(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Lavenderbear, welcome to the thread, I suppose you supp with FM like me. Do you latch and express?

I spoke to 2 moms and a g'ma over the hari raya holidays and found the mom who fully expressed said if she is doing it all over again, she wouldn't cos she was like feeding twice (express and bottle feed); the mom that fully latched said she wouldn't do the fully latch also cos very difficult to wean her daughter off the breasts, took her 3 months! The G'ma said her grandson rejects FM totally now cos he was on full latching for 15mths.. I know not all babies are the same or as problematic, but whatever it is, I felt insufficient many after all can have a good to it! Trust your instinct. I take Fernugreek to make me feel I am doing something I guess, to be honest, it did not really help too.

ETirto & bbethan,
JWT just reverted back to me. I've emailed them asking if there is any room/facilities we can book for gathering. Below is their response:

Standard package is at $620 for 20 kids and it includes the following:

20 helium balloons

2 hour of structured parent’s participation games/activities

2 trainers

Party decorations according to the theme selected.

Deluxe Package would be at $760 for 25 kids and includes the following:

25 helium balloons

2 hour of structured parent’s participation games/activities

2 trainers

Party decorations according to the theme selected

Free trial class coupons

Table setting for the c which includes paper plates, paper cups, napkin, cutleries and table cloth according to the theme selected for 25pax.

(Prices exclusive of 7% gst)

As for the food choices, we do have different caterers and prices starts from $180 for 30 pax."

It worked out to roughly bewteen $32.50 to $33.17 per kid...
I try not to carry her too much also, let her play on the mattress but she can only lie there for about 15mins, then she want to sit up. i hope infant care can train her.

my ger also sleep on her tummy and is the same as yours, only on her tummy she can sleep longer. but only sleep from 11pm to 3.30am for feeding. your baby can sleep through without mid-night feeding?
Hi mummies,

being long follow the trend. my baby born on 16th July.

Similac new formulae,
I have fed my baby on new similac pack. there is no bubble in the bottle. however, burping her becomes more challenging to me. i am not sure if it is due to no-bubble milk? would like to check with moms using this milk powder having the same observation?

finger sucking,
my baby has this behaviour too esp she is hungry. but she is fine if I remove her hand away from her month. I dont wish to give her pacifier unless she makes it a habit.

would like to check with moms, what kind of toys can they play with at this stage?
You're welcome...

I had wanted to take NPL for a couple of months also but our expenses are too high to afford (2 cars), no choice got to drop the idea... I didn't know that NPL = no benefits... My girl has the Civil Service Card (for medical benefits) but we never use that b4 as we always go to private hospital (TMC) instead of KK... As for ur bbs benefit, they are using urs or ur hubby's?

Like you, my girl also sleep on her tummy after her first month... She easily scare herself awake when she's on her back. However, I dun dare to let her sleep on tummy during the night but my MIL lets her sleep on tummy thru out the night when girl staying over. My PD advises us to let her sleep on tummy during the day... Like u, I was very worried when I learnt that my MIL let her sleep on tummy thru the night but now I didn't bother much as girl seems to sleep longer and also feed well... Is ur bb able to turn his head right left and lift up his head when on tummy?
my boy can turn his head left, right and lift his head when on tummy. He will turn his head around himself at night. He doesn't wake up for midnight sleep, PD advise that it is ok or even better for parents since it is less tiring. However, i religiously pump every 4hrs interval even at night, i feed him FM once a day cos i heard stories of bb rejecting FM if they go on BM for too long.
But my bb is very needy, he always need someone to carry him in the pouch before he is willing to KO. Been trying to wean him off, but he isn't that easy to handle.
ping ping,
My HB bought a Leapfrog - My Pal toy from Kiddy Palace for girl... It cost $59.90 (nett, no further discount with Kiddy Palce card). The picture in this link: http://www.leapfrog.com/en/search.qfsearch.age=.skill=.family=scout_.html
Although it indicates that it is for kids bewteen 6 to 36 months (my girl only 2 month plus), we still bought it as we able to customise songs and her name into this toy dog via our computer. Then, when we pressed the paws, the toy dog is able to sing songs about my girl's name (how to pronouce and spell her name). Whenever the toy says "I Love You Genevieve", my girl keep smiling... I love this toy as it is soft (not very furry as she had sensitive nose) and my girl love it (always uses it to teach her her name and some nursery rhymes)... Lastly, my parents and MIL who always had problem pronoucing my girl's name had no problem now as they always press her toy dog paws and pronouce her name with the toy dog repeatedly... keke...
Any mummies having problem getting their bb to poo? My boy poo like every 4-6 days for the past one mth. It is not constipation as his stools are soft. Have tried doing the cycling motion and massaging around the naval area but do not seem to help much. I am getting woried, have visited the PD 2 wks ago and he say it's normal. Any other methods to share?
Since ur bb is able to turn his head ard, then should not be a problem le... My girl still wake up for her midnight feed although on tummy... My girl also very needy, she always need us to carry her ard b4 she can sleep. She dun allow me to sit down and pat her to sleep, we die die must stand up and walk ard. Else she will yell at us the moment our butt touches the sofa/bed... fierce girl.... ~tiring for me...
HBB, may i have the details of the tuina edna went to? Would love to try.

