(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

BBEthan, I think our bb are going thru the same phase of replacing milk with solids.. I think I should do what you did, i.e. milk and cereal as a meal, then slowly decrease the milk and eventually replaced by cereal or other solids.

Anyone giving bb "Promil". I just went to s'mkt to check out the stage 2 formula and found "promil" is meant for 0-12mths, same as those FM from USA!!
is there a contact for good fishmonger?
it's hard to find one that sell fresh ones. thsoe cheap ones v fishy. those ex ones dun know got chop head or nt.

enfalac also 1-12mths
kim i cant order threadfin in bulk now cos my freezer exploding due to im in the midst of preparing my CNY pineapple tart order LOL
but would wan the contact fr u or share the order fr u nxt time!!! i love threadfin!!!!

bbethan it ink a bit too early to giv 3 meal a day.. would tink 4 meal is better.. cos they too young le hehe...

edna is still on same routine
it goes like this:
8.45-9am: breakfast with milk and cereal. if giv happy bellies she take about 2.5tbsp w 1 ice cube of puree, if take healthy times cereal she take 5tbsp w 1 icecube puree.
milk is about 170ml.
if feed milk 1st then cereal all takes half hour... if take cereal then milk.. it takes her 1 hour!!!

cereal w milk
milk will b about 130ml. cereal amt is same as bf.. occassionaly i giv her 1 more cube of puree...

milk only. 200ml

milk only 240-260ml depending on she can fin anot.
U use Enfalac? Is it good? Cos when we were in USA, we got Similac & Mamil, both meant for 0-12mths, and I dun mind to give K a change..

The fishmonger is downstairs of my plc, so not conv for you I think. I like this stall cos they carry mostly premium fish and their prawns are only sea-prawns (which is not soapy when wash, and muddy taste).
Waahhh.. so many happenings since last xmas! It really took me a looonnnggg time to read thru the thread! I had a slipped disc on my spine on xmas day & rested for abt 2wks b4 came back to work this Tue.. can't stand, can't walk, can't sit (meaning can't use compie too
) basically, my mobile phone is the only entertainer on bed but convenient for reading/posting in forum.. but worst thing is, can't carry my baby 'til now!

I'm interested in the ikan bilis powder too. Anyone tried or bought?

WOW! edna can sit liao? that's FAST cos' she's not K's size
btw, can still tompang the brown rice? If too late, nvrm

starting today, am gonna give 3 meals to Stacia. morning -> cereal/biscuit w/ milk, aftn -> vege puree (+cereal, depending on the vege), late aftn -> fruits puree. I dunno if this replacing her 1 feed cos' her milk time still on demand
but i notice she drinks less milk aft starts on solid (2 meals). Will monitor if milk intake will be even lesser aft 3 meals. Dunno if it's good or not for this stage.

poor thing, must be very tough on u! u take care also..
no lah... what i mean is 3 solids meal on its own with 3 milk feeds- 1 in early morning, 1 in mid afternoon and 1 before sleep. is it too much?
oic... ya then in tat case must go visit u v often if i wan buy fish LOL

edna not steady one.. she can sit up tat day then aft tat cannot.. today she can again.. and guess wat.. she fell aslp jus now in the sit n reach position!!!! faintzzzzzz

ohh haa i misunderstood u hahaaa
ehh if u r ok w it.. then why not? esp when u wan amanda to gain weight rite?
why not start one 1 or 2 solid 1st? i dund are giv edna the cereal in evening as yet becos i scare she too full.. end up indigestion=bloated/tummy got wind again then at nite cannot sleep!
ehh u got slip disc?!? goodness! pls b careful ok.. no joke!!! hugz to u..sayang sayang... take care..dun carry heavythg ok!!
i dun use enfalac... saw it when i was looking at all the FM and trying to figure out what's the diff among all. Amanda's drinking Nestle Nan Pro. the next time u go PD, ask the nurse if they hv sample tins. i always ask when i go. cheapo me. thinking of letting her try Friso and Mamil after finishing the Nan and see which one she drinks best.

