(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

yes,it's aunty kim.
hbb, not kim bap la. kim bap is the sushi roll that I made for the first gathering at kim's place. hmmm I typed lots of kims today. heheh.
the dobokki got rice rolls as the main ingredient, right? the rice cake in tubular shapes.
my ex-boss is very nice. he always 'supply' me with giant containers of kimchi. the cabbage is not even cut yet. it's in the big rolls. yum...they have the cake shop there also.
oh tat rice roll.. ehh tedious i heard.. need to steam n pound... LOL
ya swim class is near tat area tat y i ask so i can go the nxt rnd when i hav class!! LOL
aft 1 hour 30 mins i open my jar the porridge is cook but teochew porridge style.. so i shld put less water nxt rnd?? hmmmm
The brand I bought was Rickford's or Bickford's. Can't remember which one, but it's made from concentrate. I did try the pure one from Vitakids, which cost so much more, but it's soooo sour (even after diluting!), so I decided not to give it to him.

His diaper is very full in the morning and I think it sometimes leaks as well because I can smell pee on his clothes (!!!) As for the other times, I don't really know how often I do it. I just change when I feel like it, but it's not as full as in the morning.

Auntie Kim's restaurant is right around from my place!! :) Yum!

Thanks for the link. Am going to check out regarding the paints! He has already done his foot prints twice - once on canvas and once on paper, but I want to do his hands as well, so I want non-toxic paint.

Am off to see my gran later and hope she'll be better. Heard she is doing OK so far, but these few days are quite crucial, I guess.

I like the idea of putting the egg yolk in porridge. Can do that, is it? Just throw in at the last minute, then quickly stir to cook it???
Etirto, Chiyojade, HBB
Oh, I must monitor the BP threads for another BP.... Think my fat girl will enjoy eating the paints... Holland V a bit out of the way for me.

Yah, mess mat is a definite must. Else will go bonkers cleaning up

So lucky =) Haha, my void deck only got people throw junk, not good stuff like yours =p

what i do is i pour the porridge into the serving bowl (drain out the excess water), then stir with spoon n lightly mash. becomes mashy after that.
For the porridge maker, u can try to "heat" it up 1st by filling it with hot water and leaving it to stand for 10mins. I feel that by doing this, the heat from the boiling water will not be lost upon contact with the cold steel interior.

Good that edna enjoys JG so u won't waste $$...i think i'll pop by JG at evans next week to put my gal on waiting list...hv been procastinating for so long liao...

K is so smart! I tried to get my gal to wave but failed. And she will only call "ma" by accident.
is there a special kind of mess mat to use or??

when u mention taking out the egg before putting into the cooker? u mean break n add in only the yolk raw? like that won't hv a bit of egg white mixed in?

anyone needs milk bags? I've a box of 50s and 25s at home and thinking of selling them away. anyone wants b4 i post in WTS?
Do not rush thru when selecting domestic helper. I think its better to find one that is really suitable than to force yourself to "make do" with less suitable candidates. I started my search for a helper since sep last year and only found one earlier this month. I shortlisted a few during the process, went to the agencies to interview the candidates thru webcam/phone but outcome always negative...i felt v frustrated & a friend keep insisting that i'm picky. But i still refused to just accept anyone. Finally i found my current helper which i'm v pleased with so far. Okie....6 months to find a helper is a bit long but its becoz i'm very picky & stubborn & will not consider if she doesnt meet any of my criteria haha...Good luck to your maid searching.
La Girafe,

I am also thinking of going down to Evans to put Caitlyn on waitlist but will do so after I return for trip. Can you help me find out when is their next term and if thre is one starting in Aug? Thanks!

I just called Kindermusic for a trial for the week of 5th April when I return but she told me to call when I return cos right now she can't tell when she can fit us in for trial. You still keen? If yes when I return I will call them. Let me know which day you prefer then I check with them.
Thanks Lamagier for the link...was abt to call the PD but just can't get thru...think they are being bombarded by calls....

ETirto, me also big fan of Crayola and my elder one has all sorts cos not only are they non toxic it is so easy to clean off when she "accidentally" doodle on areas she's not suppose to...
HBB, if u want, u can stir with the beater from Daiso I got, it mash the porridge very well.

