(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

dino mum
not sure hw LNT works but i knwo suchida .. the parents need to do 'homework' w the child one to make the thg work.. so if dino dun stay w u on weekdays u might want to ask hw you can do the h/w w her

So many things to read today!!

Jav is sooo cute. Y has "neh" for food/milk, so sometimes when I'm preparing it and he's getting ore and more fussy, I say "Neh" and then he pauses and looks at me funny..." but then he starts again. LOL. When I was b/f, I used to say, OK, OK, "neh" but dh told me to speak properly, so now I'm trying "Milk" or "food" but "neh" is still the one that gets the pauses.

Thanks for letting me know!! His is the first foods (4 - 6mths), so I guess it's OK. He finished off another bottle again today. Phew!

AM SOOO GLAD that Ariel is fine! :) If I had been in your shoes, I surely would've hit all panic buttons!

Read your blog. You write so well! Great gift!

Love all the way the #1's sayang their siblings!

Tom is Y's first swim lesson with Sharon! So excited! :)

foxinthesnow - welcome! :)

I almost fainted at Shichida's prices!
I intend to sign next year (currently to be place on waiting list thou) with my cousin if I decided on Shichida, by then most probably I would shift to SK and dino might stay with us during weekdays as well... or else, i could only do the "homework" with her during weekends jus like my cousin did to her #1, and it's working...

the price factor of Shichida is making me think twice also... but if its really v v good, then i would seriously consider that and no more other programmes for Gen coz mummy cant afford it after sending her to Shichida...
my friends and cousin told me the waiting list ard 6mths plus... Tomolo then I check out with the person, but I dun dare to put her on waiting list before going for LNT coz need to pay for deposit ($300) and registration ($50)... If i decided on LNT, then the $350 burn liao...
after LNT end, it will be end-Apr, by then can decide whether to continue with LNT or place her on Shichida's waiting list for Jan 2011 intake...
I guess u guys will prefer Shichida Method more than LNT.Coz after attending for quite some time,what LNT teaches seems very straight forward whereby mummies can jolly well prepare their own teaching aids like flashcards,some hands on material for the child to have a "play with it"..
Other than that nothing much already.

Some eg like,
1.Teacher start singing welcome song and today weather to the children
2.Will start with some flashcards
3.Next will be showing the children of"handmade teaching material"say theme on flower.After showing,each child will get their own set of"handmade teaching material" and "play with it"like what the teacher had previously shown to them
4.Flashcards again.
5.Carry on with the "hand made teaching material.

Coz I found that they love to get children to hands on using the teaching material which they had made.This is learning thru play which is gd.

Does Shichida Method do the same as the example I mentioned above?

But then the price of Shichida Method is real steep.
sherryl i duno wat is the method shichida do lar.. but generaly i kwno need to do homework!! freak me out hw can i prefer this? LOL
my cousin's #1 has attended both, she mentioned that LNT fun and relaxed while Shichida more fast pace... She prefer Shichida than LNT coz her #1 learn more from Shichida... I saw her #1 during CNY, she's so much more eloquent and her command of English is fantastic, unlike the last CNY I saw her... My cousin says its coz she attended Shichida for that past year...
Shichida and Glenn Doman (GD) all need to do "homework"... Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think most of those neuro-linguistic programme need to do "homework"...
But then, it is a challenge for working mothers to do such "homework" with the child... I'm trying to learn from my cousin how she did that while working also...
dino mum
tell mi bout it man
my glenn doman flash card collecting dust.. anyone using this? i need a headstart hw to use LOL
hahaha,more homework meaning u can learn more with Edna!!!Sounds gd?hahaha..Wont freak u out.

I guess mostly all the pros and cons for Shichida Method and LNT.Depending on which u would really fancy after going for the trial with LNT,since u have some rough ideas what is Shichida Method going to be like after the feedback fr ur cousin.

But personally,can try Shichida Method if say the teaching stuff from LNT can just make from home or buy fr the market.
But then everything gonna wait till u guys go for the trial with LNT first..
Shichida Method need to do homework,is it for older kids or needed to do so even for younger ones say less than 1yr old?

