(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Jan Tan,

I ship in. Place the tablet under the tongue or you can melt it and inject to him. You want some, can collect from me. I have some.

You can buy at iherb

yes that PS cafe is under project shop actualy. last time the paragon branch.. the PS cafe is actualy inside project shop itself.
Haiz, I'm tire. Hubby and son down with flu and sore throat. Even maid is infected. Pray that all virus and baterial stay out of our way.

Fungus infection at vaginal area; Didn't follow closely on discussion of this topic but I got it once before preggy and once during preggy. It's easy to catch it again after the first encounter. Symptom: unable/differcult to urinate and cause pain to adoman area.
I have a big big rant. XY has been rejected cereal/puree/porridge eversince before cny and I did try my very best to do all sorts of diff vegs/fruits for her. Organic oats, millet, whatever. Those elderly around me always give me those disbelief expression when I tell them that. My mil told me millet blended with broccoli and tofu too bland, sure she don't like. I thought is quite reasonable so I don't use that combi anymore and do other alternatives. Don't know since when I started to give her rice/guo tiao etc and she was very interested in eating eversince. I know I know very hard to believe right? Then today my dad called me to go back tmr and said he will cook porridge for XY. I was ??? Thought I already emphasis million times she don't like porridge and don't like to be fed by spoon. Anyway I told him ok but be prepared cuz she might not eat it. A while later, I called back asking him what ingredients he will use. Answer is blended carrot and chicken. Ok, blended again. Which I feel myself getting hotter and hotter. The millions of times I been telling them she does not like blended stuff, where has all the words gone to? Anyway I don't say anything. I just said pls don't put in seasoning while cooking. I will add a bit of light soy sauce when scooping to feed her. Then my dad said he bought Marmite or Bovril which I think has MSG so I disagreed and there is some debate that he also feed his 3 children that when we were young, also like that. I tried to be calm by saying: but I would like her not to be fed Marmite. Then the best of the best sentence came: YOU NEVER PUT ANY SEASONING. NO WONDER SHE DON'T EAT LA! WTF??? i most most hate hate is ppl say things like you never do this, no wonder la. So all the while when I been telling them they actually deep inside thinking I can't cook an edible porridge that's why XY don't eat. How about the cereal then? Healthy Times cereal, any prob with that? Why she turns her head and cries in frustration when I feed her that? So angry man. But I have no one to complain to. Wait ppl will be telling me my dad has good intentions. That includes my hubby cuz I text him just now and all he could say is my dad is concerned and meant well blah blah. I know all the ppl mean well but can put themselves in my shoes? I spent hours preparing the food many times and end up throwing. You think I enjoy doing it? In fact I put seasoning like miso. I'm really desperate to make her eat that I really DID put in seasoning. Now I suddenly recall. My dad ever question me did I put seasoning in 1 of the food I cooked. Forgotten what foo but he asked when I told him XY don't want to eat. I asked him back "You guess" then he keep quiet. That time I already put in seasoning, pls!

Sorry for wasting space to rant so much. Just wanted to get it off my back. Am just thinking if tmr XY eats, then they will forever keep thinking is my prob.
Ok missed out 1 thing. Every time we go back he will ask me "how? eat糊 or not?" Answer: No, she doens't like to eat that. "How about blend XXX?" Answer: No, she don't like anything blended. Fedup or not?

Too bad I don't send my gal to PD and there's no letter to prove anything. Anyway I don't think he buys it even if there's letter from PD.
there really is a serious flu bug going around. clinics r 4ever crowded the past two weeks, day & night.

wah josephine, cool cool, dun get so angry ya.

ya lavenderbear, a pic of the training float will b appreciated. btw, where is cherie kids located?
re: hair dropping
any mummies having this problem? bon is almost 8mo, & my hair is still dropping like nobody's business, boo =(
I'm guessing XR is your parent's first grandchild? Mine's the 3rd grandchild, so my elder sister already fought all the "add seasoning or not" battles... and won =p basically she just keep quarreling with my mum till my mum caved.