Today I made porridge with veg stock with 菜心花, and wolfberries, then mix K's instand rice cereal. He took all!! Hahaha, tio-pian!

La Girafe, thanks! I found that if you keep doing something repeatedly to them, bb will mimic us eventually. Like when I say "亲亲" and give him a kiss, after sometimes, he'll respond when I say "亲亲妈妈". I think u can tell her "byebye" or "hi" or "hello", and pick up her hand to wave, eventually she'll be able to do. When I gave him his bottle to hold yesterday, I realize K's arm muscles may not be strong enough to hold the bottle with one hand, so I dunno if this could also be the reason your girl is not waving yet.

Hey, I want to ask you about selection, how do you know if she is or is not the one? What are the questions you asked and how do you assess. So how do you find this one after 6mths of selection phase? REally performing to your expectations?
RE: Crayola
Besides Crayola, there is another brand call Caran d'Ache that is non toxic too. They are from Switzerland. And for some range, you need not replace the whole box of colors but those that are frequently used and run out faster. I know some artists use them. And they also have water soluble colors than can be washed off easily, so if your child uses those, you may want to use the guard to "preserve" those "master pieces".
la girafe/poohbear
im also on wait list for the evans outlet! hopefully we can b classmate yea!

the term date are as follow
term 2: 22 mar-30 may
term 3: 28 jun-5 sep
term 4: 13 sep-21nov

jus fyi if u dunw an lugi on the number of classes due to public holiday for this year... tues/thurs class r the best cos no PH on this 2 days for the rest of the yr.. mon/weds/fri got a couple of holiday so likely will get 1-2 classes lesser
kim do u mean the whisk? i got that but the thg is i notice the rice grain is not v soft.. inf act liek rice in soup like tat. so not possible to mash it lor.. actualy i dun neeed mash up the porridge since edna eat it whole grain but i tryin tomake it softer.

I cook the porridge, 1 tbs rice, 500ml water, cook for 1hr, very mashy. If going to dry up then i will add water. When i want to feed my gal then i add the ingredient in, to make sure it will be fresh. Hope it help

guess i have to try term 3 or 4 but need to wait for my schedule to be out....hope we can be classmates then not so bored!! Ask you if we pay deposit but can't get a place, is it refundable or transferable if Forum has a class?
I missed out my main point....i wanted to tell u not to rush thru coz we'll be entrusting our precious one to our helper...so dont compromise altho ultimately is tio heng sway..
500ml is alot leh!!!!!i use less than 500ml and still alot of water in the jar aft 1.5 hour!!!

kim yes i tink i prefer to do it over the stove.. aha faster.. esp i use pressure cooker!

u can ask for wait list for BOTH outlet and see which one hav a place for u 1st if u dun mind either side! the deposit is meant for either side so no worries bout transfering!
BUT if u pay deposit and end up decided not to go then u cannot take bk the $$
ya if we r classmate then it will b fun!
Thanks Chiyojade and HBB for the replies. Will check out on the cranberry juice. Tks tks tks.

I usually tried to change my boy's diaper every 4 hrs max and have asked my mother to do the same. But time and time again, she stretched that duration cos in her perspectives she feels that the baby's urine is clean, and the diapers were meant to be absorbent anyway. So she out of good will want to help us save the diapers, will always try to stretch to the limit of the diaper's absorbency. But as my boy has encountered UTI before, I am very concerned and hope to upkeep hygiene in this aspect. Is just over this weekend that I realise his diaper is always relatively more damp than before even though I maintain 4 hours of interval of changing.

I have sent him for UTI check. Hopefully the urine culture results would be clear.
Yah, babies are great minics. Think may have MR only started to call "Ma ma" because I keep repeating to her for the past 2 weeks. But the thing is, she calls for ma ma for every little thing now (wants milk, want carry, gets bored), so the husband takes the opportunity to push her to me cos she looking for mama =p
And being my #1, it's so sweet to be called mama that I've been caving to her demands to be picked up the past few days. Me = big big sucker
aiyo i typed one whole chunk of thing then didn't click post end up cannot see my post.

I was saying...thanks HBB and chiyojade for the replies. Will check out on the cranberry juice. Thanks.

