(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

at least u can still try giving something for him to play. Mine starts her siren the moment i put her down all the way till we finish n carry her up. nothing works except to carry her up. dont know why my kids go thru this stage. last time my #1 also like that. lasted quite some time.

woohoo... never occurs to me the moo moo cow relates to our bb leh. if only i'm still working wif the group, else will try my luck asking for it as props. still remembered they ever sell the mini version before.
The cows very popular =) very good marketing!

Yah lah, need some props else might get boring after a while. Clothes changes, some toys, throw in the parents, take out parents & throw in more babies... haha... Pattern pattern a bit...
i reached dere arnd 6.30pm.. den went to the cafe to have dinner n fed Jav dere.. till arnd 7 plus we walked arnd ikea... haha.. such a coincidence.. but din see u.. =\ haha..
we plan to have it next yr 2011.. hehe.. ya, rabbit yr!.. i do find it painful too.. hahaa.. my gynae suggested to use lubricant cos he says its a normal process for us to feel painful aft birth.. cos it becomes dry or sth.. =P haha.. ok, abit too detailed..wahahaa..
i agree w u, too near apart is a prob for us to handle.. too far apart, tats wen even more rivalry will begin.. i tink 1yr plus to 2 yrs gap jus nice..=D actually can start planning soon.. hahaa.

this coming sat is the photoshoot alrdy?.. time flies man.. hehe..
27th.. J&J having their first swimming class!
stacia also likes to chew fingers now haha.. but still boh geh.. haiz!

din receive your PM leh..

I hv the same principle like kim.. since, we're bringing the bread home too, all things must be shared including housework (when we hv no full time maid back then). Actually I feel very bad as a wife sometimes cos I never even help him with laundry & ironing =p He's always been helpful (else I prob din wan to give him a baby hehe..) but he's more on the 'technical' duties ie arranging storeroom, fixing, etc.. as for housework, I paid for the part-timer to come once a week.. that settled our problems.. cos it's really tiring & 'no life' for those who gotta work 5.5days yet need to do housework over the weekend.. *sweat*
re: fish
I think stacia allergy to fish
I've tried to feed her once on 1st day of CNY, she got some rashes.. I stopped giving.. then I tried again yesterday, she developed some rashes again but it disappeared in abt 30mins time.. It's not too early to give fish now, right?

Btw, looks like not many mommies giving minced beef or chicken.. any idea when roughly we shud start on these?
<font size="-2">erm I have the cow but it is super heavy and super big so need a van or lorry to transport it to the studio, does anyone has such a vehicle?</font>
If anyone ask, the cow followed us home from the park one lonely evening...

Babyethan I still know some ppl in our ex-firm, you want to buy the mini one?

Linsu, stacia is very delicate, allergic to water then now allergic to fish! What type of fish did you give her? Ngor hee? I have only given him pork so far...but def have intentions to start him on beef/chicken/fish soon...

Chiyojade, you were in Club Med Bali over X'mas? Good to know I don't have to bring a stroller, I prob will sling him everywhere but easier if stroller is around too...
Re: bring food out for bb..

I feed my gal the cooked powdered brown rice with puree for her meal.. so for outings, I use my Thermos Lunch box (3 compartments - 1st tier for ther Graber puffs, 2nd tier for the Lunch and 3rd tier for the warm veg puree for dinner (to be mixed with cereal.).

Now i'm lazy to bring BM out to feed so will bring milk powder instead..

EBM all for home feeding.

Re: FTWM - time for kids

my younger one usually nap at abt 8pm for 30 mins then actual bed time is 10pm-ish.. so not too bad for me to find time to bond with her..

I reach home usually abt 8pm.. settle down abt 9pm then have some time with my #1... later followed by #2 when #1 goes borther her grandma..

I stay with my in-laws, am blessed that my in laws are nice people, and help me with all the housework.. I only have to feed and take care of the kids on weekdays.. the housework, 80% they do.. the rest of the 20 % the part time who comes in only once a week (she can't do 2x a week) to help with the ironing and detail cleaning of the house e.g. toilets, windows, kitchen walls, etc..

Daily laundry, my MIL will do (she prefer handwash though i have gotten her washing machine)..

