(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

am looking for a fiipino helper to replace my current one, who has no exp at all w bb. Do u know this helper and if she is gd? How old? Tks

I bought e pigeon ftg, but didn't use at all coz I am going to stop bf soon. Starting a new job so not so nice to express in e Ofc
I think I bought it at a special px. Hv to check and revert if u r keen

wow, seems like so many mummies hv started cereals alr. I thot of startg at 6 mths....... Too late?

Been a whole 2 weeks since I started work again. Been bz so hvnt logged in much - tis thread sure moves fast

hv u received news on e polo tshirt u ordered for gen yet? I forgot when it's gonna arrive .

Hair loss
mummies still exp hair loss? Anyone tried e herbal shampoo endorsed by Jackie chan? ??

Littlenotes, I know her sister (Mary) who comes to my plc. This one that is looking for a job used to be working here and hong kong until she got married, so she does have experience. Why not I gv u Mary's number and you call her? U accept PM?
u going down to the warehouse sales again?
haha! im going down later. my fren ask me not to buy the capella.
they say it's small! sigh. think later i go there ask the salesperson intro me

nopes, u are not slow! i also intending to start solid only when baby is 6months old.
my supervisor also told me that one of the risk that we start too earli is that baby may reject bm.
which happen in her case.

HBB and littlenotes
my hair drop also very terrible. i can sit on this place
and 1hr later u can see hair all over on the floor around the place i sit!

dun hv compartment to store pencils. Anyway, good also. I keep all the colouring stuff in a pencil case. So when need then take out. U know kids will love colouring the table. :p
My maid said "孩子认娘,头发满床", hair loss starts when the baby starts to recognize mom, which is true for me cos it has definitely worsen fm 2-3 mos on. Wah then, I'm never gonna stop lossing hair lah, cos she's never gonna 不认娘right? ;p
it been more than a mth now n i'm still dropping hair. and still a lot. balding soon.
wonder when wiill stop. wanted to try the herbal shampoo but after one of the mummies here highlighted abt the herbs used n it's safety for bf. i dare not try.
wa.. lucky i read the thread b4 i go out today coz im planning to go try the ba wang!!! im desperate oredi i mst say coz im dropping hair till my forehead is almst botak now..

Now im using this brand Nioxin shampoo n conditioner which is for hairloss.. US product.. n using kerastase ampoule as the tonic... u can try if u dun mind spending abit.. it ease my itchy n oily scalp but still dropping hair.. mayb it is controlling i dun knw to b honest but at least i dun feel itchy n oily la..

hope tis hairlosss episode gonna end soon if not think gotta visit beijing 101 oredi..

yes my gf get direct frm japan every mth coz she flies so not so ex for her.. its not cheap to maintain tis fm for 3 years so have to think carefully if really wan to start baby on icreo unless got someone who can supply u monthly ba... for me i dun wan to mafan my gfs la so i jst stick to wakodo.. so long he dun spit up or merlion daily then i think is ok ba..
my hair drops a lot too. So for this time I have armed my self with 3 boxes of Phytocyanne hair serum, intensive treatment for hairloss. It helps a little bit, infact I can even see some baby hair growing to replace the ones that dropped. It's quite expensive tough, can buy in robinson/john little when they have sales. if I'm not wrong it's close to $100 per box.

Kim, K has the 'ang moh' blood on him and has big appetite. I see Z's boys are like that too.
You can try the paci from tommy tippee which has shape like U, so when he suck, the U thingy will cover his gum. You can even put the teething gel around the U to sooth him.
I went to the club yesterday bring my boy for swim and play. So fun! May be you can join us next time...
talk bout 认娘.. if edna play alone she is fine the momment i appear she cry! tinks he rec me and wan me to carry... but my dh appeaar nothg hapen! and i drop hair till i tink need ot go doc soon!
SO I guess everyone having hair loss problems! Even my office pantry auntie asking me how come I losing hair SO MUCH..? (dustbin full of hair strands!) Sian. Taking calcium & multi-vit helps? DOnt think so leh.... =(
HBB: Same, dropping hair like crazy! I have to run the vaccum cleaner twice a day to pick up all my hair. HB was saying that between the dog shedding and my hair dropping, our floor will never be clean
haha..that's cute!... Jav has tat too.. but not v often like K's..oni spotted a few times w e pacifier lying nicely on the pillow.. hee.. 150ml..is wad Jav drinks nowadays.. same same!... but i dono where all his milk go to?..

