(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

evie im stuck at home today cos dh is not coming bk so i cant go out today =( else i gotta make my way home alone w edna n all the loots LOL

actualy i need to buy safety gate(S) but i cant find 1 that i need cos the area i wan to barricade off is v v long i tink 3 meter wide. fr the kidzloft webby i cant seem to find any.... n i dun wan drill holes on wall either

Hi mummies

didn't have much time to come in this week, my boy has been giving me headaches!!!! He refuse to nap and drink his milk, don't want to lie on his back, just want to be in a sitting or standing position.

Super tiring week!

Gina: tks for letting me know

Poohbear: you in FB already?

Joanne: where did u get the philips steamer/blender??
i lookin for red. if u are there can help me look out? thanks! i in fb. u can search for lynn zhang. but hor i cant go in nw bcos at office alot of restriction.
the combi pram i haf is a veri veri old one being pass down by my relatives and it's fall apart also. one of the reason why i need to get a new one too.
my dad saes tat the wheels looks like it's gonna drop out anitime.

ur area is realli big at 3m! i think hardly can find those kind that u wan.
ya i believe so. i know how they "unprofessional" they are cos when #1 took his a few mths back, i accompanied him.

anyway, i called the clinic n the blood test result is ok. iron level within healthy range but on the lower end. so just cont to give her iron supplements. *phew*

but this notti girl looks at me with eyes big big n spit out all the multi vits n suppl i gave her. looks like she's saying "what's that u put in my mouth?". now i wonder if she'll do the same thing if gv her cereals.
HBB> Kidzloft sells extensions for the safety gate! hehe I got mine short too but my husband took wooden blocks from 1 of his supplier and "extensions" fitted nicely! Lol
evie, thanks for the invitation, but can't go today cos got appt outside, sigh...tml also gotta wait for a delivery. heaven says I should not buy anymore stuff lol.

The drop-side crib is quite popular design. can't expect so many parents to change their crib either, but retailers if still continuing to sell should warn of safety, so parents are aware. Frankly I asked about the safety when I bought it, they say it's safe probably only about the panels and paint only.
ya lor.. i dun mind buying 2 to combine.. jus dun wan drill hole.. its to fence off the end of the living room to create the play n nap area for edna w the LG mat. in fact i tink might even need 4m! din realy go measure.. else i might hav to use coffee table to block(also not long enuff) but it will look v messy n ugly
Sam> Ok no problem! I just hope I wont ended up with lotsa stuffs too *crossed fingers*

Im just worried about my boy's hand or arm & foot stuck in between the panels. Coz he's very good at kicking...
ok if i got time i will pop down n see hehe

glad to hear amanda is ok...
mayb amanda tot its sth strange in her mouth hahaa
can mix into her milk or anythg?
I purchase my Philips Blender/Steamer in Metro Woodlands when they r having their 20% sales storewide... Now KP having 20% disc for all Avent Products... It cost $159.20 after disc...

Bbethan, HBB,
Well, I would advise one parent to accompany the bb when need to draw blood... At least u know wat is going on in there... For me, I'll definitely go in if my sis or hubby not ard... I need to see how blood is drawn from my girl and whether drawing of blood is necessary if there is an option of pricking... Blood banking, blood test, etc was my course of study back then, thats y I always tag along to make sure the person dun anyhow poke my girl... I sure scream at that person if mishandle my lil girl... I may look soft-spoken but will bite if provoked... keke... thats y my hubby keep laughing when i told him many of the mummies dun believe that I'm fierce coz i look like a xiao nu ren...
well i usualy will go in w my girl.. becos im a v hard hearted mother if u notice. of cos if they mistreat my girl or anybody else bb n i see they will kenna big time from me... i used to bring my friend girl for blood test cos she cannot stand seeing her girl get prick. and she is a doctor =p

ehh u dun look xiao nu ren lar.. i tink u look quite fierce ok!
Re: Cot
I have the cot problem too. I was thinking if you don't lower the rails often, Can consider tying the rail and the side together. The problem arises when the bottom rail detaches from the main cot. Can try tying it together to prevent the rail from "swinging" out

