(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

actualy its true that if they dun drink they will gt wind but its not true that they dun hav wind at such young age.. in fact its common.. rem edna got wind prob fr birth?
yes day time edna is on 4 hour or so.. sometimes 4.5 to 5 hours if we r out
if she is a gd girl and everythg is fine.. i giv her 3 hour 45 mins. plus minus a bit is fine.

edna looks good.. but nobody see the days where she cry it out.. cry till no sound hahaaaa
those days were realy tough!

oh yes edna was on 3 hourly fr birth.. i din even bother to giv in to any min earlier!

hang on thr babe! u can do it! come to tink of it.. K is not bad at nite rite?

yah!..e irritating toes not well yet..n the skin coming off.. damn painful.. sigh.. cant do anything but to apply e med n pray hard for it to get well w/o taking medications..
i tink for us we will start all veges first den others..hahaha.. im oso an evil mama.. hahahaha

thanks for yr info.. hmm, im quite keen to buy one tin n let him try first.. cos frm wad Gina describes wen comparing to Similac.. its worth a try!.. hee.. hmmm, the med doc gave me is actually one antiseptic solution (Chlorhexidine) to wash n clean den another antiseptic cream (Supirocin Ointment) to apply lots..aft applying ytd nite n go to slp w it.. this morn, the swollen parts seem to b nt so red n swollen alrdy.. i'll cont to see hw it goes..=D

i took the anitibiotics or one week.. but to b safe, doc asked me stop bfeeding for 2 weeks in order to make sure all the medicine goes away.. so i jus resumed this week.. haha.. its not so bad la.. cos i owaes pump out to feed him nvr latch on..hee..

its a rainy n slpy day... wanna go out but cant drag myself out..haha..i wanna go to fairs!!.. but the motherhood one is all the way at united square... FAR... sian..
that one is not organix but according to my super health conscious gf that si the plainest of all.. so better for bb.
i will mix this and probably healthy times one... so that in the event of 1 is out of stock she can eat another.

dun b guilty of being an accidental parenting so logn as u r willing to do it lar hehe...
im nto willing.. so i tell myself i cannot do it =p im a lazy mummy
tinklebellx, I think so too, cos if there is allergy, it shd'v happen when he first had it and not until he was 3mths right? I rmbr it started when I took him on bb bjorn facing out, then another time when I took him to make ticket booking in SQ ION, then after that was no ending until I intro the rice cereal, it improved tremendously.
Kim n BBEthan,
im oso in that category.. pacifier.. rocking to slp.. haha.. nvm one la.. i feel bbs all different.. wen they r getting older day by day can slowly wean them off de.. im starting to take Jav off his yao lan alrdy.. been strtching his time to slp on bed or mattress instead of yao lan.. so nw, he slps in it oni mayb once a day.. or mayb not even once a day if we go out.. =) pacifier a lil difficult to start nw, but wen he falls asleep he will spit it out himself n refuse to tk it back.. recently, he'll pull it out himself n slp w/o it.. guess its a gd start..=D
hmmm,Kim.. HBB is right, slowly extend timing bit by bit.. tats wad i do oso for Jav.. aft seeking advice frm her of hw she do it to edna.. haha.. HBB's my shifu.. hahahaha.. beginning Jav cried like mad.. but slowly he gt into the routine.. nwadays he can stretch up to 4-5 hrs.. jia you ya! =D
BBEthan, ya, I am sure different writer has different views, like Gina Ford would definitely think my way is aok. Dun feel bad, although I felt I may have fallen into accidental parenting--also pacifier & rocking, even thinking about Yao-Lan cos many older moms told me the behavior K has is like he is in need of it, but I have not cave in on this.. I still have some instinct that I am not too "wrong" or far from the path.
I dunno if this is feed on demand, cos there is a rough 3hrs interval though.

HBB, ya, at night he;s an angel.. and these days even if he nap well in the day (actually much better nap habit than before), he will still knock out around 7pm. That's something I love.
actualy i believe in if a baby nap well in the day time.. they will b able to sleep well at nite. tat the thg edna cannot do.. i duno why!!
she cant seem to nap well esp her evening nap..
sigh.. but at least i managed to prolong her feedign time at nite nonw. feed ard 9ish.. and try to feed her at about 5 in the morning. now she take bout 5 feed a day.. once she had 4 feed.. i so freaking happy LOL
gotto try harder manz!
Jes, K is like Jav, he is getting better at holding his paci, but yes, he spit it out when he falls asleep and loves to pull it out. He wants to put it back himself but cant get the correct side, usually the teat ends up up his nose..

