(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

hbb, nothing wrong i hope! Her morning nap was disrupted by 1 of our dogs who barked at delivery man n woke her up-argh! then she was grumpy n cranky since then lor. I think the vomiting was cos she cried too hard after drinking milk. M now trying 2 pack 4 her maiden trip ....only to KL lah.

Mummies who have flown with their LO, can i juz chk re water 2 make formula. Do they make exception 4 infants n allow water 2 b brot up or must ask crew 4 water? I m not concerned with their hot water since itz boiled but Juz wondering will their lukewarm water be BOILED cooled water or will it be a mineral water? Thx!

cn bring water up!i brought 2 bottle of milk the security din even bother.tink they see w me baby they understand!
Re: isetan coupon
such a wonder food jar? can make porridge on the go? if it reallie is, i wanna buy 1 too coz i wanna cook in the ofc! I just got my hb to go my mum's plc to pick up the newsletter coz i haben change my mailing add with isetan, haha! I think my sis shld haf it too, i'll get from her too! Lemme noe who else needs it. =D

if u gng, can help me buy nt? i can't take leave on thurs & fri.

I slapped light light on her face, but beat her hands hard... u noe, she was still awake at almost 2am last night! I wanna faintz! This morn, she actually duwan me to carry, i think angry with me. Sad. But took her so long to get angry? hahaha
coz hor, i off work at 630pm, by the time rch hme cook, too late for my ger to have dinner.
so, i tot, cook in ofc, den set dnr time 7pm for my ger lo... =D
my gal also kena slapped on sunday cos hb lose his patience on her
she was crying non stop and refused to nap too. i was in the kitchen doing my stuff when i suddenly hear her cries changed. went to the room and see her cry until v cham. saw her cheeks red and confronted hb. was so angry with him. think my gal also still angry wif him too cos she also doesn't want him to carry. now see me, will sob pathetically waiting for me to carry her. so heartache.

actually u can cook in morning before u leave office n leave in the jar. can still keep warm by the time u reach home. if not, just heat up a bit.
Bbethan: I'm having the same issue with Max about refusing to nap. Have you heard of sleep regression? Our babies are at that developmental stage where sleep regression starts to happen. There is a book called "Wonder Weeks" that talks more about it. I keep telling myself that its a phase and will soon pass....
ur hb slapped v hard ah?
haiz... i also abit angry with myself lar... but hor, at that point, reallie pek chek lehs...

She cried until VERY cham also, the mucus so thick! the tears flowing so fast! =p

hMmM... but nobody @ hme, can leave the porridge to cook on its own ah? But coz i usually haf to have dnr outside before gng hme de... haha... so shanna shall haf hers outside with us too...
I can help you buy the food jar
, can i know if you have spare coupon, can give it to yuli?
i will be going friday about 1pm. Sayang Shanna..

Little gal, must be veri scare of her papa lo... hai.... sayang her too...

any mummies want to meet me up to Isetan this Friday 1PM?
u mean at this baby stage? actually she's quite ok most of the time. but sun she was fussing cos nap for a short while only. put her back, she cries. keeps wanting us to carry her.

anyway does Ally has this prob now too? Ethan refused to nap on weekends. End up with a fussy kid by 6/7pm.
don't dare to let him sleep too early for fear that he'll wake up in the odd hours.

must be very hard lah... if not, won't see the redness on her cheek leh.
i don't leave it to cook on it's own leh. hv not tried that yet. i usually cook until 80% then trsf into it n by meal time, it's very mashy already. almost like the thermal pot. cos i don't want to risk uncooked porridge.

ya lor... very angry with hb. told him no matter how naughty she is, also cannot slap mah. furthermore, she's just a baby. what does she know?
Oh, I must go lib look for the book. My cranky girl has separation anxiety, now ended up sleeping in my bed. But she sleeps with her arms wide open, flops her legs to check for 'human meat' around her & recently learnt how to squirm her way up and kick me in the face. Getting to be pretty painful sleeping with her... Need to know when she will get over her insecure phase.... I'm getting bruised all over

Thanks in advance =) See you on friday!

I would jump my hsband if he slapped my girl. I had resorted to almost shaking her when I was driven crazy my lack of sleep and her consistent crying, slapping her butt when she bit me while latched and her hand when she started to pinch hard.
But I will never slap on the face. Cos kena slap when young and I think it's crushing on the kid's ego.

Had to pump in a meeting room with glass wall & not that big blinds. And 3 colleagues sitting in front of the room were offering to help me keep a look out. I felt so loved and protected =)
Bbethan: yes Ally used to be like that when she was Ethan's age. Now she's a lot better. We make her nap at least an hour before taking her out on weekends. I always tell her no nap, no outing.

