(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

ya lar its a v nice gift but i did not buy for edna hahaa im bad!

the hand paint mural.. i am SHOCK at the price.. cos my sis paint them as well for nephew... and she sell them realy cheap last time.. mayb i shld ask her go and set up a booth at the fair LOL
HBB, dun worry we'll visit you there!! HAHAz! I think you can use the bottle brush to clean the inside. I can sell you silicon bottle brush, wont scratch.
Y'know, I did think that we could do it ourselves.....but dunno what kind of paint to use??? What did your sis use??? Is it acrylic?? Cannot be oil....there was no texture... Because I think that is a really fun activity to do with our kids next time!!!

Sync in progress.... :-D

Vent, vent, vent and get it out! Then OK already! :) Hope E won't have nightmares tonight!
yes she use acrylic paint!

u knwo that tiem durign xmas giant actualy have these up on sale.. plain canvas frame like thgy w the picture already drawn on it .. .paint provided inthe set.. jus paint onli! v fun to do manz!!!! 1 set btw 12-30 i tink.. not sure if they still hav it anot.. but u always can buy the plain canvs fr art friend n do it!
i'll leave it to the PD tmr, duwan to scare myself unnecessary shld i "diagnose" it wrongly... but thanks for ur paryers! =)

do u noe what's the scan called?
my ger's fall is 2 weeks back... nw den start rolling lehs. i'm not sure was it the way my FIL looks at her just nw cos i think she only did it when she's looking @ him... haiz...

i dunno lar, i hope i am just scaring myself but am gng to bring to her to the PD 1st thing in the morn tmr. I hope she's fine!
Yes, I am planning on going to art friend and buying and doing it and painting other stuff!!! Woot!!! :) Thing is I know that Acrylic paint can be quite ex!
Chyojdae/HBB: We have a "masterpiece" of Ally's that she did on a big canvas when she was about 18 months. It was a fun project that we did together but it took us a long time to finish only because at that age she would only paint for about five minutes then get bored.
jillian i must take a look at the master piece then!! ahahaa

chiyojade hmmm that i gotta ask her.... i let u knw if its tat ex anot...
Oooooh nice!!! Love to this kind of stuff where we all get dirty. How fun! My mum was v strict so no fun things like that last time, so Y will have as much fun as he wants now before he has to formally start school. :-(

dh says that he knows I won't stress Y out from school, but I will make him
1) do dance (horror of horrors if my child has no rhythm)
2) music (die lah if he is tone deaf)
3) sport (I'm have no psychomotor skills, so do not want that for him)
4) swim (thank goodness he likes water!)!! LOL!!!

So he'll he stressed in another way....maybe he'll just end up being a nerd....LOL!!!! Oh well..Bill Gates was one! Hahahahahahahaha....
same! i dun hav such fun when i was young cos mum onli allow nothg but text books! not even story books!!!

im waitin for edna to get messy in her class... the lady warn me bout the mess during art n craft and ask mi to bring old t shirts hahaaaaa
I have a cute photo of Y holding K's hand. Must ask you how to post it on FB when I next see you!

We need another K in the photo and then we can have YKK!!! LOL!!! Laughter is back now that phone is resurrected!

winnie_mummy and poohbear,
Will say special prayer for your bbies tonight. Keep us updated, OK?!!! hugs.
HBB: Art and craft at JG is definitely messy. I used an Ikea bib with sleeves for Ally and don't forget to protect your own clothes as well. Their paints don't stain but if you're going out after class you risk walking around with paint on your own clothes.

