(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

don't mention at all.
sorry didn't really talk to you cos was in a hurry back cos my colleague is waiting for me to go for lunch.

just monitor and see how she behaves. maybe just temporary... if really persists, then go n see a specialist like what mashy suggests.

it ok, our workplace so near, can go lunch and chat anytime
Hi mummies, Lucius is all well now. Yeah..and his appetite is slowly returning. Thanks everyone!

Winnie, i understand your anxiousness when we spot something suddenly goes wrong with our lit ones.But glad everything is fine for Shanna

Chiyojade, i'm sooooo happy for you that you managed to revive your phone. Kim is superb!
Re: wet poo. I completely stopped giving J the sishen for almost 4 days, her poo is back to normal. HB cereal, porridge, she was still taking those in this period, so unlikely gut reaction to the foods. She had almost the entire cup of baby yoplait last night too, and poo was normal today, so yogurt is ok. So J is not as cheena baby as I thought. I know you don't give sishen on a regular basis to Edna, so the mushy poo might just be regular reaction to BM you think?
Baby seizure. My heart goes to them, the videos are upsetting for me. Must remain calm calm calm if it happens ***easlier said than done***. Glad that Shanna is alright.
pinky/bestberries lucky she nvr nitemare last nite!
aiya im strict w her also... the amt of work im gg to pour on her wun make her like mi any much more than the daddy hahahaaa

the lady say 1 hour! but she advise not to keep the food in the jar for more than 6 hours for hygiene reason
han bao boa, how much u letting go? the current brand me using is lasinoh..but duno why the plastic stick together leh with the brand "laninoh" imprint lo..... I tried 5 6 bags, also the same problem...so i dare not use. the 1st box i used ok, now the 2nd box which i bou from a fren, got this problem leh...dunno why
sam.. ya i giv her sishen anot the mashy poo still remain.. i wonder wat happen to the pilable poo LOL but nvm since she not LS! jus sick of changing her poo so many time a day(3 time at least) last time oni once a day in morning...

glad to hear nana is ok! the physiogel is AI rite?
im letting go at $11... direct conversion fr the amt i paid in USD

if the thg stick likely cos of storage prob? store in too warm place n they kid of melted? anyway i love the 1st year brand one thou i did not use a single pack of my lasinoh (not enuff milk to store noawadays too)
Such a lazy day for me.. the rain makes me even more lethargic..

HBB, the silicon brush was developed so that the bottles wont be scratched during wash, quite good actually, esp if u use bottles such as the Avent (like harder plastic).. Ehhh, available is USA.. but I got spare.

Chiyojade, u v funny...

RE: ouy younger days
La Girafe, hmm... I think now I knw who was up kmaking those ticking sound in the middle of the night... LOLs
Lamagier, I was a wild child! I catch tadpols, climb trees, go into the river to swim!! Good thing din't get bitten by the monitor lizard.. but this wild chid is afraid of roaches.

Winnie, great to hear nana is all ok.

Mashy, the seisure attack in Youtube is after right? where the child still have spasm both his hands. The first video he appeared uninterested to me. Wow, so easily to skip one's eyes huh?

Aiyo, who stalled the forum of Dec, Aug & Nov huh??? LOLs

RE: Sishen
what is the function of this sishen powder in bb's porridge? I stop when K rejects Chinese porridge..

Mashy, I will post the Stock recipe in my fb later, u chk.

Jillian, I will post the recipe of the siew bak in my fb too.
peanut & hbb
yup! praying hard she wun show me that action again! I'll cry mann! I think i shld just stopped talking abt it anymore, else i'll go into depression.

