(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

I can understand. My grandma passed away when I was 6 months preggers, but she was plagued by dementia. Just always feel regrets that she never got to see my girl. And that my family didn't allow me to go to her death bed (she was slipping away so the extended family keep vigil by he bedside) cos of superstition

Glad that your granny is better now. Good luck with your TTC. Hmmm...maybe I should also start my engine soon haha...
I think soemthing was not right in the thread this evening, couldn't send my post until 7+.. makes me so unhappy, then so tired, and decided not to cook, asked hb to tp food, and he was still not home at 9:30, so hungry, I ate 2 tougan.. bad evening, now still upset with hb cos he waited for me to go to bed and I decided to 耍脾气so he went to bed w/o me!!! *arrrrgh!**

Thanks Lamagier, Sam, Chiyojade & HBB for mat info.

Chiyojade, praise God she is well. I also pray that she'll live to see more grandbabies!! My grandma lived till 102, so yours can too!!

I have found one I quite like, but of course I did not ask questions as specific as yours. I find her a bit expensive but I am willing to pay. That also means I am not going thru agency. I am trying to draft out a contract and send to her before I get her to come, however, I am not sure what should be covered. I read the link posted last night, and it is quite informative, but I need something more specific.
Would you mind sending me a copy of yours? You need not incl the figures cos I have a rough idea of how much I will pay her.
sigh... tis few days e4 letter word MAID keep comin to my head..tink im tired out...bt i haven gt a place for maid to slp..so i noe its impossible! keep askin myself do i really need a maid? arghhh
maybe just get part time help??
If not up to your standard of cleaning (LOL!), then ask her to do other stuff - ironing, washing up, etc, etc....or maybe a babysitter?

How's E???
HBB, somedays I tell myself I dun, sometimes (like this evening) I told myself I need.. And I think the first thing my helper has to do when she comes is to make my guest room livable for herself... hahahaha... I agree with Chiyojade about the level of clean u require.. *smile*
BTW, I forgot to add: Thanks to everyone for your "well wishes" for my grandma and my TTC! :)

Kim, I also want her to live to 102!! So cool! Plus I get to eat her yummy food.
La Girafe,
That your helper has so much initiative is really good!!! I likeS! And then she learns so quickly!!! That's great! You're happy, she's also happy. :)
tat e thg..some days i tink i dn wn 1 sme days i wan! i noe for sure she cant live up to my dh expectationin terms of cleanliness.scary keep makin her clean n clean same spot LOL...reminds me of army area cleaning hahaa....
ironin- i haven gt much to iron! mayb jus 1 set of
clothes per week.
cookin- i prefer to cook myself since tats my hobby...jus need her wash up e stuff n mop floor...aft cooking
laundry- e washer does e job

den how?arghh p/t dn snds ok since hard to get them come at nite aft i cook rite?

so whn i tink i wan a helper i keep tellin myself no space for her to slp!
edna wascranky whole day if im out of her sight..haiz..her runny nose is an on off thgy....n i was sleepy whole day!n nw i cant slp!!
HBB, I think princess Edna is teething.. PD also said K isn;t showing sign of teething a couple fo weeks before his 4 mth. Then 3 days after he turned 4mths, the pearlies were under the gum, and few days later, cut out.. He also have dripping nose on and off before the pearlies appeared.

K's #7 is out and now the #8 also showing under the gum.. I suspect it'll be another 2 days and both will be out to meet us.
Gina, I was told Parklon is less durable than LG, and it creases more easily too.. If only I had triplets, all the money spent will be well worth it! Sigh!

I better go tidoh now..
Gina, That's what the WOK said, quote here:

Difference between LG & Parklon baby playmats
Parklon Green mats are softer & hence more prone to creaselines (which will take more time to settle down / fade off). LG baby playmats are more premium in quality, firmer and also better for baby's back as they are still developing. LG also has the Asobang series, which is 18mm thick, providing extra cushioning for your baby.

Some mummies who have used both the LG & Parklon baby playmats had feedbacked that as the Parklon baby playmats are much softer, they are worried if it is able to shield / cushion the baby from knocks when the baby fall onto the Parklon playmat.

The embossing pattern on the LG playmat is very unique which provide a quality finish and increased durability. Parklon has recently changed its embossing patterns to catch up with the LG playmat quality but it is still inferior as compared to LG playmat, which explains why the price difference.

Both LG and Parklon playmats are made in Korea.

Difference between LG Prime & LG Asobang
The Prime range is the series of baby playmat developed by LG. It comes in different sizes and thicknesses. It has been scientifically proven safe and is also an environment-friendly mat. It is not only a playroom mat, but also provides the baby with educational tools (numbers, pictures, alphabets, etc.). The vibrant and diverse colors are helpful for baby's visual and emotional development.