Doc also suggested could be sensitive nose which could be inherited from my hb.
Ping ping, welcome to this thread. K is on Similac new formula, I dun seem to hv problem burping him, but he has more spit ups. I m also not sure if the spit ups were caused by the FM or his saliva. I compared notes with winnie_mummy in this thread, she said her girl also has more spit-ups. as for toys, K is on baby einstein, rattles, & those fisher price story books. I also sing & read to him. I hv yet to go thru his toy box to intro new toys to him yet. I know there are hand puppets, rattles, rattles & more rattles in the box.. Whn I take him on the vehicle, there is the "dancers" which I hang at the seat back for him to watch.

Tinklebellx, do you practise coaxing him to poo like e.g I will say, "ehmmm hmmm" to make him poo. initially I felt silly cos how does a bb knw right? Now when he will "gek" when I do that. Hope it helps. However, if no sign of constipation, no cause of worry lah, prob your bb like one of my friends, his doc told him his intestine longer than usual so that's why he cannot poo everyday.

bb puke alot of milk? Heard that if bb puke, dun re-feed immediately. Maybe is due to overfeed. Pacify until due for next feed or at least let bb rest awhile first. Correct me if i'm wrong. Cos Regis would vomit (merlion) if i overfeed. It seems that he would just suckle whatever i put into his mouth even when not due for feed.
that seems a bit ex. maybe can reserve for oour babies 1st birthday bash.

remembered there's this cafe at babybreeze at novena sq. can consider too.

Here's what i extract from their website (http://www.babybreeze.biz/services.htm):

Baby Cafe
Our Baby Cafe is open once a week and set out with small coffee tables and plenty of comfortable sofas and loads of play areas for babies and toddlers. All expectant and breastfeeding mums are welcome to join in this friendly gathering to share, learn and support each in their new roles as parents.

There is a nominal contribution of $8 towards beverages and snacks.

Every month from 11am to 2pm.
1st birthday bash @ JWT, that sounds good... By then, maybe our lil ones are walking ard le...

The Baby Cafe sound good... $8, very affordable too... :D

My boy has the same problem. THe PD diagnose him as infant reflux. What we do now is we have to seperate each feed into 3 parts, rest and burp him after every part. This will help. Give it a try.
ping ping
hMmM... my ger hor, sometimes burp sometimes dun burp de, so nt sure if it's the new FM that is causing this?
but for sure, she is poo-ing more than usual after taking the new similac FM... u got mix mah? Coz the abbott nutrionist advised me to mix the old & new FM, let bb adjust wor...

My friend also advise me to do that so I tried to "ehmmm hmmm" this am for 20min to make him poo but it seems that he do not have that "gek" look and still can smile at me. *faint*
I guess he is not ready to poo. My boy is on 50% EBM and FM (Similac). Read frm the earlier threads that some of bb took the new version and poo more so i went to mix old and new version for 2 days but still no poo.. Haiz
HBB: He seems to want milk the whole day! Nursing every 2 hours during the day and night, lasted for 2 days and now he's back to his usual routine. Edna is like my #1, if she has a late night, she's grouchy like anything and impossible to be with.
Ping Ping,

Can't tell whether it is the new FM that cause difficulty in burping cos my boy sometimes burp sometimes dun. I always find it a challenge to burp him.. will try to burp him halfway but he would start crying and wriggling.. so no choice but to burp him after his feed..

I feel the texture of the old and new FM different. Seems that the new one is not as fine as the old one..
My girl only poo once after every 2-3 days... Once reaches third day, we'll let her drink water mixed with Woodward and then "ehmmmm" with her (usually works for her)... She'll usually poo a lot a lot if 3 days never clear her bowels... I stop breastfeeding after first month, now she's taking Enfalac A+... My PD also says its ok for her not to poo 1 or 2 days...
edna is onli at nite
tat y i believe not growth spurt haaaa
today she a bit knock out but stillcrying in her sleep tsk... can u beleive it.. i had my bf onli at 2pm... cos i rather sleep!
hope my dh come home soon manz!
bbethan, the baby cafe sound super super suitable for us le...shall we araange to go there? how are other mummies thinks? Can you help to call whether they can cooperate some classes for us at discounted rate may be like the "positive infant class" that they have.