His bottom incisors are more obvious today, and his urge of pulling things into his mouth also increases.
HBB, how much is Edna taking in each feed? cos I dunno if K is over fed.. 5oz/feed and still 7 feed/day. Now with rice cereal, one of those is the rice cereal plus 2.5oz ebm or fm. So hungry meh?
im forcing her to drink 200.. past few days she drank bout 2 feed w 200 and the other 2 about 130 or so, 1 feed of latching (5am) prob about 100??
i cant say for sure if K been overfed as diff babies drink diff amt. but if he is used to that amt (stomach likely to hav expanded cos of this) then i dun tink he is being overfed
dun forget he is a boy.. he prob drink more than edna then.
PD mention sth like they need between 600 to 1000 ml of milk a day when not on solids.
nxt mth i will ask her if add in solid hw much milk needed.
oh yes when i say i force her to drink... i got time out one.. she must fin the 200 within half an hour... else i will jus stop. if she is hungry she will drink up 200 in 15 mins else she will jus dilly dally n i gotto bluff her into drinking by singing to her...
I also very happy when bb wakes up to feed longer than his usual 3 hr at nite.. Coz now he's still also on 3 hrs interval (even @ nite).. Me believe good naps result in good night sleep too! So trying to make sure he sleeps...

Last night I had to let him cry real bad coz he didn't want to go to bed at the usual bed time. At 10pm he still wasn't asleep. Sigh.. hate to see him cry but sometimes no choice.. I've decided to let my hubby take over his bed time.. Coz it seems like my bb fusses alot during that time and I can't resist picking him up the moment he cries.. :p Feel quite meh you yong sometimes.. :p

It's quite a battle getting the little one to sleep.. :p
haa i tot im the onli weird one =p
so now i knw im nt weird hahaaa

btw does ur boy hav this funnyhabit of playin in the cot instead of sleeping.. then see u n start crying? cos edna will do that! so i avoid letting her see me until its milk time!
Kim, thanks for the contacts and info!

Jes, i think i will try tuina soon if his phlegm still stays. Currently hav given him a little of the med his dad brought back for him...hopefully it helps to break his phlegm.

lamagier, my hb also did not wan to go but i think he does not hav a choice hahaha...

Jes, lucius is like jav, increasingly not sleeping in yaolan already. Prefer to sleep on bed/cot than rocking (some of you might hav noticed at mintymom's place). I never give him pacifier but he sometimes like to suck his milk bottle to sleep...jus that, there's milk for him to drink to sleep.
yah..Jav will pull it out n cant stuff it back.. or he'll throw aside.. den i pick up stuff back into his mouth he scream n use his tongue to push it out.. or he'll fight w me for the pacifier by grabbing it away frm me.. sigh* he jus simply loves to fight w me over everything..milk bottle.. pacifier.. even his chou chous.. haha.. but K's cute!.. luckily he din manage to let his nose have the pacifier..=P
Kim, how much is 5oz?..Jav nw drinks abt 140ml to 150ml.. but oni wen daddy feeds, he always nvr finish up.. but wen i feed him he will finish everything..

hee..yah.. i guess its a gd start for them ya!.. hee.. hmmm, ya, u can go try the tuina if realli needs to.. takes time.. but gd effects..=D
RE: BB sucking/ Sleep habit
I know that sucking actually helps make bb sleepy, so be it paci or fingers, or... nipple (which is less encouraged by Tracey Hoggs) should all be ok, unless they can't be weaned off when they are much older. K stopped sucking his upper lip when he got used to paci. I am hoping he doesn't become like his mommy in paci cos I suck till 6yrs old (so shy), and after I was weaned off, I start sucking on my lower lip.. His other sleep habit quite like me, say, blanket, kicks off blanket; bolster--He has 2 bean bolster and one that grandma made, I placed the bean bolster on him 2 nights ago and he ended up pulling it and placed on the side of his cheek, so like me (except I used my pillow and had to feel the cool side of the pillow with the back of my hand to go to sleep)..
Jes, 5oz is approx 150ml. Tell you something cute too, K can spit out his paci when he is about to fall asleep, and it'll rest nicely at the back of the pillow, probably bumped off by the crib bumper.. I used to think it was hb that took it off and place it there, but for past few nights hb had been coming home v late. I left him to go sleep on his own and when I check on him, the paci is nicely "placed" there, only one time it fell on the floor..
Ok, I am counting, I fed him the rice cereal and 2.5oz EBM at 12pm. It's 15:17 now, he is only doing the fake cough.. see if I can stretch to 15:30
how do u all let yr bb rely less on yaolan to sleep. pls teach me.