Chiyojade: my mom was very liberal, one time I was obsessed with Cinderella, I loved the dancing mice. One day I decided to pour a bucket of water on our living room floor and pretended to be Cinderella. She was a bit shocked at first but she let me carry on. Another time my brother and I would "ice skate" across the living room when she was done mopping. We had a tiled floor so it was super slippery when wet. We would run and then slide from one end to the other. She just let us have our fun, only thing she told us was to not break any bones cos she didn't want to have to make a trip to A & E.
So FUN!!!!! My mum was super duper strict...I think that's why I was so naughty in school! (You can ask Yuli. LOL!!!) I got away with many things and was never caught for anything except once when a friend squealed on me and 2 others. We're still friends and her husband was horrified when I told him that! LOL!
Yes yes! I wanna see the "twins" pic
. Can email me coz i'm not on fb. Read abt how edna was crying till wet with sweat & tears. When i imagine that scene, it's like looking at my own gal since edna & S look alike. Heart pain for her....

Luckily your phone "came back to life". I'm also scared that i'll lose pics of S since u can only capture that "moment" once. So I v kiasu....i'll save pics into my pc, back up w external hard drive, burn onto disc & develop e pics LOL
Need 5 More Parents to Take a Quick Survey - help a grad student

This is the last time I will bug you about my survey.
I need to have 5 more surveys completed by March 12 to be able to do my study. If you haven't taken it already, could you please take 5 minutes to respond? I really appreciate your help! The study is to learn more about couple's relationship as they take on the role of parenthood.

The following people are invited to take the 5-minute survey:
* Have you had your first (and only) child in the past six months to 24 months?
* Do you live with the co-parent?
* Is it the first child for both partners?

To start the survey, please click the link below or copy and paste it into your Internet browser.


Robyn Maley
University of St. Thomas
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Jillian, oh u remind me of the sweet old times of 'ice skating' in the living room with my bro and sisters
Very fun actually. only difference is we were the ones mopping the floor. Not sure if you did tat too, we also played tennis in the house against the wall.
Me & my sis will also do the ice skating act and play tennis against the wall! We also like to roll marbles along the "groves" under the sliding door which can be quite noisy heehee....
Muahaha, all the talks about childhood exploits made me miss mine too... Me & the brother went out climb trees, catch insects, explore forest... then come back home get yelled at for runing around like wild children. And I'm super duper useless, see snakes will cry... and my hero is the hero who killed cobra that came to our frontyard =) Kampong days were so fun...

Now go Sungei buloh try to look for snakes also cannot find one...
hi mummies- i miss out so much cos didnt check post. i have 1 isetan tiger coupon, not using, who wants can msg me 90999788.

winnie- hope ur bb is fine !

hbb - aiyo, hear alr also i heart pain. can imagine the type of crying edna did. sayang sayang.
bb painting - i'm keen on letting my bbies do some art for keep sake. what shld i do ? i bot the long sleeve bibs for them already. just dip their hands in the paint and let them crawl on the canvas ??
Hope shanna will be fine.. dun worry maybe not as bad as what you think. Sayang Nana..

Heard your hb like that i felt very angry too, poor little Edna must be very scared of her
dad.. when she grow up she sure sayang you more than him... Sayang Baby Edna too...

Luckily i never hit my gal if not you will kinap her too.. lol if you kinap winnie,lamagier, babyethan baby, i think your house will become a small infant care centre and definety your house also will become upside down... but i think K will be the most happy because got so many meimei accompany him... hehehe
i got another tiger coupon from Bestberry. i will ask my hb to get from her today.. you want me to help you buy then pass to you or you want to meet me up on friday?

Thank you again for the coupon..
hbb, for the tiger porridge maker, did u ask the sales girl how long we hv to keep the boiled stock/rice inside then will be cooked?
My boy is down with running / blocked nose, i bring him to Chia Baby and Child in Clementi, they give out free 400g Mamil or Nestle Nan. Anyone staying around the area can visit this clinic and ask for free sample, be a cheapo like me! I am sure other clinics give out a lot of free samples too, rem to ask for them.
U not useless lah....I think most people will panic & cry when they see snakes....i scream when i see lizards or cockroaches. I think i'll faint if i see snakes....
Hi mummies,

I also have the Tiger Food Jar coupon to give away. Don't need as I bought it when I was preggy. Kiasu! Haha...

