop one. hahah. less than 10 minute i am out of the clinic.. hahaha..

pu: my scan not as clears as urs.. bb not moving that much also.. hahaha. i lie down mah. so the bb also lying down facing up.. i wonder how come clumsybabe's teddy bear is climbing up one?! hahahah

clusmybabe: u stood up to do the scan ah? :p

shugar: welcome back!
ha.. amusing hor? dunno to cry or to laugh.. :p

ong/gal/pu: i hope teng settles well. i think he will still cry. but for progressively shorter periods of time.. that boy better not pull a fast one on me!

Chia: no time. i took half day leave.. for so many days these two weeks! :S

pu:today teng not going to schol. he goes only on monday, wed, fri.. slowly will build him up to full 5 days..

xoxo: i also find that i have nothing to eat in the office! no wonder i lost 3kg!!! i didn't even realise that i lost weight. how cool is it if i can lose weight just like that when during my normal times?!
my frens came up to me and told me i lose weight. i said they are joking. till i got a shock at the gynae just now. hahaha. 3 kgs is so obvious on me? ha...
were u able to eat all the yummy jap food in japan??? i would've been happy camper if i was there, except i would be disappointed that i wasn't able to eat sashimi. hehehe...

you lost 3kg??? ops. HIPPO here gained about 3kg already! my tummy looks round like a hippo. especially those in cartoons or stuff toys with big round belly.

my gynae gave me a hard time about the weight gain. he said "hmm, u must try and watch it. i dont want you to be a plump person after u deliver." most pple lose weight 1T. but you gain.

but i checked my preggy book and apparently 3kg by the end of 12wk is about right?! of course assuming one doesn't have too serious MS that cant eat and all right? i just felt so incredulous when he said that to me. in my heart i'm thinking "but i'm already plump to begin with. u mean he can't tell meh?!" so that triggered my kan chiong HB to start questioning stuff that i'm eating. which is a bit irritating sometimes. i mean there are certain things which will put you off and some you wouldn't touch at all?! like my latest turn-off is garlic. or rather, too much garlic in vegetables makes me gag.

and of course MIL cooking is generous with garlic. in everything, including soup. so when i go there i only end up eating like 3 mouthfuls and i will stop. the other day HB asked "u think we eating healthily enough? as in r we eating out too much?" and i was like "i think lets revert to once a week at MIL k. cos i really cant eat the stuff she cooks anyway. stuff that she cooks like chicken mcnuggets no nutrition value. i might as well be eating out" so there was a bit of tension lor. all these years i've been diplomatic and never comment on MIL cooking. but i think i've had it. so i aint putting up with sub-standard cooking anymore.

i know, i'm probably just being a brat cos when i go home for dinner, i "pre-order" what i want to eat these days. so its always satisfying to go home for dinner. but i dread gg to MIL. i mean how to answer HB when he ask "what do u want to eat i can tell her to cook"? cos every meal she cook the SAME THING! like how to tell her what to cook? i dont even know what she can cook?!

sorry gals, am quite peeved. but glad i let it out. taking this opportunity to not put up with it anymore.
p: wah. u one shot put everything in one post. haha..

anyway, my gyne's scanning machine is not bad.. very clear since the start. can find bb heartbeat very quickly during my 2nd visit also.. next visit is next tue.. hope bb has grown bigger! haha.

i'm vain. so i weigh myself every morning and night. must make sure i dun go beyond my limits.. cos i gain weight very quickly.. hehe.. lose 3kg not bad leh. so far since i found out i was preg, i also lost 3kg. should be gaining weight soon..
hrd: hahhaa.. this thing about MIL's cooking.... same here... i'd prefer eating out or tabao tzi char back home. i'm really not used to her cooking.. very strong tastes.. but hb is like in heaven when he have his mum's food. i guess its because he grew up with it, so no feeling lah. my mother also will take orders from me before i go for dinner. haha. very good customer service.. will even suggest what i might want to eat.. hahha.. how cool is that..!!

astro: whahahaahaa... ok lah, mine wasn't tat sweet :p

fifidoog: think i felt better when i was in japan leh... no nausea or bloated feeling. hahhaha, maybe its the air there, or the shopping that was spurring me on!
I'm not a big sashimi fan plus gyne said its a no-no when i am there. but they still had a lot of stuff to eat there.
now i am back, the nausea/bloated feeling is back!! :S