Sleep regression usually happens at the baby stage, its universal and there are common periods where babies go through it. I have definitely hit it with Max. Its usually before they make a new development, be it physical or mental. The brain is working so hard they find it hard to settle down to sleep.
Oops! Sorry, i've given the coupon to another mummy already! LOLz! I try to see if i can find 1 more k?

both of u are making me feel even more guilty now... T_T
i slap edna also if she make mi v angry but i do it lightly.. that day worst thg was its my mum who provoke mi into slapping edna
worse rite? cos i was busy w edna n my mumr efuse to help my sis who is at the pd's to cook porridge for my sick nephew and arrow me instead. w edna fussign for food! cry too logn end up she refuse her cereal.. kenna left right from mi in front of my mum... but i realy din slap hard lar.. i jus wan to show my mum its her fault for making edna get slap! so much for asking my sis to go stay w her end up dun wan lift a finger to help in anythg!
It's ok lah. We all have our moments. I already regretted being violent with her when I was on ML. lack of sleep and a crying baby can make a lot of mothers go crazy. I think the guilt we feel afterwards reminds us in furture to think twice before hitting them again
pengz! yah yah, actually i also din slap hard, but beat her hands v hard... how come ur mama duwan help ur sis cook porridge? by the way, i saw ur sis's post on my fren's FB...! Whahahaha... must be noe from the mata grp de...
Jillian - ah, so that's what it's called. I notice Alexis's sleep pattern goes out of whack when she reaches a milestone but I didn't realise there's a term for it
same like Yuli, didn't know that's its a characterized behaviour to have this change in the pattern. It's been driving me nuts to put her to sleep every night now, either she persists to crawl all over the place before she gets to sleep, or just wants to play. Any hint of putting her in her cot, she cries. I'm kinda resorting to make her sleep on the playmat with her before moving her to the bed now, even though it's easier to make her sleep on the masterbed but I fear her falling off should I go to sleep before she does.

My earliest way was to put her in the sarong sling and pat her, but that takes forever sometimes, and it ain't easy to carry a 8-mth baby for long now without sitting at all. Besides it's a regression of the sleep training.

hope L is better now.
i'm having problems the last few days putting my boy to sleep 2. thks Jillian, now at least i know there's a reason 4 his behaviour, thot he was just fussing
I think our babies now just get into 'more difficult to sleep' pattern. they're more active and want to play more, rather than sleep.I usually just on the aircon and dim the light and let her be crawling/cruising/wrestling with violet alone and when she gets really tired, she fall asleep on her own. (make sure nobody in the room).

Winnie, the tiger jar is not that magic lar...you still need to cook it as in have to cook on the stove first for like 10min or so before you put the internal pot into the thermal pot. Mashy, right? unless your office got stove then no point you bring to the office. then when I re-think again, even if I need it to bring for holidays, I still need to find a stove. So my slowcooker is better, because just plug it in and leave. hehehe. unless you have like hbb situation that you have to leave the house very early almost everyday and no time to wait till the porridge is cooked.

Hbb, the mastras set is only $49 for a few pieces, looks very cute. but not sure how does it work though? do we put the silicon thingy inside a pot to steam or what...

Saw today at Isetan, they have promo for Little tots. Bumbo seat $49 (yeah, our babies can't fit there anymore...), bed rail 2 pieces for $49 and lots of toys are on special price. Bought a car toy for Naomi which is made from rubber so it's chewable...hehehe...only $3. so cute. it's Playskool.
Oh ya, I just bought a doll house from a Japanese Garage Sale for $5 only. So happy.
Sleep regression! So this is it. Regis also having it these 2 days, sleeping later than usual and feeding lesser in the night. I found him crawling backwards and suspect his upper incisors coming out. Normally, how long does it take for the upper incisor to show after the bottom ones are out?
Oh? Reallie ah? Hmmmm... Den maybe I shld re consider.
My colleague passed me a small rice cooker for me to cook porridge in the ofc, haven tried it thou. Lol!

Oh yes,I'm having great great great prbs with getting the little one to slp too. Yawnzzz... She's nt sleeping in the cot so some1 has to b in the rm to make sure she doesn't falls, but with some1 in the rm, she tot the some1 is playing with her!
A few of my friends are using the Tiger porridge maker. They said that the salesgirl told them that you can actually just add boiling water into the flask together with the rice for plain porridge. But I think my friends cook over the stove (since they need to cook/heat up the stock) and once the stock started boiling, they just put everything into the flask. It can even cook broccoli (cut into small pieces) according to my friend. My friend also told me that if you add less water, it'll become rice. When they showed me the flask, there is no internal pot. It looked something like those old-fashion water flask where the interior is made of glass. My friends swear by it and so I'll be getting one to try. Hopefully it works as what they claim...

u don't need to boil over the stove. Can just cook by pouring hot boiling water and rice to make porridge like what La Girafe said.
Looks like a lot of us are experiencing sleep regression. You can check out this site for more info http://www.thewonderweeks.com/ it helps parents understand what babies are going through during those weeks.

