(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

chiyojade i got the baby cubes at home my sis pass them to me.. i use them fo rmy minced ginger the last time during confinement and it ot it din realy seal well tat y i ask hahaa
edna smart? haiz i also duno.. guess in the wrong way LOL
she shld learn to sleep better n stop making noise for her own sake LOL that is wat i call smart hahaha

not sad la. i tink its prob her character some kids are like that
look at lamagier's MR.. she see mi every week seh still dun warm up when she sees mi.. onli today she finaly make a bit of sound hahaa
edna is miss samseng.. any1 she see she go 'ehh ehh'

to the topic of trials,
personal thinking is tat we go for trials cos we wanna noe more abt tat particular lessons.. it aint necessary tat we HAVE to choose to attend any jus cos we attended their trials.. n attending them is also a good way of opening bbs up to outsiders or other bbs to mix arnd with.. well, jus my two cent worth.
anyway, enuf said.. =)

u r really patient!.. i don even do tat much w Jav.. i jus leave him in cot n let him play himself.. sometimes i'll read stories to him.. sometimes i on bb einstein for him to watch while i get busy w chores.. hmmm, looks like its time i mus learn to put in more effort in involving in his everyday life!..

jus wanna check w u..i rem there was tis time u said abt putting the rice grains into the blender.. do u do it wen its cooked or uncooked?
sherryl, u put gold bar in Adelle's pocket? She dont look like > 7kg. cos as compared, my boy looks more 'bak bak' than her wor. haha.

what do you mean Ka-tek huh? *blur*
Sam & Adelle, i'm so guilty that 2 of you always spend very constructive time with your kids. Thou i hav a helper to help me with the chores, i still sometimes a bit lazy to stimulate my boy. Usually jus read with him and let him touch-feel those books with diff textures in it. Hmmm, i dun let him watch TV at hm, except news. But he got to watch chn dvds at my mum's place. Most of them, i also sing-dance-talk to him and help him with the shape-colour sorter and stacker. Gonna really start to construct a few learning materials for him soon....

But i make it a point to bring him out twice everyday for walks at parks & playground and try out the slide and see-saws. So much so that he associates with opening the door as "kai kai" now even if we dun change him. He knows i gonna bring him out and MUST bring him out. Many times when after he bid his dad gdbye for work, he wailed like mad after the door is closed
But that was usually the time i shd bring him down to walk le but I need to prep things to bring down and he jus can't wait!!!

Sam, i also think it's prob J's character. Does she hav many cousins? I make it a pt to bring L to my mum's place at least twice/trice a wk for him to mingle with his cousins over there. He always love kids' voices and turn towards them. Dun even turn to me when i called him....so sad.
hbb, my boy din really enjoy his virgin swim today cox i think the pool was too cold and it was pretty windy
He clinged on to me and dad so tightly thru out the time in the pool. But he calmed down towards the end of the swim....prob already got used to the coldness???!!! But v cute, when he was crying...i suddenly showed him his bath duckie and he stopped to take it and EAT it. GOSH....dunno he's hungry or scared. But i fed him before his swim le.
Haha,i wish i can put more and more gold bar for adelle if possible.
As for her height,i wish she can be longer at times.she might have my genes,ka-tek..(ka tek means short)hee..

Gosh,meaning she will be plump like her daddy and ka tek like mummy..which is yucky...

Actually,i didnt do much wif adelle too..wat i did was tat wat ever she learns in LNT,i will reinforce wif her at home using 'those non living things'since i cant catch up the speed of the lesson preparing those teaching aids at home.
Therefore using non living things as an example to teach on the topic tat she learns in sch.
I even have the urge to do up her room wif various corners of playing corners,learning corners,art and craft corners(meant for infant),reading corners(not at appropriate now)etc.and change the various corners concept say weekly or fortnightly.
But I kinda feel lazy and jus wanna work it out in a plan first b4 i start doing so.
Since during my teaching yrs in pre school and a couple of mths in infant and toddler sch,i find tat these corners are real impt for kids development.
They will learn not only to share,but also a teachin exp for them.

Perhaps,this trial thing is going crazy...
Anyway,rem we have the same thinking and pt of view,coz we know how pre sch works.seeing no point to discuss further yea.

yes, your juen is really fast!
In fact, i realised that many babies here in Jul are very fast compared to babies in other months. Most are crawling, sitting and standing up very early.

