(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

TJE: haha the pork will love to be there but it won't be fair to gate crash lah. Where are you off to on holiday? Leaving Ju En here with your mom?

Yes,i know u always are,,,haha..

U going for the LNT trial wif dino mum grp?
But then,like i said earlier on..After attending for 7 lessons wif them,their teaching is more or less repeated,no doubt is more affordable compared to shichida...

Btw,u ever come across such ppl who wasted time in a trial?
Honestly, being a 1st time parent, I'm really at awe at all the classes available for babies at such a young age, but there are always issues with the classes that I don't find worthwhile to invest into signing up for a full term at this age, and I need a consensus with the dh too. Mainly cos J still needs her sleep despite how much fun the activity is, unlike an older child, and there's a limit to what can be perform in the class environment due to the lack of fine motor skills, so I rather wait. You can create situations/environment to provide learning chances for the baby at this point, just have to open your mind to possibilities, and provide them. BTW, it's possible to download GD cards, and make your own, though cost of making them is an investment too...just that I find it's fun making learning aids when it fits the theme I have in mind.

Lamagier, you are such an outdoor person, and it's so great that you can immerse MR with your hobbies like nature parks, and diving. I don't think MR will fall short of learning. I don't have the patience like my dh to carry her thru the zoo and parks to talk to her about animals and plants.

At some point, the child still needs a bit of routine learning, or something that feels repeatable, so that it creates an imprint in their memory. That's probably why GD/Shichida have their moments of brilliance. I try to find out what's the argument on both sides of the fence for these learning methods, there's no guarantee that you'll get a genius of it, but maybe a child who might feel less distressed at learning. Try reading "Einstein Never Used Flash Cards: How Our Children Really Learn-- And Why They Need to Play More and Memorize Less" http://www.amazon.com/Einstein-Never-Used-Flash-Cards/dp/1579546951, just picked it up at the library a couple of weeks ago, to balance your perspective. I'm just going to put my money down on LNT and swimming atm, cos she is comfortable with water, and LNT at a nearer outlet when she hit 1yr.
I see
dino-mum, fyi the parent education course for shichida is refundable if you complete a full year (4 terms) course.
Hbb, agreed for shichida, parents need to do 'homework' with the child at home. but even if we send our child to GUG, LNT or JG i believe we also hv to do our part at home to make things work. isnt it? no offend pls.

I guess the main difference is at shichida, parents require to buy alot of training materials back. $_$

was it pinkyxu who plan or already sign up with shichida? care to share more?

dino-mum, my boy's weight is catching up with miss dino. he is currently 6.7kg & 65cm. Not sure is it accurate anot since i self weight & measure him at home. :p

actually commando crawling is also considered crawling according to the literature that i read. Some kids only do commando crawling before they start to walk.
lol, Joie is like a drug to me now, I just wanna make her happy, think dh and I have a rough idea of how we intend her life learning should be. Not sure on Shichida atm, the things I read about it, feels rather mono... I'm keener on the Montessori-style, so that my time spent with her isn't as dull too. Maybe if she is as sure-footed as Juen and fast with her motor skills as Edna, I'll plunge her into those gym, music and play classes, but she's not on the same page.
Hi higood morning mommies! Have not been logging on for a while and it took me a couple of days to play catch up...again mainly due to work (yes I am back at it but hopefully something should happen soon to change that, will elaborate more on Monday), and of coz cny...plus austen has this ultra huge ulcer under his tongue that is causing him and me and dh many sleepless nights. Last night was so bad, he just goes on and on for hours that at 3+am, dh and I took him out on a car ride and within minutes, he fell asleep. We went to pump petrol before going home just to make sure he is fast asleep. Doctor gave some cream for ulcer. Heal fast pls!!!!!!

Kitty, yes I gave austen egg yolk and he loves it. Didn't asked PD how many per week but I think 2 to 3X should be fine, loads of proteins

HBB, looks like JG will be on for me come T2, you still on for it?