hmm, i cant find AI lehs, go hme i see again...
RE: Tiger Food Jar coupon
I hv 2 at this point, and may have another one more. I plan to go there at 10 with another friend (dec mom), sms me if u wanna meet.
sishen is for appetite, good sleep as well as good skin =)

she will b ok lar! bring her over i smack her butt lightly! hahaaaa ehh u not online? wan ask u thg

see my link on a blogspot? This blogger tried it out and it took 4hrs for it to be very mashy porridge. 2hrs will become teochew porridge style. But think if use broken rice to cook, then 1hr should be enough.
ya i did see ur link
my girl porridge i did not break up the rice.. neither did i blend. i jus cook till thick for her (10mins in pressure cooker onli)so i assume the jar is ok lar??
HBB! I have been giving garlic(one piece)since i start semi solid porridge abt a month ago. When i cook the rice with vegetables,garlic in the pressure cooker and smash altogether to give her.
oh can giv lliao? yes i also tinking of adding 1 small pc in the porridge for her cos it make the porridge sweet
she like wolfberry porridge also
Hi Pinky, didnt realise u were helping me get a coupon! HBB managed 2 get a coupon 4 me last nite so I dun need yr coupon already. Thx 4 yr help n thotfulness, so nice of u!

I m overjoyed that Alexis likes durian! I juz let her try a teeny weeny bit n she reached 4 more! Hopefully, she continues 2 like it then I will hv company when i wana hv a durian binge!

Winnie, glad yr girl is ok. My sis is an epileptic who had her 1st seizure at 9yrs old n we had quite a scare back then.

Kitty, glad yr son is eating well ;)

HBB, adults eat sishen can get good skin or not?! ;)
ehh i do eat sishen regualrly aft i got married for 2 years.. but nowadays hardly... but i believe can work on us also if we eat regularly. hehe
sishen soup is v nice to drink! u can brew and then make porridge for A w the stock.. the powder itself not much taste thou
Jillian, it was grt mtg you n the two children. I enjoyed myself n I know Alexis did too! You were spot on about the durians ;)
today super sian.. cos my aunty finaly decided to visit... and its pretty bad.. nvr been so bad before birth leh.. or is it a 1 time thgy since it was absent for 8 mths??
okay, wish I can prove you otherwise, but my last one was pretty bad. lol, I was feeling blue for the last couple of days, and she visited today too! Today I almost feel like keeling over when queuing to tabao lunch for my mum and I. Luckily, it didn't happen while I was in the line to pay for my Body Shop loots, else I would feel like dying on the spot, way to provide a finale to my experience last year when I felt like fainting in the line being 5 months preg.
last time my menses hassle free... last onli 2.5 days max.. so now im sufferin retribution LOL
ya i can understand what u mean by wanting to faint manz! i was waiting for the train w edna in carrier and i tot my feet r giving way! w a huge diaper bag and some other stuff in hand... gosh.. i survived! LOL
HBB and Sam,
So coincidence!!! My aunt also visited today. 3rd round she visited since after delivered. Sian... My milk supply usually drop a bit around this time.
last time my aunt also visited me full 7 days when she first came after giving birth instead of the usual 4-5 days before preggy.
this time, i totally stopped already but still waiting for her to report. have been feeling crampy recently.
heard that will accumulate one leh. not sure hw true. but from what i read it says, usually after birth will b much better then before birth. that is if u experience cramps, u wun haf cramps animore! but it goes the opp for me. i will feel cramps few daes before.
and i haf it since darius is 3 months old. to think i total breastfeed till 6months old but yet it came on the 3rd month. my freidnw ho did partial breastfeedng after 3rd month and stop at 6month onli had ur menses like 2months later? super unfair!
I've heard abt if u felt bad cramps before, u won't after gave birth. I'm hoping it's true. I'm those who will vomit, cold sweat , black out, shiver, and fight the pain by tearing my blanket (actually it's very similar to birth contraction except that the duration is different. Once the pain subside, all I could do is sleep with a tired body - haha! sounds like giving birth without epi.) during or just before 1st day of aunt visit. So far, she visited 3 times already, although I have not experience such excruciating pain, but each time I'll still have the normal menses cramp. Most impt, ponstan capsules can help. Not sure if it's suitable for bf mummies though.

twinkle yes im still pumpin 4 times a day thou at time nt v regular...

if 1st time v heavy does it mean future cycle aso heavy?cos it seem v bad definitely nw...haiz....

peanut..mine still cn endure bt its e duration..haiz... im gg to zoo on sun!wish me luck!
