(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

u also lost 3kg? ops! maybe i really should watch it. hehehe... really waiting for MS to go away then can re-start exercising.
i donch want to be ah pui!!! =(((((

shugar: somehow i suspect that its the weather.. singapore's weather is cool and hot and cool and hot.. so inconsistent one..

hrd: for me is because of the puking and lost in appetite.. so i lost it lor.
super envy those who lost weight during 1T..

fifi>> dun worry, im with you.. haha.. i have gained about 2 kg so far.. in my 12 weeks today.. and im also chubby to begin with lo.. and i tink my exercise regime will be starting in may coz that should be when the next aqua-aerobics classes are scheduled.. i wun be gg to the classes starting this sat le, so can only wait for the next course!
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">FOR SALE: BRAND NEW BELLY BELT</font></font>
Use this to "expand" your regular pants/skirts, etc, to save on spending on maternity wear. Retails @ >$30 @ Mothercare. I'm selling @ $25 inclusive of normal postage and handling. For pix and description, chk out http://www.mothersbliss.co.uk/shopping/maternitybelt.asp Mine is TOTALLY BRAND NEW i.e. never been used -- as I was given lotsa 2nd hand maternity wear instead. PM me if you are keen.
hehehe, thanks for consoling me
u know what else my gynae said (he stared at my thunder thighs) "see your thigh already quite big. later become bigger how?" i was like thinking "basket but they always been big what?!" i just felt like very "yuan wang". idiot.

now appetite better or not?
hi all mommies, for those that have started taking DHA supplement, kindly share what brand and how the price is like? also if it can be bought off shelf? thanks...
hrd: hahah.. my thighs also big to begin with lah. and i'm NOT tall lor. 1.6m only. haha. now appetite improving slightly.. though still got puking here and there. it used to be good during dinner.. now i'm more hungry in the afternoon.. cannot eat too much at night.. else cannot sleep cos indigestion...
fifi>> your gynae male or female? yesterday i just asked my gynae if my tummy is supposed to show now, she said nope, then i pinched my tummy fats and asked her, wad are these? she looked at me sadly and said "you" (aka fats aka oil) haha.. and i told her i cant fit into my normal shirts already.. she said never mind, baby growing healthily can already!

after giving birth then we all go slimming together lo.. haha.. i look at my sisters, they all went boom after giving birth, i tink i also difficult to escape that fate one la...
miemie: my last visit to gyne i was telling him my pants cannot zip up liao, he say normal leh.... said time to shop for preggy clothes liao. :p
maybe he was just being nice :p hahahhaa
shugar>> yeah, i agree totally with your gynae, time to shop for preggy clothes le! in fact ever since i found my bottoms to be getting tighter, i went to buy some maternity bottoms le.. whether is fats or tummy showing, i tink most impt is to wear comfortably.. so that we wun feel suffocated.. heehee
hahahhaa.. last week when i went to the gyne... the reception lady actually commented.. "wah! still can wear your jeans ah!" i was thinking.. how do u know this isnt the bigger size jeans.. haha.. actually it was a pair of jeans i bought when i was fat.. so i could wear it lah.. duhh.. kekeke....
my gynae = male. maybe that's why less sensitive with his comments hor. i dont have sisters but looking at my mum i think same fate as u lor. bwahaha... actually i dont really care one lah. just like to bitch. if i m really bothered i would watch what i eat. but am not. i mean, this is prolly the only time when i can eat and not feel guilty about it. so i'm actually really enjoying myself!

am itching to restart my exercises tho. cos normally my exercise load is quite high. but now gotta switch to lower intensity. so a bit bored. =( for sure i dont dare to go cycling anymore. normally i cycle about 20km for 1 hr, 3-4 times a week.

am prescribed DHA supplement by gynae. din check what brand. but he gave me a whole bunch of stuff. also have calcium, multivit + iron, and vit c. these are to start about 1 week later. i think your gynae will prescribe for you soon?

