(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Cutis! my girl also the same keeps to right side. PD suggested turn her head to left whenever she sleeps..not easy....she love to turn her head on right..my baby also more to heavier side. 6.5kg at 2months.
pls let me know can i take fenugreek(GNC) and mothers milk plus together to increast my milk supply?
Re: Supplements
Now that we need to take so many vits & supp like fish oil, calcium, bm booster, etc.. can we take 2 or more together at a time? I prefer to take after meals but onli got 3 meals a day, yet gotta take about 5-6tablets. How do u all manage?
Rec'd your PM! Thank u! C u on Sat
i think they suck their hand dey also will smell first. after bathin yesterdae, i saw him smelling his hand and he hestiated to suck. mayb bcos dun haf his smell animore? haha!

re: milk supply
my milk supply is dripping suddenly to a veri low amt of 60ml or less. not sure why and am veri worried bcos im ging back to work in 2 weeks time. im latchin everitime everidae, yet supply drop. anibodi experience same problem as me?
the old similac is Eye Q with Procalci Formulation, the new one is Eye Q Plus with Immunify Ingredients... i took pic lehs, but dunnO hw to upload here... haha!
poohbear75, you can try asking your paediatrician. I read somewhere that you may be able to get some nasty tasting solution made for the purpose to stop kids from sucking fingers from pharmacy but it may be more suitable for older children.

My boy also trying to suck his fist now that I have taken off his mittens - but we always try to push his hands away from his mouth and offer pacifier instead (sometimes he takes, sometimes he push out with tongue).

Generally in my opinion, it would be better to suck pacifier than fingers, since sucking pacifier is "easier" to stop habit than sucking finger (can throw pacifier away but cannot throw finger away!). I see young kids (5-9 years old) at work (I work as an orthodontist, dentist who specializes in braces to straighten teeth) who cannot stop finger sucking habit...at that age, it is definitely a problem!
Trying very hard to stop my baby from sucking fingers too
is it true that taking the pacifier now when they have no teeth has no impact on the teeth development later compared with when they start growing teeth? bad bites problem?
Hi mummies,

I'm back after...very long time...remember me ? my boy was prematurely born in mid May instead of 1 July 09 (same due day with Han Bao Bao
... wish to keep track with mummies and babies here again...after my hardship growing my tiny baby who was only 2kg at birth...

Now he's 4mths from birth, 6kg, doing well...so i'm relieved and so thankful...i wish i can join ur guys in the next gathering...

Any mummies here staying in the West ?

hi mummies,
i just join this thread, my bb was born in 27 july. has anyone put her bb to infant care or going to put her in infant care? my bb is easily awake in the day time, i wonder she can adapt to the infant care environment where the care giver may not able to give so much attention to my gal.
I sort of gave up getting up in the middle of the night last night to put her paci back into her mouth for the 15th time, even washed her hands so that don't have that salty taste cos she doesn't like the taste of water. So exhausted by 3am, so I just slept with the sucking noise.
Think Joie also a little over stimulated meeting so many babies in one day. Been like having a mini growth spurt over the last couple of days. Finishes her usual bottle of 100ml, gets hungry before her usual 3hrly intervals, and needs a 3am feed. But looks like things gone back to normal this morning.

Weird thing is that she has nv cry when she sleeps, like keep having nightmares on Tuesday night, wakes up wailing, have to keep comforting her. Got worried looks from my MIL who comes over every afternoon on Wed. Luckily I can cooed her back to normal, so I just bluff her and say she's sticky to mummy, maybe know her parents going on holiday in 3 weeks time... start to manja... sigh... think should let her be around other babies more cos I notice she tenses up in nappy rooms outside when there are other crying babies, and at home and grannies' place got no other babies also.
BBEthan, ya, that's what my hb ay, get some retailers to organize talks, gifts, and moms can hv fun wz bb. I dun mind millenia walk, dunno what other mom thinks?

Poohbear & pheonix, OMG, ur girls r heavy too? do u hv problem carry'g? I was also told K may not walk as soon as other kids due to his weight.

SabSab, let me know if it works for you not cos it's fr an experienced mom. I din try cos K sleeps in his own cradle.

