(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

good to hear you are preggy tooo. Such a coincidence that our #2 also falls in the same month. hehe, well did you had major morning sickness? Cuz I had a plenty of merlion incidents for the 3 months. Now it is subsidying, but still a few unbearable moments.
Are you going to deliver at TMC too?

eh, dont blame me for the papaya salad leh. i hope u didn't eat that alone! always gotta like have some carbo like rice or kuay teow otherwise your stomach sure very acidic what!? :p try again. i guarantee ok!
HRD: wah liew.. sure or not? wait i try again.. worse.. then i spam ur email account!! :p

i ate that.. very little.. then want to have some fried tang hoon.. wah. cannot touch more than 6 spoonfuls.. on days when i have no appetite. i feel miserable :S
ong: $900 is the normal 2 week waiting time. Think medisave can only deduct arn $400+. Still hv to pay arn 400+...KK only 600+ huh? but my gynae at TMC leh..
aloe: the burping, hahaha. I think whenever I take the iron pills, the burp is extremely strong and foul.

Joanne: I hope everything goes smoothly for you.
No wonder lah. Tang hoon dont digest very well one leh. If u eat papaya salad w pineapple rice stomach still churn then i cant help u already lah. Hehehe..
joanne >> i feel distressed for you too and will pray...these are just mathematical odds..maybe your are the 56:57? high or not, it's just a shot at probability..regardless, try to look on the bright side and don't be too stressed out. is HB supportive and more understanding these days?

HRD/astro >> i have been eating myself silly and MS-ing at times..yet the kilos don't add up. now it's just the chest area and my pelvic zone that's tight when i'm wearing my everyday clothes. taken a love to one pc dresses...they feel quite nice to wear without the strain ard the waist.

ong/cream magnolia/shugar/astro: bizarre indeed. i felt major movements that night. that's why i went flat on the sofa and asked HB to feel what's going on and suddenly i could see something poking out. quite scary! i am really thin now. even the fats from my butt is gone (there goes the ache!) dunno how too. these two days, i don't feel anything much at all except for a rope twisting and turning at times. i read online and understand it is really too early to feel anything... will ask the doc when i next see her..skali she say it's my bowel movt then it'll be very malu..my HB is going nuts..he does tapping to using ear pieces to see if BB will "surface" again..i told him BB's not a clown.

astro >> better go and see your doc again..don't let this cough develop into something more and it does affect yr sleep right? haiz, the Oct MTBs are all not having a good time..

loke >> your fuse is on fire..the spark for mine's gone...now am just a slow loris and add to that a very lazy one...don't have much will to do anything.
joanne: Think can only pray very hard and try not to think so much. Thinking too much is not good for you or the bb.
just saw that there's a pregnant lady who lost her 2-mth old fetus after food poisoning from eating indian rojak from the geylang serai stall.

everyone gotta be more careful when eating out. i've always taken food hygiene for granted when eating in hawker centres here. must keep our eyes open!
have some questions to ask experienced mothers here. hopefully you ladies can shed some light...

1) any recommended early childhood books. so we know what to expect in the first 18 mths or so?

2) which breast pump is the best?

thanks thanks in advance!
Hi shugar,

how do you find the belly band? Is it comfortable? Is it warm?

I guess you know Bella Band, I wonder how much difference between the 2. Or anyone tried the two?
joanne : i have a friend who had bad result as well for oscar and amino. The doc even suggest them to let go however my friend decided to keep on persevering. And guess what, they had a healthy beautiful baby boy. No issue at all. So pray, trust God. All e people here will pray for you too. So *hug* no worry, think positive.

fifidoog : heard that philips one is good. Just now I went to c at Isetan...SGD299 though, the auto one

xoxolight :
u lighter than me
. Nmind, you will gain more weight in weeks to come for the bb.

belly band .
I m tinking of getting. Do u tink it is possible to wear belly band and not get maternity clothes? anybody considering renting?