Talk later, gotta go now, lappy batt is giving up on me.....
Kim: sorry but won't be passing by Sharon's place today. Will pass her the book on Wed when we go for class and then you can pick it up from her next week?
Sam: Monterssori-style learning is really fun. You can buy cheap furniture from Ikea to set up a sort of monterssori concept at home. Open shelves so that kids can easily access whatever they want and replace it when they're done. I started doing that after Ally turned 1 and our home " learning" still focuses a lot on life skills as opposed to real academics. Dh and I just want her to enjoy her childhood and play, she has many years of learning ahead of her.
enjoy ur hols!

foz yes im still keen on JG becos i heard play nest is still the best! so no harm trying..
hope austen ulcer heal soon!
Going for Trials..
i totally agree w Sherryl on wad she has said.. its nt every single trial tat we go we will need to sign up.. in the first place, we go for trials cos we wanna find out more abt the particular course or lessons.. n yes like wad HBB said too, sometimes u meet the gd teacher but w nt so good curriculum n sometimes w good curriculum but nt gd teachers.. i guess its a matter of 1.) if ur child likes it.. 2.) is curriculum good enuf, 3.) is teacher involving the children enuf 4.) whether yr child is suitable for tat prog anot..
i guess tats lots of factors invovling if u wanna sign ur child up for a class anot.. n aft going so many trials.. i personally feel tat somehw they r still too young to und certain things tat r taught in lessons ..but it wld definately b sth worth considering wen they r of an older age like 1yr old or so..
jus a personal thinking n no offence against anyone.

Kitty n Sherryl,
hehe.. not realli crawling totally yet... hes jus on his knees n will throw himself forward n will keep doing it in fast motion till he reaches the object he wans.. everywhere i put him nw is a disaster.. he will pull dwn everything he sees n try to lift himself to come out of the cot.. as my cot is on high level nw.. i jus asked hb to move dwn another level..

will email u back.. hehe..

haha.. Y is so cute too!!!... ya, my god ma tells me nt to bb talk to him too.. i owaes try to use proper eng like milk/ food/ but somtimes wen u r toking to a bb, it jus comes to u naturally to add in another word.. like milk milk.. haha.. but so far i din use mum mum, so haf no idea hw he noe tat word.. =P
gina, where r u going??? don't forget I'm size US4 and 7 for shoes and Chanel can be any size hehehe...and as always, I love romper, so buy for me if you see nice one. (for me! not Naomi)hehehe...

Dino-mum, if sichida is as expensive as JG, why don't u consider JG instead? sichida sounds very 'academic' to me. I won't have the patient to go through it. JG is great and fun. If I have extra $$, I don't mind to join in. Just for the social exposure, not for getting Naomi any smarter. that's y u never see me in any trial classes...hehehe
ina, where r u going??? don't forget I'm size US4 and 7 for shoes and Chanel can be any size hehehe...and as always, I love romper, so buy for me if you see nice one. (for me! not Naomi)hehehe...

Dino-mum, if sichida is as expensive as JG, why don't u consider JG instead? sichida sounds very 'academic' to me. I won't have the patient to go through it. JG is great and fun. If I have extra $$, I don't mind to join in. Just for the social exposure, not for getting Naomi any smarter. that's y u never see me in any trial classes...hehehe
Mums, I would like to ask: how do you bring out foods for your baby when you are out? If it's porridge I know can put in a thermal flask and then feed... but how about baby food from a jar, especially one that was half-used and in the fridge? If I bring a new jar out and only half is eaten, I can't really bring it home to keep right? A bit confused...
Adelle weight is currently 7.1k,as for her height is 65.5cm which is very "Ka-tek"*hahaha*

During JWT Trial,she cried so much that might have caught ur attention.haha...
Happy Chinese New Year Mummies...

Bestberries, hope Adriel is ok now.

My gal knocked her head yesterday ...She rolled off the mattress while I was preparing her bath water. Actually the mattress is not very thick and so I always thought that it's ok even if she rolled off onto the floor. My gal landed on her back which is arched and so her head didn't hit the floor initially. But then she threw her head backwards like what she sometimes does when she's rolling about in her cot or on my bed...The knock was quite loud. She was stunned for a moment and then started crying...though it's not serious but still heartpain.

Yesterday my "big anunt" came to visit...Sianz. So does it mean that my milk supply will dry up after this? Noticed that recently my supply has been diminishing...was still hoping to bf till my gal is a year...

Just now I saw my gal on her fours for the 1st time. She did it a few times while crying dada....dada....neh neh....Was trying to video it down for my hb but she stopped when I started filming. Looking forward to see her crawl.
Hi La Girafe, my aunt also visited me in Jan but my milk supply is still there, except that I find supply lower when nearing or during. Very sad right? Me too shocked when I got it. Thought can avoid it for a year LOL... Anyway I do record my expressed milk each day (EPing and obsessed with milk suuply).
juen still do the stomach crawling now?
amanda was stomach crawling ard 4mths too. that time ppl told me it's not. just dragging themselves. but nowadays she's still doing the same commando style crawling n at v fast speed. to me that's definitely considered crawling liao.

anyway, doesn't matter it's 4 legs crawl or commando crawl lah... every baby has their style.
I haven't ventured out with my homemade purees yet. I have taken my bottled food and I just throw whatever is not finished(so wasteful/terrible, I know! but I didn't know what to do either). Thankfully it was not a lot and now bb can finish a whole bottle, so I don't feel so bad anymore.