My Hub DO NOT DO ANY housework.. all pampered by his mum.. he's role at home is to bring home the "bread" and play with the kids.. he tries to teach but often the educating part falls on to my shoulder.. Envy Dino-mum that dad is hands-on and is interested in educating young one..

Comes to weekend is my in-laws "off day" they do their things while we meddle with the kids.. I cook for the family, bathe the kids and Hub to play with the kids.. most of the time he is best to make then take afternoon naps cos he wants to nap too.. haha

Re: Big Aunt vs BM

Well i had my "big aunt" since XR is 3 mths old.. only when BA is here then milk supply will decrease a bit.. otherwise supplies maintain..

just pump religiously
hmmmm..dats weird.. nvm, i send u again nw.. hehe..

erghs.. the cow can walk!.. but if its heavy n bulky, it wld b quite difficult for u to bring it back aft the photoshoot..
Bbethan – I can so relate to that! My dd is exactly the same. She wails the moment her head touches the changing table. Why does that happen? She was always fine with her changes then once she learnt to sit up, she just didn’t want to lie down. If she does lie down, she’ll be trying to turn all the time while protesting. Many a time, I’ve had to change her diapers while she’s standing up! I’m now wondering if pull-up diapers will be easier?

Btw, HBB, I thot your comment abt Edna walking behind you around the house is so funny. I can kinda picture it. A guai guai girl walking behind her mummy……….I wonder if I can ‘train’ my daughter to walk behind her papa and pick up after him!!!!
hmmm, maybe try some other types of fish?... if still like tat.. mayb stop fish till shes older b4 u try again? i only did pork w Jav so far.. will b trying fish next week..
i've tried fish - codfish, salmon n threadfin. so far so good. yet to try chicken n beef.

ya... don't know why suddenly like that. weird thing is she's ok to lie down when it's bathing time. always need me n hb to pin her down while she wails all the way. pull ups r definitely much easier. if yr bb on the big size, shd hv no prob. mine small size... don't know got such small size pull ups or not. only cons is they r more ex.

can try NTUC brand pull up, think they are cheaper..

i try M size huggies pull up and its too big for XR..

She got small hip.. maybe should try other brands.. can ask for sample

You got the Mooove cow.. wow..

Children/ family photography... I think I prefer those outdoor shoots which is natural but of cos kids might get cranky.. if its a hot day..
sunsweet.. outdoor potography is nt suitable for our bb now i tink cos they cant walk.. when can walk it will b nice!

haha ur imagination even funnier LOL
if edna will guai guai follow me behind.. hahaha
i expecting her to chase aft me to make mi entertain her ... even now she expect me to play w her instead of solo play.. tsk tsk
Re: lack of sleep

if anyone knows to manage this issue, please teach me.
Besides snapping, my health seriously plung after giving birth, very highly due to lack of sleep/rest. I've fallen sick 5 or more times over the past 7 months. My fallen sick rate was 1 or max 2x per year. sick of getting sick.
hbb, foz, lamagier - glad to know i'm not the only snappy alligator around

lamagier- omg so true. i tend to wallow in self pity some times. heh. will try to poke myself out of it like you said
Re: cow
hey... i got 1 of those cows @ home! Lemme noe if u all need me to bring! (i glanced thru the thread quickly, not sure if any1's oledi got 1 le... haha)
gng to accompany my ger awhile 1st!
RE: Thoughts on help from men
I want to salute to working moms (w/o live in helper) who still has the energy to cook, clean, entertain kids during their off (Oh! and some who still have to make peace with MILs)!! I think since Adam sinned, (some) Women seem to have to work more than the men. Even in the third world, I see that women are more hard-working than men. SO I STILL THINKS THESE WOMEN (MOMS) DESERVE "MOTHER'S DAY" while no concrete ground for most fathers!!!
Chiyojade, I agree about the news papaers part too!! Now I so "Ah-soh" I definitely read the Thu papers cos checking out sales..
BBEthan, imagine us who doesn't work, I think we are more losing touch with the world!! Add'l, I have learnt to close one if not both on what hb did. Last Sat, I was so tired to wash K's bottles, I requested hb to help on Sun am. When I came back from church, I see that all the nipples were not separated from the bottle lids, and there were some dried milk powder in the Dr. Browns parts, and one of the Medela nipple was "blured" and greasy (I supposed it wasn't washed). In the past, I would call him and yell at him, then leave all the bottles and make him rewash. But that day, I decided to rewash everything, then went he came back, I told him the areas he has to pay more attention to when washing the bottles. I high lighted that this is esp impt cos we no longer sterilize K's bottles. He took it very well, and by that we avoided an argument!
Bestberries, I can understand some days you want to just throw the resignation letter on your MIL's face!! But {{{hugs}}} ren-ren-ren-ren.... Think of the bigger picture! If you are not ready to be SAHM, it can be quite a culture shock, and of course having your own income if better than feeling "dependent".
Afterall, I think if life as a working wife/ mom, and still need to "fu-shi" the hb, then what's the point of marrying and have kids? Might as well stay single and be happy spending our own $$$.