The Asobang range is very similar to the Prime range, but it comes only in one size (2100*1400mm) and one thickness (18mm). It is also the only 3-layered playmat that comes with noise absorption. Unlike other playmats with only 2 layers, the Asobang playmat has an additional layer of unique cushion system that dramatically absorbs and reduces any noise production by everyday activity. The extra thickness will obviously provide baby with extra cushioning when he/she falls.
kim...qwaszreally?bt she is coughing a lil also..i do wish its wat u say! anyway jus play safe keep her at hm least he get secondary infection...she been burpin w puke for past 2 nites even before finishin e milk! 1st nite gotta chg bedsheet..2nd nite gotta chg clothes....
HBB, burping? hmm... wind in stomach?

Reason I think she is teething cos K was abit like this (but no burping and frequent waking in the night). And he lost some appetite during this time, although really no sign of teething. I got teething gel, only used once cos I thought he is having teething discomfort (when we were in USA and thought he was cutting the #3 & #4) but in the end, it wasn't.

I think bcos his teeth din want to stay under the gum too long like other bb so they popped in 3-7 days! The corner of his #8 already cut out this morning. Fast and I think also not as painful as other bb experienced.

I sincerely hope Edna and all other bbies have fast and painless teething!
erm... i've the parklon mat. Agree with Gina that it's a better and cheaper investment.

My gal fell numerous times on it already. No prob.
And it's only 12mm. She cries lah, but more coz of the shock. Of course the thicker the better lah. But for me, i think it's ok. The crease lines settled very quickly coz every week I'll fold it to clean the floor. Don't think the crease line is an issue.

imho, a thicker Parklon is better than a thin LG. :p So means, the thickness is the issue here, not the brand.
i've got the LG Prime 15mm ones. can be folded n keep in a rectangular bag. if u get the 18mm ones, u can only roll and i see it's quite big n bulky to carry around. get the biggest dimensions as possible. u won't hv regrets on it. i regret not getting the biggest one cos i chose the design over size :p
yes e sinseh did mention her tummy gt wind as usual.likely cos of bad digestion =(
she din cry at nite for 2 nites already.keep finger X.....
brewin e chuan bei pea for her now cos she realy snd like a toady...

re:play mat
yes get as big as possble.i regret nt tellin sis i will top up for a bigger one.cos its a gift fr her n i din wn herspend too much so i choose med parklon.regretted...cos i wish hav a bigger one like muffin gal have. now i got foam mats on efloor as well apart fr e parklon!!
n aso i wish for a LG cos the new parklon too much grid..if gt dirt...clean till siao lor..haiz..bt if u r nt particular bout e grid...parklon gd enuff la...like wat e rest tink..so long as cn cushion e fall its gd enuff....
Hi Mummies,

Cheap Huggies for Sale. Drop me a PM if interested,

Huggies ultra - $14.50 per pkt
Huggies pullups - $14.50 per pkt
Huggies comfort (red) - $15 per pkt
Huggies dry (blue) - $15 per pkt

Collection at Punggol/ Toa payoh (fri evenings & sun mornings) / Amk (prearranged) / Pasir Ris ( prearranged) / Science Centre (prearranged)
the chuan bei pear is for cough?? how to make?
my boy also starting to cough. better cure it fast before he spread to amanda. this morning just made the pork with cordyceps. ex manz!
Any mummies looking for safety gates can go kidsloft website have a look. Some going for 50% off

Re: Playmat
Yah, I also regret being cheapo and got a medium size one. Should have just whack and get the largest one. Very nice for afternoon naps and lazing around. More for me than MR =p
Not sure if LG better, but like HBB, cleaning the grids takes some effort. I usually kneel down with a hankie and a basin of water and start rubbing away...
And tomato sauce stains....(HBB, remember the pizza we got from Botanics? =p)
bbethan yes for cough
its gd for those ppl whose bdy cannot take liang stuff.. chuan bei pear is for nourishin the lungs. jus boil and then drink like plain water.. this is the other other 'foreign'thg i allow edna to drink

boil together"
8 rice bowl of water
2 'ya' pear skinned n cored
10 g chuan bei powder
15g nan xing
15g bei xin
65g figs aka wu hua guo

boil for 1 hour. and then can drink already.. i make tis so often i got a huge pack of all the ingredient in my fridge. cos my dh cough v easily and he cant take liang teh... so this is the onli alternative says the TCM
bbethan the ya li.. can buy fr ntuc or cold storage.. i ask the lady at the sinseh wat is ya li.. she say its the cheapest kind of pear in the market.. about 6 pc for bout $1.60-$1.90
not brown skin... its yellow skin!
yes no cough also can drink.. tat y very safe!

