(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

edna is lucky to have such a creative mummy =) i would never have thought of capsicum

bon ... starting to have bad heat rash after the false measles clear, doc said could b a result of the viral fever. he has nappy rash as well, after fin the course of antibiotics (the same thing happened 2+ months ago when he took the same antibiotics). aiyo, tis boy always has some sort of rash, bad skin like daddy =(

yup, puff i ordered. shipping costs quite high, end up more exp than ntuc when they hv promo.


what veg are u steaming? For non leafy ones, I don't put water. For green leafy veg & broccoli, I will blanch rather than steam coz steam always tend to overcook it.
Lina, have to put sun block, cos bb get burn very easily, and if bb has little hair like Kaelem, you want to apply on his head too!!! Not forgetting the tip of the ears!

RE: Capsicum
I am a fan although it always make me bloat. I did the same like HBB, and I was afraid K will reject, so I add very little in each feed. He did not reject. BUT HE STILL HATES BEET ROOT!!!

RE: Melts
K loves sour food, so I plan to order for him..
Wow! So many things to catch up on and read. Haven't been logging in as have been super busy as my grandma just went for surgery so have been in and out of the hospital!

Hope Edna gets well soon! How stressful it must have been - first day of school, rain, no taxi, etc, etc!!! Jia lat.

Thanks for the link for the melts. Will go and check it out. Did you go to Wild Rocket? We went to Relish on Sun and I thought of all of you who mentioned it! ;-P

Yes, the cranberry juice is for UTI, but poohbear75 gave it to her daughter (not really diagnosed with UTI) who had LS and it helped to stop it as well.

It's actually been medically proven that it's very good to take Chicken soup for colds/the flu. :)

If you using wok to stem, put water in wok, wait till it boils, then put veg (on bowl/plate) and stem till cooked....the plate is on a stand...at least that's what I do if I'm not using the Avent Steamer/Blender.

Re sunscreen:
I always apply for baby, because no sun doesn't mean no UV and since he has half of my dh's kind of skin, better put! I also put on his head if he isn't wearing a hat - he doesn't have a full head of hair yet - because my dh has been sunburnt on the head before!

Why don't you try giving him cranberry juice? It helps UTI....my PD recommended it for my bb.

I am also a strictly NO seasonings person. I don't even cook with salt, but I have it aside for guests. I don't think it's a good idea to cook with seasonings. Even my PD is against cheese except cottage cheese as cheese in general has too much salt in it.

BTW, just wanted to share a story with you. My uncle's neighbour's son, or his friend's son, or whatever, friend of a friend...anyway, point is...the father woke up in the middle of the night and tripped over his child's toy. He knocked his head on the wall when he fell and his head also got flung back and affected the spine.
He went to a hospital, but they said that eh was OK and wanted to send him on his way, however, he insisted and to cut a long story short, he ended up going for surgery (which was in the tens of thousands of dollars - which goes to show how serious it was) and now he is suing the hospital and he has yet to regain full mobility of some of his muscles. :-( Poor thing. And he's in his early 30s. SO PLEASE put all toys away after playing. So scary.
Chiyojade, I think he will, only concern I have is the sugar they add in their diet..
Now mommy's salivating..

Sorry to hear about the friend of a friend's incidents. Hope he regain his health soon! My reason of keeping the toys every night after K goes to bed wasnt for safety but aesthetic (now I think it make better sense beside looking good). And it makes me feel other than the big bb's furniture/ toy, I am still in control of my life.
I usually limit his toys to the living room and his room. And I leave the light at the entrance as it provides a reasonably good view of the apt for us in the night.
chiyojade.. ya manz it stressful indeed.. so bad that i made myself a cup of tea to drink beforemy dh reach home to pick us... and my battery level lasted till now LOL

wish ur granny speedy recovery!
Chiyojade: Hope your granny recovers quickly. And thanks for the reminder about putting toys away. You really never know! Luckily the kid's toys are confined in the playroom.

Hbb: Poor Edna, hope she gets well soon. How was JG? Are there a lot of kids in her class?
Edna enjoyed JG!
in fact winnie(the teacher) said that its amazing she can participate fully w/o even making noise apart from squirking away at her age. and she miss her morning nap not forgettign she woke up super early to cry for some reason or another (mayb she wasnt well by then and i din know) she is the youngest in class! so alot of thg she is still v v green... i see her fella classmate can do all the actions n etc.. so cute!!! i tink thr was like 12 or 14 kiddos in class! i din count hahaa
The FDA says that an independent U.S. academic research team discovered genetic material from the porcine circovirus 1 (PVC1) in Rotarix. The FDA then confirmed through it’s own tests that extraneous viral DNA was in Rotarix. However, the virus is not known to cause illness in humans, the FDA stated.