Gina, the new Similac is the one I made for Juen that day. If she is growing, no sign of dehydration, poos well, forget abt dream feed. cluster feed & dream feed din work for K, so I also discarded this. (looks like your Juen & my K getting more and more alike huh? exp I know the "gek sai" is diff, your girl is aft all more lady.

PPricess, u stress? diet change?

HKBB, welcome back, glad to here bb is well. Hope u r too! Do u 1 2 PM one of us your number in case there is one coming n u din read in time?

Iyven, welcome to the thread. I cant offer opinion on infant care but I suggest u also chk infant care svc on their ratio of care giver to infant.

RE: Paci vs fingers
I totally agree with muffingirl (hi-5)
hmm, my FIL says that the thumb will be thick and not straight if the child suck on it too long, so he always takes her hands away from her mouth when he sees she's going to suck on them.
Sam, oh dear, I hope Joie is ok these few days..K was obviously stimulated, cos next day lots of fussing, spit ups n keeps want to be held (usually the day aft day of full activities). Agree that he also need to b around bb more and gotta bring him out for activities more too.
she seems back to her normal cheerful self last night and this morning. little babies, don't know what's going on in their heads...

Re: Bed issue
Joie co-sleeps with me when discharged from hosp till I moved home 1 month+ after confinement, and has been on her cot since. I do know with her she needs the human presence during the early 1+ months, so need to look in on her every 10mins or so, or can hear people sound. With most sleep place changes, it's usually a security issue, they need to feel safe, that caregiver is near, so stay a little longer with her when she sleeps, and step away and come back in, so she knows you are near.
How's Edna after the 6-in-1? She had Rotavirus as well? Natesha will be going for her 1st dose of 6-in-1 tomorrow. She is now 10 weeks old... Edna had her first dose at 6 weeks?

i bought the medela pump in style so that I cld pump at work - now wondering how in the world am in going to go off every 3 hrs to pump... I work in HR so it's a bit challenging coz I always have to meet people
Thinking of stocking up on supplies then slowly wean off... (and also start on my weight loss prog - ha ha ha) Wil be collecting my MLMMP tomorrow- keeping fingers crossed

yes,taking so many vit now - only wondering how to incorporate the MLMMP. I asked the lady at vitakids - she said no prb taking on the same day, just not at the same time... she suggested taking all the multi-vit etc in the morning aft breakfast. Then MLMMP after about 2 hrs....

maybe you are stressed about going back to work and missing baby dats y supply dropping? How's your new maid? any better?

Finger-sucking & mittens
Cut Natesha's fingernails about 2 weeks ago and decided to take her mittens off. Alamak , she scratched her eyelid (nails were still a bit sharp after cutting) and I had to put them on again. I notice when I take them off, she puts her hands to her face, her eyes and seems like she is catching ants there - ha ha. Last week, she started sucking her mittens! Now, I have to change her mittens a few times a day coz it's so wet and smelly...gotta try taking them off again...

Wow, envious - wish i cld go on a holiday before starting work too. I go back to work first week of Nov.
sure.. i'll send her.. but, i dono wad's her email leh.. or shud i actually develop n pass to Sherryl cos shes going for the next massage class?

ya i jus read abt the amazingly BIG BB.. 8.sth kg.. hw to tahan?!.. he looks so gigantic beside a normal 3kg bb.. my goodness..
i'm okay with anywhere..hmmm, but wld definately prefer central area..?

i agree with Kim, shud check out the ration of teachers to children...mayb u can ask if yr infant care allows 'sitting in' for awhile?..so u can kinda observe wad they do n hw they handle..

Muffingirl n Sam,
i totally agree with u both, cos i had this child in e childcare who sucks on his thumb 24/7.. hes currently in N1 alrdy..n his thumb's condition... is real bad.. v wrinkled n deres a growth there too.. =S tats y i choose to stuff the pacifier into Jav mouth even thou he doesnt wan it n wans his thumb or fists..

think maybe Joie not used to having so many ppl arnd her at one time.. esp with so many bbs present too..

i think no need to dream feed bah.. tink oni gif wen bb is hungry n crying..Javier recently has been slping thru e nite.. mayb 12am is last feed n he'll wake up oni 5 plus 6 am den haf the next feed.. i think as long as JuEn's still putting on weight n growing well.. it shud be alright ba..
Hi Sunsweet,Joanne,MrsC, poohbear75,Phoenix
Thanks for sharing. I will try to turn her head to the left whenever she sleep. When i talking to her at her left side she will not turn around she still prefer her right side. May be i can try for Poohbear method putting baby on tummy and tunning her head to left side.

