(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

babies u need to expose them to diff environment and ppl.. so they wunc ry.. so time to get started hehe.. of cos.. if bb is not well then dun let bb mix w other bb inc ase spread to others and also gotto be careful if others r sick anot dun let the bugs spread to ur b too.
e: sensitive nose... sinseh say my gal gt sensitive airways.. so nose aso sensitive! like dady!
avoid letting bb sleep in aircon room.. cos aircon contribute alot to the sensitivity of our nose n airways.. i dun allow edna to sleep in aircon room at home. cos her papa also gt sinus problem!
nose drop onli solve the prob temporarily... if possible avoid using too....

and i also got eczma problem.
eczema.. ned triggering fator for it to show itself.. so long as its not trigger off.. bb will b ok..triggering factor can b the food, the environment or the bathing stuff.. i am v careful on this aspect as i hav chronic eczema.. use to hav it all over my body neck down! o for a start..avoid using powder on ur bb.. and use those mild soap for her bath

hang on thr k.. hope ur ss go up again... my ss not v stable this few days.. hover ard 140 to 160... lucky my girl dun drink much!
my gf say aft 3rd mth ss will drop if not careful.. so we must realy b hardworking manz!
Even though I have yet to go back to work, but I understand how much u miss ur bb... sometimes I bring my girl to MIL place to stay and barely half day I start to miss my girl... Dun bottle up ur feelings wor, try talking to ur HB... See if ur company allows you to take no-paid leave for half a year or so to take care of ur bb... a lot of mummies from my side do that also... try working things out with ur company (no-paid leave or flexi-hour or work from home?) and also with ur HB on the family expenses (if u wishes to take no-paid leave)...
I like to bring my girl out but I can't handle her alone w/o my HB... haiz... am a useless mummy... all the things done by my HB... Planned to let her go to The Little Gym or JWT Kids Gym as they provide programmes for 4 months & above... My girl likes to "sing" along to nursery rhymes thats y decided to send her for trial lesson when she reaches 4mo soon... Also to let her have some interaction with other bbs...

As for the eczema issue, me realli hoping and praying that my girl wont inherit it... I kena since v young and still having it now.. Pregnancy period got worsen as i can't apply my steriod creams... My father side a few cousins also kena... seems like a dominant trait in my family...
u r not useless
jus inexerpeinced hehe...
ya i intend to bring my girl for some trial class also but not so soon thou mayb aft 6 mth bah...
little gym better go with hubby..cos go alone v shiong one hahaaa
eczema.. pd say if mummy hav it 75% bb will kenna..
mine flare up during pregnancy also i was ons teriod cream but i dun apply it often.during pregnancy i applied it twice. according to my gynae n skin specialist, they say can apply wor cos the amt of steriod gg to the blood stream via skin is v minimal. so when iw as desperate.. then i apply.
my family all got eczema =(

if u scare.. then when bb go on semi solid n solid... avoid stuff liek strawberries.. cos it will cause some reaction if unlucky
ur girl sayang mummy & daddy! so cute. dun worriew so much, will b better once dey get older. my aunt also went to the PD at TMC, forget wad is the name of the PD. but she is a veri nice lady. went to see her once bcos of jaundice. but is rather exp to pay 100bucks for 1st time consult!
slowly bring ur bb out and it will get better and better! :) mayb jus bring her go downstairs on ur own for a walk, then slowly longer and longer distance? my boy haf to keep going back to polyclinic for jaundice at least once a week since birth. sometimes twice. so he alreadi use to the crowd and 'outside world' so nw i can bring him out and no problem. jus start slowly

i dun sad. jus tat mayb haven get use to it thats why nw u feel depressed. i understand that it's even more depressing when ur bb cry, u carry they continue crying and when pass to the maid, they stop crying. feel as if they dun wan u animore. it happen to me once. but mayb bcos bb can sense that we are upset or unhappy or stress hence dey dun stop crying. next time jus sayang and b stressful! slowly will b ok!
im going back to work in 2 weeks time and am also worried tat bb will not b wan me animore bcos most of the time spending wif maid.
but we haf to work to get the income to feed them. we're doing to provide for them, dey will undestand de. jiayou ok :)

wahs, drop after 3 months! and im going back exactly 1 dae after 3rd month to work leh! worriew worriew liao. better guai guai eat my fenugreek.
Strawberries? I didn't know about that... okok, better to be safe, will ask my MIL to avoid giving her that...