HBB, may be Edna is hungry? or is the skin acting up again?

Lamagier, I think may be my girlfriend must have influenced him with the Twilight thingy.. She is the head of the Twilight book club in SIN and even flew to TYO &amp; LAX to meet the actors!!!!! Crazy!!!

RE: Fatigue
I had to go thru "Fatique Management" in my previous job, 2 things we were told is to avoid using caffein or sugar to stay awake, another is using alcohol/ sleeping pills to induce sleep.
Chicken essence does help me in some ways, but for me the best med is exercise, which I rarely have time to do now. So miss those days where I can spend half a day in the gym.
Peanut, try taking power nap. I can't suggest any other things cos the rest would be go do exercise and pop supplements..

Evie, I have tooth brush for K but haven't use, still using the wet cotton pad to clean the teeth &amp; Gum.

RE: BB refusing to lay down
K is such too!! I kept thinking may be he has tummy ache, but it's not! and like DD, he loves to turn/ roll to his side when on the changing mat! My neighbor told me to give him something to hold, and it worked for more than a mth, then now he'll play with the toy on his side *arrrgh*
Yuli, I am considering pull ups too! I used it once but forgot actually we can tear it when soiled, instead, we trie to pull it off like a normal pants, so the poo actually made more mess..

RE: Fatigue &amp; bogged down with work (work &amp; home)
All of us need to get out and have time of our own, make hb agree to bb sit at least once a mth so we can go for SPA!!!
Had a long day, Max caught a cold from Ally and he has been having fever the whole day. Even with 4 hourly doses of panadol I still couldn't bring his temperature down. Finally when it hit 39.4 we took him to the PD. But obviously the medicine started working when we reached there cos he was smiling and laughing at his doctor! I felt like such a fool, trying to explain how sick he is and there he's smiling away.

He bit me today for the first time while nursing. Was so angry with him cos it hurts! But I think its due to his cold, he can't breathe properly. Fingers crossed he sleeps well tonight, dh and I really need some decent sleep.
dun tink is her skin cos its much much better now...
she is prib a bit hungry but not totally.. id id try to latch her if its liek 5am.. but if its any earlier i avoid latching her cos she had big big bottle of milk before sleep (260 to 270ml) dun wan her to tink canlatch to sleep...

but i did discuss w dh if this goes on mayb last feed gotta giv her fm.. see can works out better anot

jillian.. hope max get well soon. if he got a cold he will prefer to latch on to clear his nose.. edna wan to latch if she got block nose too.
Jillian, if the fever is so high, you should give nurofen.. I know what you mean when you say bb became better when reach doc's office. I usually felt alot better at the clinic but trying to recover at home is like hopeless.. I wonder if doc's clinic has some sort of gas that heals...

HBB, Gina was just saying this afternoon that Ju is like this, I suggested to her to tang her up in the day or evening although Ju is taking rice cereal during her dream feed.. I know for K's case, it;s the fact that he is sleeping alone in his room, somehow when his paci fell off, he'll cry when sleeping in his bed, but if he is sleeping with us, then even the roof fell also I think he can continue sleeping!! His cot mattress is of course not as comfy as ours since we have a mattress topper, so what I did was I went to Ikea to buy a mattress topper for him, it help a bit bit. I am thinking to cut up my old comforter and sew into a mattress topper for his cot.
Is it convenient for you to bring cos I have no idea how actually heavy or large it is? If not we just forget it and use plush toys

oh dear, hope max will get well soon

Wah, your previous job got deal with fatigue management?!?! Oh dear, I've been surviving on caffeine &amp; milo dinosaur at work these past few work days cos energy level too low. Gotta move my lazy arse to the gym tmr... haven't been there since my maternity leave ended....
I wan royce too =) go buy tmr

