(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

winnie, I bought 1 box but I don't go in with her cos I was thinking if I go in with her, she will get used to me in there with her then lagi won't stay in there herself! but now she still won't stay in there herself lah. I may put my dog in there with her.........but that will really scare my poor dog ;(

Thanks lamagier! The puffs are such a staple I need to stock up!! She was so cranky ytd, struggling to fall asleep. The pacifier didn't help, a bottle of warm milk didn't help. In the end, in desperation, I gave her a puff and she quietened down, then a second puff, by the third puff, she fell asleep!!! So, I need to stock up!!! haha
i had hard time making amanda accept FM too when i stop tbf at 5 mths. now she's used to it liao. in fact, she craves for milk leh cos i don't give her milk during lunch n dinner. when she sees the milk bottle especially at night before sleep, she goes very kan cheong. LOL. when they r hungry, they will drink.

to add to Lamagier's list. I was at Vitakids Paragon yest and saw them selling at $7.30.
Thanks bbethan, I've gone and ordered already
wah, the thread is moving real fast.

4 puffs, better get from ntuc (when on discount, think promo now till end mar, if i dun remember wrongly), prices r the cheapest. BP prices r listed cheaper but when you add in shipping costs, it cost as much as ntuc price without discount

think i saw it at taka babyfair tis pm, the play-yard you're asking, u can check it out

re: haenim play-yard
bon only stays in it when someone keeps him company inside, sigh. he seems to find it a thrill crawling in and out of it when we leave the door open. otherwise, if we close the door, after a while, he'll realise tt he's being locked up & start to make noise

re: teething
dunno if there r any hard or fast rule how fast the teeth come out. bon's 1st 4 teeth (2 top, 2 below) like came out not long only, now i can see #5 to #8 out as well, goodness. no good, cos giving him mild diarrhoea =(

re: porridge
tis porride cooking biz like serious stuff ya. i haven't start! bon only starts porridge 2 days ago at ifc. juz bgt a mini slow cooker from carrefour, $12.90. should try it over the weekend =)

re: mat
we also cheapo bgt one from hwa xia (put alphabet mat below it in the living rm). seems 2b ok cushioning falls so far BUT it already has a few cracks from the constant cleaning. seriously thinking of getting a LG one now ...

re: baby signing
yes yes, i'm keen as well. can some mummies advise how to start?
yuli: welcome back, how was A's first trip?

Baby signing: I started doing this with #1 when she was about 6 months old. Start off with 1 or 2 signs, common words that you use often. We did "milk" and "eat" Each time its time for a feed, I would say " do you want your milk?" and sign milk at the same time. She made her first sign at 10 months and from there I slowly increased the number of words. She never signed whole sentences , she just did key words which were very useful in communicating with us her needs. I think she dropped her signs when she turned 2 and could form a 3 word sentence. But ever so often she does make one or two signs and she understands if I sign to her as well. I've just started signing "milk" to Max and still waiting for him to make his first sign. There are books you can buy which teach you how to start.
re cooking porridge over slow cooker
if i buy a bigger one (not the smallest) n cook porridge enuf for just 4 meals, will it dry up easily n get burnt?
Wow. I wish I can lure MR to sleep quietly with puffs too.

The horrible girl has been encroaching my bed after she started her teething crankiness at 7 month. Now refusing scram back to her own cot...
and tries to help herself to milk at night by tugging my shirt and trying to climb onto me. Persistant bugger pretty strong, push her away she bounces right back.

Are you able to make Joie get used to sleeping in her own bed yet? Need advice on how to make baby go back to her own bed
oh... she's cute n clever to help herself but not cute on u... keke... that's the cons on latching at night.

pls try to get them to sleep on their own bed/cot if possible n don't be tempted to let them co sleep unless u don't mind having difficulty kicking off the habit later on. i made a mistake to let #1 sleep wif us when Amanda came along. he was fine in his own cot n decide to let him sleep wif us while amanda takes over the cot for fear of squashing her in btw us. now he refuse to sleep on his own... not even on the mattress beside our bed.

having said that, i'm been procastinating letting amanda learn to sleep in the cot too. she's still in the sarong even at night.
Wow! Thread moving fast today!

Yuli - I also want to do signing! We learn together? LOL!

I saw on the post that your asked her about shipping costs. I also asked her but no reply. I can't post in that forum, so did she reply to you? Am afraid that the shipping will be quite ex and then not worth it.