I think I would bring my puree if I drove and didn't take public transport. If I had taken my frozen puree in my baby cube, I'd just heat it up in hot water and then transfer to the bowl or eat it from there, I guess...talk only lah. Haven't done THAT yet!

dino-mum, Kim, Gina - it was nice to see you all today. Unfortunately didn't get a chance to chat. All the babies looked sooo cute! I'm so impressed with Sharon. Loved her class.

Are you going with Ju en, or is it a romantic couple-time holiday? :)
Think you are right about the flight. Maybe direct is better....Personally, I don't like transits...like travel so much, still got so much more...but wondering which is better with bb and if am preggers.

Am going to take Y to see PD week after next. Am sure he will be ka-tek. Husband and I also ka-tek..what to do!?! LOL!!!!!
Y loved it! When the other babes were in the pool, he was like kicking his feet and wanting to go in. I am just super duper pleased that he got dunked (woot!) and was fine! Thanks for sharing with the mummies here about her! She also said that Max is really really good!!! And told us how he can kick his legs and hold on to the railing....awwwww......SO CLEVER!
I haven't brought bottled food on its own out before, but I usually split the bottle when I open one at home, and put 1/2 into a baby cube and the rest I freeze it in the bottle. J gives me the sick-of-it look when I feed her the entire bottle, so I didn't bother to pack the whole bottle. I can fit 2 baby cubes in my Thermos food jar, and the most I only bring 1 solid feed out in my backpack, so I usually put 1 frozen puree bb cube and 1 bb cube of cereal. The jar keep the cube fairly cold for a while, and heat quickly with hot water. When I get home, if the timing fits, I just give her the 2nd half of the bottle after reheating.
Chiyojade: soon all the other babies will be like Max. He has had lots of practice cos he started lessons with her when he was 5.5 months old. Glad that Y enjoyed his lesson

Sam: how much solids does J eat a day? I can barely get Max to eat half a bottle of anything. He's quite happy to just have milk the whole day
She sleeps till 7-ish-8am, has a habit of napping after 1 milk feed in the morning, so I can't seem to put in the brekkie feed, so she's only doing 2 solid feed of lunch and evening for dinner. The bottle stuff is kinda dilute, unlike the homemade puree, so I don't give it often, just once in a while to clear pantry space. Yar she's not that demanding for solid feeds, infact, gets bored of eating any solids 3/4 into it, so more reliant on milk feeds. Planning on porridge feeds, but haven't got around to it so far, scared the anger meter go up if she doesn't like porridge since it's more work with stock and all. Part of me just doesn't want to hurry into the porridge process since she's only been a month into the purees stuff.
Jillian, just read from your blog that you recently bought a Phil&Ted stroller. Can share with me where you bought that from? Am thinking of getting one for my twins.
u can also try to transfer half into a avent storage cup n bring out. when feeding, just pop it into hot water just like ebm.
Sam: That's actually pretty good. Max is now into his 2nd month of solids and he is still as uninterested as ever. Cooking porridge for him is a waste of my time so now he just takes a little from his older sister. Do you mind sharing what you do with J on a daily basis? I'm trying to get some new ideas to entertain Max. I don't get a lot of alone time with him but when I do we usually sing songs or just clown around.

Ayuki: I bought mine from Mother's work cos they were having a promotion. The Vibe came with the doubles kit.I think MotherCare carries it as well but its more ex than Mother's work.
TJE: He hardly opens his mouth for food, unless he's REALLY hungry. I've tried all sort of textures and he doesn't like/dislike anything in particular. My conclusion is that he's just not very food oriented, unlike Ally, hb and myself. He would rather play than eat so now I try to stretch the intervals between feeds but then I find myself worrying if he's taking enough milk. Its a real headache.
yup yup.. the 1k plus fees is making me think twice... still have to make sure i can afford the same when #2 comes along...

pass u the Shichida's info during our next swim lesson... eh... Ju En can lift her butt real high and she could move backward today leh... To me, thats crawling le... I hope lil dino can lift her butt also, still wondering y she can't lift her tiny butt up... aiyo... like u, we've been stuffing a lot of adult food to Gen... she always want a bite of our meals when we r out, else she'll keep scaring at us, moving her lips and banging the table for food... she hates puree food also, cant get a single mouthful of puree food into her mouth, even bottled puree she reject...

