(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

I almost went to Ikea today...hahaha...
Maybe what we could do is get together and share some ideas that we do with our babies - that they like....other babies may like it too....esp learn from those mums who spend more time doing stuff with their babies, unlike me who leaves him to play by himself :) I do read to him though, but not diligently every day.

I was also going to say that K giving you love bite....muahhahaha...

Y also has a cyst on hi sgum too and has had it since he was 3 mths, that's why my mum ket saying, "he's teething"LOL!!!

don worry, im sure Joie will open up as she grow older.. mayb shes still a shy lil girl..
having a sibling will b good for her, at least she has a companion to talk n play with at home.. but having it at the right age is also a factor, cos ive seen children who change alot wen they try to accept the fact tat mummys having another bb.. to them, it might b a feeling of " yea! im having another person to play with" or " oh no.. i need to share my mummy n daddy n their love w another person.." so, sometimes its good tat we gif them time to prepare the coming of another bb..=)
you were there tonight too? was there around till 7-ish. hehe when are you planning for Jav's playmate? hmm, considering a rabbit baby. I find sexual intercourse a more painful experience after childbirth, gotta do something about it if I really want another in the next year. I don't think she'll be as deeply emotionally affected if the time span between her and a sibling is short. I'm expecting more rivalry if it goes beyond 2yrs.
my mum say tat white spot is call 'ma ga' in cantonese.

i love ikea..i go thr weekly (except for tis past 2 week cos to busy)
everytime i tell myself nxt mth must start sth w edna...end up nvr..cos new work keep comin in...sigh..can someone shake me up pls....mayb i shld stop takin assignments
Kim, thanks for the advice. I don't think Gabriel is teething so soon yet..though he has been chewing his fingers for some time.

I'm suspecting its the rice cereal that he is not taking well too. His first week on rice cereal was ok but that was only 1 tsp. Then I gave him pea puree, pumpkin, spinach & carrots.

His second week was apple puree, apple & rice cereal and pumpkin puree. But he threw out so badly on the apple & rice cereal puree that I stopped giving him anything for a few days.

His third week, I tried rice cereal, porridge with sweet potato and pear puree and he threw out on the rice cereal while the rest was okay.

This week is the fourth week, I would be giving him peach, banana, potato & pea. Hope everything will be fine..

Anybody gave grapes???
Read that most babies enjoyed their swimming sessions. My gal S will be going for her first swim with Sharon tmr. Hope she'll not cry too much when being dunked haha...And thanks Jillian for sharing the contact.

Chiyojade, i think you mentioned that Yann bites when you nurse him...my gal bites and pulls really hard these days...she thinks she eating eating beef jerky?? But so far no sign of teething yet leh...
I hope yr Nana is ok.

Some time ago u posted abt xin-mi... I want to buy a bag to bring back to SHA. I found a bag in the jap food section in cold storage, put next to the sushi rice. Abt $10 a bag, does it sound like the same type of rice?
You might want to check out Max & Co for the quilted jacket. I got one from there before but mine was the thicker type (filled with down). I think they should have the thinner ones for the spring season. Enjoy your holidays...For me, I told my hb that I'm not going anywhere without my baby! Or rather, no one is allowed to bring my baby anywhere without me haha...
I attended a birthday party today. We met a friend there and his 11 months old boy can already walk (quite fast too)! He said his boy started crawling at 5 months. Very advanced...I'm impressed. Reminds me of Edna.
high tea
Im GREEN wif envy!!! I would love to have this luxury of goin high tea again... now more no chance.. work n work n work.. but if u gals go orchard shop do come find me lunch ya.. im near isetan..

njoy sf.. u have a lifetime wif ju en so dun b sad.. go enjoy urself aft all the 9mths of preg torture.. afterall s the saying goes.. distance make the hearts grow fonder ma.. kakakakaka..

workin mums
How do u all manage to have quality time wif your babies now?? Im always so exhausted after a long day at work. by time i reach home, gareth is already wanting to go to bed n in no mood to even wan face me.. haiz..

the most i manage with him is jst feed him milk n he is knocked out.. so the max time i have wif him daily is like 1hr!!! i miss him terribly..

during weekends, im so tired frm all the work n of coz gotta do some housework n attending to him tat i lost my patience so many times its countless.. do u all get this??

pls teach me how do u all manage!!
Koko, hope Gabriel takes to all food in future!

Noelle, if you want to, go to the traditional provision shop that sells "loose" rice, i.e. by weight. Ask for 新米 or tell them it's for cooking porridge. I bought mine only at $2.50 or $2.80/kg from the shop downstairs of my plc. Don't over pay!