i tink is motherhood leh.. cos i saw in the motherhood's magazine..=)

i actually extend Jav's timing of slping on the bed/ mattress.. last time if he wakes up in the morn.. i will place him in yao lan aft 1st morn feed.. but slowly, i started putting him in later.. will drag by few feeds each time.. so i start by putting him in yao lan oni aft aftnoon's first feed.. maybe abt 12 plus to 1pm.. den wen he got used to it, i dragged somemore.. by evening den i put him in.. den slowly now he can jus slp on bed/mattress whole day..cos in the first place i alrdy trained him to slp w/o yao lan at nite.. i jus slowly dragged the timings to slp in bed/mattress each time until he gets used to it n can slp w/o yao lan.. its quite torturing at first, cos he'll scream n cry till hes tired n fall asleep.. but i'll explain to him tat hes a big boy don needa shake n shake to slp n can slp on bed/mattress like mummy n daddy.. dono if he really understand wad i said.. but he seems to..so slowly, he actually 'accept' the fact tat he has to slp on bed/mattress cos even if he cries.. i will nt let him slp in yao lan.. so is either he slps on bed/mattress or don slp....in the end, he learns to slp on bed/mattress by himself..sometimes he'll play w his chouchou..rubs his eyes n falls asleep.. beginning phase is realli difficult n torturing to yr ears.. but wen they get used to the routine.. it can b done..=)oh yah, beginning i will lie dwn beside him n accompany him till he slp.. cos its a new thing to him aft all.. i'll put my hand on his tummy n i tink cos he feels someone is dere w him, he'll slp quite easily.. =) hope it helps.. sorrie for being long winded..hee

Dropping of Hair..
HBB n pprincess, im oso like tat.. use my fingers go thru my hair.. will see strands of hair on my fingers.. even while walking.. i can jus drop quite a few strands.. the whole hse is filled w my hair nw.. my hb is like picking up wen he sees.. den i told him he can forget abt picking dem up, cos it'll nvr end... the scariest part is wen i bathe.. the hair tat drop on the flr for one day is wad i used to drop for one week.. its realli scary.. i'm tinking if there's any help for it.. i wanted keep back my long hair.. but judging frm the amt i drop..i don tink its ever possible.. anw, do u all wash hair like every single day?..or alternate?
anyone uses sterlising tablets before? easy to use? i need to travel and i am tinkin of not bringing the sterliser along... else i scare if i check it they throw my luggage ard n there goes my sterliser... any suggestion?
<font color="ff0000">HBB</font>, I just got 2 packs of sterilising tablets, planning to use them when I go HK/Macau in Dec. Where are you off to? When?

Someone asked when is <font color="ff0000">Isetan's next private sale</font> - it is on 18 December 2009 (Friday).

<font color="ff0000">Hair drop</font>
I am dropping more than usual too but coz I have such thick hair, it is not noticeable. Phew! Most friends who dropped hair would cut short so it is lighter and not add stress to their hair.
hi ladies went to OG today, there's storewide 20% sale. bought the philips avent combined steamer and blender for $159, comes with free baby food storage cups (180mlx10 and 260mlx10). also bought 2 avent BPA free bottles (260ml) for $27, think usual price $39. anyone interested can go have a look, sale til this sun i think...

hbb, where you're going have microwave? how about getting the microwave sterilising bag?
i was thinking to get that when i go back to work full time and need to pump more than once.... but now like supply dropping... haiz...
hbb, no idea, thought there are instructions at the back of the pack?