I remember when my boy started sitting up at 8mths (yes, pretty late), he was still one of the earliest in the thread!
re: trials

with my elder boy, i attended a lot of trials too. Just wanted to find out what they do and to see which class my boy will like most. As budget is limited, we can only choose one class mah. I attended GUG, JG, Kindermusik, Gymboree, Zoophonics, Aquaducks, one class in Turf City (can't remember the name) and many more. Finally selected gym class with JWT kids. I think all mothers attend trials with the intention that if it's really good, they'll sign up. If they didn't, it just simply means that it didn't meet up to their expectations or their kiddo simply didn't enjoy it. I don't think it's any problem attending many trials and not choosing any.

With my #2, i'm lazier to attend trials. Anyway, i think she's too young to attend classes at this time coz she just wanna gum everything she sees. Prob when she's on her 2 feet then i'll start attending trials again to see what she likes.
TJE: I can imagine how much you'll miss Ju En. Why don't you take her along with you? or is it a couples only holiday
Can't remember the last time I had one of those. Anyway have fun in SF.
Let me know when you want to meet up for tea, I won't mind if it doesn't clash with any of Ally's activities.
lamagier... wah MR gt teeth!

tje.. will e hotel ppl kick me out whn i high tea n edna start wailing away?! LOL else i dn mind...

L is smart ahhh he wans to go out! ehhh yes i tink water is cold so he cry..edna use to do tt..at e end she happily playin cos used to it le hah

usualy if i wn blend i will blend it raw. bt i nvr do it for edna.becos like e cut fruit/vege theory..e more i blend the more nutrients loss. so i rather cook it whole.even e soup stock... i only halve my celery
/carrots or corns...not any smaller tha tat...
Hi mummies
My ger had her 1st fall (hopefully the last) from the bed @ my mum's plc ytd, blame it on my negligence... =(

Was told to look out for any vomitting. Fed her milk tis morn, after a while brought her for her bath. When everything's done, i carried her up & she had some spit ups which looks very much like vomit! =(

Any mummies here know when the vomitting shld start after a fall & a knock on the head? I tried to google but can't find specific answers, no heart to read... abit scared... I hope it's just normal spit ups & not vomit!

Yah. Like what HBB said, MR is a bit of a observer. Looks around, takes everything in, but no reaction from her. She takes more than an hr to warm up. And she doesn't seem to retain much info... Go sharon's place so many times but still dun seem to recognize people there.
Haha, so far only dino-mum and chiyojade hahave hear her roar.
But these 2 days I realize she's starting to smile and talk to other babies, but not to adults =p GO figure. Maybe she's trying to find edna....

Winnie mummy,
Oh dear, hope you girl is ok

Lucius teething? But then, MR has been putting things into her mouth, drooling and stuff for 2 months plus before her tooth starts to show =p

What's Yann's reaction to being dunk? You must be so pround of him!
LOL she looking for edna? ok we arent that far away from each other.. they can always meet up!
yes i notice yesterday she was slightly noiser .. LOL

aiyo,,poor nana.. hugz
usualy pukin occurs within 24 hours.
soits up is iusualy not .. but u monitor if occur too frequently then mayb u mus bring her to doc.
once a while bb do hav spit up.. even for edna whodoesnt spit up.. once a blue moon she does puke..
other sign to look out for is if she is always sleepy.
haha, I think she's looking for edna.
Brought her to a friend's place and she was just stoned the whole time till 2 hrs later a 2.5month bb came. The she started to smile and talk. I suspect she's asking him where's edna
lamagier tell her sat will come v soon lol
otherwise can alws meet up but u workin leh...
im rushin some work tis few days so i can bring edna out to visit friends n go shopping! I miss town!
Y was OK. Phew! No crying at all. No cough, cough either. But we did it a few times and then he did end up coughing at one point. But don't care lah! At least he didn't cry! ;-P
Wah...we so lucky to hear MinMin cry!? Shall I go and buy 4D? Then if strike can pay for classes! Hahahaha. Gd luck with the teething! :)

Yeah, I also read somewhere to watch for sleepiness...Y also vomits sometime - when he has eaten too much. Just monitor and see how. If u are really worried, then see if you can call the PD and ask?

Rose Verandah: Wah...would love to go but think I will also be thrown out bec Y may not be able to sit still. After that what if kena banned!!?? hahahahahaha.
Thanks hbb & chiyojade & lamagier
the spit ups do look very much like vomit lehs, dat's y v worrying... But mabbe coz I'm too paranoid!
Will continue to monitor...
adelle is ka-tek like me,chubby like daddy.Looks yucky to me(fyi,adelle height is slightly below average fr PD height chart)..If tall i dun mind,,hahaha..
Anyway juen is not short also.