Coz i know LNT needed to do homework too,but that's for older children.
heard that the GD kit are quite expensive and more "homework" for the parent also... thats y i strike out GD right from the start... keke... no time to do intensive "homework" with dino...
i check out shichida and update again...
Chiyojade: thanks, its just my everyday ramblings. Hope you guys enjoy your first lesson with Sharon tomorrow. My kids adore her

Dino-mum: How old is your cousin's #1? It's true that most of these classes will require parents to do their homework. I personally never considered either class cos I know we won't practice it at home.
Bestberries, {{{hugs}}} to you n Ariel!! She shall be whole!!

Kitty, I hv the banana in the pigeon bowl that allows mashing n the porridge in k's usual feeding bowl, then I the banana a little at time and scoop one or 2 feedingful kf porridge and mix in the other section of the pigeon bowl, more banana, less porridge so k taste more banana.. Occasionally when I get over zealous, he will reject the feed cos too much porridge.. Another way I tried before was to scoop a little of porridge then the purée so the purée is at the tip of the spoon. This is okbut when he tasted the porridge at the end of the spoon, he also did the blowing manoeuvre.. This e evening, I bought nestle brown rice cereal to try, he only took it because I sat him on my left thigh n fed him with my right...

Etirto, about wat time are you planning to go daiso? Vivo right? Hey, just so u know, cold storage has Pampers diapers sale for large packs now, 2 for $46.85 I think.

Re: crawling
those of ur bb that hasn't start crawling, dun worry, k (born jul13, can't even lift up his butt yet!!) I m not worried cos I know when he starts to crawl, I hv to pay more attention to him.. Also not all bb crawls, they just sit, then stand and walk!! Although some believe baby that crawl are smarter.

Today I took k fir his 3rd pneumo jab, he din grow at all since last thu!! Still 9.4kg n 71cm!!! I was so sad, but doc said it's ok as he is still abv avg. He added that these days health dept pro avg or slight under avg growth as more fat bb din shed their weight when they become more mobile and can hv health implications when they grow up. Eg. Getting heart disease younger.
dino mum
ya the doopid GD flash card cost $500 plus a set as I was told.. I got 4 set given to mi... 2 set chinese 2 set english... mad!!
Not sure about homework for young babies for Shichida coz my cousin's #1 attended after 1 year old... I dun intend to consider signing up with Shichida before dino turns 1yr old coz I v v scared she perform her zzzz stunt again and waste my $$$, per lesson for Shichida ard 90 to 100bucks... OMG!!!

I do hope that LNT is good so that I can give up on Shichida "officially"... At least my saving wont be reduced so drastically... keke... waiting patiently for LNT trial in Apr...
OMG!!! $500 plus!!! That is v v ex... eh... must start to figure out how to use leh, dun waste the $$$... big $$$... ~faintz...

She's now 5yo... I'm hoping that my cousin could share her hand-made flash cards and teaching materials from Shichida with me so that this super "nua" mummy dun have to do... keke....

Dino (older than K) cant even lift her super tiny butt to do the doggie stunt, let alone crawl... :p
I thought it's 4pm? I jus read TJE's email to us... Unless there is changes? hm...
I know Chiyojade's lesson right after ours at 4.30pm... keke... we'll sure meet her at Sharon's place...
True,if needed to be can always send after 1yr old.
Do hope LNT works better for u,then can save more than half of the price(Shichida Method)if u were to sign up with LNT.
I hope so too...

Hugs to Ariel... I'm guilty at times for not buckling dino to her high chair... next time i must ensure I buckle her up...
jus read bout ariel
Hugz. hope ariel is ok now..
yes mus rem to buckle!! v v dangerous!
i got thi sprob w the car seat
despite putting enda in and buckle her up le the strap will slip off her shoulder.. but the strap already v v tight leh.. any 1 w this prob?
i always tell dh to drive carefully in case we duno the strap slip off and she fly out of the seat!
Dino mum, I also not sure if it's 3 or 4.. That's y I ask in my post earlier.. I haven't had time to chk email.. Ok, 4 pm it is then.. Cya tmrw!!