good. at least u get a clear indication fr her that it's not some other reason for her spit ups. very sure she'll outgrow it soon.

amanda does it at times too. in the cot, she'll play herself for some time. if let her see me, she'll cry if i dun play with her at the cot side. sometimes i walk away n she sees it, she'll start to make noise. sometimes i just ignore her n she'll stop after a while. but most of the time, she gets rescued by others in the house.
wakodo fm
I started tis fm coz wen gareth was on enfalac he merlion alot but tat oso coz he had reflux durin his first 3 mths... then after tat he couldnt drink his usual amt of milk wen he is on enfalac n now tat im starting to wean him off bm i decided to change to wakodo as wat evie oso said jap milk texture r very similar to bm..

i had used meiji b4 n tat is definitely a better brand than wakodo but coz its not available in sgp thus i decided to jst stick to wakodo for convenience sake. last reason for me to try wakodo is oso coz my bb get heaty on enfalac always dun poo for days n oso rash every now n then.. now tat he is on wakodo no such problems mayb coz its light.. anor brand that a gf had tried n said tats gd is morinaga n anor premium brand which i forgot.. jap milk have all the nutrients which local fm has as wat a jap frend of mine have interpret to me but nothin extra or special in there..

jap fm r generally all made quite light compared to our local fm so its similar to our bm therefore its easier for mothers to wean off babies...

U may wan to put in more powder as wats instructed by the manufacturer which is 1 spoon=20ml water if stacia ask for milk faster than her usual time..the amt i told u is base on i always dilute gareth fm more as i dun wan him get constipation..

oh no, in adult world, this is called 'bulimic'. :p Glad that Ju En is thriving. My gal is gaining only a pathetic 100g every 2-3 weeks! Till now still haven't reach 5kg!
gareth does tat retching actions too!!! it freaks me out as he used to merlion frequently last time so i was scared he is having those merlion again.. gosh y do they do tat.. wat i observe is tat they do tat to get our attention.. do u think so? and i lightly smack his cheek or i grab his chin area lightly wen he does tat to let him know tat its not rite to do tis action.. but still he does tis off n on esp wen he wans to be carried.. is ju en doin the same stuff??

bought a Jane Activa High Chair Set, Bb Einstein toys, Nuby Feeding Bowl, Insulated water bottle, Sassy Plastic Bibs (at $2 each!), Sesame Street Cloth Books. There're so many toys there, so tempted to buy everything but cannot lah. Too many at home already. So just bought 2 baby einstein toys for her.
mashy> Ya I also took alot fo stuffs, then slowly put back & tell myself to FOCUS! Lol
How much u paid for your Jane Activa High Chair set? Izzit good? Does it take up space when store away? Im looking for a good & reasonable one.
Sigh, K got too hungry just now, I had to feed him at 15:20..

Gina, ya, my heart goes to you.. I already stopped the reflux med. I realize K spit up less after the rice cereal, that's why I suggested, good to hear that Juen is all well despite the spit ups and that you have already started cereal. I pray that JuEn will be well in no time!

Wow, finally got my travel ticket sorted out! I asked for SQ 16 dep 17Dec and they gave me SQ1 dep same day!! How to go when hb & K is booked on SQ16 right? I couldn't stop stressing about how to move the flights and which flights to move since the domestic is also booked. So I waited one day (yesterday) to make sure I can write in a calm manner. Today, I decided to write one that seem so pitiful that I sent out at 1pm, they came back at 4pm to changed my flt booking, now I am on SQ16 dep 17DEC!!!! All praises to our mighty Jesus!!Hallelujah!
wats ur email so i add u.. i ask my gf for u tat brand she say is premium in jap.. think it cost like almst 3700 yen per tin if i dun rem wrongly.. ya now i add in the amt as instructed by the manufacturer if not he drink 250ml at times leh.. tats too over feed oredi.. or u add me la on [email protected]
mashy> Sounds like a good steal! How much is it @ retail? Can use for how long? When baby turn 3 or 4yrs old?
I thought only level 6? There is level 7 too???
I have used the premium bottles 3 times and so far no leakage. Not too sure whether premium bottles have 250ml like those standard bottles. Mg gf bought it during Isetan private sale. The big premium bottles is 300ml. A bit too much cos Julian is only drinking 150-180ml now.

