(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

other plc i can think of tat sells is Liang court supermarket.. if u not urgent can get any of the ladies wif isetan card get u a tin coz got 5% disc.. hope jav likes it

My toes same leh.. now is only 2 toes!!! It wouldnt go away.. wat cream u using.. give me the name pls!!! i go ask doc to give me a prescription for it.. thx ya
hi joanne, u mean u are using L size for cereal+milk feed or just pure milk?

Bbethan, tks. just worried that too big teats may cause colic as what i read somewhere from the internet.
do you experience yr baby reduce milk intake during the 4th month? my DD suddenly drop some of her feeds' intake to 60-80ml! so stressed now.
i use L teat only wen i feed gareth cereal in his milk.. wen its jst milk he cant control the flow n always choke so im still using M teat..
I'm staring to change her teats to Large size... For milk + cereals, I'm using L size... For milk only, I'm either using M or L size... coz I just change her M size teats less than 2 weeks for some of the bottles, once uses 1 month, I'll change it to L size... My girl take L size pretty well... She normally drink v fast, seldom choke on milk except for 1 or 2 occasions when she super hong sim....
Re: End of Year Gathering
Mummies going for the EOY Gtahering (Xmas / Fairy Tale Theme), kindly check your email for the details. Pls PM me if I've accidentally left you out as there's something wrong with my laptop... Do ignore the first email coz it's incomplete. The second email contains all the information.
Many thanks and hope to see all the 23 mummies and 24 babies next month... :D
Coolkero's TOmi also on milk strike. Maybe you wait for her to post again and see if the milk stirke went away liao...

Oh my, you mean you took anitbiotics for so long for your toe? You must be missing latching & bonding time with Javier. Hope both you and Javier get well soon. Yan too. Oh dear, hope you get well soon too... SOunds painful....

Haha, Lucius' jumperoo arrived? Did he fall asleep in it? Lucius so tall, he must be already standing tall tall in the jumpero...

Ju en so cute. If you wanna throw her in waste basket, let me know. I go ramage though your vomit filled basket for her =p Haha, Ju en, can come play with minrui (*though hope minrui dun go squash Ju en again...*)
It's good to hold off carrots till they're older anyway due to its nitrate content. Other veg wif higher nitrate content include spinach, cabbage and broccoli. Though nitrate poisoning is extremely rare, might as well wait till their systems are more mature to deal wif the nitrate in these foods.
Thanks for the swaddling suggestion. I had to use a big blanket to swaddle her, not as easy as the earlier months. Even though she didn't sleep thru the nite like before, managed to get nearly 6 hrs straight before waking up. It was also easier to put her back, just swaddle again and some patting (did a few rounds of that). I got some good rest, and I'm sure she did too. Hope this will continue to work
Kim: I can't figure out how to swaddle Max. I'm using the biggest baby blanket that I have but he always seems to be able to wiggle out of it still. Before he was more mobile, he could sleep through for 6-7 hours but now he turns, gets stuck or loses his pacifier than wakes up. This happens 4-5 times a night!
now they r 4/5mths old already. dun think will still cause colic right? nt sure abt this. my girl is taking L teats well... she knows how to control the flow. sometimes will just bite on it n refuse to drink. she's on milk strike every now n then. already lost track when already.

hv u brought ju en to the PD to find if there's any underlying cause for her persistent puking? by now their muscles shd hv got much stronger already. just a suggestion.

i didnt know that carrots/ spinach/ brocoli are high in nitrate n better to hold till later. most books recommended these veg to start off with.

same here. i can't swaddle Amanda too. She'll just know how to worm around until she releases herself. I'm really worried she gets addicted to the yaolan before I find a solution to make her sleep back to the cot. N as they wriggle to get out of the blanket, it so dangerous cos the cloth can just easily cover their face.
HBB, pea is under legumes and has higher chance of allergy. (Annabel Karmel)

Jes, I started the rice cereal, Organix. K likes it.