Oh ya... a good news to share: Amanda can sit up supporting herself too. But she has yet to master sitting up on her own. so far i put her in sitting position, she can support herself liao. so happy.

But the bad news: both she and I also kena hfmd. bad start of the year. but not sure if she's not yet getting the full effect or it's a milder effect due to bf. she seems to be ok so far *cross fingers* a bit worried abt my bm for her cos not eating these few days cos of the stupid ulcers in my throat. so painful for adults. my palms n soles are all so painful to touch. can't do a lot of things. but my boy seem to be painless on his limbs leh except the first 2 days when he had a lot of ulcers in his mouth, now still monkeying around until i buay tahan.
alamak! u n her realy kenna ah.. gosh.. take care rest well ok!!!!!
yay! amanda can sit w support!!
waiting for more bb to join the sitting league hehe
ya lor... so suay... 4d toto never so zhun leh.

but she hates to be in the position. she'll sit for a while then cries cos think a bit uncomfortable. but she likes to be in a standing position... haha...
oh yes now edna v funnyshe like to stand.. she will hold my hand.. then i say ok mummy count 123 and u stand ok? i count 1-2-... she wait.. till i say 3.. she will push herself up... LOL
quite a funny sight... duno she realy understand the cue of 123 or wat... bt everyday i practise a few rnd w her LOL
haha.. the whole journey is just so FUN! we used to count who popped first, then bb flipping, now sitting, still got crawling, teething, standing, walking..
i hope stacia can sit soon too!
teethin k and tim started liao!! hahaaaa

yes ur stacia will b able to sit soon
all the babies r rocks!! they r v power one LOL
yea man.. slipped disc was so painful til the tears just running out like dat when i was not even crying.. haha, dunno how to describe.. anyway, went to chiropractor n adjusted it back liao.. feeling much better now.. thx!
yup.. my whole waist/hip slanted one side & aft my 1st session yest, immediately straighten. The doc asked me to see at the mirror (before n after). I was a bit held back abt chiropractic. Now i wish i'd have gone there earlier so no need to be in pain for so many days.

I hope no mommies here will be like me. Pls watch out the way we carry n pick babies up from cot/rocker. Also for those working mums who need to spend most of the time in front of compie, make sure the sitting post is correct & not to sit for more than 45mins.. take a 'stroll' to ladies or pantry.. I've learnt my lesson this time!
Kim, Lamagier,

Thanks for the support..
Actually I have good support from mom and dh. And I'm a working mother. Just tat psychologically I'm feeling very low lor.. I would spend every time I have after work for baby, even though I can choose to relax and pamper myself if I want to, I feel guilty for leaving her behind whenever I have the extra time. Wanted to shop clothes for myself, but everytime go shopping will be browsing baby's stuffs and ended hands will be loaded with her things and I have no more strength to go shop for my stuffs. Sigh...
I know I shouldn't be like this, but I can't help it lei.. Haiz..
tink u r over worked =(
go for a massage... it will lift ur spirits a lil here n thr
i look aft my girl and the house hold 18 hours a day(the other 6 hours im sleeping) its v v tiring... but once a long long while i go for massage(thou the 2 1/2 spa session im busy tinkingof my girl)... make mi feel happier!
it's not painful at all..the doc will 'massage' almost whole back & put the warm warm thingy on the area (to relax the muscles i think). I 'kek' my body thru'out the session becos' i dunno how much pain to expect & i was so afraid til both palms oso sweat.. yeah, very timid!
I feel that the doc would hv done better job if I could just relax..

Basically, they r doctors & postgrad who certified/specialised. They know how to count the internodes of spine & adjust fr there. So what I felt yest was count count, rub rub & when ready, the doc asked me to 'pose' as instructed & she just 'pulled' me up.. no cracking sound like wat my sis horrified me so b4 I even realised it, the doc told me it's over n now straight.. go n check mirror.. hehe.. but of course still got the 'xuan xuan' feeling cos' not fully recovered n hurt b4. At least it's back to its position now. I'll go back in 2wks time n she said will oso teach me how to bend properly.. yest onli taught how to breathe, walk n sit in correct ways..
Go watched movie. I realized since giving birth, The 2 hr plus I was watching avatar was the only time when I totally forget about everything... First thing I mentioned to the husband when credits rolled was "I just realize I haven't thought about baby throughout the movie"

Linsu, BBethan,
Poor dears. Hope you both feel better soon

Yar, maybe I will try that on my March annual leave. Now reali can't squeeze out any time for tat due to work..