Re: sales
Sigh. Told my sister about the Fox sales and she's going tomorrow. ONnly can hope my niece will outgrow her clothes soon and my sister pass to me =p
If i go window shop, definitely will spend more money... Then husband die die won't let me buy my LX3... Crossing my fingers and hope my friend who borrowed my compact camera will spoil it and give me a legitimate excuse to buy the LX3....
thanks for the link

i saw online it says the model i wan is out of stock
if i know they draw blood, will insist to go liao lor. cos they only do pricking for newborn. thought she's so small, will do same thing. now i know liao. will never trust them again. same here... dun provoke me until i get angry. will bark back too. that's why they kena scolded from me the other day. only then, they'll shut up.

u know when KP sales end? i want to get the steamer.

multivit can mix in cereal/food. but didn't state milk. iron i dun think cannot mix in milk since our supplements also not advised to take together. prob that's why 1 was in morning, the other in night. in meantime, she just hv to learn to drink direct.

re safety gates
all are drill hole or? if dun drill hole, is it safe cos i'm fixing it at the staircase. haven't done any shopping on this yet.

re stroller
so is combi or capella better? wanted to get the maclaren ones after seeing how easy to use alone when saw etirto n jillian using. but with the current prob w their products, a bit put off already. i'm using peg perego. v sturdy, spacious but v heavy. thinking to get a lightweight one so that can bring her out alone n not use carrier all the time.
any idea when the fox/pumpkin patch sale will end and what time it starts in the morning?

Those who went already is it worth going? Cos I stay in the west very far away so if not worth gogin then won't travel all the way there.
Sam, the weather also says no outing today~~ rain rain go away~~

Koko, your Gabriel is getting like K, they really think they are big boys.. I started rice cereal yesterday with K sitting on his walker and today he wants to sit up to latch on me.. see lah, all the happy problems...

RE: Cot
I have the pull up type from Mothercare, looks secured to me leh.. Hopefully really work well like it looks.

RE: Sales
How come u girls got so many lobang on warehouse sale... I haven got time to read ST today even.

I think my SS dropping further... and took long time to pump, wonder if I will end with BF when K becomes better with weaning food...
I jst spoke to the lady.. only 5% disc n free delivery for $250.. so not attractive enuf to bulk purchase.. Isetan gives the same disc plus free delivery for purchase above $50 i think.. so yeah mummies tats the best so far.. cheers
Ya.. i dun knw y she dun wan give more disc.. i told her tat we b taking arnd 5 cartons.. coz i alone i can take 1 and the rest u mummies can share among urself.. i think wat we r takin is definitely more than wat the shops r takin frm them!!! yet she turn tis sale away.. haiz..
pprincess> I just PM u regarding the capella stroller. They have stock & have the red colour u wanted. Warehse sale quite ok..I bought 9 items for $90 so which means per item abt $10 each? Mommies can go have a look! Im intending to buy another stoller too when my boy is older. Lighter to push out! =p
thanks for the offer.. think either get frm hk or ask my gf get for me at isetan ba.. no point bulk buying tis way.. hmm wonder if JB or KL will have it.. kekeeekeeekke.. im trying to b creative here..
Yawn Yawn. Only slept for 3 hours last nite. woke up at 2am and couldn't back to sleep till now. So damn tired!! Yesterday brought my kids to Fidget with my gf boys, end up have to walk all the way out to get the cab otherwise have to call and pay extra. somemore it was 6pm with the peak hour charge. Sigh. I really got to pick up again my driving skilll.

Who went to FOX sales? worth to go? I'm SCARED to go. Naomi's wardrobe is already bursting to the limit where the drawers can't be closed and taking up space in her kor kor wardrobe as well. How ah...tmr my hb on leave actually, can take me there...but hor...not fun going shopping with the man la...