RE: Love bites
the thing is he uses his teeth (now that all the incisors are out).. I think I need metal should pads..

Yan, is your hb sharing the housework part with you? bcos even though I dun work, my hb still help out with housework, and on top of that, I hv the cleaner comes in twice a week now, cos K can be a handful some days, and the house is not clean enough for K to "move" around if cleaner only comes once a week..
In the past, when I was working, my hb did very little house work, literally none and can create more work for me. We fought so much about this bcos I seriously think if the woman is also working outside, then both hb & wife has to share the household chores.. One of my gf's MIL says housework is wife's duty, so she decided to resigned from her work and sit at home, and on top of that, take spending $$ from her son!!! I totally support her decision cos if she wants to be so "traditional" then the man should provide for the wife FULLY!!! (sorry I am a feminist!)
I'm back! When're u mtg again? I want to join leh. Aiyoh, u still remember the shrunken pc, didn't bring back lah, my maid probably took it back to kampong as a gift liao. Btw, my Char is also a small baby now, back to milk only diet... Heh, u adjusting to pac time izzit, still up at 2 am!

Thanks Kim! I'll ask my mom to chk out for me... DH says probably not allow to bring the rice into prc, maybe juz buy little bit and try my luck.
K's been watching twilight?

Haha, i was thinking of posting the same thing too. I'm forever tired from lugging stuff around. Even though MR is with my aunt 3 nites a week, I'm still fatigued. Wanted to ask MrsC where she gets all her energy from cos she still would have to pack cate for infant care everyday. peifu peifu. And sunsweet and bbethan who has 2 kids each...
i tink thr r some bb here faster than edna aso hahaha...anyway some1 say edna might b able to walk by 10 mth...scary rite..bt i do hope aft she cn walk my life gets better...so she cn walk behind me ard e hse..

last nite was a horrible epi...she woke up crying as usual..at 3am!gosh...at 1 hr still refuseto slp...n we pacifying her...all she did was scratch me all over!! arghhh
aft apply ruyi oil on tummy, detinox on gum..still cry...we giv up n went to slp!
Yes, it's very tiring. I am doing the same. dh and I both working and looking after bb, no live-in help. If you don't have a part-time cleaning lady, I think you def should get one.

We didn't use to have one till about 5/6 years ago bec we found out that our w/e were spent doing housework and we both work Sat mornings, so basically w/e was only Sun! dh does laundry (I still don't know how to do it) and I do everything else. He works more hours than I. We both work at our own time, so we take turns looking after bb.

Bb goes to my mum twice a week and when dh and I are both out at work, I get my cleaning lady who is also a grandma) and is great with Y to come it. She either babysits or cleans - it's up to her. Atm, she comes in 3x a wk. One day to clean, the other 2 days purely to babysit, but if bb sleeps, she also cleans.

If you can't get someone to help out at the weekends, then like Kim, I also believe that the dh MUST help out.

Our lifestyles have to change with bb...there are days when I don't read the newspaper(what a luxury now!), no time, pl is in a mess, but then I play catch up another day.

waaaah! not working for 3 years!! So shiok!!!!! I asso want!!! ;-P

BTE, Yuli and I are meeting this Wed at my place. Japa also coming, I think. If any other mums want to meet, let me know. I think my tiny flat can take 3 more. :)
We are meeting in the afternoon, from at 3. I can't do it b4 and am working (fr home) at 7.30. Going to do puree for babies and Yuli and I exchanging ideas on what we do with our babies. :)
Teething? My one was waking up countless of times starting a week before teething. THese 2 days Wake at abt 4.30am and refuse to sleep until I latch her. Then keep repeating that every half hr until Miss MR iss happy enough to either wake up or sleep longer
Chiyojade: Definitely agree with you that dh has to help out once baby comes along. We split the housework between the 2 of us cos even though I'm not working, the kids take up a lot of my ime and the only time I can do housework is when they nap. Problem is they often don't nap at the same time!

My dh is very understanding, but even so every now and then we get annoyed with each other cos we are both so tired. Sleep deprivation brings out the worse in people, well, it does for us anyway.