I think so too. There was a time where his spit up improved but it is starting again. Haiz.. Not sure whether it is the new formula. Julian is not 4mths yet so can't feed him cereals. Another one more wk to 4th month.

BB sucking/ Sleep habit
I notice Julian requires pacifier more in the day than at night cos he will spit out. In the afternoon, he will usually wake up and ask for his pacifier when he realise it is not in his mouth. I hope it is not difficult to weaned off when he is older.

My boy has funny habit! When he wants to sleep he will keep touching his forehead. Doubt any babies have such weird habit. Haha!

Going back to work next week. I guess I will miss my boy a lot cos I am currently looking after him full time for the past 4 mths. Hopefully my mum can handle this active boy of mine.
tinklebell, ok, u dun need my fingers to count down.. Which FM was u giving him and which one u switched to? K had been on the Similac Pro Calci, then I ke-kiang, try the new Immunity, so I kept thinking it was the formula, then I now really dunno what caused it. Perhaps a number of contributing factors- new FM, lot more outing, increase in salivation, teething (before signs on the gum) etc etc etc..
what's the volume for the smaller premium bottle?

my #1 also has funny habit when he's sleepy. He'll keep touching his back of his head. V cute when we realised it. so now we rely on it to catch his sleepy cue. Haven't discover my girl's.
My gf say its call Icreo something.. apparently a gd brand in japan.. i dun knw coz i nev try tis b4.. but if gals wanna try can get ur gf to get frm japan.. i dun even knw if hk has it.. my gf was still flying even after birth so she gets her endless supply frm japan.. for me i very lazy mama.. so jst stick to wakodo.. ahhahaa
I am giving him Similac, the new Immunity as well. Hope he will be better when start on cereals.

The volume for the smaller premium bottle is 150ml.
hehe amanda is lucky... gt ppl save hehe

mashy i got that same high chair also
i agree that its gd cos can sit till when they get bigger... i tink gt a hidden compartment as well rite? can store their pencils n such

went to carrefour to stock up on pampers AGAIN... even cheaper than NTUC! and i bought 4 pack fr ntuc last week.. today bought so much thg that car boot no space =p
Re: High Chair
Will give that a miss, that chia zha bor jus refuses to sit still, less than 5 mins started screaming... My stroller was a waste of money, never get to use it coz she refuses to sit in there...

Re: Metro Sales
Went to Paragon right after work, stock up on teats and lotsa teats... All the way till above 6 mths, large hole... Bought a Playskool Step Start Walk n Ride for Gen, usual price $49.90, Hasbro disc $39.90, metro additional 20% disc, cost only $35...
Realize that I have given my MIL 10over milk bottles and almost 20teats... Caused her dining table to be loaded with bottles and teats... Forgot how many more at my home... Gosh... I'm obsessed with bottles and teats...

Re: Organix White Rice Cereal
I have wipe out the remaining 5 boxes from Vitakids in Paragon... Jus in case any mummies wanna buy that, do go to other stores or call up to check if the stock have arrived...
so glad to be back after blackout yesterday, only get power this evening so finally can surf internet. feels good in aircon room again. saw newspaper on flood, wonder wat will i do if i'm stuck on the road. no wonder i saw so many stranded cars on bukit timah road on the way home yesterday afternoon.

re: milk
my fren was recommending this organic milk powder call hipp (http://www.hipp.co.uk/), has anyone heard of it before? wanna to know if it's good or not. cos my tomi is drinking nan HA but seems like on milk strike, still thinking if i should change formula. did u guys try out the taste of formula you give your bb? last time my nanny say nan HA kinda bitter maybe that's why tomi refusing his milk, make me panic and went supermarket and get the nan PROBIOTIC ones instead cos scared if milk formula spoiled, phobia after the china formula case.
Yan> Oh ICREO is by Glico, the pocky brand. I have ordered online via jshoppers.combut in sachet form. My boy also ok with it, but I didnt cont coz quite expensive.

mashy> I wonder will there be any Jane Activa highchair sets left tmr...Sigh. Save $161 compared to $279 retail price. BIG savings! =)