Re: finger sucking
My girl also love to sucking her finger leh,but i insist not to give her paci.
Javier last time refused to slp in cot too.. jus put him in it n he'll oni slp for less than 10mins n will b crying.. den i made it a routine for him.. aft his last morning feed mayb 11am plus to 12pm.. he'll slp in yao lan thru the noon n aft his last feed of the nite 11pm to 12am..he'l be in the cot.. n he kinda got used to it n can slp thru the nite in the cot n thru the morning aft his feeds..tink u slowly 'train' yr bb, make a routine for her.. den she'll slowly get used to it.. try cutting dwn the amt of time she slps on ur bed slowly.. den try putting her on the cot more often.. i hope it helps... =)
iyven, im putting my ger in infant care next week. My ger also dun sleep much during day , hv to depend on her mood and weather. The ratio in my infant care is 1:3 as there are two teacher at each shift and there are only 6 kids. The teacher told me that the ratio for infant care is 1:4 max and govt might change it to 1:3 soon.

Maybe u can try half day for her for the 1st week to get use to the environment and slowly adjust her to full day.
Welcome. yes, I think i am a supplement freak! I take Fish oil, calcium, multivit (the ones i took during preg), Phosphatidylcholine (brain food-supports liver health, sensory, reduces fatigue) and occasionally something additional for the immune system ... scary right.... my husband nags tt i have too many vit in me. Somehow, I think the supp hv helped my immune system + also bb coz she absorbs all my vit in the ebm. touch wood
ha ha ha
<font color="0000ff">hkbb</font>
Welcome back! Of course remember you, and good to know your boy is doing well now.

<font color="0000ff">Kim</font>
Hey I like your hubby’s idea of seeking sponsorship but then will it be expected of us to give something in return? E.g. product endorsement, publicity, etc? Can actually try something with one of those mags like YP or Motherhood or Mother&amp;Baby…

<font color="0000ff">Gina</font>, which restaurant do you have in mind? Is there a minimum no. of mommies before they will take us? Actually <font color="0000ff">babyethan’s</font> suggestion on Millenia Walk is quite good, I used to go there with my classmates to do project work as it is often quiet and the store owners are grateful for the business so won’t chase us poor students sway. BTW babyethan, what dogs do you and hubby own? Are you also in doggy forum?

<font color="0000ff">HBB</font>, I love the cakes your friend make – do they taste as good as they look? Are her prices akin to Cheryl Shuen? My favorite from gladcakes is the Precious Moments series.
<font color="0000ff">Winnie_mummy</font>, I took off the booties from my son in the day, only put on at night when he zzz in air-con room as he likes to kick off his blanket.

<font color="0000ff">pprincess</font>
My supply drop drastically too when I went back to work and when it gets super stressful and busy, it depletes even more. So sad sigh…I hope your working environment is not as bad. Or is there some other reason for the drop?

<font color="0000ff">LS</font>, I hate taking these supplements as swallowing tablets is very xin ku to me but I force myself to every morning – 2 tabs of calcium, 2 tabs of post-natal and 1 tab of MLMP. Still gotta take MLMP 3X spread over the rest of the day. I try to buy efferverscent or in liquid form where possible.

<font color="0000ff">iyuen + Joanne</font>, welcome to the thread, you will find that this is a very addictive forum and it moves very fast at times and one cannot catch up... Or maybe it is just me who is slow…;) anyway with regards to iyuen’s concern abt infant care, I thought MrsC’s suggestion of doing for half a day for a start is great. When are you suppose to return to work? I am also a FTWM but leave my baby at work with the helper. <font color="0000ff">MrsC</font>, you are going back to work next week for ½ day everyday?