Not skinny leh,i have hidden fats on the tummy,,,yucks..
yah! agree... hehehehehhee...dere's no point at all..=D

anw, adelle is nt short la!! i like her.. n the way she smiles wen ppl play w her is soooo sweet.. hehe..

i see.. so u mash up everything for edna? or jus feed it as whole grained?..

i tink vomitting is as in really vomit things tat she has eaten.. she had spitups mayb cos she jus had her bath.. sometimes even 1/2 hr aft milk, Jav has his bath n will haf a lil spit ups too.. don worry too much.. oh yah, tat time PD told me.. check if bb can move their arms n legs tog jus to avoid any sprains or so.. n oso if bb keep falling asleep even thou nt nap time..
hope yr girl is well soon!
jes i will blend aft cooking if needed..short pulse onli.. else mash also can.
i try not blending yesterday to see if she will eat.. dun wan to eat either =(
since 3 mth old ppl say she is teething.. iwait till my teeth yellow liao still dun see her teeth LOL

i find it blend before cook is easier cos aft cook blend then some get stuck in the blender.. gt wastage
but for nutrient sake i dun do it.. LOL sooo i can dun blend i jus skip =p
hahaha.. mine oso..no teeth yet ma.. sad.. hahaa..

yah, will get stuck but i jus scrape until cannot scrape.. but if u skip blending nana don eat oso?... hmmm... maybe she really wanna clear yr cereal stock for u first la!
LOL!!! My mother has also been saying that "Y is teething" since he was 3 mths old as well. I keep rolling my eyes (behind her back) and keep telling her, "He's not.." Aiyoh...he's still bo geh! ;-P

Nice seeing tje, dino-mum and kim ytd.

TJE, yah, she's chubby alright!! Like I told HBB before, she's machiam tua ba pao! Her face is so round!

Dino-mum, when measured week b4 CNY, she was only 65.5cm, unless the nurse measured wrongly. Maybe she appears taller cos she's so fat! I wanted to laugh when Sharon sang the Humpty Dumpty song cos that kinda described A!!! hahaha.

Your babies were all so cute in the water. Kim's boy has two girls all to himself!

Yann is definitely way better in the water than Alexis. It was her 2nd time in a pool and she looked kinda stoned in the water but Y was all ready to go, man! Legs kicking in the water etc and the dunking was cool!

Chiyojade,the video of Y & A 'talking' before class is sooooo funny! Will put it on FB so you can see. We shld think abt some captions

Jillian - yes, like Chiyojade said, thx very much for sharing Sharon's contact with us. I hope Alexis will grow to be comfortable in the water.

HBB & Jes, re: rice grains. Do you wash them then sun/dry them before blending?
i did not grind them before cookin =) bt u need to wash n dry thembefore gridning thou if u dun wan to wash thembefore cooking..
Sherryl, me too!!! I also have similar concept after seeing my niece's and nephew's play room. They do hav an art & craft corner (I love most) and a reading area. But I can't do anything now at the moment as my helper is occupying his room. So gonna wait for 2yrs later before I can start transforming his room
Infact, i'm so looking forward to buying some of the kid's furniture. Haha...jus like how we planned when we got our new hse.

hbb, i hope my boy will be like edna....get used to the cold overtime.

Lamagier, i think L is already teething. I saw a whitish spot at the bottom left since he was like 5 mths...but till now, dun seem to grow anything out of it.

Winnie's mum, oh dear...hope Shanna is alright! Poor girl... Vomiting will be a concern if it's frequent, regardless whether before/after milk. And do look out for drowsiness as well as her level of activeness. Do consult a pd if any of these persist k.
uneed to bring him to the pool regularly then he will b use to it hehe.. actualy im not so use to the cold water! hahahaa edna is more used to it

btw edna gt a whitish spot on her gum for 2 mth or so liao.. its a cyst according to the PD.. harmless thou
hbb, ya i intend to do that. But i'm a kiasi mum...i'm also very scared he will catch a cold easily. Yest, i myself felt so cold in the water...let alone him.