Chiyojade: I bought shoes for Ally and a hand painted canvas print for her room. I did see the organic clothes but decided not to walk there cos I know I'll end up buying more stuff.

Sam: I'm going through the crying stage as well. The minute I place him in the cot, he starts to wail, even though Ally's bed is right next to his. Sometimes it lasts for about 5 mins and he falls asleep but not so often these few days. I spend a lot of time going in and putting him back down cos he always stands up in his crib crying. Putting him beside me seems to stimulate him even more, he ends up climbing on me, crawling all around...etc So different from Ally who used to just snuggle up and fall asleep if I lay next to her. I have definitely learn something new with each child. What works for one, doesn't necessarily work for the other
i am feeling so scared now!
i brought my ger to my in laws' plc earlier on and at 6+pm, she fell asleep, woke up at 7+pm for dnr, while eating, we caught her pouting + rollin back her eyes lehs! It's a scary sight! And then i recalled, she has been shaking her head side by side on sat which is not common too... googled & read some unpleasant stuff abt neurological reasons... =(

i'm a lil' freaked out now, not sure if it cld be due to the fall she had 2 weeks ago?

i'm gng to bring her to the PD tmr.

I totally agree with you. My elder girl is so different from C that what I did with my elder girl doesn't work with C at all! I feel like I am a new parent all over again sometimes....

pls let me know what the PD said abt the shaking head side to side cos my C has been shaking her head like saying no on and off since sat and at first I thought it was quite funny like she was saying no but now I am also worried if something is wrong. She had thrown herself back and fell on her head a few times while she is sitting on the LG mat so I thought it wouldn't hurt her but now I also a bit worried....
winnie_mummy: That must have been one scary episode for you. Did she do anything else beside roll back her eyes? Try not to worry cos it might not be as serious as you think. Sometimes babies do things just because they can, even the head shaking. They figure out that they can do it, so they start. Max shakes his head from side to side, he only started doing it two days ago and only when he is in his high chair being fed.

Anyway, let us know what the PD says, just keep an eye on her till then.
RE: Isetan coupon
so far I heard there are 2 but one cannot confirm to give me yet... I am still waiting.. haiz, too many friends who travel frequently, may be jet lag? out of town?...

RE: Slap
AIYO!!!!!!!!!!!! All of you got bb girl so good still got heart to slap?! I do heart pain!!
Lamagier, was it the time u mentioned many months before that you almost shook her and I protested? I hope MR din cause u to want to do it again, or next time I see her, I will kidnap her and dun rtn to you!!!
BBEthan, I think u need to talk to your hb and agree on NO SLAPPING!!! Cos we can be too strong and cause the ear drum to burst, then what? Her whole life ahead of her leh!! I think I will also kidnap your girl, only allow u and Ethan to visit at my plc hee hee.
Winnie, ok, light light.. if not I also kidnap your girl
HAHAHA!!! Then I will hv 3 daughters!!!! Who else? who else?

Peanut, dun think there is a standard "dormant" period between leh. K has his bottom 2 at 4mth, he just had his upper 3.5 (one is very slow to cut) at 7mth.

Winnie, I hope Nana is ok.. Haiz, heart pain again..

RE: Sleep regression
Does every child go tru this stage? Any one never? I hope K doesn't.
Hi, anyone has a good dietician to reccommend (anyone except KKH)? my younger boy's feeding problem is causing me alot of stress...i need to talk to someone professional before i go bonkers..
hahahaha, K starting to collect girlfriends? Don't forget Ju en! TJE wanted to throw her into rubbish bin. Eh, your husband prob needs a 2nd job to support all the babies =p

Feeling shitty again from gastric. My litle 'hot water bottle' not around to cheer me up. Sigh
Kim: most babies go through it in varying degrees so you might not even notice anything with K. I'm praying that Max will revert back to his old ways soon.
Ayuki, oh dear!! I usually go back to my PD(Raffles Hospital), perhaps you can call the children's clinic there to ask for recommendation? 63131270.
the shaking head part not so scary thou... i mean from the info i googled, just like wat jillian said, they do coz they noe they can... it's the eyes rolling part which is freaking me out more... =(
ehh wat sleep regression? i miss it huh? blurr but fr the thg u girls said.. edna been liek tis also but for near 2 mth liao leh! last time she ok to touch her cot w/o mi ard
now i out of her sight she cry v loud all the way! thanx Jillian for the link! gotta read up manz!

chiyojade end up i bought the personalise book for xavier instead LOL

oh the mata grp huh? hahahaa
small world!
I am ordering 2 of the hand painted pictures (!!!!) for my cousin's children, customising them with their names. The younger child is my godson and as their Christmas/housewarming present, we did up their room for them...the last things are the wall decals and the names and I will also make a notice board for them eventually.
I am a sucker for handmade stuff!!!