Rotarix is an oral vaccine given to infants six weeks or older to prevent rotavirus, which can cause vomiting, diarrhea and fever. Most adults are protected against rotavirus due to immunities acquired during childhood, and it is generally considered to be most dangerous among children two years old and younger.

The first rotavirus vaccine, Merck & Co.’s RotaTeq, was approved in 2006, and GlaxoSmithKline’s Rotarix was approved in 2008. About 55,000 children were hospitalized annually in the United States due to rotavirus before the vaccinations began.
kim her classmates are near 1 yr old at least. most are about 14 mths n so on but they r odl bid lar.. they been thr for more than 1 term liao
After ytd's telephone conversation with my dad (which I assume he must hv been talking behind my back to his maid), I thought everything is fine and he won't add those seasoning to XY's food. So today I brought XY over at abt 3pm and left her with dad while I went out for a little "me" time.

Reached home ard 630pm. The maid was feeding XY. Ok, fine. I keep quiet. I thought it was porridge. Then they said is guo tiao. Still fine. I saw some gravy or soupy thing. Still fine. Guo tiao soup is fine to me. Then I saw dark brown so I questioned the maid. Ask her she put black sauce is it? Then my dad answered: OYSTER SAUCE!!!!!!!! Can imagine my anger? Then he emphasised is vegetarian kind. Wa lao I feel like shouting. Why I didn't bring XY's dinner cuz dad said he will make porridge for her so not very nice of me to die die bring her dinner right? Who knows this is the kind of thing he do. I tried hard to control myself but really cannot lor. Although I very tone down but I think still very hurting to an elderly. Then shortly I think they stopped feeding her and dad ate up everything himself. Is it my fault? Did I want to raise my voice with him? From porridge suddenly change to hor fun and didn't inform me. Don't know what to say really!! Ok I have to admit I do not skip seasoning totally. I do add a bit of miso or light soy sauce sometimes. Just a little. Ytd's pork rib/old cucumber soup I add 1 teaspoon salt for 2.5litres soup and scooped out a small portion for XY and added a bit more salt or hubby and me. I believe such little qty won't be that bad. But my dad give her oily and oyster sauce. Ah... then I told hubby when on the way home (cannot bring to say it at my dad place), he said is ok since not everyday eat can't be that bad but the thing is I already said clearly and he can still do it. Oyster sauce! I really can't believe it. I rem my late mum always told me if I wanna let ppl (eg. her) to look after my baby then cannot be picky. Must accept the way ppl do things. That is the whole reason why I gave up my 50k annual income to be a sahm and what happened? Still kana right?

Anyway after dinner, dad went to cook Tang Yuan in peanut soup for all and I told him XY cannot eat peanut. He said no not for her. Then later on the maid ask why nv give XY i said no peanuts for her and my dad did a strange expression. I'm sure they will talk behind my back again after I leave. So I went ahead to tell my dad no egg white (yes, I do give yolk to XY) and peanuts for 1st year at least. He just keep quiet. He always keeps quiet except for ytd when he rebuke me "No wonder she don't eat la. Your cooking is tasteless."

Wa cannot stand it say him like I'm very niao and rude. But also cannot don't say.
Feeling really sucky now. My dad dotes on XY sooo much. Ya first grandchild and with my mum not around he's sure very lonely.

Today the maid even show me dad bot mamy poko pull ups so I don't hv to bring spare diapers when I go over. Feel like crap.
Hey Josephine,
Never mind. Rant, rant and let it out of your system and it will make you feel better.

I actually agree with the "you let people look after your child, cannot be picky"....but at the same time, if they are feeding things that you don't want, I think you should try to find a time when you are calm and up to it to tell your dad v nicely why we cannot feed all those things. We need to give them a reason, etc, etc so maybe you can try to sit down with him and let him ask you all questions possible and you explain everything to him.

In the beginning, my mom kept saying things like you should do this and that and finally, one day, I took her to the PD with me and let her ask the PD all the questions she wanted and then she was satisfied. This was in the beginning, bec my bb had breastfeeding jaundice, so it would be you should not eat this and that, etc...