Noelle, ya, I use a 1m x 1m cotton to swaddle, abit hot for Singapore weather, but you'r in Shanghai, so should be great!

Jillian, U need a 1m x 1m blanket for bb our size. fold a small corner downward like taught in hosp, and that is for bb's neck & shoulder area. flip one size over the bb's hand and tug under the bb's body leaving the other hand out. Then flip the other size over the other hand, and fold it under the bb's body like wrapping a po-piah.

If I have time I will take a video and post on fb, now I gtg breakfast (haha, happy is the wife whose hb decided to take a half day break to have breakfast with her..)
Your husband so sweet.... He wants to be santa prop for the gathering? Mine just refuses to accompany me, despite all the subtle hints I've been dropping. Ask your husband to write a handbook of sweet things to do for the wife and I'll buy for the husband

And he has funnily taken to hiding baby every morning and wait for me to realize she's missing.... hid her behind bolster, stack of pillow, comforter... sigh.... Hid himself under the comforter today....
gina> Wakodo nutrients are not better than enfalac or similac. Good example is DHA. But then Wakodo nutrients are said to be closer to BM properties & easier to dissolve. I gave my boy to drink ever since he turned 1 month old. So far no issues. *touched wood*
Any recommendation for chiller bags? Cos realized the black bag that comes with the Medela PISA not good. My fronzen EBM started to thaw after 3-4hours in the bag, despite me putting chiller blocks in there... Threw out 500ml of EBM...

I saw Fridge-To-Go or something similar. $62.50 at a shop in Tanglin. Seems pretty expensive... Ad I need a bag slightly larger than te PISA black bag cos I'm thinking of only bringing EBM back from office every 2-3 days so can minimize load...
can't manage to guess wad is that formula bcos if i guess is en****c, short of 1 * lehs.
but anyway if is really en****c, my friend tasted it herself and say that is very nice compare to mamex which really taste yucky.

re: starting baby on solid
when darius turn 3 months, i have given him 150ml and it lasted him 4hrs.
however last night he wakes up every 3hrs crying and refused to sleep even if we're patting him and carrying him as per previous times.
but when i latch him he would suck and fall asleep.
wondering whether i should look out and start to give him solid alreadi?
lamagier> Fridge-to-go by Pigeon? I just sold off mine, Brand New condition in WTS thread. U can try there to look out for good offers. ;)
I'm using the FTG Pigeon. No complains so far as I dun transport frozen ebm, only need to keep chilled. My colleague was using the same bag for her frozen ebm n didn't hear any complaints from her. But I think all these cooler bags are not meant to keep frozen ebm... chill ebm shd be ok. So got to keep transportation duration short if dun want it thawed. same rationale when u put frozen ones in the lower fridge compartment. 1 suggestion is to put extra ice block in it.

the same thing happens to my #1. so i started him when 5.5mths old.
Lamagier, there's a FTG BP running in the BPs at moment, if you've already found FTG, maybe can buy extra panels from there.
i jus think back and i find it super funni alreadi
bcos when maid bottle feed him the interval is still around 4hrs, plus minus. but onli when i latch is 3hrs.
thought mayb is i not enuff milk. but then realised that is he ownself unlatch and when i try to latch him on again, he jus bite my nipple bcos he didnt wan. veri confused nw.

i haf a ftg wif the panel. but i also do not transport frozen ebm. nw i dun use the ftg animore bcos i find that no need for me to bring extra bag for the ftg jus to transport the milk bcos my office veri near my hse. abt 30-40mins journey onli.
the ftg i haf can last abt 10-11hrs
Lamagier, the jumperoo arrived yest. Instead of falling asleep in it, i put lucius in after he woke up fr his sleep. So he looks very blur inside and dunno wat to do at first. With the lowest height, he could reach the floor but i think i hardly let him feel the floor before....so he kept curling up his legs the min he touches the floor hahha. Hope he finds joy in it soon.