Anyone wants medela electric pump? Helping my gf to sell hers.
wa... u really stock up alot leh!!! but u got gd deals for them rite.. so ok ba..

Isetan member sale.. those who do get their their mailer pls update here i wan get in bulk coz think tats the best price oredi..
<font color="ff0000">Yan</font>
Thank you for the jshopper link - found the required pictures. As for milk, I am a big believer of NOT sticking to one brand, I am concern that the baby get so used to it that he will fuss if go without. For example: What if we are travelling and run out of Friso? Or if it goes out of stock? Or if Friso decides to roll out a new formula to replace the current? Or all of the above?! The ones I asked my aunt to buy for me from Japan are the stick pads, satchels type, so it is easy for me to bring along when we go jalan-jalan. In any event, my mom worked in Isetan and I asked her to find out if she can order from Wakodo distributor directly and see if she can help get a lower price than the 5% + 3% during private sale. If yes, I will start a *unmentionable* purchase and you guys can let me know in advance so I can order accordingly. BUT those who want must self-collect from my place hor...

<font color="ff0000">Kim</font>
Wah, you sure have many reasons to introduce K to cereals, didn't quite expect the "essay", hehehe! Hey, thank you for lending me your cooler bag, appreciate it.

<font color="ff0000">Sam</font>
Okay, will update you after I catch 2012. Hope I don't cry in the cinema, as I invariably do when watching something touching, sad, etc. Told myself one million times it is just a show, even then, my tears fall faster than you can say "silly billy"...thus I usually avoid sad movies and always bring tissues...just in case...

<font color="ff0000">Fox Sale</font>
I went and thought there were many nice pieces, however it was a nightmare trying to find the right size for everything was thrown together and super messy, not sorted according to age, gender, size, type, etc. Maybe it was initially but staff get tired after a while - cannot catch up with the no. of customers mixing them up? The most expensive item is $23 from Pumpkin Patch, the cheapest is a pair of socks for $1.

<font color="ff0000">HBB</font>
I was so disappointed not to get the Pampers offer, dh even asked a sales assistant and she does not seem to know anything about it, she said something like "If it ain't there, there's no offer." Sigh...
Not sure when the KP Avent's sales will end... But I would advise u to buy early coz I went to Metro Woodlands yesterday and the item no longer on their shelf... For the one @ KP Woodlands, it was the last piece on the shelf... I saw some mummy posted on Aug thread that the blender/steamer out of stock at KP Century Square...

U looking for the Pampers Active (purple colour) promotion izzit? I saw it in NTUC last week, 2 pack for $29plus...

Very difficult to get VL le... My colleague going to deliver first week of Dec...
i suspect like wat sam say the ntuc reno-ing so they dun hav alot of info on it.. shld hav insisted!! say othr branch hav and they shld extend to u haaaaa

i agree w u bout the type of food bb eat. duns tick to jus 1 type.. so i told dh last nite u say so too!! and he kind of agree
so thr i got my green card to buy more variety hahahaaa
im still hunting for the heniz one hehe
Joie's clothes used to be in a drawer too, until I can't seem to close it...lol Now sharing wardrobe space with me cos daddy don't want to extend the wardrobe case we move, say tahan... I think surely you will find an outfit or two that you feel Naomi will be adorable in. Boy...need shopaholic therapy like the movie for mummies of lil girls.

Went to PS just now hoping to meet my mum, but heavy rain, she couldn't get out, so gotta shop with my MIL. hehe handed her the bb for her to go see teddies at the bear factory, whilst I hunt for CDs at the Sembawang Music store, wish I got more time to go thru the CDs, only got a couple of Xmas CDs to sing along in the car, pretty cheap like $5 per piece. Went to the Parkway one, but that one is already gone, maybe PS store is the last one to go before they windup.
Wa.. be great if u manage to get a better price for the fm.. do let us knw ya.. cheers.. U have ur point there too abt them being too reliant on certain food... so far if i put him on jap fm even diff brand he is ok but he is rejecting local fm after he started on the jap ones.. for me no turning back oredi.. hahahaha...
Carrefour is having 10% discount storewide for POSB Everyday Card holders this weekend(5% direct discount + 5% cash rebates POSB cash rebates). It's quite a good deal, especially if buying FM in bulk.

