(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Chiyojade: i read that Aquaducks doesn't do trial on weekend, only Tanglin Village offer heated pool. I also tried emailing them but no response yet. I guess to have trial with them, we got to go on weekdays and preferably Tanglin Village since it's heated

hbb - oh thanks abt the happy bellis, i sure order more than 10, so i will email this dimple dots person. $7.70 per tin right ? i'm having healthy times now, use up v fast leh.
I'm going to share the 10 tins lot with Muffingal for Happy Bellies from wreen. Thanks for letting me join in earlier.

I'm receiving a few packs of Organix First Wholegrain Baby Rice tomorrow evening from my spree. I'm okay if you want to take a pack, cos I haven't intro Organix to Joie yet, and I still got Bellamy & Rafferty's Garden.

hehe, geez, Joie really eats her cereal very slowly compared to the rate the other babies are going.
You can count me in for the trial if you are building up the numbers for it. Like hbb, I will prefer the Suntec branch, but it's okay, can probably look at that after a trial session. Thanks for going thru all the trouble of contacting Aquaducks on our behalf.
Thanks a million!!! hee can sell me 2 packs ma?? Kim selling me 1 pack plus yours i shld have enuf hopefully till mth end. can txt me on my mobile to arrange for pick up frm u.. thanks ya.. my contact 9848 6160 or u email me at [email protected] Cheers
Chiyojade, thanks for info. I am like HBB, stick together whichever the arrangement. But since Suntec is N/A, I prefer Tanglin Village.
Hi! Anyone by the name Hana San? I have friend request in FB, but these days, I dun anyhow add people as friends cos hb's pc kena virus from fb after I used it...
Hi there,

Have been a while since I last catch up with u guys..
Just wanna share for those who are still looking out for Avent Phillip Steamer cum Blender, Jurong Point Kiddy Palace has 2 last pieces. Do go grab asap. Just bought one from there.
Been using no.3 Avent teat for quite some time. The old teats, I sterilise, dry and keep aside, hehe, haven't thought of what to do with them yet. Kinda regret buying the variable teat cos I don't feed cereal via bottle. Now I'm very enticed to buy more Pigeon wide-neck glass bottles, she drinks more via the L-teat in 1 feed than she does with an Avent bottle, but I haven't dared to bring my glass bottle out lar.
ya i told muffingirl u r the one nearest to her to share LOL

ya u shld order more!! u got 2 to feed!!!

i know u not using NUK but anyway i intro nuk 6 mth med teat to edna..she take million of years to suck haiz... tot of changing bk to the 0-6 mth one manz...
Sam, I have kept most of the slim neck ones cos I dislike the cleaning. It;s like when I use the brush, the bristles will splash water on my face and hands, if I use the sponge type, it feels as if the sponge is tearing.
K is now taking wide neck bottle well (except occasionally, he'll fuss with Dr. Brown), and I have enough wide neck bottles to feed thru the day before I need to wash and sterilize.

Oh, also, I read somewhere that by 6mths, we need not sterilize bottles. U know if this is true?
Hi Cecelia,
Long time no see =)

Anyone had any idea is Happy Baby Organic Puff for baby is good? The cereal BP lady mentioned she likes it cos sugar content lower than other brands. Wondering if baby old enuff and can take it... Haha, so next time me & husband go out for meal, give her some puff to entertain herself while we eat
HBB, ya, I only use NUK's pacifier.. These are what I have:
Playtex--I need to replace the teats to the fast flow.
Dr. Brown--stage3 (K can finish 5.5Oz in 5mins)
Avent--Still #2, think I hv to chg cos K will take 20mins and he can get impatient and give up.

I still keep the Pigeon normal bottle (Y cut teat) and a Avent (125ml) for juice or small feed..

Actually I love the Pigeon Y-cut teats, I dun hv to screw tightly and no leak. Whereas Avent stage 2 makes me cry, always have to screw it so tight when I clean, I find it so hard to open (#$%!!)..
lamagier i tot of soakin e puff w some milk n giv bb as snack hehe...bt nt often.mayb make it once a week or a reward treat

ya some ppl say no need sterilise bt since the steriliser is thr...i jus use lol
mmoreover ifwan store milk to accumulate for later use or freeze i tink use a sterilise bottle will b better.
nw if i desperate for bottle for imm feedin then i jus wash w/o sterilising.
Hi all,
Re: Swimming
Ok, once I they get back to me, I'll post again! I'll prob call them tomorrow...