:S I went to kaypoh see how much baby stuff are. pram around SGD200, breast pump around 200-300, baby feeder around 200. :S... anybody got lobang tell me ya... my hole oso lobang oledi by looking at the prices. haven even tink of pampers/cloth diaper, cot, clothes.
oh dear, wut in the world did i write.
when i mention anybody considering renting, i mean renting maternity clothes. tink maternity exchange have something like tht.

and the last part about lobang, i meant my 'pocket' oso lobang oledi by looking at the prices.
jinamich: I haven't got to try the Bella Band leh, so hard to compare. but I find Bella Band price quite ex leh, so i decided to get the one online instead. I support handmade products.

tested it out with a pair of 3/4 that i can only zip up halfway and ok leh! no embarrassing moments of pants dropping down.. hehhehe. didn't find it very warm also. i like that it will cover the back part when you sit down... coz when u dun zip fully the back of the pants tend to be quite low when you sit, so with a band, at least you are covered and not exposing your undies or worse, butt! :p
gal: amnio test tot is 99.9% accurate? hw come show bad result liao still can give birth to a healthy baby boy? wow very stress leh...even a most accurate test also will go wrong...

xoxo : hubby is more understanding nw, past week he can really c me vomit my whole heart out. He still ask me hw come always evening time i will vomit. He will come pat my back when i puking. As for the baby test, he say leave it to GOD. C GOD wan to give us this child anot. Wat he most worried now is all the cost for the test....
yah all the stuff are expensive. that's why if u have frens or relatives that will pass things to you, better take. there are quite a few bulk purchases thread in the forum. but i'm not very comfortable with that kind of arrangement where u pay first and HOPE to get your goods. i know there's one fraud case in one of the BP threads. the seller ran away with the $.
yeah, what a coincident..keke..MS is subsiding but occasionally still have nausea and indigestion. never throw up before but indigestion is bad...i can eat but amount is very small. as such i lost 1.5kg since tested positive. Hope to gain back a little... Me delivering in Raffles Hospital as I'm very happy with the nurses there and the lactation consultant very encouraging and helpful. Like the room too.
morning ladies!

gal: not sure about skirts, have not tried yet.

ariajo: go check out the designs and see if got any that you like. i found that online shop's designs more variety than the bella band one. but quality wise, i can't compare as i have not tired bella bands. but to me this is good enough.

you are the first person i know delivering at raffles hosp... how are their rates? My SIL is considering going there.
glass: yeah.. mine too.. the pills make my burp really smelly.. so i really dun like it.. hhaha.. i hope we can soon stop taking that pills!

joanne: i'm glad ur hb is also feeling better. he's right lah. just leave it to God.. no point worrying too much sometimes.. anyway, the tests are not 100% accurate mah. so there's bound to be mistakes. that's y we all agree that u dont have to think too much.. just enjoy ur time now! :D
hi all,

just like to check, usually how much would the oscar test costs? heard from my friend who said that her friend was charged the cheaper version of $95 whereas she was being quoted $300 for the test.

The quote that I received is $500+ and it comprises of the oscar test + the fa scan at 20th wk. Is it compulsory to do the fa scan at 20th wk? What exactly is this scan for and would the $500 be a reasonable price? Have to really work out the finances with all these tests..
when i delivered my girl 2 years ago, the package was at $1800 which includes gynae consultation from 2nd trimester onwards and supplements and gynae delivery charges. When you signed up the package, you pay 50% deposit first. Anyway, now, the package has increase to $2200!