Initially my mum keep complaining to me & my aunts say my sister very 'ngio', very 'yin chim', say she feed so many babies before and all of them turn out healthy and well etc. My sister just stuck to her guns till my mum got tired of arguing =p

Anyway, when your dad tries to feed XR and keep throwing away food, he'll start to understand. By the way, he's really nice lah, at least concern about her and want to cook for her, XR is a very loved child already. So far no grandparent offered to cook for MR yet
ooooo, tempted... might be sufficient for product shoots.

Times have changed and of course now we are more empowered with knowledge on what the dangers of foods are, and I don't think the older generation understand. Like what lamagier says, just gotta stick to your guns if you want to follow with what you want to do with XY. I know it's a horrible feeling to deal with a baby who doesn't want your hard-work. I was just about fed-up with mine when I started, and is still every now-and-then. Some day she'll want the solid.

Salt is definitely present in trace amount in age-appropriate FM and BM, and babies don't really need extra salt cos it's as much as the kidneys can take at this age. Even past 1yr, the amount of salt is like the following, http://www.growingkids.co.uk/IsSaltNecessary.html
The amount of salt children can safely have depends on their age. The daily recommended maximum doses are as follows:
* Ages 1 to 3 years - 2g of salt per day (which is equal to 0.8g sodium)
That's so little, I don't know how I can really measure that lol. dh's colleague had to hospitalised his kid cos in-laws was feeding the child too much salt over time, so he's pretty harsh on me about it.

This one suggests adding herbs and spices, though I'm not that adventurous, I might try it out when J gets older. I did try ginger before, but she didn't like it.
Suggested spices include: Cinnamon, Garlic, Tumeric, Cumin, Coriander, Dill, Nutmeg, Ginger. There are probably Chinese herbs like wolfberries and red dates, which I think gives a sweet taste, but I'm not that knowledgeable in Chinese herbs to know when it's age-appropriate. But best try any of these with the 4-day rule.
ehh ignore them lar.. i was deseprate to make edna eat also bk then ..but i resisted seasoning... i rather she starve than add soy sauce and she eat it LOL

i gave edna wolfberry already.. u r right.. make the porridge sweet.. about 6 to 8 pcx per meal.. and she poowolfberry too LOL
dn add too much thou cos it makes the porridge sourish

i think it's true that by the time it's the 2nd grandchild, the grandparents close 1 eye already. When my hb and I got married, we fought over everything with my ILs. From the freq of dinners with them to who to visit first during CNY. My MIL expected me to visit all her relatives first before I can visit mine. Of course we fought hard then. Then when my boy came along, he being the 1st grandson and 1st great grandson, we went through another round of war. My SIL had it easy when it was her turn coz by then my MIL learned to ease off a bit.

She wanted to let my boy try every food on her whims. It was only after my boy got hospitalised eating chicken that she paid more attn.

Well, I'm also glad to announce that my boy is officially not allergic to chicken anymore.
hi, my mum bought it off Cheri Kids at West Coast Plaza. Here's a list of the branches.

1)Cheri Kids Collection (s)
Blk 205 Hougang St 21
#03-00 Singapore 530205. Tel: +65 63830159
2)Cheri Kids Collection (s)
154 West Coast Rd
#01-68 Singapore 127371. Tel: +65 68732128
3)Cheri Kids Collection (s)
Blk 258 Pasir Ris St 21
#02-345 Singapore 510258. Tel: +65 65853996
4)Cheri Kids Collection (s)
3015a Ubi Rd 1
#02-03 Singapore 408705. Tel: +65 68460818
5)30 Sembawang Dr
#02-11 Singapore 757713 Tel:+65 65551031

Here's the pic of my boy in his training float.
oh my. What symptom did your #1 had for you guys to tell it's allergic reaction?
I'm quite stubborn when it comes to my girl's food. Only mum-approved food shall pass through her mouth. Luckily my mil dun spend that much time with my girl, so not time for her to start stuff food to my girl. And my mum bo chap liao. Else will be World war 3 =p

He was allergic to milk and chicken. For the first one, we were puzzling over why he continued to have rashes on his neck. At first we thought was heat rash, we tried everything and even gave steroids but it refused to go away. When he was at infant care, the supervisor suggested that he may be allergic to milk. 1 week after we changed his formula to Soy, his skin was clear as snow.