Talking abt movie, went to watch 2012 month back, ended up crying and wanted to rush home faster to see my baby cse of the story line. Ha Ha! Even watch National Geographic on the 2nd World War seeing how Hitler killed those Jews ( old ppl, women, men, mother carrying baby all queing up naked queing to die )makes me cry and rushed to carry my baby. I think I'm crazy.. :p
mummies who have been expressing a lot, do u all have any bleeding spots around the nipple area? recently i find the skin there a bit flaky n has bleeding dark red spots. normal?
ur menses came bk already?
my gf who bf n pump alot she say her nipple crack n lbeed alot before menses come
nt sure if it applies to u.. so far mine still ok aft 5 pumps a day
bbethan - the skin around the boob is dry and flaky, but no bleeding spots. that sounds a bit serious.

hey mummies - ur menses return yet ? my bbies turn 6 mos yest, i still no menses (except 3 times in 1st few months). just did hpt this morning to d/check. no double white line leh. when will menses come back ?
Haha, typical mummy syndrome. I watch tsunami doc also wanna cry & must hold bb tight tight. Must watch movies with no babies... else cannot relax.

I'm forcing the husband to take me go watch invictus tmr. Asking my bro & mum if any of them can help babysit. Nelson Mandela & rugby, hopefully won't trigger any mummy syndrome...

Your pump power on too high? Pain & red spots for me only if turn on power too high and pump for too long.
no... my menses not back yet. hope it doesn't come back so fast.

maybe so. i always on to the highest n at night will pump at least 30mins cos need to drain all. but only 1 side leh.

usually as long as u bf a lot, menses will not return. #1 time, my menses didnt come until 8mths later when i cut down the pumping sessions.
maybe try reducing the pump power. I reckon it's sometime like those tui na "ba guan" => some people get bruised patches. Vacuum tugging on our skin ~ blood capillaries burst or somethin resulting in bloodspots
hahah... think i better do so. abusing my breasts for so long already since 2007... only break they hv is during #2 preggie days.
if u still ordering the happy bellies can i oin u instead?.. cos i don tink i wan too many tins.. mayb 3 or so?...

my ex collegue gt HMFD frm her nephew cos her nephew comes to their place every weekdays.. n in the end, she cant return back to sch for v v v long time till shes totally fine.. anw, she told me.. HMFD needs to drink lots n lots n lots of luquid will get well faster.. u jus keep drowning yrself w plain water.. n juices.. will b better.. do tat for Ethan n Amanda too.. =)
i pump abt 3-4 times everyday.. n apply nipple cream once finish pumping each time.. it really helps to moisturise n wont crack so easily..=)

i tink its better if u buy the swimsuit.. cos they still v young.. even w swimsuit, they'll feel cold wen they go into water.. wad i do is slowly lower Jav into water n let him play arnd abit first while we r carrying him... first the legs.. den slowly to his tummy.. den the whole body in.. n oni take him out wen u r ready to wrap him up straightaway.. cos the other time, we brought him up to a higher level where his upper boy wld get exposed to air to play w the bubbles in water.. in the end, his lips turned purple n shivered like mad.. we immediately wrapped him up, cuddled him n brought him in to haf a warm bath n den he was ok..

hw i wish i can watch movie.. =(..no one looks aft Jav for me.. sigh* my mum busy w work.. my mil don wanna look aft..=S im stuck w Jav 24/7/365 days..hahaaa
re: Swim suit
I bought another UV protection swim suit for minrui yesterday. Cos the swimwear shop at Plaza Sing Level 3 having 40% off for kids swim wear. Original price about $51, with 40% off about $31. But it's the stretchy UV protection suit, not thick neoprene suit.