hahaha... yah some of them quite duh right.

your gynae more tactful than mine leh.
i want to BOX him.
Ong, Loke: Maybe you are right in giving $ to your folks and IL to look after bb. I also give $ to my mum but it's more like an allowance I will give her whether or not she looks after my bb lor. Actually her 'job' is to play with bb only becoz I got a maid who's sole responsibility is to look after bb and my mum also got a maid who loves to play with my bb too.
I always felt that my mum should pay me $ for letting her play with bb. muahahahahah.....joking lah!
Lately i have constant headaches. Is it from the preg or stress?
I think the purposes of a CL is to help take care of the bb. Hiring a Cl is giving me alot of headaches. Hb come home so late daily. As for my mum- i think she should have abandone me when i m born. I dont have any positive memories of her at all. In fact she seems to feel that i m her sandbag. At times i feel so stress out. The only fortunate thing that happens to me is i am love by Hb.
has been 2 days since i logged in. Amazed at the number of posts. My heartburn is especially bad, has been avoiding those food but doesnt seem to help. Wonder this will last for how long. Now i realise being a mother is really not easy, right from conception.
cat : my gynae perscibed me Nature's Care - Dhaxtra softgel 1000mg. I asked her if got an equivalent outside or not. She said, no but outside got inferior one. :p So I still buy from her.

ww : i think i read somewhere its common to have headaches at 2T.

hrd : maybe you can suggest going outside to eat..you say you have craving to eat this and this place. etc. :p or suggest to your HB to go out eat as family with MIL, so MIL won't be so tired, cooking all the time :p
Chiapatty: I think my FIL wanted allowance because at that time, they had not suggested hiring a maid. Anyway, since he's not working, I think my husband should give him some allowance. It's not cheap to look after the baby. As long as the money is not coming out of my pocket, I don't mind. Hee.
miemie: don't envy those who lost weight, coz the book I read, we will just put it back in T2 and T3. It will all add up to be about the same. Anyway, I lost weight, but I can't fit into my clothes because the tummy still lots of fats. I'm tempted to think the weight loss is due to muscle loss, coz my thighs are super flabby now that I've stopped exercising.
fifi &amp; glass>> yeah, me also not exactly bothered by the weight gain.. just very envious of those who lost weight! haha.. i also just love to complain and end up still eat wad i want.. haha.. lately my appetite at night has decreased tremendously which may be the cause of no weight gain since the 3 weeks checkup till 01 apr checkup.. i used to be able to eat a lot for dinner, but dunno why now cant eat much already..

ww>> i also have headaches very frequently lately.. i tink might be due to the weather now.. amazingly hot and sunny, and i tink i cannot stay in the sun for too long, will end up with a very bad headache after that...
RE: $$ to mum
ya, having a child is nt cheap.. haha.. on top of allowances to parents, i gave $700 to my mum for taking care of my son... now recession somemore.. haiz... gynae fee, hospital charges, confinement, herbs to gain back our health, bb stuff.. haha lots n lots.. ;(

RE: Herbs
still trying to find the contacts haha.. with #1 and working.. no time at all.. btw the herbal soup ingredients are pre-packed, i think gt Dang Sheng, Ginseng etc... will update here when i got the contacts.. ;p