I ask my HB to accompany her for all the trial classes... I know I sure cant manage her de... She always bully me when daddy is out to work...
we brought her to a male PD in TMC... All her vaccinations also there... The male PD v v nice... He even patiently helped us to feed girl and burp her when she was drinking milk when its her turn... My HB all praises for him... dun mind paying a bit more, scared of encountering doctors that scold ppl... keke... :p
btw, normally u bring ur bb out alone? in public transport?
don b so sad.. *HUGS*
i guess things will b better.. if u really feel u wan tat bond w yr bb n u rather nt work, maybe u can consider taking no pay leave from yr company for another few more mths (if they allow) den go back wen ur bbs are slightly older.. or if u feel tt can manage yr finances well still n u r able to cope w jus hubbie alone working, y not? i quitted mine too.. hubbie nt earning alot.. but im nt willing to let bb go so we decided to cut dwn our expenses.. even if it means selling off his car.. or turning it into wkend car.. sometimes there r things we gotta sacrifice for our lil ones.. =) don worry ya, im sure things will turn out fine..u can try to handle them more if u can wen u r not working like over the weekends..
be strong kays!im sure yr bbs love u as much as u love dem n they will noe tat wad u've given up for dem is all becos of a better life for them..=)
I put my baby for sleeping in cot and nap in bouncer/sarong but when she don't feel sleepy, she will awake within 5 minutes. just now trying to sat her for sleeping but she keep crying until my mum take over.. i dono why she always don wan to sleep when i try to sayang her.
I've a westie at home and a maltese back at my mum's house. Now i don't go to the doggy forum anymore. U hv a dog too?

were u fully latching baby previously? i think i faced the same prob as u. used to pump in the initial stage and got a rather good supply. then i stopped and latch exclusively. SS regulated to what baby needs, which means i'm not producing as much as when i was pumping. when i restarted pumping as going back to work soon, i also realised my ss has dropped a lot (abt 100ml only) compared to what i used to pump (180ml every 3hrs). that's why i was so desperate earlier on to up ss. Continue to pump as much as you can. will eventually go up. I've started work for 2wks. I pump every 6hrs. This is what I get:
Latch baby in morning b4 leaving
Pump at 12pm - gets 240ml
6pm - gets abt 150ml
11pm - gets abt 180-200ml
After midnite to next morning's feed, i just latch on. Drink more fluid helps too.

i know how u feel. Baby at this stage sleep more. Very soon, u will feel that they sleep lesser n will be more awake when u reach home cos they know u r back to play wif them. Dun be too hard on yourselves. Sometimes when i come back home, i rush to settle myself down, then to find baby sleepy n wants to sleep. no play time at all. Now I become more flexible wif her routine. if she wants to sleep, will let her nap a while. then get her up n play wif me for short while before calling it a day. Just like now, as i'm typing, she's lying beside me playing. when i reached home just now, she's getting sleepy by the time i settled down. she napped for half n hr. will send her back to sleep later.

V Tea Room is at Esplanade right?

Re gathering at Millenia Walk
If u gals r refering to Coffee Club, I supposed shd not be an issue. Cos the few occasions i went after 2pm, the whole cafe is empty. at most 1/2 customers. Only concern if we can gather all around a few tables. Can leave the prams at one corner as the cafe is rather big. Probably we can call them and ask if it's more confirmed.
ivyen, my bb likes to be carried and walk around, but we try not to do it too often cos it be a habit for her (which she had cos my FIL like to carry her) So once she was put down to mattress, she will wail and i will use pacifier on her or talk to distract her. So far, she is used to being left on bed in the afternoon cos me and MIL dun really carry her much. BB usually sleep well in cool environment, maybe u can hv the fan to cool the room? Or put her on the playgym to entertain herself?

Infant care will require u to fill in a detail sheet to inform them on ur bb habits. I did mention to the head before on the carrying part, she said that they can train them not to be carried too often though there will be some crying involved..abit sim tia but no choice..tsk tsk..

The V tea room has very nice cookies..but ex!
haha don't know if sucking on index finger is better... I did remember my mum mention that when the bb gets older and starts to crawl around, will get dirt trapped in the fingernails, so ya don't suck fingers also good lar.

Re: Gathering
I'm in for Coffee Club at Millenia. Think we don't get much time for food with the baby around, gotta fill their tummies first, but a perk up with a nice hot chocolate or frappe is always nice for the afternoon, in case caffeine in the BM keeps the little ones up
Edna sucks her fist... so she sayang both mummy and daddy.