For chicken, he started off getting rashes when the ifc first introduced it. Later he started coughing and wheezing and we stopped the chicken. When we reintroduced, he started another round. So we decided to introduce to him only once a yr to check how it is. When he was 2, we gave him again and he ended up wheezing badly and hospitalised. Ever since that incident, we stopped giving him chicken totally.
Must have scared you when he started wheezing. Glad he's ok now.

My mum was telling me her friend's looking after 7th month old grand-daughter. Gleefully fed baby coffee, bread dipped in curry in front of them at coffe shop, then boast her grandchild can eat everything. (*faint*). Then when I asked my mum if the baby's mum know about it, she said "of course not, wouldn't dare to let the baby's mum know". Wonder if my mum will do the same cos old aunties like to compare grandchildren... Whose granchild is fatter, learn to crawl faster, cuter etc...
your handsome booy so cute in the float. making me also want to jump into the water to swim with him... hao ke ai o
how come yr babies can guai guai stay in the float? Mine cry like crazy when we put her in. Same reaction like in the walker.
Thanks thanks, my boy loves his walker and the float. If you put him in shallow water, he actually will "walk" around in his float, the same way he "walk" around in his walker. I think all kids are different, i did hear of some kids who dislike walkers.
BBEthan: maybe your boy is more keen on arm floats right away.
Maybe A feeling insecure when in the float? Maybe try carry her with you into pool until she's comfortable then transfer her to float?
already carry her into the pool. transfer to the float, she's ok for a while. after a short while only, she wails liao. put in walker also exactly the same reaction. anyway, i happily give up the walker.

haha... 'shy' group?? she wants carry leh. shall try a few more times n see if she gets used to the float.

babies this age can use arm float already?
Hi mummies,

Could you ladies share with me how often did your baby wet the diaper? I notice my baby recently can wet his diaper after just 2 plus hours of changing a new diaper. Previously he wasn't like that.

I was quite afraid that he might have the UTI againz.............I wasn't sure if is me being too sensitive or what? So decided to post this question....

I tried arm float before. not much use cos babies can't balance and arm float too big ~ covered all the way to their elbows. Also tried the konfidence swimsuit which the foam floaties can be inserted into pouches in the swim suit. Also no good cos MR keep trying to drink pool water and topples over.
So best for now, I find, are the neck float and wave rider
BBethan: Oops, sorry!
My Eurasian neighbour told me that her girl (almost 1 yr old now) refused wave rider and started using arm floats from 7 mths... I saw her using Mothercare arm floats
Just managed to sit down and surf.. Good to see that the thread isn't moving too fast for me to catch up.

Sam & Chiyojade, thanks for info, I am gonna tell her. Chiyojade, I think it's her virgina. I think cranberry is UTI right?

Josephine, my heart goes out to you.. I am a strong advocate of NO seasonings. I think the older generation dun realize that bb's taste bud is very very bland and we (younger parents) are trying to keep it that way. Worse is most time seasoning helps open baby's appetite, so making the feeding easy!!! However, I do add herbs to K's diet so that he can accept the aroma or taste from stronger herbs such as rosemary, thyme, mint (which I have not try), cloves, parsley etc.. Baby are very smart, they have preference, and now that they are able to "reject", they will do all possi to let you know they mean business when they are trying to express "NO"! Kaelem is in some way a fussy eater, he loves rice cereal but hates porridge, he eats bell pepper but hates beet root, he prefers sour to sweet fruit. I cant even attempt to mix those that he dislikes to those he likes or I will be throwing away all like just now. I add a little beet root into his mashed potato, and ended up making rice cereal for him. He has learnt a trick to turn away, purse his lips, blow out his food, and the latest is push the food out "silently". When my mom told me I can boil a small potato with the soup I am cooking for our (adult) dinner (with salt added), I told her it's not healthy as potato absorbs alot of salt. (That's why if your soup or stew is too salty, you can just put a pc of potato and the salt will be "cleared" from the stew/soup)
She also tole me my sister always has this for her dinner cos it's easy for her to make.
You wont believe this. When I told her about a maid who add MSG to every milk feed to the baby because her employer didn't treat her well and caused the baby to have kidney failure. I told her in the first place there should not be any MSG in the house, she said adding abit of msg makes the veg looks greener and taste better. She doesn't add msg to all the dishes she cooks but I am NO MSG FAN and my veg are as green and as delicious!!!
It's sometimes very difficult to "alter" the older generation's belief as they always feel that if that works for them w/o harming their children's health, then why must the younger generation disagree and debate with them.
I hope our baby's eating issues will be resolved soon. Just remember not to spoil our relation with our family.