I usually changed my boy's diaper after 4 hours maximum after he was diagnosed with UTI 2 months ago. I have been quite particular over this aspect for hygiene purpose. But on the other hand, I always have problem convincing my mum to do the same because in her perspective, she thinks baby's urine is clean and that diapers are meant to be absorbent anyway, so she will stretch the till the limit of the diaper's absorbency.

Over this weekend, I came to realise that my boy's diaper has been easily damped even though I changed it quite frequently. Compared previously, it was really very moist. That's a concern and so I brought him to PD for urine test. Currently waiting for the urine culture test results. Really hope it is clear....

I really don't want to go through the same experience when my boy was hospitalised for UTI. That few weeks were the most horrible period in taking care of him. He was so cranky, need to be carried all the time. Blistered backside.....keep wetting the diaper cloth, washed tons of diaper cloth.........very scary to think of...

i use stove to cook, if i want to go out with bb then i put thermal jar. i still prefer stove. i am old fashion auntie.lol
I use electric cooker to cook porridge for son. Usually i boiled vege soup, use the soup to cook porridge for 1 n half hours, add ingredients like 15mins b4 off the switch. It is a tasty meal, feed son fish n at least one type of vege daily. He have it for lunch and dinner! Ate one bowl per meal followed by yoghurt.
Lamagier, *nod nod* and after a while, you will understand the bb's language to you de.. When K want to be taken our of the cot/stroller/need comfort, he calls mama-mama-ma. So my dh also felt phew! good thing not "dada-dada-dada"

I need your opinion. After last Sat, hb kept asking me about LG mat.. I just went into WOK's posts (I believe most mommies got theirs from him/her right)..

Few things I want to find out from you:
1. can we roll the mat back to how it came and bring it around? Cos I thought to get one and bring it along when we go back USA, and if it becomes too big to lug back, we'll give it to his cousin.
2. Is the price resonable from WOK?

I am thinking about the limited edition jurassic sealand..
I think it can be rolled back. My Parklon one came with a carrier bag with shoulder sling.
I got mine from BP by Small Small world
My Bb Ivan got sick these few days. Sunday morning fever up to 39 then bring him to kk hospital emergency to see doc. doc gave him those fever med, running nose med and a clear phlegm med. look better. no more fever, but he lose his appetie and vomit. didnt drink much.. make me so worry. also found out his shit watery. just now bring him to see doc again. doc say he might get infection. BB Ivan now 8month.. grab watever he saw and put inside his mouth... really hope he can get better soon

I just checked my porridge 2hrs after putting in the boiling water. teochew style but very soft. Won't have prob mashing it later. I'm now using jasmine long grain rice. I used the short grain ones previously.

i think u can try these:

1) leave in the jar longer. Maybe 2hrs.
2) Prime the jar first by pouring the hot water in it and pouring it out.
3) make sure your boiling water is really boiling and not lukewarm.
tks hbb/chiyojade/mashy for advice on veggie steaming.

me running out of ideas for Mia's breakfast.
everyday also cereal with different kind of fruits. she not sianz, i also sianz.
other than this, what else to feed huh?
this silly gal hates yoghurt so no yoghurt for breakfast.
the playmat can be rolled back, but I think it's super heavy. I don't know if thinner one is more practical to send back, can just ask WOK. There's only these 2, WOK and SSW, doing most of the playmat sale, and a 3rd, the one selling haenim playstuff, but that one is dependent on their stock and designs are limited. Once in a while, some one will pose a question on sending the mat overseas. The mat comes rolled, but has a bag like ones used to store quilts, beware of fold lines if the mat is folded.

Either vendor seems okay, though I like WOK's attitude most of the time on questions. But hey, they sell the same stuff, all you want is a good price and the design you want.

mine is a girl
I have been letting her attend LNT but term coming to an end tom so thought let her try kindermusic. Will prob sigh her up for JG in term 3 end jul when she turns 1 yr
japa..edna get same thg everyday few days in a row.. i dun giv her option.. they drink milk everyday wat..and they nvr get sick hahaaa to mi they wun knwo the diff unless they r so used to us givin them variety then they start to get fussy.. so dun worry if u r giving her same thg everyday.
I just ordered the LG Prime playmat from SSW. I felt that they were very prompt and good in dealing with my questions and it should be here soon as they asked for my address for delivery already! :) Yay! Can't wait. Will let you know how it comes...I think their price was cheaper than WOK (whom I contacted earlier, but then they didn't have the design I wanted). Mothers Work also has it, not that more ex, like $270+, and they had a design which I had not seen on the others' website.