Wish I could join you on Wed but the children have their swimming lesson with Sharon.
i'm facing the same situation like you. spending max 1hr wif her and most of the time she's cranky cos she's sleepy. i'm merely jsut dragging her sleep time so that can spend some time wif her. on weekends, i thot can spend time wif her but most of the time end up doing housework/cooking/preparing her purees. wif our own place now, it means more housework!! there's only left with mid noon n evening for her. if we go out, there's even lesser time. so leave alone talking abt sending them to enrichment classes.

nowadays i try to do as much housework as i can after the kids sleep on weekdays so that i dont hv to do so much over the weekends. prepare food for next morning's cooking so that it's wake up n dump everything into the pot while i hv breakfast. leave all the heavier duty ones like vaccum, laundry, preparing stocks to weekends. this means gt to sacrifice sleep. i dont turn in until 12/1am.

i haven't read the newspapers n watch tv for ages. i'm v out of touch wif what's happening in the world. sleep more impt to me now.

agree that dh's help is v impt but most of time i cannot stand the speed he's doing. N when he does it, he'll comment here n there. So result = i give up asking n do it myself. but whenever he volunteers to do it, i just shut up n let him. dont want to be too hard on myself.

was telling my hb that i feel bad that my weekends r spent on housework instead of kids. think he got the message n helped me with the mopping n handling them while i do housework. we r contemplating if we shd get a part time helper to come clean the hse on weekends but not sure if want to spend the $ there yet.

i'm hoping things get better as amanda grows. cant wait for her to learn to walk around so that she can play independently or wif her brother.

gals... hang in there. when our kiddos r much older n more independent, our lives will get much better then. my mum always remind me to bear with all the hard work for the 1st 2 yrs of a baby.
it'll be v cute if edna can walk before 1 yr old. small small, wear a dress n walk around. i love to watch small little kids starting to walk esp when they r v young.

Amanda is giving me a new stunt. She will scream n scream when it's diaper changing time. V headache!! And v v paiseh when in baby rooms in public.
haa i duno! since she been doing that! usualy she goes bk to sleep but past few nite was crazy...

if edna can walk she will b named edna the terror hahahaaaa
actually hor...once they can walk, it's even busier esp the inital stage when they still cannot walk steadily. hv to follow them everywhere in case they fall. cannot leave them alone cos dont know where they'll wonder to n itchy hands here n there.
bbethan ya true on the faling part...
but i limit her access to where she can crawl.. so i tinkin shld i limit her to where she can walk LOL
lack sleep - how do you mummies here manage lack of sleep. i turn really nasty and mean when i dont get enough sleep, always snapping at ppl

kim - i support your theory and your fren. again, i'm too chicken livered to quit my job.
i also snap at ppl when im tired LOL... used to take chicken essence fdaily.. soemtimes 2 bottles a day since birth till about 3mths... thgou it barely helps but internally it helps.. when im really tired but cant rest.. i will resort to takin caffinated thg as this surely perk me up for days
Hi mummies, anyone tried lecithin supplements before to reduce likelihood of clogged ducts?

I am facing my 3rd episode of clogged ducts in 6 weeks!!! The other 2 episodes with massage and latching on, eventually it cleared.
I'm going nuts with the frequent occurrences!!
I saw a lactation consultant the last time who advised massage before each pump or feed.

Bf mummy woe
I took lecithin before. Took a bottle then stopped. But for me, i did not notice any diff in clogged duct when I take or not. I took the malt + hawthorn conccotion when I have blocked ducts cos I realize massage and latch can't help clear... Luckily so far blocked ducts issues have disappeared

I also snap when insufficient sleep. And I'm already very caffinated most of the time.... Below are what I'm trying to make work for me. Hope will be able to help you a bit.

When I feel impatient and snappy, I just keep reminding myself to shut up and take a deep breathe, count to 5 and remind myself if I have nothing nice to say, then best not say anything at all.
And it's better to go bang your own head on a wall then to say something nasty and not be able to take it back later

And my manager tells me not to think to much (I was telling him how tiring it is to take a baby out to go CNY visiting). The more you think, the more tired and angsty you get. He says to "just do it"
I also snapped when I have insufficient zzz, in fact I snapped at austen the night we had to take him out for a drive at 3am and the most amazing thing, he seem to understand (prob from my tone) and shut up for a moment before turning to his dad and bawling his little lung out!
Besberries, good to know ariel is all okay now...that must have been so scary for you...yesterday in the church's nursery, austen also suddenly topples over and hit the back of his head on the ABC foam mat, but still very scary mah...I went to Popular and bought those mats immediately, to place them under my gigantic playpen (the hexagon shaped one shown in FB).


Evie, I bought those wipes that look like wetwipes so you just wipe them round your finger and clean baby's teeth. Toothpaste and toothbrush - in time...pigeon has those rubber stick kind which I like. I got those for #1 when she was a baby.