Then when he started on solids, I took her along again and so she could ask why can eat this and not that. I was also to make her feel important - after all, they do want to be involved and one thing you must always tell yourself is that they LOVE your bb and don't want any harm to come to them, BUT sometimes, they are a different generation and don't know.

Some time back, I was very ill and one day I was so angry with my mother that I snapped at her very harshly. About an hour later, I felt really bad, so I apologised to her and said that I didn't mean to shout at her, BUT...and then I explained the situation and she was OK with it. So while I know how terrible you feel about being "nasty" to your dad, I also understand your frustration.

So rant, rant and let it out here. We will give you a listening ear! :) Hugs!
Josephine, I think your dad trying to make up, probably he doesnt know the diff you and I had in mind about seasoning.. U need to breathe, then take a good nite rest, sort it out tmrw.. Pray for you!
Yeah! I think Y also had that!!! Alamak...only one brand? Arghs!!!!
Didn't go to the link yet. What does the viral DNA do ...after all Y didn't have any side effects after his vaccines....
Chiyojade, 2 brands, RotaTaq and Rotarix.. and only the latter has found to be contaminated.. I hope all be well with babies who has taken Rotarix. I think I should call the Children's clinic tomorrow to find out.
Thanks mummies for actually taking the time to read my rants

I don't send XY to PD you see so everything I hv is by my own instinct, advice from other mummies and of course the internet.

I think in future better to bring my self made food to avoid such conflicts.

Chiyojade: I admit I did not sit down and tell my dad properly as he usually just keeps quiet whenever I tell him certain things. He already said once he raised all 3 children up also like that. Yes, he has a point. Just like ppl saying we drink fm also grow up like that so what's the big deal abt bf? Actually dh also has this thinking so he can't really be bothered and I'm the one doing all the work and worrying. I'm not all that strict with XY's diet at all. As mentioned before, I had problem with her eating cereal/puree so I tried many diff food for her. I am really fine with most things and my daily cooking is all the while low on salt and seasoning. So mild that dh often complains soup no taste, fried rice no taste. I prefer to keep it that way. Mild taste does not mean no taste. Whoever tells me no taste (usually dh) I usually reply: Go eat salt!

Ah... don't know what I'm talking also. Better go pump my last session and sleep.

Goodnight mummies :p
TJE: Max isn't gaining much weight either, going by guidelines, they should be gaining an average of 500g a month from now to 1 year. There are also other factors which contribute to their weight gain, you can read about it here http://www.askdrsears.com/html/2/T023600.asp

As for seasonings, I don't season the kids food with salt but I do know that my mom puts bovil in Ally's porridge. I don't mind since Ally eats out with us sometimes and is already exposed to seasonings.

With Max he has a taste of table food every now and then when he shows an interest.
edna din put on weight too..i rem u told me she lost weight..i went bk n weigh her...true enuff she lost weight.i duno y too. PD din mention nw weight gain will slow dn n height increase faster instead.bt i dn see her gettin taller...,

if u r ok to giv bovril by all means giv...it cant b worse than ssam fish rite? haha
i am tinking of giving edna egg yolk once a week aft she recover fr her cold
i totally can understand how you feel. my mum is somewhat like yr dad but luckily she knows her limit. during my #1 time, my boy also refused to eat porridge initially. she knows i'm unhappy if she puts in salt in the porridge. whenever i go over to her place, she always offer to help me cook so that i don't hv to prepare early in the morning. save me some effort & time which i appreciate so much. when i tasted i know she did put in some seasoning. she always claim she did not, instead is the sweetness from stock. ok... since i was going there just once a mth, i keep quiet abt it n remind her again n again no salt. the next time, i know she puts in but just a smaller qty. after constant nagging fr me, she stops doing it n only add stock. i can tell cos i can taste the difference. somehow they just stop after constant nagging. i try n go for no seasoning for 1st yr. only ok after 1yr but just a bit. even my #1, it's no seasoning all the way until 18mths then i introduce soya sauce into his porridge cos he starts to get picky over food. i'm going to apply the same to Amanda too. i feel a bit of soya sauce is still acceptable. but oyster sauce is a bit overboard for them now. yes... it's oily n v salty. guess u really need to explain calmly to yr dad abt the health issue esp when they r below 1 yr old. they may seem ok now but things will accumulated over time n prob only shows up later. most impt must also stress to him that you appreciate his effort in all the cooking n all other stuff. makes him feel a bit happy too... haha.. must be political too.

i tried bovril n marmite before. bovril not so salty esp the chicken ones compared with the red cap bovril. during ethan's time, he also refused porridge all the way till he's 9mths old. i was also desperate to make him eat too. someone told me they add bovril in. i tried n he ate leh. i continue until he shows sign of accepting n i stopped n continue with the normal porridge. do what u think u r comfortable wif. bovril is my last resort when he starts being picky.