Think Amanda's on poo poo strike. No poo for 2 days already. Absorbing my bm so well? can't wait for her next jab to find out how heavy is she.
bbethan, I guess the prams have to be parked among us also, since the babbies will be sitting on it. Otherwise how...we carry them when we're eating? or we all bring with bbbjorn? If we managed to gather like 13 babies like last time, with 13prams I think coffee club will collapse liao. I got feeling that the next gathering will be more than last time at Kim's place. Unless we book a place like what Gina's suggested, I think gathering in someone place is more feasible. We can take photos ,etc...so how ah? what other mummies think? or shall we arrange a trial class in Gymboree (I believe with this kind of group they may want to give free trial) but then the eating part will have problem....

Bestberries...don't be sad, you have all of us to talk to...totally understand where you coming from....I also decided to quit my job 3 years ago and we cut back a lot on the expenses.And also meaning no impulse shopping on personal stuff as now I depending on allowance from hb. How about finding job that can do flexible hour or can work from home? I've been working from home also, although it meant that there is no consistent income. You still have zillion zillions times chances to bond with your baby, don't worry...now they're still very young. You can optimize the time with them on weekends also...
My MIL and CL also say the same thing (suck thumb = sayang daddy, suck fingers = sayang mummy)...

My girl sucks her fists, but she seems to be more attached to papa... a typical Daddy's girl...
Mummies, anybody interested to order from marks and spencer (UK)? need to spend on lingerie/nightware 30pounds then get 5 pounds off (thats about 17%), and the rest (like kids clothings) get 10% discount. Let me know by email [email protected] by sunday 27th. Herewith is the top that I wear at home...no need to wear bra as it has support. Very comfy and when nursing just slide of the strap. http://www.marksandspencer.com/gp/product/B002FZ3CH6/ref=ord_cart_shr/280-9337167-7146555?ie=UTF8&m=A2BO0OYVBKIQJM&mnSBrand=core
I've checked with the The Little Gym, My Gym and JWT Kids Gym... All of their trial lessons need to pay.

The Little Gym: $42.80 (GST included)
My Gym: Still waiting for them to get back on the cost for trial lesson.
JWT Kids Gym: $39

All above 45 mins per session... But only The Little Gym and JWT accept 4 months above bb. My Gym, 6 months above.
Unless, book for their open gym, $15 for JWT... But gotta ask if they able to close a section for us... Me trying to check Gymboree but no SG website...
yes... i agree that if gathering outside a bit restrictive. end up like the other time at marche, got to carry baby to sleep. if baby awake also has to carry cos cannot anyhow put everywhere unless bring pram along. i'm not confident to bring A out in a pram alone leh. Too bad my house is not ready yet. if not, can come.

Trial class at gymboree... like what Joanne said, got to pay for the trial. But i think we can book their room for a party. not sure how much it cost. maybe tmrw i give them a call and check.
I'll try to ask JWT, The Little Gym and My Gym about their open gym thingy... But normally the gathering is on weekends or weekdays? Coz they might have different pricing...

Actually I've been researching on playgym and enrichment programmes (had been trying to collate a listing (duration, course fees, etc) so its easier for me to choose from). Now still checking out on playgym... Jus gotta the details from GUG as well...
BestBerries, read your posting and I can totally understand how you feel. Will be going back to work next month and the thought of it is enough to make me feel so depressed. Starting to feel so down as the date to go back to work draws nearer.

Kim, may I know how long you let your baby soak in the pool? I checked with my PD abt swimming and she advised me to wait till baby is a bit older - but I am so tempted to bring him soon.
how's kaelem reacting to the new formula?
is he poo-ing more than usual?
i've run out of the old similac today, so din mix the formula for my ger... piang... after every feed sure poop!! in less than 5 mins after feed... just nw worse... 2 times in 30mins! =(
very likely. see if it lasts for just a few days before going back to her 4hrly routine.
No wonder she sucks thumb cos papa carries her....daddy's girl...kekeke

oh yes... their rose cookies are very nice. indeed a very ex but super nice place to have tea. u had yr rom there.... must be very lovely. i'm on leave on thur n fri but need to arrange as my #1 is at home.
Bestberries, {{{{hugs}}}}..

Winnie_mummy, I din take note of his poop frequency, his poo also got mood, if I got time, I usually chg him whn there is stain in the wet diapers, if i got no time, then i just clean, chg & go..

Lea, I think it was a good 15mins cos the water was turning cold by 6pm. I think he would enjoy more if I had my swim suit and soak in water wz him. I forgot abt myself n had to stand and hold him.. so my shoulder is very bad now.