Cereal: You mean must finish so quickly??? I just close it with the plastic cover that it comes with and keep it in the cupboard! I didn't even bother looking for bugs! Arghs!
thanx yuli edna is better (i tink) but she seem to hav sore throat now... lookin fwd for u and A to join us at forum leh!!!

i did the MILK sign w edna since birth.. i stop doing it for the past 2 months.. but past 3 weeks she been doing the MILK sign when i was feeding her cereal... i duno if she is askin for milk or jus signing for fun

haha u knw i was tinkin hw come u suddenly sing otherwise w mi bout the play mat LOL that y i kept quiet

yes my sis encoutner once bout the bugs in the HT cereal.. but she say tat pack came fr malaysia! LOL
jus to update u on the pear drink
jus now met nephew.. he was coughing like mad (even woke up fr his nap cos of the cough)so we gave him the pear drink .. and off we went shopping..for the nxt 2 hours din hear him cough leh.. seems effective!!!!!
playmat: I'm quite happy with my foam mat from early learning center because that's the only one with nice pics and match my girl room's color's scheme. mummies, don't you think it's too late to buy mat now? in few second your baby will be crawling out of it already. just like TJE said, 2 rolls then out already. unless you bought the mat that can cover the WHOLE room like what my gf did. unless you plan to have another one then it's worth it.

hbb, yeah then you don't need a p/t la...hahah...i think she will stress you more.I'm so headache now. she speaks to me with no respect at all. I really cannot tahan to kick her out. first time she came, very guai, said want to save some money for her kids and bla bla bla. now, she really not appreciative that I treat her very good from the beginning. I never scold ppl one u know..they only want to complain what the employer never give them. I think she will regret next time cannot find the good employer like me.

Signing: My 2 cents worth - if just do a bit of signing like common ones I think it is alright but if you do take up a course to sign, there are 2 school of thoughts. I think a bit of it is fine as long as not over reliant.

(For): Learning to sign is good as if allows your child to communicate her/his wants and needs at an early age and improves communcation and bonding.

Against: Although it improves communication, as the child grows older, some may over really on it and speech may be delayed. I have 2 friends' kids who are so good at signing, they refuse to speak till around 4-5yrs old. Also they can only communicate with people who knows how to sign so it somehow limits communcation and sometimes frustrate the child.

If you are really interested, there is this programme called "Fast Track Signing" for baby that has just been introduced in Singapore
BbEthan, Lina,
thanks for the info.

thanks! Oh the haenim is really small? So you paid $129 for 3 panels?

I think I can fit the valco one in her room. hmm actually I just want to block her from crawling out of her room. I don't have a door to her room, and a safety gate is not wide enough to close the gap. Right now, blocking her exit with her toys. I was a bit skeptical about getting a play yard, cos feedback I have is that it lasts as long as the child is willing and able to stay in it.

She has been sleeping in her cot from the beginning after my confinement. But lately cos of her sleep regression with her new found mobility, I have resorted to clamping her in my bed, or even letting her get tired on the playmat. Yesterday night, she was up to her same old, refusing to sleep after she got sleepy in my arms, so I left her in her cot, and switch off all the lights in the house. She cry lar, but not for help kind of cry, more like angry I left her inside. 20mins later, she got tired of complaining and went to sleep. I already fed her, change her before she feel sleepy in my arms, so I don't think it's hunger or cleanliness keeping her up. Yes, Joie used to complain and refuse to sleep when newborn if she feels filthy in her diaper. So yar, have to resort to cry method to make her sleep now. But now I guess I'm not too worried like when newborn cos she & I know what her needs and wants are like now. I almost moved the cot back into the master bedroom, lucky didn't fall bait, waste my effort of making her more independent.
Sam: how about getting extensions for the safety gate? Will that fit the doorway of her room? I do agree that most kids don't enjoy being enclosed in the play yard. I use mine to fence off the DVD players and tv area. The kids have free rein to explore the rest of the house besides the kitchen area. When Ally was younger, we sectioned off half of the living room for her to explore. She would stay in her area long enough for me to do housework or cook.
can i jus check.. if its a MUSt to have the p/t helper comes in at the same time n day every week?cani get them to come in like every mth or every 2 to 3 week once???

Can. :)

Once every 2 weeks, once a month, every week, whatever - can. :)

If you really want ad-hoc, random basis, try Amahs on Wheels? Dunno if they are good or not, but as they are an agency, it might be more ex?

And since you prefer that she comes at night, what about a timing like 5 - 9? So that it won't be too late for her to go back home?
realy huh?!?! ok cos i tot once a while i might jus wan hav a party or wat sort w the kids.. lazy to clean up.... LOL
or mayb get her to bbsit edna while i cook sth delish
ok i will ask u again bout this when i see u hehee..
jenifur replied the below with regards to the final prices for the first batch of her spree(includes shipping & dunno what base charge)

Cereal = S$8.11/tin
Puffs = $6.51/tin
Melts = 5.85/pkt
So her prices are very good then!?! OK, set, am going to order!
Y is down to his last cereal tin and at the rate I'm stuffing him with puffs to shut him up sometimes, I'd better have another one or two ready! Hahahaha.

BTW, does anyone know of "portable" baby chairs like the "sack n seat"? Beside this brand, are there any others? Am very interested in getting one....like esp when I go to a friend's place and there is no high chair and I don't have the stroller either...
ehh orange... its ok if u dun wan hor.. hehe
i haven got chance to use it leh.. and i tink forget it lor hahahaaaa and i dun tink i will hav #2 LOL
bring for u try try lor dun wan nvm LOL
LOL!! OK, if I haven't let Y try it by the time next we are going to meet, then can u pls bring to let him try and let me see colour. I was thinking more of blue instead....but wait!! what if you change your mind about #2?!?!?! LOL!!