Ask your hb along for the gathering lah! I ask my hb to talk to him...my hb also a man with few words. He has met him before at massage class.
wah?! luckily i din place order. Gonna try juen's one 1st. Btw, if u wanna buy haenim playyard, 6panel w/ 2 activity panels (they call it SECURY-VITY in the contact u gave me), u may wanna consider buying fr Cheong CHoon as the price onli $180. The contact u gave me selling @$210 (unless bought together w/ mat, they'll give gud price for the playmat). I ended up buying playmat from your contact (no disc) & playyard fr Cheong Choon hehehe

Hmm.. maybe that's why my bb drinks more cos' it's lighter.. make sense right?! Stacia drank 930ml yesterday!!! So shocked! U dun throw juen lah.. borrow me for a few days then u'll start to miss her.. i return back to u haha..
Jillian, ok will do that this afternoon after K's nap..

HBB, ya, how about other "green" veg, I know many kids rejects greens, such as broccoli, which is the stage 1 food.

RE: Cooler Weather
Swaddle ! hahaha
Wow, this swaddling is like panacea for me..

Oh! Happy thanks giving for those who celebrate this day! (Sorry if you are Canadian.. keke)
Kim, do you mind sharing the contact & cost of your part time cleaner with me? I'm thinking of going w/o a helper when i go on upl next yr. Many Thanks!
Anyone got recommendation on good musicbox CD for babies? Looking for one now. Stacia seems to like the musicbox sound from a hand-me-down cot mobile I have. So thinking to get a CD instead of setting the mobile again & again.
I got one musical one my friend got from Taiwan (The title is Congratulations on your new arrival). Let you listen during the gathering (you going?)

re: Fridge-To-Go
Oh, didn't know it's not meant for frozen milk. Sigh. Thanks, I'll go take a look at the BP

The husband refuses =p Told him you, Sam, HBB, sherryl etc will be there and bringing husbands, he also dun wan. Hint hint to him I'll be busy with photography, no one look after Minrui, he also refused to be baited. Sigh. Think he just want the opportunity to play World of Warcraft uninterrupted
Lamagier, Wow, I like your hb's hide-n-seek idea, I think I will do that one of these nights when hb comes home late hahaha..
Actually some of his "how-to-please-your-wife" list is given by me. I occasionally send him a "101 ways to please you wife" part x.. But he does have some tricks under his sleeves..

I haven told him about being the Santa yet, but I am sure he'll be fine cos he's usually quite good at trying ways to please the young children.

Kitty, I lost her number when my phone died, she hasn't come since K's godpa had sent his helper twice a week.. I have to look at the past post to get her number back too.. hahaha.. I'll post again when I find the post. Meanwhile, you can call 94224561 丽丽. She cleans my gf's home and my hb's office.

RE: Helper
Anyone need a Filipino helper? K's godfather's helper sister is desperately in need of a job cos her husband lost his job and they have 3 children to feed. She is getting ready her passport but the potential employer had chosen another helper over her bcos that helper is readily available.
Do help or pass message should you have anyone in need of one.
Kitty, sorry din read clearly your post.. As far as I know, Chinese PROC is $10/hr, usually minimum is 4hrs; Filipino is between $12 & $15/hr, I am not sure they practise minimum hour.. Currently K's god father's helper has a slot on Thu am. She is $12/hr
haha the reason why peas is that its realy ucky... worse than brocolli LOl i fed my nephew that and he goes YUCKS LOL