Anyway I will be there around 1pm. Do PM me by tmrw if you need the coupon. I will be there with another friend so can get her to bring for me as well.
Hi mummies, I won't be going nor buying the food jar but just a word of caution. Pls be there EARLY to get the food jar. Something useful like this gets snapped up very very fast
Hi,m from dec trend, but somehow cant access the trend since morning....

Can i know what tiger food jar you mummies talking abt? is it from the taka or isetan sales? Really useful?
mashy, rice as in cooked rice? then just add boiling water? how about if we want to add veggie/meat/fish?I will buy liao lor

haha, not all the time lah. Last pte sale dun have. Anyway, there's always new mothers and mothers who decide that they need one. :p But i think they prob will have some excess bah....
yeah, last one dun have. the other type that always have is the tiger porridge flask.

winnie, oh dear. hope nana is ok. post us on what the pd say, ok?
Oh is it? But think if go early afternoon should have stock.. the last time I bought the food jar for $55 but it comes with a 300ml Tiger Thermal Mug.
Hi all mummies!

Brought my ger to the PD this morn, my heart was heavy throughout, and it doesn't help with the massive jam + gloomy & rainy morning. Images of the eyes rolling kept flashing in my head, and i even think until "special needs" case... =.=

Anyway, told the PD abt the fall from the bed 2 weeks back, the head shaking + the eyes rolling. But i've forgot to tell him abt nana staring into space recently. Any babies doing that as well nw? He said couldn't be due to the fall coz it has already been some time. He omitted the possibility of seizures which i've read from the web coz nana was conscious when she did those actions. No significant signs of fits he said, unless nana goes into unconsciousness. I guess I'm just scaring myself. I'm now scared by everything, even when nana makes noises, shouts, i gets scared. Faint. I hope i dun get into this panic attack.

Anyway, reallie thanks for all the prayers!

Although the PD verfied she's fine now, but i'm still nt comfortable enuff. I hope she dun do it again, it reallie freaked me out! =(

Oh yah, PD said most likely it's a behavioural thing... =)

By the way, HBB, i got the physiogel from the PD too... not sure if it's the same one thou...
winnie mummy

if she still does that and you're worried, see a neurologist or just send her to get an MRI. That will at least set your heart at ease.

My friend's 2 yr old boy did some hand raising stuff, head bobbing & eye rolling thing while conscious since very young. At first they thought quite cute and the PDs said it's normal. They went to many PDs until the boy had an attack right in front of the PD. Then the PD realised the seriousness and sent him to a neurologist. Later MRI checked out that he has neurological probs. Had some 'bad sector' in the brain. SO now need to go for therapy. Coz he's still very young, there's chances that he can use other parts of the brain to compensate for the 'bad sectors'. He's developmentally slower too due to the neuro prob. Only sat up at 1yr old and started walking at 2yr old. Sorry, not to scare u, just relating what my friend has gone thru...
My girl also stares into space all the time. PD said she's 'an observer' ~> she's 'gong gong' if you take it the 'cup is half full' way.

Maybe your nana is just staring at some objects in the distance, trying to take things in, not just staring blankly
winnie mummy

BTW, I remember my boy shaking his head vigorously as a baby when he was self soothing himself to sleep. So it could be that too.
thank you and nice to meet you

RE: Tiger food jar
i apply time off in the morning to buy the jar, i think will reach there before they open, if any mummies want to longbang me to buy, you can PM me.

Thank God that nana is fine..

how you feeling now? hope you do not much of morning sickness.

Thanks for the videos. I hope ur fren's boi is better now. After watching the videos, i think nana's case not so serious anymore... and she quickly snap out if it when we said,"NO!" to her...

Yup yup! i googled (again) and read that babies 7mths onwards will start to stare into space occasionally... =D