Adult UV protection shirt (Arena) now at 30% off if any one wants. Original price for long sleeve ones about $80, short sleeves one about $55

I have other problem =p. Too many people want me to dump my girl on them, end up have to fight it out to see who wins
Hi HanBaobao,

Thanks for you tips. The thread really goes fast. Me no time to read up yet. will catch up the when free.
I think my bb in the small size she only 7kg. only drink 140ml BM 4 to 5 times a day and 1 time FM. How big is your bb ? ur baby drink a lot ya.
oh really??? the company dr only give me 2 days mc. yest n today. said cannot break mc days cos of weekend. i was like huh??? stupid reason. anyway, will go back on mon to extend.

actually i end up drinking v little water cos so painful to swallow. but i hv o bear with the pain. milk ss already affected.
hahaa.. so cute.. anyone wans my boy.. so i can break like 2 hrs frm him?..hahaha.. i tink noone dares to bbsit him.. cos hes too fierce.. like to scream n cry.. nottie fella!..

hah.. so rubbish one company doc.. nvm, go back on mon den say u haven recover n let him gif u more.. hehe..ya, can und its painful but still try to drink will get well faster..=)

same here. I also dun have anyone that i can dump my gal onto. Can't even go for a hair cut let alone massage. But well, I'll be dumping my 2 kids on my hb tomorrow so that i can finally go for my hair cut. Good luck to him!
I'm abit like u in some ways. my routine is work, home, baby and sleep. but after baby sleep I did went online to surf a bit. but haf no interest to go play game and such. haf tine usually is cuz I need to thaw and prepare milk for the next day.
if for once I did not spend as much time as I did wif bb, I would feel very very gulity and upset. previously I'm even worst, mc, off day, weekend all stick wif bb. my fren tell mi haf to let go abit.
now start to slowly let go but still spend almost all my times wif bb after work. think also i jealous when I see my bb is so close to my maid!

wah! jav shiver till so bad? was thinking if I bring Darius go swimming, definitely haf to ask my maid to standby. but she got a bitbis hearing problem. always need to call her sooo many times!

hopefully aquaducks can start a sat trial class for us! cuz need to work on weekdays so definitely can't make it.
There are many times I wish I could just go for a movie or a meal with hubby alone also.. Ha ha.. But no one to bbsit my boy here.. :p I haven't watched a movie or gone for my facial for at least 6 months now.. So when I go back to SG, hope to get a bit of time off away from bb.. Else it's also 24/7/365..

Kim, was it tough getting K over the jet lag? I'll be travelling back to SG, altho there's no drastic time diff but I'm not sure if it'll be hard to get used to it..

Also, I've a very silly question to ask.. coz I'll be flying back to Melb alone.. How to go to the toilet on flight? Coz like not safe to leave bb with anyone else.. :p but can't bring bb into toilet.. :p
HBB, Thanks for sharing! Edna will have the rice cereal and puree and milk?! Wow, I wish K has such appetite, recently he is not eating, sigh..
Sure I let you know when I am ordering the fish.. Only concern I have is that sometimes Threadfin can range from 50-65/kg, and I dunno if it becomes so expensive should we order or should we wait until price drop to the 50s..
HBB Wow Edna sure has a good appetite! I can barely get Max to eat a few spoonfuls of anything and today he didn't seem to be interested in nursing as well.
Cecelia, you need to be committed to pampering yourself!! I think you are very blessed to have a helpful MIL & HB.. Go and enjoy yourself with girlfriends who have no kids yet, tell them it's your "ME" time and make sure they pull you out when you roam to the bb section. Dun hv to always go shopping, can go for a musical or nice jazz bar besides eating.
I have many cliques of friends, some are high class wine and dine, some are high class wine & dine plus chiong & spa, some are afternoon tea & shopping, some are international mothers whose kids are less than 2yrs old. so I have different activities to keep me busy when I want my ME time. I just need to get the baby sitter or hb to come back.