Re: zzz stunt in class
I also worried k will not gain anything after paying so much for lessons, like Etirto shared about Nigel attending JG..

HBB, what is so great about the flash card as compared to the normal ones? Do u see that those kids whose parents hand down those cards to you, are really smarter or more advanced than others who din hv?
I wonder what LKY went thru when he was our kids age...
Dino have this problem with her car seat also... The shoulder straps always fall off her tiny shoulders... We didn't really bother about it initially coz we thought Dino too tiny that's y the straps always fall off her shoulder...

cya tomolo... In case there's any change in timing, text me k?I need to be out v v early morning from Changi coz of contingency...
i see the card like v normal onli except that is BIGGER LOL so i cant understand why is it sooo ex
but it comes in a set of many many.. clarly divided into diff thg like body parts/food/days/animals n etc etc
gf's son is brilliant! but he din use the card cos gf was lazy hahahahaaaa

LKY? tsk. if edna can hav 10% of LKY brains...
now i self console myself.. shi fu say edna is a clever girl.. hahahaaa so i dream she get that 10% of LKY smartness...zzz...

u see edna so 'huge' bt strap aso fall off.. must find a solution!
RE: Car Seat Harness
Additional note:
When rear-facing, you should use the harness slot which is at the level of the child's shoulders or slightly below. When forward-facing, use the slots at the level of the child's shoulders or above.

Harness straps should be snug with no slack but not so tight to cause discomfort. The top straps should be on the shoulders, a quick check that you are not able to take a pinch or get more than a finger in between the shoulder and the strap. The lower straps in a 5-point harness should be fairly tight across the thighs (not on the tummy).

More info can be found in http://www.carseatsite.com/correct_harness_use.htm
Jillian, I dun mind bt only if you are there, dun want you to purposely make a trip jsut to drop off the book. Thanks!!

HBB, hey, you wont know, my mom told me one of my neighbor used to be very "stupid" always the last in class, and end up he went thru college and became a teacher!! One of my cousin's classmates was like this too, she even repeated one of the primary level twice.. Now she is accountant!!
I dun believe there is stupid ppl, just lazy ppl (like me lah!!)

Ok Dino mum!!
Muahahaha, sharon flooded by July babies tmr. Her lil duckie will be very happy to have so many babies around.

So glad ariel is ok. You both take care.


MR the same as K. I've decided she's too heavy to move along... My aunt also commented that she doesn't 'bounce' (like lil dino) and refuses to budge her huge butt to move along. last we check she was 8.5kg++ and 67.5cm

Wah Piang. Wah 12 weeks $1k++++.... I can drop the idea liao since MR only with me 4 nights a week... And so tired out from cny, chores, carrying my laptop & pump around that these days I dun even haf energy to go canteen for lunch. Eating instant noodles =p But still, afraid MR will become stupid cos her mummy dunno what clever stuff to teach her
MR will not become stupid thou u no clever stuff teach.. so long as dun teach stupid thg LOL ~kidding~
actualy kids nowadays r realy smart.. is a matter of hw we teach them and in wat area they excel in... jus like edna.. i pat the floor ask her come bk to the boundary.. she pat bk to the floor now ask mi sit nxt to her... zzzz
Edna going to become your tow kay soon.... wah... order mummy around liao =p

Jillian, Josephine
Your blogs so cute =) Haha, I'm spend all my time on forum ~ Think will regret in future when I try to recall mile stones and realize I've not been jotting them down!
i am still tinking leh
sharon been asking me to get wet instead but the bathign part is so mafan! arghh see my mood tomolo hahaa
hw bout u?
Lamagier, you had instant nood? hmmm... I feel like eating too although I already had nice dinner.. Hey, please rmbr to add some veg, meat or egg k? at least more nutrients that just instant nood and it;s msg..