Muffingirl, hope your clogging clears up, my friend who kena before said hers was so bad she had fever and headache...

Yippee, lunch time!
wah u take caffine stuff MR not affected?
actualy ur manager is rite leh.. just do it.. that is why i keep luggin edna ard!

btw u must b feelign good always now?since u r cheepy every time i see u! keep it up!

evie i bought e nuby silicon finger brush for edna.. bought quite a few set that time when I was in msia cos v cheap LOL
Chiyojade, wish I can join you guys at your home but I am stuck in the office, won't be able to get off till mid Mar when I can take off for my Bali hol...but do share what ideas you guys have!

HBB, let me know if you are around MP area, must pay you soon! Also what is the link to your friend's web, the one who bakes? Want to order a cake for dh's hubby for end Mar...tks!

Kitty, even if maid zzz in Lucius's room, also can decorate nicely, isn't it? She only uses the room to sleep at night anyway, no reason why you cannot do the reading corner, and whatever else you wanna do.

Noelle, when are you going back to Shanghai??

Koko, no grapes for now. The most "exotic" fruit he has is probably peach, haha...
I take 2-3 teaspoon of coffee powder every morn. Think MR used to it liao. I quit the caffeine dosing in my first trimester and went back cos can't tahan.

I pyscho myself to be cheerful and remind myself it's all in the mind. When I start to want to wallow in self-pity, i will do mental 'poking' to force myself out. Doesn't always work though...

Re: Motivation time!
One GP tutor of mine back in JC days (he was trying to deal with angsty, emo teens, hahahah) told the class pigs wallow in mud cos they enjoy it. If you wallow in self-pity, that's cos subconsciously you enjoy it too that's why you dun help yourself out of it.
And he very wisely said if your're mentally drained, go get some exercise and get oxygen into 'the pretty little head of yours". If not, it's going to become a vicious cycle.
lamagier ahh oki haa so MR will b a coffee lover too!

ya its all int he mind i guess... my dh alwasy say im v free do nothg... not tiring etc etc.. i was like.. i dun hav to show in my face rite?!?! LOL
tat y i usually dun get wet when edna go to swim.. time for mi to rest hahaa
Yah, sit and stone time. i enjoyed myself a lot last sat. Plonk my butt down in a shaded corner and try to blend in with the surroundings =p But then, we also got do work... the babies personal cheerleaders at the side...
actualy hor sharon ask mi to sit by the table... in case edna see mi n cry LOL but seeing she dun cry when she see mi then i go by the pool side
but i got a big prob thou
i keep seeing stars whn i stand up aft i squat or sit by the pool side.. tink my BP a bit low LOL
Hi Mums, thanks for your input on bringing baby food out. So much stuff we have to bring - insulated carrier, baby food in jar/baby cube, ice pack (necessary?), feeding bowl and spoon, thermos flask of hot water, etc. So heavy! I sometimes cheat and bring instant rice cereal or oatmeal to feed when I'm out... then feel a bit guilty because it's 'instant' and not really so 'healthy' as giving them fresh food...

Lack of sleep = getting sick for me. I've caught the flu, think maybe from all the visiting over CNY. Just hoping not to pass it to baby!

Would love to meet up with you & Y, Yuli & A and other mummies but think I am too far away....you girls are staying somewhere near Kovan?

Can't wait for the swim trial this afternoon with Lagirafe & Koko....now just praying whether stays good....

Lagirafe & Koko, see you later!
HBB, ok.
Hahaha, lotsa stuff to bring. You got see my husband's expression when i said I wanna go buy rattan chest? Muahahaha
Can bring your hamper basket? I'm still trying to think of more interesting setup, props etc... Then can ask the StudioSpace guys to help setup but these few days got mental block =p
Am staying in Bishan...come! ;-P Middle of island(geographically) so you don't have to travel to opposite end. LOL!

Yougoing to Bali??!?! I wanna go back. Took bb over the Christmas/New Year. Love it. The Balinese love babies, so very easy. Let me know if you need any info. I rented steriliser, stroller, got them to buy Huggies for me, etc, so I didn't need to lug that there!

Waah...got props for photoshoot? ;-P
Should get Mediacorp cow(darn it, forgotten the name - the one that they put all over Singapore)...after all, bbies were born in year of the Ox. LOL!!

Yah!! That's the one!!

"Steal/Borrow" one for the afternoon!!! Hahahahahahaha....

Y also starts to wail when I put him on the changing mat as well...and yes, am also quite mortified in public!! So I gotta give him something to play with - sometimes it works,sometimes it doesn't!