When i delivered my girl I had opted for natural birth with epi and opt for 2 bedder. Took the 3 day 2 nite package and the bill comes up to $3.8k+ before 1.8k cpf deduction. so, we paid the remaining cash abt $2k. So, in total, paid cash abt $2.9K bah...
Wa I never thought about Raffles hospital, but looking at your bill size. Its er super duper pricey. Thats my bill size about 4k for normal delivery with epi in a 1 bedder in TMC. Hehe. Try Thomson, its got superb service too, plus you can have a tour to see the rooms. I think they have the tour daily.
Ur so lucky you did not puke, how about your #1, did you have the same lucky symtoms?I heard if both symtoms are different could be different genders. Lets pray and hope! Cuz mine I had bad bad bad 3 months symtoms, but for Jaydaan his is perfectly okay, I can hop around in my 2nd mth..

How is Aria, has she learnt to speak yet? Jay is still fumbling with his words, not progressing. Oh well, let nature take its course.
hi angie,
for test wise, KK charges the cheapest since the gynae do not earn commission fm the tests done as clinic do not belongs to them. For private hospital, the gynae will amortize the handling fees etc. and that why the price could varies as gynae r operating their own clinics. I think KK charges aro $300 for oscar equivalent test plus the detail scan.
oh, is it really pricey? i actually didn't check the price.. i can claim 1.8K from my company..so, i tot it's ok lah.. but of course, i pray very hard i have no complication..hehe...
actually i dun mind mount alvernia but my gynae is attached to raffles and her clinic is near my place. so that's why raffles hospital lor..

yep, i did not puke for No 1 too
Managed to supressed it but nausea all the time lah.. Will gag from time to time but no puking leh..

haha, actually i more or less convince myself no.2 is a girl because my gynae mentioned cannot see anything in between during my last scan.hehe..

aria is speaking in 2 words most of the time.. like mummy this and mummy that or daddy this and daddy that but pronunciation still poor.. like water sounds like "otter"..haha... her vocab is quite all right..know quite a number of words liao and recently i'm playing spelling game with her.. like i read "A-P-P-L-E", she will shout apple, "B-A-L-L" she will say ball, etc..dun know how she managed to remember it but i guess must be the sound of the alphabets. Dun think she recognize the alphabet itself.
ariajo: ur girl remembers coz of short term memory.. they say bbs have photographic memory.. i dunno how much to believe in that.. but i guess their brains are still forming their neurons now.. so should be more powerful than our jaded ones.. hahaha
till now. my 2 year plus boy..still pronounce carrots as cat-rods.. ha

xoxo: i seen the gynae.. she prescribed me the cough syrup one.. actually to be taken 3 times a day. but she said coz drowsy.. so take once at night can liao.. so at night.. i do cough before i doze off.. but the drowsiness is doig me good.. i will sleep well til the next day..:p

HRD: ops! yalor.. i order dong fen coz i thought it is 'lighter' (taste).. aiya. i still thinking if i sould go eat crab tang hoon on fri! :p think better not :p
ariajo: oh.. still at that sweet sweet age.. come the terrible twos.. u will feel like throwing them out of the windows!

teng having dinner just now.. threw his food on the floor.. so i smacked his palm and told him no.. he closed his eyes, pouted and refused to open his eyes.. till he feels the incident has blow over! ha.
eh u seem to be less busy now. i ask u ah...
1) any recommended early childhood books. so we know what to expect in the first 18 mths or so?
2) which breast pump is the best?
3) ante-natal classes?
any wisdom to share? cos u like walking encyclopedia. hehe...

tang hoon not very good with very sour stuff cos it doesn't "offset" the acidity. on its own, not too much should be ok. but if u eat the whole serving then may not digest very well lor.
really? so, it's only temporary? was still hoping she remember the spelling..haha....

yes, actually i'm really a bit worried when 2nd one comes along.. dunno how i can divide myself the time between the 2 becasue my girl is extremely attached to me.. i hope she will not abuse her sibling because of jealousy..haha...

yes, my girl does that too.. either that or she will swipe all things around her on the floor. beat her hand, she will sit with head on the floor and cry and will cry pitifully till you sayang her back. sometimes i choose to ignore her and after a while she will stop and come to me and ask for "bao bao"..you know she die die want you to sayang her back.. sometimes, really find babies so amusing..
HRD: ha.. ops.. too obvious. i have been idling liao.. haahaha.. when term starts ah.. gosh.. i think dun need to eat or sleep liao.. so better answer ur questions now