Jia you. You have 2 babies, definitely need a lot more sleep then us. Hope you, beverly and ayuki are all coping well. Already think all you twins mothers are very steady, handling so many things =)

haha, I like outdoor shots too, only if weather is nice. If we all manage to put together a garden outing, can come join =)
Kim: I try not to give Neurofen cos its bad for their little tummies and liver. Just had to keep sponging him down and finally his temperature dropped. Please send some chocolate my way

Just rang hb to ta pau ice milo for me, my comfort drink.
Aiyoh...don't feel like a fool...we all get that. It's like when you take something to be repaired but when you get to the shop, it works fine. So irritating! Most impt thing is that he feels better and hope he gets well soon!

I am quite happy to say that you, me and another friend made the same mistake with the pull ups. When Y poo-ed, I pulled it down and it was so gross and I tried so hard not to kena his legs/feet, etc...and I was thinking who is the stoopid person who designed this?
Then later I was told, to rip off the sides. Didn't read instructions lah...I thought "Pull up, so pull down!" ROTFLOL.
I also miss going to the gym! I signed up for one more year...want to see how many times I will go now that Y is a little older.
Brave to you for being patient with dh! I'm pretty sure I would've made some noise if it were me.

I haven't bought any toothbrush yet! I though bo-geh no need...you mean must clean the mouth!?!? I didn't even think of that!! Oh dear!
Mine isn't the very big one, i'll take a pic of it &amp; send it to you all, see if u all wan nt... =D

my chest's feeling abit tight nw, nt sure ijjit ate too much junk food... haiz... gotta go slp soon with the ger... she has been super sticky to me... "beh lay ko" lehs!!! =.=
Have you heard of this company called melaleuca? I heard that they have VERY good products for skin. One of relatives' boy had very bad eczema when he was a baby and saw many many doctors - they live in Australia and when they started using this product, the eczema cleared. My aunt uses it and she's in her 60s but her hands are very soft...apparently they have a whole range of stuff (body lotions, etc) and even household products and they are safe for babies - should any horrible accident happen like them drinking the detergent!
Chiyojade: I had to laugh when I read about the pull ups. I made the same mistake with Ally and its only when I saw her friend's mom rip the sides did the light bulb in my head go off. I thought pull up means pull down also.
bbethan - my baby beeeg size so maybe I'll try the mamypoko pull-up samples on her soon n c if she's more cooperative.

kim - I gave toy b4 but doesn't work. my neighbours prob think I ill treat Alexis cos she cries so angrily n pitifully wen being changed! sigh. I lurve ROYCE chocs 2!

Jillian - hope Max gets well asap!
tang her up? u mean the feeds? she is eating ok now liao.. thou not fantastic. u go my fb see the bowl she play w. she take about a bowl of that cereal per feed plus mayb another 50ml more of milk.. 3 times a day.. last feed bout 260ml of milk... so i wonder why she not full.. tis quite alot i tot... im tryin to slowly add more n more amt of cereal for her =p

her eczema is under contrl w the AI cream.. plus some stinky oil.. now almost all clear... very glad!! so now im watching her diet in case anythg trigger off!

haa my sis aso same mistake on the pull up pants.. hahahahaaha she also say who invented so silly diaper.. until 1 of my fren told her to rip off the side hahahahaa
Jillian, u want to try my ice milo recipe? I find it not bad..
Fill a beer mug (like the A&amp;W root beer mug) up to half with milo
Add enough hot water to dissolve the milo
Topped with fresh milk and crushed ice.
I dun add sugar cos it's rather sweet for me already!!
You can even whip some warm milk with Cuppuccino milke beater, then dust some coco powder on the froth.. hmmm! hmmm! hmmm!!

RE: Pull ups
Hahaha!! I thot I am the only "gonggong" one!!! I suppose we all dun read instructions manual when we got our gadgets? LOLs!!