I need to ask about cooking porridge, I will try T on porridge this weekend (if I'm not too lazy).
Hubby insists on buying broken rice to cook smoother porridge faster.
Anyone have experience with cooking broken ric for baby porridge? Is it really faster?
Yes broken rice books faster. I was told that cantonese porridge uses various rice like new, and broken rice to make their porridge nice and smooth.

Though i have not start XR on porridge yet. For my #1 i do add organic millet to the short grain rice to cook the porridge. I take millet too.
mashy, I will ask my hb agreement first to buy the jeep. I will pm you when he's ok. I'm contemplating to buy the little tikes one because it's more compact & easier to manueveur for little toddler. I'm worried my son will speed on it. your jeep require battery, right? if finish then how to change? any chance to lower the price? hehehe.

muffingal, korean pounds the rice grain first as to make it softer then cook into porridge. but if you use pressure cooker like hbb or slow cooker, the texture is smooth enough already.

hbb, ya lor. I will change her definetly. want to take the transfer one used by my church friends, but she's only available in 2 mths. haiz. dunno whether I can tahan or not. but my hb said, even if we bring in fresh/new maid will take more or less about 1 mth for the process and plus we still need to train them ourselves about another 3 mths. so to wait 2 mths is actually makes sense. just got to bear with her for longer more.
u can use normal rice, soak in water for at least 15mins, then before cooking, break the rice grains into smaller bits with yr fingers. cooks very fast and is fine enough for the little ones to start off with.
Chiyojade: I have a phil and teds me too chair which we bought for Ally and now use for Max. http://www.philandteds.com/upload/index.php/feed/60

We bought it mainly because we didn't like the quality of the high chairs in restaurants. Many places use the Ikea high chair which is fine, but a lot of them have broken straps or don't even have straps! We leave the chair in the car since it folds down very compact and just throw it in the pram basket when we go out. It puts the kid right at the table which they love. We take it overseas since we never know how child friendly some places are.
Jillian - I just saw a mum using that phil and teds chair, I thot it was really cool. Agree that many restaurants don't maintain their high chairs properly. Thanks for the welcome back, A was very good on the flight - I was very relieved
Thanks info on baby signing. Will find out more from you when we meet

poohbear - yes, I would like to teach her a couple of signs as opposed to signing full sentences. Maybe key words like milk, more, pain, pee, poo, thank you and please! Will check out the link you posted, thanks!
Yah, small lehs, dat's why initially wanted to find a fren to share... hMmm... 4 panels lehs, 1 activity panel, 1 door & 2 plain ones. Oh yah! Ytd i saw BP haf lehs!

So sleepy, i've been scolding & beating Shanna for 2 nights already, sooo sooo sooooooo difficult to get her to slp at night! Haiz...
are the screws secure?
hv u ever been to Sakae where they hv baby seats that look something like that but more flimsy type? u know those are so dangerous... amanda ever kicked herself and the whole chair flew out from the table. luckily we caught her in time.

Sakae's baby seats are really dangerous. they hv another type which is place on top of the sofas. very plastic type. also not safe cos when baby rock front and back, the whole chair can tilt off the sofa. think it's also the restaurant's design that are not baby chair safe.
RE: Bumper mats
No one can match my goondoo-ness for this. I bot without any research. Got mine from First Few Years. Parklon 12mm 100cmx140cm $109. Hubby insisted no need so big and end up it's super small after putting the toys and Cheeky bon bon bf pillow. Now I want to buy a bigger one. Anyone saw the ones Tiny Toons selling? They also hv Parklon brand quality not as superior as BP ones. Saw the Hello Kitty design so cute.

XY started to crawl ytd. 5 days before 8 months. I'm so happy
thanks for the suggestion. Now that you mentioned it, I measured the doorway, it's 1.25m wide, gotta see if there are any safety gate that can extend that wide and still have a grip, though I think chances are pretty low, cos one side is a glass panel, probably won't find something that can keep a stable grip without damaging the panel.

yar Sakae's baby chair is actually like a booster seat, it's foldable, almost feel like something you get out of daiso. I don't eat easy when I have her in it. Halfway, I put her back into her stroller.
the Parklon ones at tiny toon is the lower-end variety when I 1st saw it, the edge is sealed with bias, rather than machine-sealed like the BP ones, thought that grime can get stuck the edge. Don't know if they are selling better variety now. hehe, like some tag line I saw on TV, same same but not same.
Hi ladies,
I have not been posting for age liao :p. Some of the mummies might not know me. Anyway I have a tin of 400g Mamex gold step 2 (expiry date 9 Sep 2011) and a tin of 900g Frisogold step 2 (expiry date 5 Jun 2011) to give away. Pls let me know if you are interested.
Hi Mummies,

I have Avent pre-sterilizes disposable liners / milk bags to let go, please ping me if you are interested. Each box comes with 100 x 8oz / 240ml. This is specially designed for the Avent disposable nurser.

Have decided to stop breastfeeding so still have a number of bags at home.
