(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

HBB: I'm also pumping 4 times. Ever increase to 5 times but still same amount. So far my menses not much diff from before pregnancy.

i think it'll be a bit haywire for the first few cycles. my friend told me hers was quite irregular.

wow... yr friend's came 2 mths after she stops? i hope i'm like that this round. so carefree without auntie visit for so long.
peanut, urs sound bad.

lynn/hbb/bbethan, i'm also doing partial BF after 7mths. now pumping like every 9hrs interval. to-date auntie yet visit me. but i'm feeling crampy for almost a week. complexion also quite bad recently. is she coming soon?

lynn, u still BF?
it ok la.. the coupon i give to sunsweet

Josephine, HBB, babyethan,
i pump 3x aday, one day only have 500ml..but my aunty only report me three month atime and also not so much... i think she knew that i have worked too hard... kekeke dun know what logic i talking....

so happy tml can so isetan sale, i will be there before 8.30am
haha! pray lor. i always tell my fren. darius is actualli a gd boy overall. so heaven gif me a gd boy and in return i haf to suffer in some other areas. that hw it is fair!

yea, i still bf. supplying fm once or twice a dae onli. but aunty still visit me very regular every 28days and last for 7days. LOL

so lucky ur aunty oinli report once every 3 months!
my maid been gifing me lots of prob! yesterdae even sort of quarrel wif my family bcos of this. starting new job on the 22mar and nw maid sae she dun wanna work for us animore. so gotta find new maid. but the ting is hw i train her?! my dad sae jus let her figure it out herself can onli. bcos 20+yrs ago he did the same >.< im tired of training and training so i told them i wan infant care. argue argue. nw the decision is, i look for a infant care, dey look for a new maid. new maid comes, darius will go infant care at day time. till the new maid can handle darius, then stop the infant care. sigh!
ya.. i'm having bad complexion recently too.
outbreak everywhere.

this is not yr 1st maid right? why don't u consider getting experienced ones? at least don't hv to train from scratch, just give her the routine n instructions to follow. can understand how stressful it is to manage childcare arrangement.
Need to consider your expenses first. infant care need at least $600 a month after govt subsidy for full time working mother. Coupled with maid, it's going to be very siong...
dun sigh. things will get better when our kid get older. i can understand how you feel, sometimes my mum tired she also tell me she dun want to take care of charlotte.. i also sad and angry, then i have to sweet talk to her and everything go back to normal...
i wish my aunty dun miss me so much. and correction, my fren menses yet to come after more then 3 months of no bf! wanna kill her alreadi!

ya, it's my 2nd maid alreadi. bcos dey scare experience maid will haf some problem as in they wan hp, wan freedom, wan off. then later gif alot of prob, thats why wan new one. bascially dey need a maid to keep my house clean. and my sis dun like the idea of part time maid, which i duno why!

yea, infant care is exp. but my fren sae can get additional subsidy as single mum from mcys, she onli pae abt 400 per month for her infant care after everithing. the cheapest infant care i found near my palce is 980 before subsidy. so after 600 is pretty cheap alreadi. but hor, the info is found online, duno updated or not. later gotta call up one by one.
remember to select carefully. cheap is one thing, quality of care is impt too. Remember I posted before that I registered my girl in IFC, last minute pull out cos found that the owner of the IFC very bochap and babies left to cry in cots

Wanna to earn extra income need abt 30 mummies with babies age fr 6mths to 36mths to do a survey for 2 hrs

Interested pls call mdm Lum - 62874715
hbb, cannot store for more than 6 hrs in the tiger porridge jar...hmmm..
so if i go out whole day from morning 9 or 10am, it does not solve Mia's dinner problem at 5.30pm.
ya, i agree w lamagier. careful selection of IFC is impt, places r ltd 2, so beta start looking fast.

winnie mummy
glad tt d pd said ur gal is alright =)

mummies who bgt the vtech violet crawling ball, can i check is it the purple one w winnie the pooh prints? i recently bgt one, but dun think it is the violet ball tt d mummies here r talking abt here. is d violet ball v good?