Chiyojade, I started "brushing" K's gum after Muffingirl told me she started cos her confinement nanny did that. I thought it'll make bb take to tooth brushing better in future (but I only do it once a day in the morning). K will bite on my finger or suck the water from the cotton pad, but I let him before I continue to clean the mouth.. It's quite fun actually! When he gets abit older, I want to start teaching him the name of each set of teeth each time the "brush" gets to them.
That means the packaging very lousy because the instructions are not put in a prominent place or wrong design for all to see....Am so glad that I am not the only one! LOL!!
Eh...pass some Royce chocs...yummy!
Hbb: my goodness Edna can really eat. That bowl is quite a big serving. I'll be happy if Max eats 5 of those spoonfuls that she's holding.

Yuli: Mamypoko pulls ups are good for bigger size babies. Max is now wearing "M" for pull ups and L for the normal ones. They are pricey but I usually just stock up whenever there is a discount
kim yes im givin her si shen..

rem the food strike that lasted a few week? she jus started eating.. when she 1st started eating cereal seh can eat alot more.. and the bowlof cereal is not watery one.. is pretty thick

ehh who the hell will read hw to wear a pamper?imagine u go buy a pack of sanitary pad.. u got read instruction on hw to stick meh? LOL
i cant imagine myself readin "hw to stick the wings" hahahahhaaa
Hbb: LOL you made me laugh so loudly I nearly woke up the kids!

Kim: Thanks for the recipe, will try it out. I love ice milo but I can never seem to make it right at home.
HBB, I was laughing while I read, good thing hb still on way home or I dunno what he'll think (he already quite puzzle how come the thread can beat him in making me laugh).. But for Tampons I still read de, cos some of those from Japan can be quite tricky, but sister here dun understand Japanese, so I usually sign off 1 pc for "trial"..

Jillian, rmbr not to use low fat milk, not nice! I hope this is acceptable for you.. I love the very think milo, so I usually use hot milk to make the milo. One day, I was so caught up and the milo turned cold, so I decided to add ice and make into iced milo..
actualy sth similar happen to mi but its my pressure cooker
aft using for 2 yrs.. everytime i use i wonder hw to i clean that tiny weeny hold when the food bubbles thru.. always paranoid that food stuck thr turn mouldy until 1 fine day i went to ask the lady at taka.. thenshe say.. oh u nvr read instruction huh? the handle can dismantle to wash one wat! i so paiseh lor LOL
oki.. i hate to read instruction!!
HBB, if it was me, I will pretend that I am new user and check how I can clean so not so pai-seh..
I did that when I try to fix diff parts of K's strollers, some looks foreign to me and I lost the instructions.. so I went to the store to pretend to be a buyer. Hahas!

RE: Instruction Manual
I learn to read them now a days cos influenced by hb, but I glanced thru, while he will read religiously..
another way to perk yourself up is to drink DOM the night before. gd for the body n gives u gd night sleep. V gd excuse to drink a bit more n sleep deeply... leave the night wakings to the man n zzzzz... LOL
Bbethan: if that is the case I'll have to drink half the bottle of DOM. Max woke up every 45 mins last night, cry and cry. Pacify him, go back to my bed, then he wakes up crying again. I know the poor boy is sick and uncomfortable but I'm so exhausted. Around 4am he woke Ally up with his crying but luckily she went back to sleep on her own.
Bbethan the man always sleep as though he consumed 5 bottles of DOM leh...how to leave it to him?

Pull up pants - I like nepia, coz my daughter has big butts so the roomy cut is good for her. Bad thing abt the ripping of the side is, I was so used to ripping that there was once I ripped only to find the diaper clean so 60 cents flew out of the window...if only I had pulled it down, can still use...

Chiyojade, where can we get products from melaleuca? I have eczema-like skin condition

oopss... i forgot abt how drunk the man can be too. but sometimes when i'm too tired n really knocked out, i'm unable to wake up despite hearing her cry. there are some times when i feign deep sleep n wait for the man to be disturbed fr his sleep by her escalating cries.

Max catch the flu bug from Ally? hopes he recovers soon. i hate it when any of them are down with flu.

re pull up pants
the grouse part abt ripping it off is when they hv explosive poo in it. i think i dont hv to elaborate any further in case anyone is having breakfast now.