ic. the figs will giv additional nourishment.. u can try adding... 65g is about 6to7 pieces of figs
mashy is the jeep still available? where do you stay?

bbethan, I did it the old fashion way. u know...break the egg into 2, and 'swing' the yolk from 1 half shell to the other and in the same time the whites will separate and drop into the bowl. hmmm...dunno how to explain liao.sorry. but off coz may be a tiny bit of white comes together with the yolk.

hbb, may be get a part time maid? better, then you need to see her face the whole time and get fed up. you will see her face MORE then your hb face. so beware.hehehe...
I'm so pissed again with my maid. after the big arguments a few mths back, NOW i really decide that I cannot tahan want to change her already. she become more yaya now and now that she knows that I need her more. she got attitude problem from the beginning. when I remind her that things that haven't been done or dirty, she will give me black face.and she's damn lazy. she's too lazy to open the window or turn on the fan, one time she left naomi in her room when the weather is scorcing hot, then when I found her, she was soaked in sweat. poor gal. well, that is just 1 thing. the last one that made me really MAD was, my gf gave me 2 precious Indonesian snack that very seldom can find here. I put in the fridge. and the next morning it's gone! so jialat. somemore I'm so craving for it. she's so damn greedy le!!! she eats mh hb's peanuts, nigel food from the goodie bags (choc, candy and stuff!). she's snacking on instant noodle in the mid afternoon. and she got double of our own meal. e.g if my hb and I share 1 fish, then she will finish the whole fish by herself. siaoliao.
i know what u r trying to describe. cos i do that but was thinking sure will hv some white that goes with it.

time to get a new maid. my gf told me she never keeps one more than 2 yrs cos by then, they start to change n become more lazy n demands more. easier n better to get a new one n train from scratch to yr expectation.
ya i did tink of parttime but i cant tink of wat to let the p/t maid do leh... if u have coem to my hse.. ehh its generally pretty clean thou messy cos i got loads of stuff lying ard... i cant tink of thg liek wat scrubbing toilet (nothg to scrub).. then ask her to do wat? hang clothes?? hahaaa and i usualy onli cook in evening and thats when i need ppl to help most.. like watchign over edna.. washing up for mi aft i cook and mop the floor... i dun tink i can do cooking while p/t maid is ard rite?

smurfy from aug thread asked me to reserve for her but haven't heard from her since. I'll let u know if i dun hear from her today. I stay in AMK.
Wow ETirto, your helper sounds really 不客气. Better change. No point 忍气吞声 since you are paying her and she's not working foc leh. That's the reason why I can't bring myself to hire one. Same as HBB, I also don't know where to let her sleep. My 90sqm space too too small.

RE: Cereal
I've been mixing HT cereal into XY's milk for night feeds. Seems like can't finish within 28 days. Is it ok to keep givin till finish? I mix in only 1 tbsp for 1-2 feeds per day so very hard to finish within the stated period. I keep the cereal in the fridge btw. Any mummies hv this prob? For fm no choice I throw. Ya XY very anal abt fm so been thrown a few cans already. Now no more open and give her ebm fully.
josephine ehh i din knw must use within 28 days for the cerealleh (thou it nvr lasted more than 3 days in my hse haha)
but if u keep in air tight container in fridge i tink its fine lar
the FM can keep in fridge also rite then canlast longer!!
1 other thg is if i hav a maid everythg double cos i will lug her ard if i go out w edna rite? then means i need to pay for her transport and she will prob hav to eat wat i eat.. if i go eat expensive thg she also will hav to eat... tsktsk.. then i willgo bankrupt in no time..
black sesame
any idea if the babies can take black sesame now? tot if grinding them into powder and add to the porridge...
I think I've been through that process over a few times over the years of marriage, to find some one to fill the spot of keeping the house clean only when I couldn't find the energy and time to do it. Then after a while, when I get the rush things settled, I found that I got the time to do all these things that at that rush moment felt needed to be done all at the same time (that's when I feel like bursting and crying for help).

Just gotta push it to a time when I get to do it. Same here, I could possibly find the space to let a maid sleep if I want to, but I value my personal space and privacy too much, coupled with very little trust in foreign live-in help over the years when I was growing up, I find it more mental and emotional hassle. Maybe some day when I'm really desperate with too big a space to look after, I'll source one.