1. hmm.. what are u looking out for? coz many aspects to early childhood..are u talking abuot developmental milestones, sleep, routines, or diet/weaning? on the market, there is a HUGE selection of books leh.. and sometimes.. the way the author writes is impt too. i happen to be okay with authors who writes in a detailed manner giving me lots of details.. my frens dun like.. they likes graphics and simple descriptions.. so hor.. this one.. really is a question mark and depends on individual preferences :p my suggestion is for u to go to Borders one fine sat/sun afterrnoon. and just sit there and browse.. sure can find one u like
i always end up buying loads of books .. so much so i 'ban' myself from going there liao!

2. breast pumps. hmm. this depends.. are u going to use it exclusively? or only periodically..? personally i am looking at medala pump in style advance.. coz i am trying to bf to one year.. and that would be i need a double, fast pump at work to express also.. i used to have a single Avent electric pump.. avent and medela are the major players lah.. but single pumps will take longer time to pump both sides.. erm.. so i am trying to persuade miser to spurge on a PIS double pump for me :p

3. antenatel classes.. hmmm. i been to TMC one.. but not conducted by the famed Mrs Wong boh boi.. it was ok lah. nothing very impressive. maybe i dun practice the moves myself at home also.. hmm but i think all textbook theories.. nothing i cannot read up myself.. but good bonding with hbs.. and u see pple with bigger stomachs than u !:p

i am not a walking encyclopedia coz if i am one.. i will know i cannot take tang hoon with very sour stuff! hahaha.. i just happen to talk a lot.. at this thread and over at my old thread.. ha..

aria: wah.. remember spelling? they can recognise the words..but spell it? i tink 3 years old? :p so they say must pysche and prep the older slibling for the arrival of the #2.. ur girl is cute leh.. sit with head on the floor .. throwing her tantrums.. :p

aiyo. this teng.. crawling all over now.. last time forced him to crawl.. wah liew.. dun want leh. now can run and walk.. end up like to crawl.. arghh..
pu: hahaha. u are cute leh. yalor. sometimes i have courses on youth behavoiur hor. then i will be asking myself.. 'i was once a youth man.. how come need a course for me to know how youths think?' :p
i would prefer books that are written in a more interactive way.. not too much information or too many pictures, but in a moderate way lah. i find that american writers are more straightforward than english writers. english writers tend to beat around the bush. end up the whole page the main point is only in one paragraph.
pu: yalor.. hahaha. i dun mind beat around the bush writers.. sometimes too short and to the point.. i lose interest instead.. hahaha.. is ur hb like that? :p
Miser is like u! so he is engineer.. while i am not.. hahaha..
p: my hb is like u lor. he cannot understand short and sweet sentences. i have to drag my words so that it gets into his arty brain.

u know ah. when i read gemology articles by english writers ah. i cannot understand. american writers' articles are more interesting to me. haha. we dont include chinese writers or thai or myanmar writers. .they all cannot make it. european writers also same.. CMI. hahaha..
p: i dun mean he like u as in he cant understand short and sweet sentences. more like he can understand beat about the bush writings.. i cant. i need a lot of concentration to understand them. haha..

hhaha... thanks for the valuable insight. i should sit myself down in borders and check it out.
you're right. medela PIS seems to be the one that a lot of my ex-colleagues use. probably cos they are the fastest. but still my colleague goes for quite awhile leh. am just wondering if i need a medela PIS. cos not working at the moment mah.
technically if not pregger and suffering from indigestion, tang hoon + sour stuff = no prob. but now we're all in this state. it'll cause havoc in our systems lor.

was just thinking today quite good no nausea, then it came and hit me. how to eat dinner now?! @$%&*&%