Lina, apparantly if you started the hair fall after baby is 4 mth old, the fall wont stop until he/she turns one (but this is old wives, I a
can't say it's 100% true). I started drastic hair fall after K turned 4, I cut my hair short just before CNY and my hair fall is back to pre-preg rate.

K is teething again, #7 *fainted*.. I am like please slow down!!!

These days he takes a longer time to really fall asleep.. Yesterday, I took him to the library, he was already showing sign of sleepiness when we were on our way home. Got home at 4pm (his nap time and 1 hr before his milk), so I took him to my bed so he can fall asleep fast. But he ended up tossing for the next hour. So gave him his milk, then try again. Another hour of tossing before he really fell asleep!! Since he can tahan until 8:30 before dinner, I decided not to wake him. By 9, I decided I will just give him a dream feed and let him sleep thru the night (hopefully), but he got up when daddy came home. When I went to bed at 11, he was still playing & talking in his cot.. But he slept till 6:30 this morning.
Hello mummies,

had been busy these days.. trying to find out more on employing a maid.. sigh.. many things to consider ..

Josephine, guess grandparents are all anxious on feeding their grandkids.. lucky for me, my in-law who is the main caregiver but she goes with anything i cook/ prep in advance for the kids for the day.

I give the kids basically what we eat in the family without the seasonings... only afte 18 mths then my #1 started with a bit of seasonings as she was getting picky with food.

if your bb doesn't like mushy food give him grated food.. e.g. grate carrots/ potatoes/
or finely chopped food.. maybe he like texture..

make flavourful stock to mix with cereal / boil porridge?

Scrape fruits, flake meats finely... just explore with more textured food...

We mummies just have to experiment around to find the right texture and preferrence the kid likes.

touch wood but so far my #2 are ok with most food I give them so far.. only comes to 2 YO then the elder one became choosy eater..

But one thing I'm not sure:
- Cough cannot take chicken?
I know phlegm cannot take fish /sourish & cold food - told by TCM physician

- Fever cannot take rice?

anyone can clarify?
bbethan i tink amanda might b cold tat y she cry in the pool

haiz today is not a gd day for me.. edna cry almost the whole of last nite.. teethign gel din work.. cry till mucus all over.. tis am din nap.. rain cats n dogs and we were stuck at home couldnt go to sch at all.
rant n rant over sms to dh tat he shld hav let mi use the car on sch days... i call cab for sooo darn blardy long.. cant get thru.. was told by my sis rainin heavily in town too. ialmost giv up.. told my dh no sch for edna today.. end up he took leave came bk to pick us and send us down.. wat a waste of leave!
then wait a min.. i notice miss edna LOVE TO UTILISE everythg tat is taken.. upon reaching sch, i notice she gt a bit of mucus.. i dismiss it tinking cos she been crying earlier.. then mucus grew thicker! damn.. i text my hubby told him i suspect she is not well (she was active as usual thou in fact behave so well tt the teacher was amazed)... i say we need to go doctor!! and so end up... she fully utilise hewr daddy's leave to send her to n fro sch plus go to the tui na.. haiz... everytiem buy ehr travel insurance she also make sure she claim everythg!!!

and oh yes sinseh say no sign of edna teething.. zzz....