ur dh funny... i told my dh U MUST GO OK cos i wan take poto n learn the ropes fr the shifu.. he gt no choice but to say YES lol
oh well did he say yes? or did i say it for him? hahaaaa
HBB, ya that is my least preferred too. hb likes it dou, weired. U know the Chinese rstn oversea will almost always put that in when you order fried rice, even the ham yu gai lap chao faan!! I always have to pick them out if I forgot to tell them not to incl.. yucks! bluyak!
WHat?!?! Gina want to throw JuEn away?!?! Wey, give her to me, I give you K for few days.. then I think you'll appreciate your sweet little JuEn.. hmmm, so sweet and quiet!
Gina, seriously, may be you should try give JuEn some rice cereal if you haven, I am now back to giving K the Similac EyeQ Pro Calci. I found after the rice cereal (even only once a day at 12pm), he doesn't have as many spit ups as it was when I almost gave up feeding him.. ya, almost want to starve him cos whatever goes in will comes out. One reason I suspect his is spitting up is due to his active behavior, U know he wiggles and squirms all the time, if he does that during the feed, this will happen, and another is when he squirm when he is hungry (usually whn I delay his feeding time).

I am so sad, according to Tracy Hoggs, K (at 4 mths) should be able to have a 4hrs interval.. Just now it was merely 2h45m and he's already crying for food.. hb asked if we should increase his feed but how to, too much also he spit up..
went taime warehouse sale and got total damage of $200.

Got a Jane Activa High Chair set. HEard they're not going to bring in anymore.

Bought some feeding stuff since going to start weaning soon.

Baby Einstein & Bright Start toys are going for 40% off. Many stuff are 30% off.
don't be sad. Tracy Hoggs also said listen to your baby. Not every baby is the same
K has a good appetite.

Re rice cereal
anyone giving or planning to give heinz or nestle? wonder if any different other than this are not organic?
i heard nestle gt quit eof bit of synthetic stuff not sure wat r those.. i will consider giving heinz one..the one in blue box.. but no stock at many place now
Thanks BBEthan.. I was reading it last night and I was wondering if I have fallen into the "Accidental parenting".. I bought the local brand brown rice cereal, I think I will start after this box of Organix is depleted. Next week, I will start the veg/ fruit recipe before I give K the 2 bottles of Heinz that his dad bought.
pardon me.. but i tink its becos K more or less take it as a habit already that y he cant wait for 4 hours instead... u might want to try delaying for 15 mins..slowly stretch to 4 hours.. but of cos he might make a bit of noise... cos edna gt the same problem...
I do agree that spit ups could be due to active behavioue. This happens to my boy too. Whenever he wiggles and squirms or flips, he will surely spit up. Doubt it is due FM alhough he takes Similac too.

Does NUK have latex teats for their standard bottles? I tried latex teats on my boy with their premium wide neck bottles yesterday and he indeed drank much faster than silicon teats. Thought of changing teats for the standard bottles as well.
HBB, Edna is 4hrly now? I gues it's the 1st mth experience where CL tried to stretch his feeding time to 3 hrly and he ended up with wind in his stomach (that time only 2nd wk, we went PD office for jaundice chk, PD said his stomach bloated, many ppl told me bb dun usually hv wind at such young age). K can be hungry w/i 2.5hrs at times, so if I stretch, it's 3hr, cant go any further than that, or he'll wail and I am back to my worry of wind trap in his tummy again..

Sigh, I must have fallen into the accidental parenting...

Your Edna is so good, play by herslf, fall asleep on her own, so independent and well behave.

blue box is the organic one?

i'm guilty on the list of accidental parenting listed. Pacifier + rocking to sleep. Taking things one step at a time now cos I want a happy baby. If u read the other books, maybe will feel better esp Happiest Baby on the Block (or something like that). haha... me self denial lah.

actually i'm also thinking if K is used to getting fed on demand. Try dragging the interval like what hbb mentioned. Or distract him with other activities.

yes. avail for standard bottles.
U were using premium bottles?? do they leak? my girl is drinking 150ml now n if were to increase her milk feed, means got to get the longer one with is too big for now if i want to feed 180ml. thinking of getting the smaller wide neck bottle since it's abt 210/250ml, right?