RE: stretch marks
ladies, pls test the cream before full force apply hor.. last time i apply the palmers cocoa until i gt rashes.. scare liao...
MieMie/HRD : My weight gain is 9kg !!!!!!!!! The champion of all
So dun feel bad that u put on 2 or 3kg as mine seems alarming! Juz looked like a rice dumpling now!!!!! SOoooooo envious of ppl who lost weight leh!!!! Wonder y my #2 is always hungry. think hitting 30kg of weight gain seems reachable. *sighs*
hahaha... we're the same whiny type. HB ta bao timramisu for me last night i also din have much appetite. haven't been eating as much as in the beginning too. i think scared already lah. better stop stuffing my face. bwahahahaha...
fifi>> last night we went din tai fung for dinner.. i had 2 xiaolongbaos, 2 small little bowls of sour spicy soup and i was full already.. i did not touch my bowl of noodles at all! i really cannot believe it.. in the end hubby ended up eating the bowl of noodles, plus his own plate of fried rice and 4 xiaolongbaos. fainted... his stomach is getting bigger than mine! all thanks to me.. hahahaha
ong>> if your pre-pregnancy weight consider as underweight, then you may not actually put on 9kg solely for the bb.
My colleague who is standing at 1.7m, only weighed 49kg. So her gynae told her that she is allowed to gain 25kg for her pregnancy. This is due to the fact that she is considered as underweight person.
HRD : Not slim but look quite proportional as my height is 168cm and at 59kg before pregnant.

MieMie :i told my gynae 3wks ago n he say is normal &amp; tell me not to worry!! 3wks ago my gain was aro 5-6kg. seeing him nx wed. wonder if he is still gg to say is normal. tink gg to hv a hard time shedding off the fats later.
hahahaha... you're so funny. that's how men get fat. when their wives get pregnant. wife eat, husband also eat. you're so funny. hahahaha...

MS will hit me in the middle of dinner and i will lose appetite completely. the other day i barely started eating and BOOM i just felt so queasy. i had to force myself to eat. the feeling was not good lor.
Miemie: hahaha.... that's why ppl said when wife is expecting, the husband will also grow with you... the funny part is we can get rid of some weight after birth, but our poor husband may not be able too.....
joyce : i was slightly underweight at aro 51 or 52 b4 i had my #1. After #1, i became 55kg but i piled on another 4kg few mths back and at 59kg b4 #2. Think is gg to be a hard time if i wanna slim now. Cos metabolism is slowing now at mid 30s and fats simply pile on easily then shedding off.
yes yes yes! my fren was telling me that the husband usually will get 'pregnant' together with the wife, but after the wife has delivered, the husband's still heavily pregnant!
my hb piled on few kgs during my confinement period as the CL cooked for him as well n he is commenting the food is so appetitizing.
ong: dun worried abt the weight gained, I have a contact on helping ppl to slim down. Two of friends have gone to through the program and the result is excellent.
So now just focus on your growth of bb and try to control your sugar and salt intake.
joyce>> i tink you will need to post that contact here after some of us are happy and fat mothers! hahaha.. i definitely want that contact!!
haha... fat and happy. so far we have RYC, then we have panda club, now i think we can set up HIPPO club. hehehehe...

how about i take some of your kgs and you give me some cm???
u have 16 more cm to spread your gain over than me leh. hehehe...

yah am sure everyone will need that contact post delivery! hahahahaha... thanks in advance.
fifi>> i dowan hippo! hippo is like super big at the butt and has got such huge mouth and slimy skin... shudder at the thot.. hahaha think of a nicer animal leh...
morning pple..

took some cough syrup for my cough last night.. and concussed all the way.. LATE for work.. luckily .. holidays.. kekekekek..
but slighty moody.. again in canteen now.. alone.. ha.. want to be anti social lor..
u ladies accopamy me for a while lah.. ha :p

Joyce: which fren of urs is so 'audacious'?? 1.7m yet 49kg?! gosh.. i wun want to stand hear her! i wear almost double of her!! argh..
glad to know ur bleeding has improved. jiayou

PU: i always everything put in one shot one :p
my gyane machine is not very cler.. but will do the job kind lor. then i not first time mum.. and neither do i ask her so many questions during scanning.. coz i aga aga know which is which liao.. so nothing 'magical' when i go for scans.. just make sure the heart doesn't stop though.. ha..

last time i also.. weigh myself twice a day! ha.. now i dun bother :p no time to weigh also coz got to work mah..