I too had ever store the porridge for more than 6 hours in my previous La gourmet flask..

porridge won't turn bad just not as hot...

once a blue moon more then 6 hours should be ok bah..
hi pinky, i forgot to bring my coupon out today! silly me! cannot meet u to pass it. so i think no choice i will go down tomorrow myself during lunch time...dun know if will still hv stock or not?!
sunsweet, la gourmet flask is no good...
i hv one of their waterflask, then i bought another zojirushi one. one earth one sky in terms of keeping the water warm! now i keep praising/promoting how good the zojirushi one is to my friends haha...plus it's only 5 bucks more expensive.
sorry to interrupt here..I have a fully reclinable bb chair cum rocker(bb can sleep or have meals on it) and a combi stroller(limousine kind-fully reclinable) for sale as my bb is 15 mths now.
Selling at..
BB chair cum rocker - $60
Combi stroller(suitable fr infant up) - $50

Condition: 7.5/10, no stain on fabric.
Interested pls email me at [email protected]
pinky, no problem la!

mashy, it is ROWDY. but only on sun from 6pm till 10pm.
but till date, it's quite ok cos they are actually quite nice to babies. when u push pram, they will automatically 'SIAM' u. not like some others who will just stand there and wait for u to 'SIAM' them.
lucky i stay at 11th floor, so no hear sound.
vtech &amp; violet r 2 diff toys.. vtech -> crawling ball, violet -> a 'talking/singing' puppy in purple.. so there's no such thing as violet ball lar hehe.. =P
Thanks Linsu &amp; all other mummies!
Ytd no more eyes rolling for nana but she started blinking her eyes! This one i'm sure she must be imitating somebody. Arghhhhhh~
HI mummies to be. Just to share: Takashimaya having baby sale this month from 11 - 28 March. Go grab your baby needs. In addition, Big Belly Mama is having a free gift with every purchase of Baby Kneez knee protection . http://www.bigbellymama.com/babykneez.html but you need to quote Singapore Motherhood to get the free gift. And finally if you sign up for to be on the mailing list of Hann &amp; Thann at www.harnnthann-sg.com you will receive 2 free bottles of Sea Foam Milk 30 mls.
no prob
lamagier's already answered to your question..

Waahhh.. looks like it's gonna be spending money month (again!), with so many sales around..
at least that is ur mum lor. mine is outsider. and when dey sae dey dun wan work for u, u insist make them stay still no point. dey wun do the best for u.

yea, i did check online on the better feedback IFC. but from wad i see hor, the forum is not veri active hence cannt find latest feedback. so onli can base on few yrs ago de feedback.
around my place(cck) have alot of IFC. i called up a few to enquire and dey still have slots left. but nw my worry is that they close at 7 and i work at bt merah, by the time i rush back frm bt merah to cck, will it b too late?
but if i put near my work place at bt merah, there's onli 1 IFC and it's super exp! after subsidy still 900!

yes, actualli i tot of that if put in IFC will be more prone to viruses and all. but i can get this centre base financial help for income less then 1.8k per month. so if i include that actualli can save me quite alot. my fren got additional $300 from that. so still thinkin what i should do.

i gif chicken todae. i jus went to ntuc and buy the chicken fillet and i boil it then shred it using hand. nw can even gif lean red meats alreadi. :)
omg, the mattel toy sale is here again when our babies haven't reach 1 yr old yet. HBB you're right! they have it so often nowadays! hehehe
japa u cn store e porrdge more than 6hr bt at own risk la.my sis store it whole day aso bt sometime she realise eporridge spoil ... the lady say 6 hr is ava standard hahaha

wah lau i dn dare go mattel sale!i buy so many thg today.... n tis week i no car to go anywhr!!
those who wan the tiger jar but no coupon.. fyi i went to carrefour and saw the same jar. .its selling at $47+.. $7+ more than the promo for member at isetan.. so if u wan can consider buying fr carrefour =)

i bot toys for e kids hehe...the leapfrog spin n read toy is cheap!onli $25(if i rem correctly, must chk receipt)...i bot 2 so cn get free delivery..any1 wan let me noe =)

ehh moving out sales... bt my dh sure say we hv so many thg le hahahhahaaa... mayb i tempt him w e swing!!