BTW, want to ask those who are pureeing food.... I don't have a hand held blender nor food processor. I tried giving Yann a carrot - steamed it, then
1) tried with a Moulinex chopper type thing - the kind that people use to make blachan, minced ginger. Carrot came out a bit lumpy.

2) Tried with a blender (but mine is the kind for making marguaritas, not the hand held type. Carrot came out still lumpy by less than the Moulinex blender.

3) Food Mill - carrot was finer, but still not velvety smooth type.

I have never added any water/milk to the carrot. I was given a book called First Foods (it seems quite good) which says to steam and blend but is it supposed to be completely smooth - like a thick creamy soup texture? /KFC's whipped potato kind of texture?
Or do you all add water? Milk?

I am going to try 2 other types tomorrow - all lent, to see how it turns out.

Any tips/ideas?

Does anyone also know where to get Avent pacifiers for 6 months (BOY) but BPA-free? I have tried Mothers Work, First Few Years - both don't have any.
I found a shop in United Square, but not Avent, but bb doesn't take to it so well.
Seems like all the babies are taking well to spoon-feeding... Gen still can't cope with spoon-feeding... she's eating like a malay, w/o cutlery... she only take in when we feed her with our bare hands... haiz... if next time she dun take pork like the daddy, i'm so gonna faintz.... must be the dominant traits of the daddy...

my girl also v small... eat and eat but still v difficult to gain weight... she's only slightly above 6kg...

Many thanks for the info on Aquaducks.... realli appreciate it... since there's no weekend trial for 6-8mths, think i have to pull out from the list since i gonna work on weekdays and might be recall back on sat... haiz...
Kim, I don't know about not needing to sterilize the bottles after 6 months, but some feeding utensils for solids are not suitable for sterilizing, so I just wash with warm water and the pigeon wash. The bottles I sterilize in the morning and at night. Some parts like the screw top and plastic bottle cap I wash with warm water and the pigeon wash, cos I realize they aren't the BPA-free parts like the bottle body, and might release trace chemicals, if sterilize too many times.
hbb, Yeah, OK will try that.
Joanne - I am going to ask them, tomorrow, that if we have enough people for a trial class on Saturday, then can we have a class on Sat? Becauee the timings are also quite bad for me. No way husband can make it and it's also very difficult for me as well. Sigh.
Kim - I'm still sterilizing my bottles. My feeding bowl set is also BPA free (the Pigeon one) and I think (not sure) my husband sterilizes the spoon and bowl as well.

If the pacifier drops from bb's mouth onto our bed/his bed/sofa/etc, I don't sterilize it anymore, but will put it back into his mouth, if we are at home.
My PD said that home dirt is "OK" (with regards to the pacifier), as we should get the babies used to some dirt for their immunity. One of my friends stopped sterilizing after 6 months, another one at 9 months. The latter said no point as her kid was crawling everywhere and putting things in his mouth!
For us, we only sterilise the bottles once a day but never sterilise the teats thou coz it always give out a foul smell when we sterilise the latex teat... my MIL will "boil" the bottles and teats once every morning...

That'll be great if the trial is on Sat...
She's still drinking from bottles for cereals... for other stuff like bread, chicken, yong tau foo, etc, she only eat them if we feed by hand... basically the food she's consuming now are our food... she dun have any interest in baby food... always give us that yucky expression and spit out... but for adult food, she'll open her mouth for more... so far no allergies to the adult food we fed her thou, that has been going on since she's 4 months old... i had wanted to start her on organic baby food initially, but give up le... guess she's like mummy & daddy, surviving on junk food...