<font color="0000ff">Sam</font>, how long are you gonna be in Perth for? Not intending to freeze your milk and bring back in freezer bag for Joie? I did that when I took off to KL for one night. Anyhow enjoy your hols!

<font color="0000ff">Solution to apply on hand to prevent babies from sucking fingers</font>
I used to bite my nails and did apply some sort of bitter solution on my fingernails to stop my bad habit, didn’t know they have an equivalent for kids! Haha…
Re sucking fingers/mittens:
Eva sucks her fist and sometimes her thumb, and we don't offer the pacifier to her. We've been told that this is part and puzzle of a baby's sensory development plus it's their way of finding comfort (which is ideally what you want because it promotes independence and self-soothing skills).

Actually, finger sucking is only bad when it continues past the age of 5. Otherwise, it's perfectly natural and okay. I have heard of babies who suck their thumbs even AFTER you throw away the pacifier. :/

Most of the time, if you distract them, babies would stop sucking their fingers, especially if you offer them a toy to play with. But with a pacifier, well, you can still play with a toy AND suck on a pacifier.

So I dunno. I'm kind of stumped on the matter - thumb or pacifier? Hm.
I'm going away for almost 1 week, and will be self-driving trip for most part of it, don't think I will be able to freeze the milk reliably. But I will still pump during the trip, not very good with milk supply already, so pump so that I won't be dry when I get back to SG.

Yes, needed a break, haven't flew for more than a year, and Perth is one of the places both of us can travel blind-folded, so low-stress level. Think I might go crazy shopping at my old hunts, for baby stuff this time ^^;
my firend cake is def good! cos if i cant do it for myself.. i will get her to do it for mi hehe...

botties.. can wear as long as possible.. cos w/o booties u need wear socks for bb too cos need keep their feet warm =) esp when u go out.. at home if not cold then can dun wear... feet very impt... dun let feet always cold cold one...

looks like joie is like edna... overstimulated.. she cry at 2 hour interval on tues nite... and realy shld put the kids together more often hehe

aft she watch K's cot mobile i decide to buy 1 for her and we got the same brand as K's one hehe.. buy the marine theme thou... nwo she scream onli the mobile starts moving hahaaa

little notes
edna is ok aft the jab. no fever.. jus a bit cranky which is the usual her lar haha... i gave her 1 dose of panadol aft jab thou.. jus in case ... glad that al is fine esp i am home alone w her.. if fever i will peng san...

im ok w milenia walk
but the prob is can that place accomodate so many prams? the prob w gg out in big grp is the number of prams we hav

hmmm u din eat well? i rem u got alot of milk one rite?

welcome! glad ur bb is now ok liao... tough on ur!*pat pat*
Sam...so envy you can go for a break...have a good holiday ok?

HBb, MrsC, I missed out the website for the cake. can you give me again?

LS, take the multivitamin. so you can skip calcium and other vit. for breastfeeding, add fish oil and fenugreek. The multivitamin I take is the one from GNC called Womens Mega, this is like superpower pill for me...heee...will help to restore your energy after night waking and immunity. So you only have 3 pills to take daily.
FOZ &amp; HBB~
thank u thank u!
ya lor, my fren also told me feet v impt, cannot let them be cold, coz it directly affects the heart, my fren say de... =p
bbethan, I'm ok too with milenia walk. But as hbb said better check whether they can accomodate so many pram and if possible advance booking will be more convinient for us.

hbb, talking about booties and socks, nowadays I never put socks for Naomi at home, coz she's wearing her anklet...heee..I know it sounds so stupid. Just now I forgot to set the room temperature to 25, it was 22 with full fan. I totally forgot about it because I was doing my work and usually Naomi will entertain herself when she awake and never cry. The room was freezing cold and she didn't put any socks on. Just now she was crying for 15min long, that's the longest cry for her, I panicked and thought that she catched cold or something because her nose got mucus. Offered her the breast also still cry. After a bottle of milk she calmed down already, so may be she's too hungry. Argh... feel so guilty
gina, u think the stocking available at metro? they have 20% disc tmr le. Wanna go? They also have nice baby gal accessories.
Han Bao Bao,

Regarding lying flat to sleep, try using a pillow to let her feel incline. Last time Regis will wake up almost immediately when i put him to bed (without pillow), after that i introduce pillow and he sleeps well with it. In addition, it will help to reduce spit up after feeding and burping.
Re: sucking pacifier now
Babyethan, we don't know for sure when the finger sucking or pacifier sucking will affect the development of the palate and the bite.