Amanda took the Rotarex... is it RotaTaq?
I think MOH will issue any notice if found contamination right?

re egg yolk
how do u feed?
can smash n put into porridge? if smash n put into porridge, ok to leave it from morning to evening? i've yet to introduce to her.
Josephine, 'older generation' has diff way of feeding the baby. well, I think I was fed soya sauce too when I was baby. My mom even added cut chili padi! just inform them that this kind of seasoning is not good for their immature digestion system and they can just wait till the baby 1 yr old to explore more on tasty food.

TJE, I gave bovril when nigel turns 1 yr old. but it didn't really help, as in better appetite. but watching tv, yes. hehehe...that's y he's such a tv addict now. but I really couldn't think of other way. I thought tv is better then keep losing weight.

hbb, so did you manage to bring the tiger jar thingy to feed edna after the class? works?
Kim, my Naomi also keep 'skipping' her naps now. sometime the morning one, sometime the afternoon one. haiz. I guess they're more active now and wants to play instead of wasting the time by sleeping.
Naomi has new hobby now. while standing on her cot, she will let go of her hold on the railing and she manage to stand on herself without support for about 10sec, then she will fall down on her fleshy bum and she giggle and giggle.

bbethan, I put the egg yolk together with the veggie into the slow cooker about 5min before feeding. but I put the second portion (for the evening feed) into the fridge.

mashy, y cannot feed tofu? what is coagulant?
bbethan i intend to mix in e yolk before feed...if g out then mayb gotta mash in porridge n keep warm.bt i wun let it sit longer than 6hr in e porridge in thermal flask in case bacteria growth...i suppose cn put in box seperately?

haa haven try! gg to try later! bt kim say it works leh
I taste the melts. Banana Mango is the least sourish. Strawberry the most sour one. MR eats everything, though initially did scrunch up her nose when she first tasted the strawberry melts.

MOH says no need to panic for now... says the virus is benign, that's why I'm not calling up the PD to check, but I'll be keeping a lookout for more news

Your grany better?

Miss Edna's class seems so fun from her photo =) Wish I could send her to class too...
You know where do they get the edible non-toxic paint? Like bestberries, I'm also hoping can spend quality time with baby by doing 'arts project' with MR =p

I tried the Tiger jar to cook porridge for myself yesterday
Use umbrella brand rice, wash put into jar, added finely sliced carrots & seasoning, pour in boiling water. At 6.40am... Opened up the jar at 10.30am, about 75% of rice seems cooked. Open again at noon about 85% rice cooked, carrots fully cooked. So had 80% cooked porridge for lunch =(

Prob will either have to soak rice or cook over fire a while before pouring into the Tiger jar in order for it to be fully cooked
hbb, I'm so worried Naomi will follow her kor kor step. in terms of gross motor skill, she's exactly like him. crawling at 6, stand up at 7 and so on. which means climbing up the window railing to the ceiling when 11 mths. oh no.
but def she's 'better' in food intake but Nigel seems better in the 'brainy' side. he could finish A4 size puzzle when he was 1 yr old because he started to play on 7mths. but Naomi just show interest in chewing the pieces.hehehe

lamagier, I'm a big fan of crayola. I bought every different types of markers, paints, crayon, etc. washable and non toxic. I'm so happy. Ive just karong gunni an art board (one side is black board and the other side is white board and have hooks for the paper roll) from Melissa and Doug. http://images.google.com.sg/imglanding?q=melissa%20and%20doug%20art%20board&imgurl=http://www.shopaholic.bm/img/products/medium/1251151723melissa-doug-standing-art-easel.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.shopaholic.bm/product/2708-melissa-doug-standing-art-easel&usg=__EA6csffDgw2Wc-2cNAWr3_HBxvU=&h=400&w=430&sz=52&hl=en&itbs=1&tbnid=BWBQ_Wkq407e-M:&tbnh=117&tbnw=126&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmelissa%2Band%2Bdoug%2Bart%2Bboard%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&sa=G&gbv=2&tbs=isch:1&start=0#tbnid=BWBQ_Wkq407e-M&start=1
apparently some moving ang-moh had thrown in away in the basement carpark. I feel so lucky to have found it. Complete with the paints holder etc! Now headache on where to put it liao. I quickly bought some color chalks and roll paper from ikea and install it.
RE: Rotarix
our health dept say no implication to our bb's health, according to the Chinese news last night. I have yet to read today's neswpaper.
Thanks Lamagier for the link, I save calling the PD office too, guess they are busier by the calls today too!