Joanne, yeah, JWT is more suitable for kids 1 year and above.

Mummies, mothercare today got 20-30% at metro. Lots of nice bb gal clothings at 30% de. Spent another bomb just now.
Kim! my boy was heavy too when he was a baby but his developement stages were fine. I am carrying her only when she cries..so far she's a easy bb to care for..anyway still too early to say.

i would like to subscibe a mother and baby magazine.(local one). Any suggestion?
bbethan and all,
I have just called babybreeze, they can arrange a trial class for us (I said for tentatively 15pax) Positive infant class (meant for 2mths old babies) with music and stuff for $25 per pax. And after that we can gather at their cafe with booking of $80 per hour and just add $50 for finger food). So total we will spend like $33.67 for this including the class. I think that's fair enough. I'm thinking after the class (45min) we can gather at the cafe for food for 1 hour. Tentative date is next friday, 2nd Oct, 2pm-4pm (bestberries, tried to accomodate to your on-leave day). The lady will get back to me on the detail. In the mean while let me know what do you all think about this?
phoenix, actually I've been subsribing to US magazine, (dunno whether you interested or not), but compared to local magazine this is much much more informative and good. It's called PARENTS. you can go to the website and subscribe. www.parents.com. When they have promo, it can be as cheap as US50c each copy (if you sign up for 2years). I get it sent to VPOST and with the shipping to singapore, 1 copy will cost around $5 which is the same as local magazine.
Hi Mummies!

Been following this thread since i was pregnant. my baby girl was born on the 3rd Jul.

Re Poo: actually my girl has a record of 11 days didn't poo, but eventually when she did, it was soft. i was worried at 1st but the PD say said if really want can give a suppository to let the poo come but best to let it come naturally. Baby faith is on EBM and FM.

would like to ask mummies here still swaddle their babies to sleep?
joanne, don't worry, we will help you.
So tentatively I will make a list first for 15pax:
Fri, 2 Oct 2pm-4pm:
1. Etirto
2. Bestberries
3. Hbb
4. Flufflysheep
Thanks fluffysheep for your reply, i still swaddle her to sleep cos i find that she sleeps better.. maybe should try not to and see how. cos she doesn't startle that easily now.

looks like quite a lot mummies deliver on the 3rd jul. i almost had to deliver in the observation room in SGH cos the delivery suites are full!
gina, may be you put her in the yaolan too often, then she's like having motion sickness..hahaha...no kidding. Naomi also will puke when I put her in the car seat, I guess she's get giddy when the daddy make a turn and puke (and also because it's facing back)
Baby Breeze, Fri, 2 Oct 2pm-4pm:
1. Etirto
2. Bestberries
3. Hbb
4. Flufflysheep
5. Gina
Joanne, Amber

Thanks for the advise. Will try the "ehmmmm" thing again tomorrow. Hopefully he will poo cos each time he poo is a big project for me cos it take quite some time to clean him up.
i want to go too. thanks Etirto. u managed to reach them? how come i call them but always no one to pick up the phone?

Baby Breeze, Fri, 2 Oct 2pm-4pm:
1. Etirto
2. Bestberries
3. Hbb
4. Flufflysheep
5. Gina
6. Bbethan
gina, yeah added you already.
bbethan, yeah apparently they're only open once a week, that;s y nobody pick up the phone. I managed to reach Lily on her hp (it's on the website). She will get back to me soon.
count me in! ^^

Baby Breeze, Fri, 2 Oct 2pm-4pm:
1. Etirto
2. Bestberries
3. Hbb
4. Flufflysheep
5. Gina
6. Bell
opps bbethan got there b4 me. tat makes me 7.

Baby Breeze, Fri, 2 Oct 2pm-4pm:
1. Etirto
2. Bestberries
3. Hbb
4. Flufflysheep
5. Gina
6. Bbethan
7. Bell
weeee, very tempted to bring my girl too, gonna ask the daddy later when he comes home.

if your bb on more FM than BM, try putting a bottle of water in during the day. Cos if too many days no poo, the body tends to absorb the water from the poo, making it hard, and more difficult to push out. I give my girl diluted prune juice or a bottle of water everyday, cos she too likes collecting her poo, silly girl. Yar, pooping time is like big yam-sing exercise, sometimes ehmmm until my throat itchy.

the sinseh say nothg wrong w Juen? i also dun tink thr is anythg wrong w juen manz! u lucky mummy!
i was quite skeptical when sinseh always say this fella gt wind that fella got wat.. i tot they will hav problem w every patient that goes to them.. and so now i know its not hehe