Saw A today, she dun look like 65.5cm only... I'm sure she is taller than that... dino was already 66cm last month... A looks tall to me when i compared her with dino...

Thanks for the info...

at first i also considered GUG but drop it since there r quite a few negative reviews about it... now left LNT and Shichida... I'm still waiting for a chance to take pics of the light-weight champions... keke... many commented that dino eat a lot but hor, eat & eat still unable to put on much grams... gave up le... ~white flag up...

I gave up on JG coz of their class schedule... Evans Road dun have weekend class, Forum only 1 weekend class on Sunday morning, and its a long long waiting list... thats y i had to look for others which can accommodate our schedule...

Nice to see u too...

will sure get to see u often every sat for swim lesson and LNT...

Re: Shichida
I went to their preview at Springleaf Tower today... saw many many parents and kids in and out of that place, seems like a busy place with many ppl waiting at the reception area to sign-up or register... I was led into a room and shown their video on how beneficial Shichida Method is... given 2 brochures on Shichida Method and Shichida Kindergarten... was wondering if enrolling them in Shichida Kindergarten, does it mean the kids there r taught the Shichida Method also? does anyone knows? The fees per month for Shichida Kindergarten is $800... I hope dino can learn stuff from such enrichment classes coz mummy only know how to memorise books and know nuts about teaching kids and stuff... I think chairs will fly ard if I were a tutor/teacher... luckily dino-dad can help her with the "homework" since he's more patient with her and dino always listens to him... so that solve the homework issue for me, kekekeke....

I hope to find 1 neuro-linguistic programme to enrol her in, no other programmes after that... coz mummy and daddy too poor to afford any other for her especially when we wanted #2...
1 is enough coz weekend is too short for us and dino-dad refuses to let my parents bring her there during weekdays as he wants to be involved in the stuff dino learns... with that, the one accompanying dino for lesson is none other than the dino-dad... I would be standing outside the classroom with the rest of the daddies waiting for lesson to end... keke... at times, i feel that I'm a daddy instead of mummy... wahahaha...
ehh ask u the baby cubes... its not water/air tight rite? wun leak out when u shake the thermo jar or watever?

glad that Y love the swim! as usual edna today complain bout being dunk.. she voiced her displeasure LOL

jus go n enjoy since already gg... i knwo the feelign of missing baby.. but ur dh rarely gt tiem to go w u!! enjoy to the fullest!

tell mi bout it! today the 3rd tiem id id porridge for edna.. make a big pot of stock somemore.... result? THROW AWAY AGAIN!
she jus seal her mouth shut aft a few mouth.... diedie refuse to open!! like max she is happy w milk only! she is ok w cereal but not super keen also! how ah?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Hbb: don't stress yourself about it lah, that's what I keep saying to myself also. When they are ready or when they are hungry, they will eat.

You should hear Max when Sharon says " ready 1, 2, 3" he goes, ah wa wa wa wa....always complaining and then after he comes up he looks so nonchalant about it. Does she still blow at Edna's face when she dunks her?
Jillian, not doing a lot of special things with her really. Just sing songs with her, turn on BbEinstein, and talk her thru the video, or sing with her Chinese songs dvd, for some reason her eyes get glued to Chinese programmes. Most of the time these days, she's into destructo play, dh and I will stack up the blocks of her FP shapes puzzle toy or the donut stacker, and she just loves to crawl from one end of the mat towards it and bring the stack down, can do that for an hour. I take it that it's PE time for her.

Mid morning before lunch I'm usually doing chores and prepping lunch, I set her up in her bumbo, and give her a few HB puffs on the tray and let her pick them into her mouth. She's not very greedy even when she grabs a few in her hand she only chews on 1 at a time.

Lunch time is when my MIL usually visits and I usually go do my own thing and let them have their own time. Usually she leaves after J goes down for a nap, and then when she wakes, I sometimes bring out a picture book or cards, I guess no strict attempt to teach her, but just read and expose her to it. I take out the parts from the FP Kick and Swirl toy, and J loves looking at them spin at the moment, so I just hold it up and let her tap at them to make them spin. As you can see, it's more like cause and effect kind of playing. Yup definitely lot of clowning around, like play walking, dancing with songs on radio or swinging her like what we do in the gym/music trials. Hoping for some day to let her start her on those home-school stuff but she puts lots of stuff in her mouth, so I don't deem them safe to use atm. Occasionally see her copying me like when I pack the blocks back into the bucket, though I would want her to fit the shapes thru the holes to go into the bucket, but her putting them into the bucket is good enough atm. Sometimes she also tries to fit a donut back on to the stand.