BTW, I went to see my grandma and she is in normal ward now! Out of ICU!!!!! :) But still crucial period, so I'm just praying that all will be OK. I know she is already 91, but she still has her faculties and I'm quite selfish because we're trying for No2 and I would like her to see my 2nd child....
hi mummies, no time to read the thread, so many posts!

Just a quick one.

Me me! I was looking for the buggy. But guess wat, i went up to my fren's plc (who lives 3 storeys above me) & i saw that he has the buggy! Same colour as Naomi's! He lent the buggy to me so i saved on dat! Hahaha!

Happy to hear that ur granny's out of ICU!!!
And yes, good luck with #2! ^^

Same here! When I make the kiss kiss sound or say "let mummy kiss you", my gal will pause and stay still for me to kiss her lips. But sometimes she'll push me away...maybe I ate too much garlic or onions haha...

Re your query on my maid selection. This is my 1st time employing my own maid. No hard & fast rule but below are some tips which you may find useful:-

1) Before you start, you can ask around which reputable/good agency to go to (limit to just a few). I prefer one which has been in business for a long time and those which the bosses personally goes to philippines to select the maids. The agency fee may be more expensive but I think they have more experience in selecting the right maid from their supplier. You may also want to go to MOM website where you can check whether the agency is accredited, the date the licence was given, the no. of maids they have placed out and most importantly the "retention success rate" which is the no. of the maids that stayed with the employer for more than a year. This is useful coz if the agency gives you crap maids, you probably have to keep changing before their contract finishes rite?

2) I'll list down my criterias like must be married with kids, has experience in looking after babies, age range, etc. Then I give my list of criteria to the agent to narrow down the search. Initially I asked the agent to email me but found it inefficent coz sometimes they email you one or two at a time and if it's unsuitable, you gotta wait for them to email you the next one. In the end, I went down to the agency, ask them to show me the biodata of all the candidates that have experience as a maid but hasn't worked in S'pore before (I find these maids are less demanding in terms of pay/off days/hp than those who worked in S'pore before). From there I narrow further with my next most impt criteria and it goes on until I shortlist about 2-3 maids.

3) Next will be the interview. One of the agency I went to uses webcam interview. I find this very good since can see and hear the maid first before deciding. My hb's friend interviewd his maid over the phone and was very happy becoz she speaks English well like those working at a call centre but when she finally came to S'pore, her English is quite jia lat...

As to what questions to ask, try to ask more specific questions. This is becoz the maids are trained by their agents in Philippines to give model answers. Instead of just asking "do you have experience looking after baby" which they will only answer yes, try also asking "what are the things that you have to do for the baby under your care before". If she says she cooks for the baby, you can ask "what type of baby food have you cooked before". Or you can ask "Tell me what are the things that you did for your previous employer" and then drill down a bit to test her. If she can explain well in details then likely she really knows her stuff. This will also assess whether she can understand/communicate well. I interviewed 2 and they don't even understand what I'm asking and these are no no for me since this will mean that we'll have communication problems. Other qns can be like who will look after her children when she comes over (to avoid her worrying over her children and then become distracted), her reason for leaving last employment (if due to can't get along with other maids then I feel it may be her own attitude problem).

I feel you should also let the maid know during the interview what will be her responsibilities and highlight things (if applicable) like size of your house/family, she has to work with other maids or if you need the maid to sleep with your baby becoz some maids are not willing to work for big house/family or sleep with the baby.

I'm quite satisfied with my helper so far *keep my fingers crossed* because she speaks well, learns fast and is quite initiative. I prepared a schedule on the things she has to do for the baby everyday. Then I only showed her once how to use the steriliser, avent blender/slow cooker to cook the baby food as well as the things she needs to prepare for baby's bath. The next day she's able to do all these by herself. Like today...I just left the bag that I used for bringing to Sharon's swim class in the baby's room. After a while, I told her that we need to pack the swimming stuffs but she told me it's all packed.