I do have an aunt who is manic about keeping things clean and neat, and gets ill over fussing about cleaning, and in the end now, she has reduced to using part-time cleaners to clean a 3-storey house and a basement. And she has been advised to keep a half-shut eye about it, cos it's never as perfect as doing it yourself.

lol, why need to bring the maid along when you go out? unless you need someone to man a second kiddo, like when you babysit your nephew, or got no trust to leave your house in the hands of a stranger hohoho...
yes tats hw i feel exactly like u say bout rushign to do thgs and then suddenly realise it can b doen by ourselves.. LOL

ehh if i keep the maid at home when i go out she prob got nothg to do... so might as well tag her alogn and so i can eat n peace w maid lookin aft the lil one? no way am i gg to put edna w the maid at home alone ... aft hw i see hw my ex maids take care of my siblings..phobia! and yes.. no trust for her to b alone at my hse in case she breaks my stuff hahahaaa.... i was tellin chiyojade i got no plstic wares at home apart fr the feeding bowls of edna... i tink end up my heart will skip a beat if maid do the washing for mi(i dun even allow my mum/sis wash my plates for mi)... haha so conclusion? i am not suitable to hire a maid?LOL

thanks for sharing more insights on how to choose a maid.

I'm using the agent my aunty recommends and her current maid is from there is not too bad.

For me it will not be just maid looking after hte kids, My MIL will still be at home.. the maid is to do all the housework + help to look after the kids...

So at least not too bad as the kids will not be totally be with maid only.

I have shortlisted a few and likely be calling them soon. My agent so far had shortlisted and sent me about 10 bio data over the last 2 days..
Hopefully I can be as "lucky" as you to find a good helper at home.

BTW your is from Indon or Php? Colleage / Uni qualification?
Josephine: my HT cereals have been opened for 4 months, somehow HB always conveniently forget to feed my boy cereals. We just keep in airtight container on a shelf, so far everything is ok
Hi mummies,
Any idea where I can get a play yard like the Vee Bee 6-sided play pen from Valco? It has soft-panels like the usual playpens we see. I only remember seeing it once at one from the stores in Paragon, just wondering if there's any where else that sells play yards like that? I'm hesitating on getting Haenim one, cos it takes up too much storage space for me, and the Superyard looks like a crate, feels quite sad to see my girl in it.
Not to scare you... but pls be careful n open y r eyes big big when feeding HT cereals. There has been many incidents that I've heard there are bugs in it when ppl open the pack. That's why last time, they were packed directly into the paper box. N now they changed to pack in sealed plastic bag before putting into the box. It was 2008 when i gave #1 HT cereals and already heard those incidents. Till now, I still see such incidents.
i recently bot the Haenim play yard from Kiddy palace, $129! At 1st tot of buy 3 and share with a fren but couldn't find fren to share. 1 alone is abit too small, Shanna can't stay long inside alone (with me walking abt the hse), but my hubby said she's ok when he put her in in the mornings, so i suspect the prb lies with me. LOLz!
Hi everyone! Haven't come into the thread for the past week and a half and now trying to play catch up!

Winnie_mummy, my dd also don't like being in the Haenim play yard when I put her in but okay if someone else puts her in - argh, the small big bully!!

Lamagier - I skimmed the thread and saw your link to the happy melts! I'm gonna get those but do you know if the puffs are cheaper online or cheaper at our local supermarket? Sorry if this qn was asked and answered already!

Baby signing - can I just ask if there are any mommies out there signing with their babies? I wanna learn how to. Thanks!
Hi HBB, hope Edna is better!! and her pics at JG looks so fun. Like Poohbear, hope I can send A there when my work schedule gets more flexible!
HBB: 3 days??? Haha I don't mind if my XY can eat that much. But only demo 1 box can already. Cannot long term. Her daddy hv to work extra hard to feed her like tat. Ya agree with Sam no need to lug the maid along. If you really so distrust then don't hire if not your life will be very hard keep thinking. I also prefer not to have although currently based on single income we (me and hubby) obviously can't afford one.

BbEthan: Thanks for informing me. So far only 2nd box and ok. Will keep a lookout though.

LavenderBear: So long huh? But the box said 28 days right? Just like fm. Anyway I give up on giving XY fm. Always struggling and rejecting waste time. Giving her ebm now. Wonder when I stop expressing will she rather starve herself or what? Wondering those LC when they educate us to tbf, did they ever consider potential problems like baby rejecting fm in the future? I been trying to supplement since 5th month on/off and I give up.

RE: Almond
Is it ok to give almond to babies? As in 南杏北杏when cooking soup and 杏仁糊?
RE: Egg yolk
I gave hard boiled and fully cooked sunny side up. Hard boiled is hard to feed as a bit flakey. Accidentally gave XY egg white as well (旺仔小曼头)but seems fine.

Below are the prices of puffs I saw:

$8.40 - Price I saw at Haborfront Organic shop (10% for members)
$7.55 - NTUC (when on discount)
$6.51 - Jenifur's BP first batch
$6.90 - Wreen's BP

So Jenifur's one would be the cheapest but she did say price will change according to shipping cost