HBB, Edna so smart... but also funny when I imagine your gals doing it to each other..
K got mood de, sometimes I say "亲亲", he'll open his mouth and come to me, other time, he just ignore, I wonder if he really understand.. He did the 恭喜恭喜 gesture on CNY eve I thought "wah-so smart", then on CNY he refuse to show my mom, angry!! Just now, he did to his Godma, and even did the hi-5, low-5, front-5 and refuse to do back-5.. I suspect he doesnt really know all these, but coincidence.. praying for the day to come sooner that he truly knows all these gestures.
Kim ,Chiyojade,Beverly,Ayuki,pprincessbaobei,lamagier,Jes,Kittyng

Heinz recipe book
currently they do not have the recipe books in stock. She will pass to meet once she have it, then I'll contact you to see how I shall pass it.

FYI, Heniz will be participating in the Mother & Baby, Babycare festival exhibition between 19th-21st March. This is at the Singapore Expo.

There will be exciting deals on Heinz products and contests to win. The person I coressponding to would be able discuss some of your queries there at our stall and take down other queries which our nutrition team in Australia could respond to.
Totally agree with Kim that there are no stupid pp. One of my cousins took his A levels 3 times and after the 2 times, switched subjects and aced through it and he did it all by himself - and now is doing extremely well.

I absolutely would loathe giving/doing HW with my baby(lazy mummy, me!). I feel that he will have his whole life to do HW, but am still v interested to see what they do. I actually bought the GD book, didn't get past a couple of chapters and then sold it! Hahahaha.

OK, no worries about the book.

Y crawls (when he goes) backwards! Always go-stan! And yes, I heard that crawling is good for them for devp of muscles, brain, etc...

He still CANNOT sit up by himself! I have to keep ploping him up....Hrmph!

And yes, my swim lesson tom at 4.30. See y'all there! Hey, forgot to ask do we pay her tom or everytime we go? If it's at the first lesson, then is it cheque or cash?

I need to get a new carseat soon....sigh....$$$

And also need to plan to go back to see in-laws...dunno if I should do a direct flight or break up the trip...?? Any ideas mums? It's a 13h flight if it's direct... And what if am preggers then? (keeping fingers crossed!)
Re:Going for trial,
No offence,but i felt that most mummies had been going for trial but yet to sign up for any classes except maybe a couple of them..
Personally i find it a gd explosure for mummies and babies to go for different trials each time so as to understand which 'interest&attract' ur baby the most.Its never tiring to do so esp when comes to choose the right prog to educate the young ones.

*jus my two cents worth*
TJE: Where are you off to in 8 days? On a holiday?

Kim: will let you know if I'll drop the book off later. Its likely that we'll pass Sharon's house on our way out.
im obeof those who tr many trial end up so far onli sign up 1...mayb my expectation of e sch is too high...haiz... gd curriculum bt lousy teacher i dn wn... gd teacher bt so so curriculum...i as dn wn...yes tiring indeed! tat y u see whn i say sth is gd..i keep raving bout it (swimmin) n go immediately!
Yeah true..haha...
As mummies point of view,we may be right or wrong yea.
(since diff mummies diff thought)
But based on pre school educator point of view,we believed in explosure more diff stuff to infants even though its only for a trial.

Btw,thks for ur feedbacks reg this..

Hi everyone! Got so much 2 read n catch up on!

Bestberries,so glad 2 hear Ariel is ok!

Poohbear, u didn't buy rubbish @ Daiso lah. Laundry bags r not rubbish, leh! I wld hv bought the bath toys if Alexis didn't nd 2 b fed.

Btw, Kim, I cldnt find the seive thing u were talking abt. Is it wooden or metal?

I fed A porridge ytd cooked in pork stock n mashed some pumpkin in. She gave me a really disgusted look ;( Guess it tastes so much blander compared 2 her HB cereal. Shall not b defeated. Will try again tom!

Wah, most of the babies here r longer than mine. A is 8.25kg n 65.5cm. PD says she is 75th percentile for wt n 50th percentile 4 ht so I guess I got short fatty?!

We r attending the same swim class as Chiyojade n Yann later n also very excited!

Is the pool covered? M juz wondering wat wld happen if it rains.