HRD: ur gyane's a meanie.. tell him dun be so mean.. hahahah
ignore those comments lah. 3kg gain normal lah..

Ong: 9 kg?... hmmm. recalled that u take rice and such.. perhaps u can switch to more protein instead? that's what i did the other time.. and teng turned out with good muscle density.. dunno how the PD concluded that.. and attributed that to high protein intake diet of mine.. but i am not saying cut out carbo hor..

avoid sugar.. or rather too much of it..

haiz.. hence i am getting headaches also.. caffeine withdrawal lah. from my bubble teas.. ha.. high in sugar and caffeine!

u ladies are so fit one ah before preg? ok. i dun want to stand near u all :p
p: i'm here.. hahaa... just came into the office not long ago..

ong &amp; miemie: dun envy the weight loss ah.. haha. i'd rather be able to eat properly and dun have funny things like heartburn/indigestion etc etc.. very uncomfortable.. make me lose all the concentration at work...

i'm now very high on carbo... bread is my staple food now.. perpetually munching on bread every hour... but i'm also glad that i'm beginning to be able to eat some eggs and some fish.. at least the egg prata for supper satisfied me last night. haha..

btw, i'm seeing this chinese physician, who's a paediatrician/obstetrician/gynae... i find her medication quite good.. at least it soothed down my intestinal discomfort and am able to sleep better at night.. not so lethargic during the day also... but she's in the west, at bukit batok.. went to see her just now and she asked "is it a girl?" after listening to my pulse.. i was thinking.. "like i would know..." hahha.. anyway, she said it'll be more accurate in another few weeks.

but my point is, if all the western drugs are not helping any of u here with all the heartburn and stuff.. u may want to consider her.. she's got good credentials...
hi everyone...
anyone tried maternity belly belt before? i heard by using that we can delay buying maternity clothes...cant buckle or zip up my jeans anymore...

just got back from bangkok...bought one of those typical maternity dress...i think i look totally hideous in it...aned my hubby had a good laugh...not going to put it on again...
Pu: that's cool.. one of the advantages of working in the family

i am just yawning away... :S

yalor: i kept my food down all the time.. still weight loss? wondering how come my body so weird? but then again, it was like that with teng also.. just very tired.. so maybe that's why ate little .. dun think lost so much.. something very wrong with the gynae's weighing machine...

slowly change to higher protein lah..

YAWN.. wah liew.. i keep yawning and i look like a drug addict high on cocaine!
.. teary eyes, stuffy and dripping nose, and a cough.. gosh..

just one night of cough syrup can make me like that? wah liew.. heng i never take it three times a day! else really zonked out big time..! gagged on the syrup also.. though it doesn't taste that horrid. but it is still horrid. :S
mel: ha.. still early for the typical maternity dress.. in fact i never wore those! coz i looked so funny in them! shapeless!
usually, i will be in my maternity top and maternity jeans lor.. looks much better lah.. i was more adventurous in my clothing than i was when not preggy. hahaha! but that's when i was in my 2 and 3T.. first T, i looked like shit.. like now :S
Hi all,
saw a good find at bugis BHG during lunch time! A steam sterilizer plus a food warmer only cost $69!! Brand:Lucky baby(tink it's a korea brand). For those 1st time mums, u might be interested since u gals do not have it yet.

Hrd ; yaya, good idea. by swopping, that will make us more proportional. hahaaaa!

Hrd/astro : cfm i will b automatically being qualify if there is a hippo or balloon club!!!

astro : me coughing too! mum say is due to too much cold drinks. Guess is true cos i constantly have some phlegm so muz be due to cold stuffs. Trying to cut down on the cold drinks now and see if i will get better next wk.

Trying to cut down my meals yesterday but who knows i ended up eating more! took mee siam during lunch at 11.30am and ended up hungry again at 12.30pm. in the end, bought another pack of fried rice n eat half of it at 12.30pm and bal during 3+...