gina, why? lobang again? I don't though

Amber, thanks for the OG tip, not bad, still have 2 free storage cups! Already bought mine though...
hi, just to share that Kidzloft 50% Sale has ended today (eventhough website indicates till tomorrow)..that's what the sales assistance said over there)..this info is for those planning to go tomorrow.
so it's let him cry until he sleepy? she will make a lot of noise when i place her on the bed/cot when she's sleepy. put into yaolan only, she knock out. guess i can only try yr method when i'm at home or not working. if not, i'll be nodding myself to sleep in office.

i'm washing my hair on alternate days. really scary to see the amt of hair after each wash. I'm also trying hard to keep my hair long. very tempted to cut short to keep the weight away. But i still want to keep long so that i can perm later on leh. *vain* keep telling myself, i'm dropping for almost 2 mths liao, shd be stopping n will be growing new ones soon. wasted if i cut. same goes to those hair tonics... can't bear to part my $$ on these.. me cheapo.... keke...

i used the sterilising tablet once a week in office to clean my parts in office. get a big container. I use those big lock n lock ones. fill it up with water, ensure no trap bubbles n just throw in one tablet. no need to rinse before use. but warn u all first... it gives off a strong chemical smell. not sure if u will be comfortable with it. I am not. So what I did is rinse off with hot water before use.
Thanks Bbethan, I was just abt to go take the pack from my storeroom to type it out for HBB here! Yikes, didn't know about the strong chemical smell, which brand are you using?

Went Raffles City's loo with #1 and we were queuing for an empty cubicle when she goes real loud "mama, why is auntie taking so long?" I was quite mortified and was super relieved when the next woman who came out of a cubicle (4 cubicles in all) was an angmoh! I am sure everyone heard. The women waiting behind us in queue were all smiling.
Wow! So many of your babies are on cereals? Mine is only on bm and formula. I was only planning on starting bb at 6 mths...

Travelling with bb
As for travelling with bb and need steriliser, maybe u can try this travel forum, www.tripadvisor.com and go into the KL forum and ask about places that rent sterilisers and baby stuff.
I am going to Indonesia and got a website that rents items out - they even have Avent sterilsiers...

Gina - I use bobby brown products :)
bbethan, did u try carrying amanda out of yaolan after she's sound asleep in it? Will she wake up easily once she's laid on bed/cot? For my case, it's somehow like jes where sometimes lucius will cry till he's tired and knocks out on his own. Last time he used to be able to play on his own then sleep. But now sometimes muz cry to sleep or i jus pat pat him using his "smelly" pillow. But last time when he always sleep in yaolan, i will carry him out to sleep on bed so that he wun rely too much on yaolan.
Noelle, I think the saying is very true, My problem with hair fall started the same time with K becoming weary of people he rarely sees. Now even when he is in a happy mood, he'll scan the environment &amp; analyze the person's face. He smiles less readily as before too.

ETirto, ya, she told me about it! We went yesterday (Sat) morning.. K was not friendly, he just kept staring at Adam (I wonder if he thot that was his mirror image). Z said he even rolled his eyes!!! Aiyo so bad..

BBEthan, K uses Petpet M size, the thigh is abit short for his thunder thigh. But having tried most of the brand (exp Huggies), I like petpet, in fact prefer it to Fitti as I had 2 experiences of K's poo leaking out of Fitti's side. I am starting with the Nepia M now, din start early cos I see that it seems bigger. Now, I know it seems to be wider but the thigh is not any bigger.

After this, I will continue with Pampers M, as Pampers has always been longer than most diaper brand. In my experience, Pureen is the smallest amongst all diaper brand, but the quality is very lousy, and the sticker is too sticky making it tough to remove..
bbethan, my boy is using Petpet S size and fitti M size in the day now. The cutting for both is almost the same. He's using mamypoko M size for night and going out.