Gina, wow, good life, can play MJ.. me sat n listen to my financial planner with her proposal for K's insurance coverage until now, hubby came back but useless lah, went to bed at 11 *angry*

RE: gathering
Will changing b a problem cos surely we wont want to do it in the rstn.. else gotta use our pram/stroller.
bbethan she onli cry n wan breast mre often at nite...im so piss!look at e time nw!shes cryin to keep mi awake.i barely hd 2hr of sleep!she onli spurt at nite?!?
she tink she havin supper buffet! i ignore her since 3+ n she doze off to slp....angry

twinkle thanx!

gina i might go tuina later too.tis gal must realy spend my munny!

tonite daddy nt ard i let her cry!tml hope her daddy dn save her!else i kick both out of e hse! ARGHHHHHH
i bought the ginger cream too, but dun dare use cos of bf. it's ok ah?

i played mj too. but concussed after that cos i usually play overnight. hubby lazy to take care, let owen sleep with my MIL. in the end, the feeding time all go haywire cos she didnt stretch the feeding hrs, jus feed when she saw him moving his mouth. ><

bought owen for his 5in1, rota and pneumococcal yday morning. was cranky the whole day. wasnt able to finish his milk. in fact only finished abt 50-60ml each feed. is it normal? he had developed fever las nite too. had a tough nite taking care of him. poor little warrior gotta fight 7 vaccines in him.

tmr's the 1st massage session. hope bb is fine by then. those who went for the 1st session, is it ok if i dun bring him along? i rem someone mentioned smthg abt a dummy there.
HBB: Max went through a similar growth spurt just a few days ago. 2 nights in a row woke up every 2-3 hours for a feed. Now he seems back to his normal schedule, fingers crossed.
bell,it's normal to be cranky after the jab and it only last 1 day usually. You can bring him tmr for massage...better la, otherwise waste money doing it on the dummy...I think your owen is quite kuai kuai...he should be able to cooperate bah.

Gymboree, I have 1 free trial class when my boy was just 2 or 3 mths old. (that was like 3 yrs back) Gymboree was still at tanglin mall. they can arrange the trial class if we mention that we're coming in big groups (business potential for them mah...). I'm so busy this morning, will try to call them later in the afternoon.

Piercing ear,
Just got an info from my friend, there is this shop at wisma atria infront of giordano, at the corner there opposite the aquarium, they can do baby ear piercing and they straight away use the diamong earring to punch, instead of the steel type first. And the earring is soooo cute, is very tiny diamond, and the back is short (specially for baby), so no need to cut and adjust again. Don't have time to check it out tough, may be next wk I will go there.
Bell, hope Owen is doing better soon.

Gina, no lah, I just dun like whn he just disappeared and din come back, leaving me alone to handle the whole thing.. then when he asked me in the morning, I gotta try to recall everything, hate the repeating cos I may not hv all the understanding mah!!!

RE: Massage
I gave K a full body massage @ 6pm ystd. When I went o bed at 3am, I asked God to let K sleep longer and He did! K w/up at 5:09 instead of the usual 4am, gave him 1 side and EBM, then he KOed till 8:22 just now!! He slept fr 8:20 last night leh!!! I praise God and also give credit to the massage, hope those going will be blessed with the same experience!
Millenia Walk has a nursing room. It's at basement.Quite cosy.

I dun think Gymboree offers free trial already. Just last yr, we also organised a group of similar age babies to go for the trial there. Got to pay leh.
u are very funny lehs.. hahhahahah~

i saw the fotos on FB.. ju en is reallie cute!!!
like her hair lar!! my ger bo hair de... T_T

kaelem is so gd!!! slp so long!!!
hbb, joanne, pprincess, jes, etriro. lea, kim - thanks for advice. sigh... good thing i got this forum to 'talk' to. i still have 4 wks ML, so will use that up quickly. i will try to pick a time to ask my boss abt NPL. although company policy say NPL means dont get benefits too. bbies at this age need benefits, cos each jab cos few hundred dollars, v pain on the pocket. i'm sure we can survive on 1 income, so many families do, but just dunno if can cut back so much on expenses....

next outing - i'm on half days next mon (am), wed (am), fri (pm). so hope can meet up finally. next thur is 1 oct, children's day so maybe crowded outside *fingers crossed that can change outing date*
at first i latch and pump after every feed. and still can get abt 180ml after latching. thereafter due to his BM jaundice, stop BF and go on formula for 3days, but i continue to pump and got rather gd amount also. abt 280ml-330ml each time. then like u, latch exclusively without pumping anymore. think realli are abt the same ting. nw i try to pump after everi feed. empty my breast to tell my breast i need more! but wif 6hrs pumping, ur supply is consider gd!