(if affected, can have a much higher palate than normal, narrower width of palate which results in the dental arch becoming narrow, and affecting the bite - front teeth more likely to stick out, back teeth biting in an incorrect relationship also)

I choose to only use orthodontic pacifiers that is supposed to not affect palate and dental development.
Sorry I couldn't attend the meetup and missed the fun
Baby caught a cold with very blocked nose (can hear the sniffing of mucus noise) and cough. Been to the doc and now I'm confining him at home. Really hopes he get better real soon, very heartpain to see his teary eyes, poor appetite, and sleepy head. haiz... :__(
no wor, not stress until i found out that my milk supply dip!

my boy dun suck thumb. he suck index finger instead. so isit a gd thing?

have yet to go back work. so cant b that due to going back to work my supply dip. if sae my supply dip after i go back to work, im willingly accept but not when im latchin everi single time &amp; day! super sad abt it. aniwae, ive receive ur PM in FB. can gimmmie ur email so i can mail u the pic? :)

i saw ur fren webbie. her cakes and figurens are super nice! i used to haf alot of milk. highest record is 330ml. and i haf a bought a freezer jus to store my EBM. but then i realised my boy doesn realli like to drink frozen BM, tats why i try to pump fresh one for him. but nw fresh one doesn seems that gd
i need to pump 5 times before i get a bottle of 130ml for him for a feed. bcos training him to go on bottle as im going back to work. so once a dae he will go bottle. and i will pump after latching.
jus nw i pump when my maid bottle feed him. without latchin and i onli get 130ml! super upset abt it.

u mentin that place a pillow in between to let them feel incline, where did u put the pillow? i put the pillow below his neck between his chest &amp; bed. but his neck just drop down and his mouth wil b kissin the bed. i realised when i put him on tummy, his neck is super weak. but when i put him sit upright, his neck is oki, jus dropping after sometime. duno why isit like tat leh
i try before din work.. she is super fussy bout on her back haiz

ehh h 1 thg is. have u been pumping/latching regularly? cos irregular pump/latch will cause ss to drop
hehe my gf is v gd w figurines moulding.... she is 1 of my baking kaki hehe
Thank you for the warm welcome.
I have checked with the infant care, the ratio is 1:4. I am putting her to infant care on 5th oct and return work on 19 oct. i m having the same plan as u all suggested. may be put half day for the 1st few days.

MrsC, when your ger awake, does she just lie down or want to be carried? my ger like to be carried and walk around. can we train her to lie on the bed? or may be is too warm and she want to wake up and walk around.
ETirto, oh dear, your Naomi v sweet, whn K cry so loud n punching left n right, she jz calmly lay next to him. so envious u girls can go shopping for bb girls stuff, boy ah, nothing to get excited about shopping for them de.

Peanut long time no hear. now I knw why.. hope aok at ur end liao. bb catching cold at this age must b careful cos easily get ear infection.. we miss u too, somemore u stay so near me.

Iyven, sorry for my K.po. I think 1:4 is quite high leh. Ideally 1:3 or less better cos bb so young.. Iyven, u let ur girl nap n sleep same place? how abt trying separate? sat her cot for sleeping, nap in a rocker/bouncer/pram/stroler etc, so she wont think whn u put her in her cot is to expect her to sleep for a long time.

Thanks will ask my PD the next time round. I also in a dilema as to whether to give pacifier to prevent the habit of sucking fingers but I had a hard time trying to wean my elder one off the last time round so quite hesitant to use it on the younger one. Have been trying to push her hand away from her mouth everytime I see it but it does get quite tiring...