Coolkero, my boy has been drinking water since he was about a week's old. As long as he drinks fm, i will give him water at least once a day. Partially cox he has some phlegm, so i hope the water can help a bit. But again...he always refuse to drink by spitting all the water out fr his mouth!
I bought a reindeer baby headband from daiso yesterday. $2 only. So cheap and cute. Intend to let Regis wear it to Christmas party.
i tried carrying her out when she's deep asleep. but the moment she starts to stir in the cot, she wakes up easily n starts making noise when realised she's on the cot. even when i let her sleep tummy down, she no longer sleeps as soundly as in the past. she'll just flip n gets awaken. end up her nap always interrupted n she gets cranky.

oh... so i can safely buy S size since she's much smaller than Lucius n K.
edna using m size for petpet
i sugest u let her use M cos i notice the back part.. the non diaper padding is quite short...
then again if its for day use S also no issue lar jus tat 1 pack got many pcs leh.. wait she grow bigger cannot fin using haha

ya the headband v cute rite! gt bells somemore hehe... cant wait to see ur reindeer...

haha ur girl is so innocent! I LIKE!
I got 2 packs of PetpetS to let go, cos Joie outgrew. Let me know if you want. petpet size is a bit like Huggies Ultra, on the small side, so don't stock up too much though.
yah.. i normally will let him cry till hes tired.. but recently, hes gotten used to it..so he doesnt cry.. he'll jus play until hes tired den make noise.. den i'll lie dwn w him n he'll fall asleep...=)ya, im like kitty.. if Jav slp in yaolan i will carry him out once he falls asleep n let him slp on mattress.. cos wen my mum comes, she'll let him slp in yao lan..
i using petpet S for Jav.. i tink u can haf S for Amanda too cos both of them on e smaller range..=D

jus like Kitty, i oso feed Jav water wen he finishes his FM wen we r out cos of his phlegm.. i'll feed him water by syringe if he has hiccups.. n if he cries v badly n jus had milk like mayb an hr ago, i noe he's nt hungry but he wans comfort.. i'll gif him lil water by bottle den he'll drink a lil, i'll take it out n replace w pacifier..=D

Regis sure look v cute w the reindeer headband..hee.. i still dono wad to dress Jav up as..
oh ok... i scared buy S and too small for her cos not too sure of the cutting. Already find Nepia S getting a bit small for her.

don't mind getting 1 pack fr u to try. Meet u at Bedok?

Hmmm... think i've to sacrifice a few nights of sleep to get her to sleep on cot. Definitely want her to get her to sleep in cot at night again. Day time ok to let her sleep in yaolan since i'm not the caretaker.

Mummies thinking of dressing bb as Santa Claus or Sanatrina... there's a pushcart at 3rd floor of Raffles City outside the baby room selling the clothings. Material a bit thick but selling at abt $19.90 if not wrong.
bbethan, i think better to get amanda diapers of bigger size for jus in case. My boy actually using the last 10pieces of petpet S le. Then we will move on to fitti M.

Re: Weaning off fr yaolan
Agreed with jes that initial stage is always difficult esp if she's very used to rocking. Hav u tried swaddling her? Cox sometimes bb love yaolan not only bcox of the rocking but also bcox of the security...yaolan makes them quite tight i think. I will let my boy sleep on mattress/cot cox he likes to fling his hands wide open.
Peanut, so cute...looking forward to see regis in that headband!

Jes, i also dun hav idea how to dress my boy up

Jus found out that my gf bb's full mth celebration also on 12th dec. Gonna be a fun but tiring day for my boy again.
i tried swaddling. ok for 1st night. but doesn't work after that. she always manage to wriggle n free herself out of it. really have to trial and error.
Daphne!!! why u want to sell ur Jumperoo? Dun want to keep for the next one? Or mayb ask if Sherrine want or not? Kimberly here lah!

BBEthan, ya, I think your girl can still take S but like wat most moms say, dun stock up too many.

RE: Teething
OMG! This morning I clean K's gum, his 2 incisors almost cutting thru the gum liao! And he is refusing milk, only takes about 3oz each feed and keeps playing with the teats, however not on the incisor but at the back of the gum, where the molars will be at.