Oh, prob wat L has is also a cyst. Hmmm....
comeon! which mummy not scare their bb catch a cold? im also kiasi! hahaaaa
choose a 11am kind of timing.. if nt 3 to 4pm kind of timing.. baby pool will b warm up by the sun then..
kitty i got her reusable swim diaper fr KL ...
i bought an L size in case she outgrow it.. its quite loose for her.. i got a spare brand new one.. if u r keen let mi know
TJE: Shall we set a day for tea? Have yet to try the rose veranda so I'm keen to give it a shot. Can I suggest Thursday if it suits everyone? That's the only day I can get my mom to babysit Ally. But if that's not a good day then I'll try to work something out.
No worries,2yrs later when lucius has his own room,then u can make the diff corners in his room with pre school concept and not infants/toddlers concept..
Haha,,coz if to do up infants corners now,a few yrs later,gonna do a pre schooler corners,will be another work too..
So,maybe u can start planning for pre schooler concept now,by then,u willl have a plan of wat u wan,and get the things done up

Talking abt it makes me feels like planning already..Perhaps,we can share more when we meet next time..
Bb knock head- the neurosurgeon I saw say must monitor 48 hrs. Personally I think he's crap cos he open mouth only talk abt money. but I still listen cos I dunno any better. Winnie, hope ur bb ok
2 full day nvr read the thread ad I am so overwhelmed by the posts already..

Yuli, the sieve is metal, but I dun think I got it from Daiso. I got the curve wooden spatula, a mini wooden spatula, the mini egg beater (hey, you can use it for making Bearnaise sauce too), cooler bags (to bring food out when go picnic) etc. I also got Winnie the Pooh's spoon, fork, bowls, cups from Japan before. What else, ah! the spoon that is bent so bb can feed themselves easily.. Plastic containers with lids for freezing puree..
Oh! Even K's swimming bag is fr Daiso Japan, but it's 525Yen.. Not available in Sin, I already check..

RE: Fall
Those who have babies falling:
For length of days, and years of life, and peace, will they add to you (Proverbs 3:2)
For the babies:
... be health to your body, And nourishment to your bone (Proverbs 3:8)

Must thank DinoMum & Yuli for the big red pkt for K.. Mommy forgot to tithe this morning..

RE: Crawl
Today, K finally managed to lift a bit of his butt up..
Thanks bestberries!
And thanks Kim for the prayers!

my ger dunno gt knock until silly nt, both days finish her porridge! sth which she nv finishes @ all!

so far, no vomitting le... *cross fingers* Been more than 24hrs already... hope she's alright!
kitty, hbb,
MR loves to chew on fingers. Was today i suddenly felt a sharp edge on her gum then I realized she's teething. Haha, also lotsa pple tell me she's teething since 2 months ago cos she keeps drooling and bite fingers... but nothing happened till today =p
Lamagier, MR seem to be cheerful even during the 2 mths!!

RE: Teeth
K now has 3.5 upper and 2 lower.. He bit me at my neck 3 times yesterday.. I am now so scared when he rest his chin on my shoulder!!
Jillian, Sheryl,
I wish I can have grandeur ideas of a child's play room too
hmmm, probably have do that in my next home, my current place was for a couple pad, not really intended for a growing family. Bought a table and chair set for her from Ikea tonight, picturing her sitting in it, just makes me feel that my baby is growing up! lol, fortunately, she still looks like a baby sitting in it, with her legs barely on the floor. I cleared the lower shelves of my Expedit shelves for housing her play and learning aids, though some are still in its shrink-wrap cos she's not ready to play with those yet, and most likely to gnaw on them if she gets her hands on it. Though a room with a glass wall wasn't intended to be a baby's room, it's been proving useful for her and me to see each other, lessening her separation anxiety, and letting her able to play independently. Might just do this again for the next home.

Blew up an inflatable nessie for her, and it took over her playmat. She loves riding it hehe, but I think I gotta deflat it later tonight, cos I can't get around to her stuff and cot with it in the way.

Her loner character reminds me too much of myself, so I really want her to be sociable, so that she opens up when she grows older, lest we always wonder what she is always thinking. lol wonder if she needs a sibling...

MR is going to look cuter with her tooth
J is bo-geh. I always stare at her gums when she smiles at me, hoping to spot something.
Sherryl n Kitty,
agree w the concept of setting up corners.. jus nw went ikea.. looked thru some furniture n planned to get some to set up his room.. but don tink will b put to use till older mayb abt 1? when they can walk n put things back themselves?..maybe we can share share some ideas.. hehe..

haha.. no knock until silly la.. mayb nw she happen to like porridge more! =D

!!! Kaelem bite u?? wear metal shoulder blade.. haha =X