Just finished carrying my girl to put her to sleep and boy is my back and arms aching....I try to bounce her to sleep on the bouncer if I can cos really cannot tahan the weight....my elder girl was equally big so I can only say my back is permanantly spolit....with regards to walking late, I don't think so cos my elder one started walking at 10/1/2 mths...took her a long while to learn to flip from front to back and back to front cos too heavy but did not affect her walking...think kids who are put on walkers will learn to walk later cos of the tiptoeing....
Thanks Jerene... Like u mention, this thread move very fast... Had problem catching up also...

Is there a gathering soon? I'll be going back to work pretty soon... Hope to attend the gathering b4 I hand over my little girl to MIL and head back to work...

My girl had sensitive nose... Everyday (at least twice daily) my hubby got to pump out the mucus from her nose and her mucus always a lot.... Think it makes her irritated and had problem sleeping long in the day... Brought her to PD and the cause was most prob of me (I had sensitive nose also)... Now very afraid BB very inherit my eczema as well... haiz haiz...
been latching everi 3hrs wor. bcos my boy feed everi 3hrs. so not sure why like tat. but of cuz, even if i pump dry, when bb suckle still haf milk, jus tat dey gotta keep sucking which is rather frustrating for him. but if i go back to work, i need to pump out. nw supply like tat alreaid

my fren said that she brought her bb to PD and was told that inside their nose etc, it's not form yet. bcos i was telling her that i haf sinus and scare that bb will haf sinus also. but she sae she went to bring her bb to pd wif the same concern but was told nw they onli haf flu &amp; block nose due to the bug and surroundings. but whether dey haf sensitive nose or sinus will haf to wait till abt 2yrs old. and her PD recommend this spray can b bought at guardian. she sae it's gd. i bought it for standby. cost 14bucks. the name of the spray is sterimar
Thanks for adding me in FB...

Saw your photo album "Assembly of the Lil Ones"... wah, so many many babies.... I wonder how my girl will react when she sees so many bb of her age as she's most of the time @ home and seldom go out...

can add me in FB also? My email add: [email protected]

I v kiasi and brought my girl to 2 different PDs and both of them says the same thing (coz she inherit my sensitive nose)... The first PD prescribed 2 nasal drops but hubby doesnt find that it helps... ended that we discontinued and make sure we pump out regularly... The first time we brought her to PD as we thought she has phelgm coz we keep hearing wheezing sounds from her... At the clinic, the PD nagged at us and kept repeating it was "Pi Sai" (mucus) and not phelgm (keep emphasized that No cough = No phelgm)... Being first time parents, how would me and my HB know so much... But me and my HB quietly stood there and listen to the lady PD nagging at us... Frustrated at that time, pay so much to see a PD but kena scolded... haiz... But b4 we went out of the consultation room, my little girl (was barely 1 month) yelled v v loudly at the PD... keke... Think she knows we frustated and get back at the PD for us... Shiok... That PD even say my girl so fierce...

Now I only bring her to TMC PD, not ever going to the first PD again...
millenia outing - yes i do hope i can finally make it for that one

finger sucking - my bb also sometimes put her fist in her mouth, but i'll quickly move it away, still monitoring wheher to give paci

mummies - i am most depressed. today 3rd day at work. miss bbies terribly. come home in evening 7 plus nothing much activities already, either bbies sleep or drinkng. when bb cries i try to sayang, but bb continue crying until i cannot take it pass to maid, and bb stop. i'm so sad. dunno what i'm doing, right now or with myself. i dont know why i'm working, if end result is that i dont even konw my bbies. today i just realised that 1 of my bbies' eye lashes grew super long. since when ??? last week still short, today all long and curl, so pretty

i cry to myself in the shower, so so depressed. feel like quitting, like FOZ....

hugz dun cry... u r workign becos bbs need ur that income so that they hav quality life =) that is y u r working.. i believe if u can u will also not wan to work rite?
dun tink so much
eye lash appear suddenly one.. my girl also 1 fine day suddenly got longer n thicker lash than before i also nvr notice despite i face her almost 24/7...

peanut... if ur bb block nose not clear u might wan to try the tuina edna goes to.. she hav block nose n a bit of dry cough few weeks back.. sinseh say prob chg in weather causes her to hav a cold (i wa lsike whn did she catch a cold?!?!?!) anyway aft tuina and wrappin herbs intummy she was ok liao! amazing!!