my boy also haf the same problem wif being carried around. but he wants to be carried around while he fall asleep! i remb the highest record ive carry him to walk around is abt 2hrs! so whenever my fren commented that my arms veri slim, i tell them bcos of this lor! he so heavy and ive to keep carrying him

it might b tougher for ur family if on 1 income bcos 2 babies at the same time! my fren is expecting 2 princess next yr and he's complaining saeing that everiting haf to buy 2! and it's so expensive even thou he and his wife are both working.
jillian....ur boy onli wan mre milk at nite?or day time too?edna wn mre at nite! nw she suffer fr last nite epi..grouchy cos tired refusin her milk....gg to waste my bottle of ebm again

keep mi updated bt milenia walk meet up yea
hi, i have been a silent reader on this forum for the past few months. My boy is 2 months now. A few thoughts
1) Sleeping on tummy
My boy has been sleeping on his tummy since week 5, initially i was very worried about him being on his tummy the whole night. But he is a very light sleeper, doesn't sleep much during the day and scare himself awake. The only way to get him to sleep well is on his tummy. Now he can easily sleep from 8pm+ to 5am (The next morng). However, he catch up on his feeds during the day on 2hrly interval and seldom nap. PD says it is ok as long as he is feeding and putting on weight. He's on the slightly heavier side of 5.6kg at week 8.
2) Vaccine
I made the mistake of not giving him paracetamol after his 6in1 and Pnuemoccocal jab, he developed a fever for 2 days. Teach me a lesson, pls feed your bb with paracetamol immediately after the jab.
i pump pretty religiously every 4 hrs interval but my supply isn't fantastic. Not inclined to take the fenugreek and other pills. However, i do agree that fluids and ample rest does boost up the supply.
Love to join in the next gathering.
Pls add me in your fb so i can view all the lovely bbs too.
Hi, sorry to intrude.

any1 interested in getting a discounted Sean Lau PS package at $50? pls PM me or email me at [email protected].

1) Package at $188. Balance $138 to be made to Sean Lau PS on the day of the ps.
2) Valid for weekdays only. If you want to take the PS on a weekend, need to top up extra $35 (no additional free photo).
3) Expiry date of the package: So long as the baby is 12months and under on the day of the ps itself.

entitled to:
Classic Baby Package
02 Hours Session for your baby with Sean Lau
05 Pictures of 5" x 7" (High Resolution)
01 Reprint on 8" x 12" with Framing (Table Top)
DVD of selected images in High Resolution

*Additional Pax can join in the session for $25/pax instead of $35. If both parents join in for a family protrait, Sean Lau will throw in an additional picture worth $30.

View his works at www.seanlau.com
RE: Insurance
Gina, I dun want to buy fr the big 3 anymore, AIA, GE &amp; Prudential are very high in their commission, I bought so many plans for myself since 15 years ago and I am very heavily insured while my hubby is under insured cos he is very very against investment linked policies. We are also consolidating all our investments here and there from different banks, insurer, our own and write a will cos you know both my hb &amp; I are not longer before retirement and really need to plan for K in case anything happen to us.

My FP works independently and has different policies from various company including those who are not as aggressive as the big 3, and you'll be surprise that with the same amount of coverage and ROI, the premium is lower. I so wish I knew her 15years ago.

She is now going to pot over all my trusts funds &amp; bonds into one so that I could track them like I so for my share trading. This is something my insurance agents and banker had not done for me since 15 years ago. I am so mad at myself for trusting some of these people and when thing happened in the market, no one bother to follow up with me, these are some I call friends!!!

I learnt my lesson hard and hope mommies here will hear me and instead of looking up for a particular company to help you grow your wealth, look around for an unbiased person who can compare all the different products in the market and really analyse what really suit your needs.

Some of us do not have parents that are smart enough to invest and do our financial planning for us, so don't let your kid go thru the same thing!

Give your kid the jump start!
pprincess - i'm still new to the twins thing but can tell you that so far its not really double expenses. some things can share, eg milk bottles. i have only 13. quite few for a mum with twins. clothes can wash more often and wear. so tell your colleagues dont let others con them into buying double.

Bestberries, I also believe in some ways multiples are great cos got economies of scale. My gf made mistake to register or buy every thing double, worse, bought 2 moses baskets, bb bjorns, end up now everything give away.. now they dun even wear same clothes when they are out.. people also need to know that the twins are also unique individuals whether identical or biovular.