I'm also hesitating between the hand painted one or the one which prints out the names on the canvas for Yann. I love the colours of those(the printed one) for a children's room...I know the lady who sells the hand painted stuff will be at Loewen on Friday...

winnie & poohbear,
I hope the babies are fine!

Did the LS finally stop?

My mobile phone DIED!!! :-( I wanted to transfer some money across and went to get it and realised that I couldn't switch it on...at 8.35pm!! Rushed down to Singtel shop but they couldn't help, so i have to go to Comcentre tomorrow. And the thing was I haven't hot synced it in a while and I had planned to do it tonight!!!
I think I lost all the photos that I took that day of America and France!!! ;-(((( Among all the other photos!

kitty, I know how you feel!! Boohoohoo.

So mummies, those who had my number or whose number I had, can u pls either PM me your contacts or send it via FB.

I was so upset and rushed down to singtel as they close at 9pm, then my schedule is so tight this week, but I just told myself, breathe, breathe. You have a beautiful baby boy. Good husband. Good friends. Life is good.

But I have to admit that I do feel a bit of "Oh sh*t!" still. :-(
Winnie, if u feel confident to do, take a light and shine close to her eyes, if there is any amiss to the brain signal, usually the pupils are unequal, and they may also not respond to light like when brain is functioning normally.
Keep a closer watch tonight, I dun mean to scare you.. I am praying for her recovery.
jsu now i was so piss w my dh! i was pumping milk and enda was cranky(tink she is tired)
ask him to carry her for 10 mins 1st cos nite time already i dun wan let her cry too much least she keep crying in her sleep at nite..
he was walkin ard the hse doing some tidying.. excuse me... 5 to 10 mins also canot wait meh?
before i knew it aft he carry her out of my sight she start wailing again..can hear its fr the kitchen lor.. and aft i done w pumping bout 5 mins later.. i ran to check on her cos i heard him scolding her! i saw her spawl on the kitchen floor cover w sweat, tears and mucus! cry till cannot stop despite i hug her.. see liao so angry! thou i am v strict w her but still heartpain... why cant even carry her for 5 mins?!?! arghh then finaly she calm down .. i gave her 2 happy puff to make her happy he came to us and wan carry her away.. i say NO .. he keep snatching her fr mi... piss! and say ask mi DUN SPOIL HER... when the hell did i spoil her? im jus trying to calm her down oki!! idiotic! i told him we will get out of the house if he wan to play tyrant!
imagine aft edna cool down and he carry her she bawl out loudly..hw scare she is.. that little chili padi! sigh
he better keep his finger cross tonite she dun get nitemare else he is gg to get it fr mi!
Cat, ur iPhone cannot reboot is it? Dun panic, just hit the on/off button on the top, and the "return" at the bottom simultaneously for more than 30sec, it'll restart!
You can try Anna Jacobs. You should be able to google her. She has appeared in Mind Your Body and wrote the book First Foods with other people.

hbb, I took the card for the personalised book, but I though that that's not very difficult to do. It's a v nice GIFT though, but I wouldn't buy it for Y. ;-)

I agree the rolling eyes part is scary...I had a gf whose 5 yr old son had a fall on his head and she was telling me a few days later his eyes kept rolling around in circles so she freaked out and sent him for scan to make sure nothing wrong. Thank goodness everything was fine and he is well and fit now. Hope the PD is able to give you some answers tom and that your baby will be fine. Will pray for her too....

C's LS has finally stopped...thank goodnes....horray for cranberry juice
YES!!!! IT WORKED!!!!! Muak! Muak! Muak!!! Am going to hot sync everything now!!!! Buy you lunch!!!!!!!! And Ill smother K with kisses and cuddles!!!!!!!

i went to check out the tiger food jar today at tangs. (retailing at $65)
the lady also tell mi can cook porridge! and keep asking em to buy hehe.... so i tink quite ok to buy except tat ehh my hand seems a bit FAT to go into the thermal thgy to wash it clean... i hope my hand dun get stuck in it and end up gotta go hospital to get it remove! LOL
if u girls see any headlines on such stupid incident prob that fella is me muahahahahaa