Jillian, I guess if the bb is more active crawling around (in future walking or running) then the weight will drop and probably gain very slowly too. As far as my PD mentioned before K will start to shed abit of weight when he starts crawling, which is now.

RE: Egg Yolk
I boil the whole egg, then take out the yolk to feed, I only tried yesterday with less than 1/8 of the yolk. The first time he had yolk was when I make him French toasts for b/fast.

RE: SEasoning
When I feed K with food from the hawker centre, I know I can't avoid seasoning in the dish, but I select what is to be fed. At home, I dun add seasoning to his food, however hb will feed him little of our food (which also has very little seasoning).

ETirto, I think in future, K will know who he can take to go roller-coastering!

Yesterday, he was so quick I think he ate my cat's food!!! Thank God he did not have any xxx...
Today he did 2 new thing.. Finally can wave good bye, and call Nai-nai!
lamagier..mayb cn try e weekend class?
i will ask e teacher nxt rnd whr to get e pant..e paint seems v thick leh...if u wan do at hm u better get a mess mat! else the beautifl marble floorin sure get stain!

eh i tink e jar..is meant to cook rice onli..nt vege n etc.addin raw vege into it will hinder e cookin process...nt sure if im rite.... bt makes sense rite?
Yeah, I heard that crayola is not bad. There is also a shop in Holland V that sells kids' stuff and they have non-toxic organic paint - i.e. all made from plants (e.g. beetroot for red), etc, etc...can check that out if you are in the area.

My gran is in ICU now. Will have to wait for next few days to see how it goes...

Etirto! So lucky to have found the easel! :)

I also do let Y try food from outside - actually, it's more like family lets him try food from outside. So he has tried ice cream, kueh lapis, dunno what else and and OR NEE!!!! But I think he ate a bit too much of that and that was when he had his LS spell (dunno if because of that) after that...but it was my grandma who fed him and she was sooo happy to do so, so I didn't want to stop her...
its spring onion hehe....i wan eat dokbokki! arghhhhh nw u remind mme...my lunch shall b kimchi pancake... yay!
jus dump e rice into e jar to cook w e wolfberries......lets start timing nw
arghhhh...hbb how can you remind me of dokbokki!eh let me know the recipe le, I lazy to google. does it use the red pepper sauce?

lamagier, apparently, there was just ended bp for melissa and doug product. they have paint too. hmmm...I'm going to buy more paints and stuff. the shop at Holland V must be expensive one la. Otherwise I have swept the shop already.hehehe
this is the link to the BP. may be it will start again..http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=4341142&id=231122448221
etirto...yes red pepper sauce w some corn syrup...chili powder... some beef stock... then jus add in watever u wan.i like mine w tung myon (e glass noodle) w loads of enoki mushroom, yong tau fu stuff and meat balls!

hope ur granny is better. Thanks for your reply. I tried to find cranberry juice for him, but not sure which brand to buy or should buy the syrup form. end up i bought the celebres brand ar, apple plus cranberry juice....WHat brand do you buy anyway?

Does Yann urinate a lot? How often was his diaper damp?


U bringing edna to class? what class is she attending? U mean daily classes?

I understand you ladies have attended the JWT trial before right? Do you happen to know of the courses available for our babies who are just coming to 9mths? THought of bringing my boy to class, want him to learn more stuff and be more interactive. Happen to know the charges too?

chiyojade, oh dear, hope your granny is fine. I must have missed the post.

hbb, but how about the rice rolls and where to get corn syrup? is it the bottled one, like maple syrup kind? my ex-boss wife restaurant makes so called the best rice cakes in singapore (according to koreans). it's aunty kim's restaurant at upper thomson. used to go to this restaurant but nowadays seldom go there because I no need to pay. paiseh la.
not daily lar.. if i sen dher daily i will die of exhaustion..jus sent her to play nest class at forum for fun nia.

wat rice roll? kimbap? or umean the dobokki roll?
the corn syrup can get fr korean shop.. yes its in a bottle!
ur ex boss wife is aunty kim? wooooah i wanna go n try! whr in upp thomson?