Since your mum is working in Isetan, any idea when is their next private sale? There should be one end Dec right?
FOZ, no lah, point form keke...

RE: Parkway NTUC
I thot the reno's been a long time... I went there once few months back, so inconV, gotta take the "wheelchair" lift to go upstairs.. Thot it's completed..

HBB, I am going to start K with other food listed in the chart from PD after tomorrow. gf kept saying to start with Avocado, but I see K still doesn't quite get the motion of thrusting the food backward.. I am going to check out Annabel Karmel recipes later.
kim update us hw K react ok hehe.. i will prob start off w peas for the veges cos its the most yucky form of veggie.. no way am i gg to giv stuff lik carrot n sweet potato 1st... LOL im so evil hiak hiak hiak...
My 4yrs old niece tried my son's E*****c FM today and she turns: YUCKS!

LOL! No wonder Regis often refuse to finish his feed. Eat to live that's all!

So, I'm even more keen to try on the Jap FM. FOZ, count me in for the bulk purchase if you could get special price ya.
hi i would like to ask if any mums are using NUK bottles? my baby gal (4 mths now) has been using the M size teat but recently drinking super slow and little. am thinking of changing the teat to L size, but it stated only for thicker feeds...anyone tried before for yr babies?

appreciate yr advice!
i notice my girl is v v slow also.. but i using the small teat.. wat id id was use a tooth pick n enlarge the hole abit n see how it goes... tink shld b ok to use a biger hole teat so long as bb dun choke
same here... my girl is using NUK latex large size too on milk. She took too long to finish on M. So i tried L. She took it well.
hahaha. i noe i'll b blacklisted by... i noe.. ahahahaha.. i wan yr jumperoo wen come back okay!..hehehehe.

yah u r rite.. who cares by then? hee.. i tink by den worse.. ppl will b comparing hw much our child scores n such..

i see.. ya..tink i'll try it out.. mayb i can get one tin n try first.. where gt sell huh besides isetan?..

yah lor.. but ..hmmm..old ppl nvr seems to understand such things..oh yah im gonna rent the exersaucer maybe this mth end or sth..=)

thanks for the offer..but mayb i'll try the jap one first..hee =)

yah..the tuina works... u shud go!.. Jav now no more coughing...but stiu abit more phlegm.. sinseh said hes getting better but stiu have so stiu mus go back... tis time round, its realli quite bad for him.. nw i see him like wen i was young.. i was oso like tat.. owaes going to tuina to cure the phlegm n cough..but i hope jav wont b like me..

u started giving K semi solids liao?... dose in bottled form frm Heinz?..

HBB, i tink im oso like u.. will gif the not nice one first..hahahaa.. xian ku hou tian... my hb was alrdy planning whch to buy.. he told me he will get one of everything n try.. =S haha he said wen he was younger n his sis was a bb, he loved going to supermarket n tk one of every flavour to let his sis try...so i guess hes gonna do the same to his son too.. wahaha..

its $ flying month for me.... jav stiu going tuina.. n my toes!!!!!!.. they r stiu in bad condition.. i went another doc today again.. n she tells me its some kind of infection n tat mus b on antibiotics.. den i told her pls don gif me any cos i jus resume breastfeeding this wk n my frozen supply going off soon..sigh* so she gave me some antibiotics cream n tell me mus apply alot.. don b stingy..haha..she says shud clear by next week.. if it doesnt i have to go back again n do sth abt it.. ergh.. my toes hurt..=(

huh still nt ok yet? omg...
rgd the food .. ehh i try to giv her all the yucky thg all the way =p cos i eat v bland food also hheehee