sunsweet i jus came bk fr TCM.. ask the sinseh if fish ok for cough/cold anot. sinseh say no too. she say if heaty.. all forms of meat including fish shld b avoided. instead giv tofu.. i duno if i shld giv tofu anot since edna hasnt try this yet.
kim, wah that's fast teeth #7, my nanny said babies that has enough calcium grow teeth faster, wonder if it's true...muffingirl, wat u think?
hbb - hope edna gets well soon. think its a hectic week for all. i'm super stress this week. oh, and tze yu is also teething again. #5 this time. also cry and cry until big fat tears kind. wake up screaming at night, have to sayang for very long back to sleep. i'm so sleepy.
no lah... she's not scared of cold
she was ok when we go into water. v happy to be in it. but once in float, she makes noise liao.

cough/cold, cannot eat fish? will cause phlegm or?
i tink the ngor hee will cause phlegm but generaly meat is to b avoided if heaty

thanx bestberries. hope ur girls get over the teethin crankiness soon
thanks kim. my hair shoulder length, yup, started dropping when bon was 4+ mo. ai, if the condition persists, maybe will go cut. sian, wanted 2 keep it longer.

dunno whether he napped too much during the day yday, or overly stimulated by playing with his xiao yi in the evening, bon woke up at 1.30 am, went back to sleep only at 4am! gosh, he didn't really make much noise, but wanted company so kept checking if i'm in the same room with him (he sleeps separately in his own room). the thing is he seemed quite irritated that he couldn't fall asleep, and kept rubbing his eyes. hope no repeat episode soon. otherwise, mummy will become panda =(

aiyo, edna also not well. hope all sick babies recover soon, stay healthy and happy.
HBB, hope Edna is well soon~

Bestberries & all mommies with bb teething (incl me), brace, brace, brace...

Sleepless bb, may u all go to sleep soundly when mommies want you to!

RE: Food when bb fall ill
I dun observe any of these, dun even knw fish also cannot take during cold & cough.. I thot oni no chicken during cold/flu cos phlegm wont go away.. But during CNY when I was having a bit of cold, I took so much chicken soup with macaroni and pepper, I recovered v fast somemore!

Coolkero, is it bcos lots of calcium? Haiz, wish the calcium goes to his bones so he can be taller!!

K is still not taking his 4pm nap again.. He;s now playing with the strings on my ski suit *roll eyes*

Mommies, is your baby tilting his/her head one side to smile at you? K now like to do that and then smile. He think that is funny.

Lamagier, I intend to order the melt. Thanks for the info.
kim actualy i bo chup also when im sick LOL but edna is still yougn n she is sensitive so i tot i jus kpo ask the doc and thr she told mi LOL
i gave her capsicum w pumkin in her cereal ju snow to up the vitamins for her! dun dare giv her fruits now haiz
oh yes kim when i feed edna.. she will tilt her head left n right ... and she expect me to do the same! then she will smile n giggle LOL
hbb, can advise how to cook capsicum? v interesting.

kim, bon doesn't tilt his head much. dun think he knows how to = p

mummies who bring ur babies swimming, do u put sunscreen lotion on them? is it necessary since they prob won't stay in the water for more than 30min rt? saw spf30 sunscreen lotion for babies, and was wondering, is that too high for them?
i jus roast it in the oven till soften.. then scrap the flesh out. else i tink shld b able to steam and do the same. my dh commented : nice meh? i told him precisely cos not nice so she gotta learn to eat it.. i do eat capsicum thou hehe... i started w the red one btw. cos i lack somethg red in her food since she hav gt greens and yellow already... traffic light colour LOL

i hardly use sunscreen on edna cos too short a duration.. no point... . unless we go on beach holiday at bintan.
re melts
which flavours do yr babies like? thinking of ordering too.
don't order the puff if can cos the shipping is so much for it like what Sam said previously. end up, it's cheaper to buy at NTUC during the promo.

i didn't apply any sunscreen on her the other time. i know supposed to but i forgot... :p she got tanned a bit.
mummies, got silly question to ask. when u steam veggies, do we need to put water inside the bowl of veggies?
or just the plain veggie into the bowl?

Does Amanda like yogurt? I've tried all 3 flavors wif Char, she doesn't like the sourish taste of the melts. Plus, saw some streaks of blood in stool after the s'berry and mixed berry melts; so ended up eating these 2 flavors myself (very yummy snack ;p). So, juz a heads-up if you haven't intro yogurt and berries.