At night, I try to push for daddy time if possible, though I usually let her wind down for bed. The father and daughter gets a kick out of destructo play at night...sigh.
the puree is frozen lah, so not really that watery, so far, no leaking for me, and since it's in the food jar with screw-on lid, so nothing much happens (fingers crossed). Didn't have any leaking case on the bb cube yet, usually I make sure the corners are all snapped on.
Sam: thanks for sharing, that's a pretty good range of stuff that you do with J. If I build up blocks for Max to destruct, I'm sure Ally will beat him to it. But he does love her wooden blocks though. Max's favourite thing to do is to either chase my vacuum cleaner around while I clean the house, or try to crawl to the kitchen and eat the bathroom rug.
Both my children are so different, not sure if its a gender or personality thing. Max is just busy all the time, he's here there and everywhere. Ally is active as well, but not in a destructive way that her brother is. We put up the safety fence around the DVD player and we did the same thing for Ally. She would just use it to pull up and stand there, Max tries to pull the whole fence down. That's why I'm racking my brains trying to think of stuff to do with him. Even during his kindermusik lessons, he tries to go to other kids and climb on them.
dino mum
haa ur dino diff lar.. i mean for baby standard hahaaaaaa

yes sharon still blow at her face.. edna is the kind she wun complain until aft dunk then she make noise.. she is not scare.. jus simply showing she dun like and she know if she keep maing noise sharon will not force her to go in... smart enuff to siam the dunking!!!!

ohh ok cos i was jus wodnering if i can put ice cube in e thermos w the baby cube then will the melted ice aka water sip into the baby cube anot LOL
oh ic. hmm didn't test that yet, but the Thermos food jar got a steel interior, and it keeps hot and cold, so I nv thought of putting ice with the bb cube.
sam u v hardworking w J
i must learn fr u.. usualy i will dump her on play mat n say OK LETS PLAY!
then i take out the shape sorter of all sorts! and pour everythg out and goes WAHHHHHHH then she also wahhh LOL
then leave her to bite her toys.. im bad =(
but i alsoask her to help mi keep the shape sorter liek u ask J to hehe... most of the tiem edna will refuse to let go of the toy thou!
Hbb: hahaha, Edna is super clever. Oh, instead of putting an ice cube in the thermos, just leave your thermos in the freezer than the interior will be cold.
lol I think I don't have high tolerance for crying, I get fed up, so I rather keep her occupied if she starts wailing. But no lar, not that hardworking, I also let her play by herself sometimes in the afternoon, every now and then walk past her room to check on her, her room has a glass wall, so she can see me walk past going from kitchen to the rooms (so she can check on me lol).

lol, almost feel envy, that you got both kids to be around each other, though can understand why each child need their own time with mummy. J has that 1st/only child syndrome, playing on her own, so she doesn't have much experience playing with others, and tends to cry when other babies get too close or left with them. My fault really, that I'm not very active with putting myself forward for playdates.
haa i can rem that last play date J sat thr herself.. not moving much hehe so cute! kaypo edna keep tryin to disturb her LOL
Edna is so clever!! Better watch out for her! ;-P
If you want to get bb cubes, try the WTS or WTB section...I bought 2 sets and they were cheaper than the original price. It's quite good.

U r so hardworking! Gosh, when I can, I just leave Y to play ON HIS OWN Put him on his small playmat and then put toys in front of him and leave him there and then I'll be doing work on the computer, etc and will go and see him once in a while (he's in his own room) and when he gets fed up, then we read together or play with a toy together. Or if he is really fussy, I take him out for a walk in the small park or we just pop to the shops - just to get out. I really should do more with me. Feel so terrible. But this week, he's gone out quite a bit with me, so am very happy.

Enjoy your trip! It's good to get time off for yourselves though I KNOW I will be like you and will not want to go w/o baby and will miss baby terribly!! ARGHS!!! Yonks ago, my BIL/SIL visited me and they brought with them photos of their dog(They didn't hv children then) and I thought - WAH LAO....Then I had a dog and I missed him terribly the first time we were away and I do still feel a bit of a pang when I leave him (esp with new people, not with our regular friends, bec they have left Sin) when we go on holiday. And that's just my DOG. LOL, so I kena to be like my BIL/SIL....so imagine my son! Jia-lat! So take lots of Ju En's photos with you!!!!
I'm sure it'll be good for you two though. ;-P

hbb, sad right?? luckily got edna there to shake her up... don't know how to open her up, it's not like I always stick her in the house, she goes out every other day, yet still don't like when crowds build up around her. CNY 1st day, she wails and buries her face against me when the aunties and uncles come around to greet her.