MengLee where are you coming back from? arrival time actually plays apart with adjusting. Let me know the details and I see if I can offer any help..
Wow! Todays' thread is really v v fast!

Meng Lee - my friend is s single dad who has taken his kid to Indonesia and Europe, so I did ask him about the loo situation. He said that he would pass the bb to the stewardess/steward so that he could go to the toilet....

Curtis - my bb is also only 7 kg. :)

linsu - OMG! Slipped Disc? I had a friend who was staying with us once and he had a slipped disc one morning. He could not get out of bed and poor thing, I had to run to the doctor and ask him to do a house call and the doc gave him a jab so that he could finally move a few hours later. SO pls be careful! I saw him in pain and it was awful!

BbEthan - get well soon!

Kim - I totally agree that Chinese cooking needs more time to prep and cook. I mainly make western meals - and even better if it's one dish and I can throw it in oven!

Working and looking after bb is soo tiring. I also haven't been to the hairdresser since June! Just that day, I was looking in the mirror and realised my dark circles are still there - after soooo long. Think I may have to buy concealer soon! Have also been wearing my hand-me-down-nursing tops when I go out - can't wait to put on my clothes when I stop bf!
MengLee, sorry din read you post clearly. I am not sure if QF has this, but I am sure they do. When you book or check in for your flight, as for MAAS (Meet-and-Assist Service) under mother with infant.. On the flight, when you need to visit the loo, just let the crew know and they will accommodate by helping you look after bb. Now, this is not inlc turbulence weather when everyone has to be buckled and use of toilet is not recommended. Also, they can accommodate your meal time.
In the past, crew will ask the mother with infant if they will need to go to the washroom, but this is no longer the practice.
If you are taking SQ, as I found out recently, they also no longer give you the diaper bag actively, it is now an on-request basis item. Only that is mandatory is the infant seat belt.
We were told to pcik K up frm the seat during turbulence (twice) but hb refused cos he was not in the bassinet. Also, while K was in the bassinet, a crew actually came to tell us a mother will need to use the other bassinet point, then I ask where is the mom sitting, he told us the middle seat. We had to tell him that the seat was bought by us for K and not a free seat. I am quite disappointed that the crew did not check this in their passenger information sheet before approaching us.
I discussed with hb, and had decided to offer one of our seats but I think he felt bad and told me it is no longer needed..
BBEthan & Linsu, get well soon!!

Chiyojade, I stopped bf this year. but still unable to put on my "normal" clothes. I just saw the family photos, alamak, the tummy still showing.. I really dun appreciate photographers who did not hi-light to the customers when say, their tummy flopped out, or hair is covering their face (one of the pix shows K and I "talking" with the rest looking-on, but only the top of my head was shown and my hair covering my face *angry*, and also my MIL smile so wide that her wrinkles are all showing, and the smile is becomes so fake in the photo, and yet she (the photographer) did not tell her to relax, and another one, my FIL smiling like frowning/crying.. Some of the photos are great and only one or 2 people "not ready" therefore making the photo imperfect..
Aiya, sidetracked.. I think I also put on some pounds after the trip.. I better get with the program..

Re:LNT classes(Chinese lesson)
Sorry mummies,abit out of thread but then do let me share some of the things which Adelle had learned from the chinese class which I attended with her just yesterday.

It teaches more on using the flashcard,in fact it's those handmade flashcard by their own teachers.(not those we see in the market)
Actually I do agreed that handmade flashcards can be creative
Nevertheless,the flashcards which the teacher uses was real fast whenever she flashed cards after cards.(even I had problem seeing it)

They even have lots of hands on activity for the child.One of it was memory skill,to identify the correct bird being flashed on them(e.g:parrot)
What the teacher did was she flashed a parrot card in front of the child,after which she bring out 2 pieces of parrot card which the child(one of it is correct) saw it earlier on,(each child will have their own set of cards)and get the child to pick the correct one.

For the first lesson,I do find it not too bad,and in fact I gonna try doing my own set of teaching aids too which I quickly jot down everything after the class so that I can do a revision on her when we are at home.