Wow... gen can eat chix n yong tau foo!!! Pei fu pei fu leh.. gareth still eatin tat crappy organix and sticking to it.. hurhurhurhur.. puree oso dun like to eat much jst the basic avos, pumpkin, broccoli n banana.. ur dino really gd leh anything oso can.. then easy ma.. no need to worry so much..
She loves Yong Tau foo, esp the anpang one... Eh... But I hope that she be like the rest of the babies here and take the usual purée and baby food... Quite hesitant to give her adult food so early coz I scared her body can't take it... She's a small dino... Luckily not big size else will be T-Rex...
Coz she eat with hands and reject cutlery... Aiyo... She must learn to use cutlery to eat... I can't imagine next time she eat rice, etc from hands... Gosh!!! That time at my house u never saw my MIL feed her the buffet food? Hm... I forgot who saw it and was quite shocked... She eat also still so petite... Wonder where the food and milk goes...
i oso wish gareth abit like gen la anyting oso he eat.. but i feel he really too picky wif food oredi.. n now i really suspect he allergic to brown rice then b really mafan coz i realise alot of cereals r made wif brown rice n very selective use normal rice. u lucky she eat alot of other food coz if she on puree like us so mafan gotta do it daily lor..
her metabolism high isit.. gd la then nxt time she dun have the teenage prob of having to diet!!! wahahahha.. u mean ur mil feed those buffet food to gen!! no leh i nev see wo.. i would b shock i be honest coz wen i feed gareth jst plain porridge he scrunch up his face in disgust at me n spit at me.. so i really pei fu ur gen anything oso can eat n not like gareth any shit oso dun eat mst eat stupid organix n whole sgp oos.. crap la..
Gen started on Organix and later I change to the cheapo Nestle, she also take... Makes me wonder if she really not fussy with cereals but then she dun like baby food... Make me waste my money on the bottled puree and the Avent steamer-blender... Think she most prob have high metabolism rate like me, eat until broke but still remain skinny... I prefer chubby babies thou... Did u let Gareth try other cereals? Maybe the one from Happy Bellies? Since many r buying, think it must be good... I shall let her remain eating the cheapo brand... One thing I'm afraid of is that Gen might be too used to adult food which is high in MSG, blah blah blah... That's y she refuses to take baby food which is bland as compared to adult food... Later she'll kena high cholesterol like me at the rate she's going...
Also I never interfere with wat my mum or mil feed her, as long no LS, no allergies...
i give him happy bellies n healthy times but he LS so i scared oredi dun dare to try anymore.. ya once she is expose to those food no way she will eat those bland food anymore. some ppl dun like to expose their kids to adult food so early but then again if u look at it positively it oso means tat gen is not a fussy eater n is adaptable to everything. like gareth is really putting me in a fix now wif his insistence on only eating organix!!!
TJE <<<<hugz>>>>

By the way mummies, gotta a silly qns to ask here. when you all give fruits puree do you give bb eat directly or mixed into their cereals?
Good morning all. Super busy week at work thus can only post now. Gotta be in office by 7.15am today, darn I am sleepy...

The rest have already briefed you on the travel logistics with the milk stuff. Do you need the following from me:

a) Kim's FTG and ice block
b) styrofoam box (2 sizes)

Let me know and enjoy HK, perfect weather now! Plus all that yummy cantonese cusine...

Gina and Elsa: Choos
Love the design and it is not so dressy you can only wear to morton's lah! Only wore it once to a wedding dinner - comfort-wise = over-priced + over-rated

Not tendering, converting to part time from Apr onwards but for just 6 mths - gonna be doing 2.5 days a week. Come Oct, I can try get another part time position within the firm or quit. btw my ML will only finish after I clear 1.5 weeks in February. Finally!

You can do both - give on its own or add to cereals...no hard and fast rules.

Erm. Think you should be a little careful abt what Gen puts in her tummy, as you rightfully pointed out, adult food contains so much salt, msg, preservatives, etc. and her digestive tract and other bodily function may not yet be able to handle all these processed food - organs will be stressed out and may cause early malfunction/failure. My 2 cents worth lah, check with your pd?

If you need more, I also have some Organix on hand...

Thanks for organizing the aquaduck trial, will join whichever group is going whichever location, as long as schedule permits
Of course heated pool prefer.
Gina, my Naomi is not better. She's also refusing to open her mouth, I have to push the spoon in, and she will eat the spoon not the food. the food will be pushed outside...I thought that's just the phase of learning la...take it easy. Naomi is still drinking 120ml only, so def Ju ju is better!

pS: if cannot sleep, go to Saks website and see...heeee...for sure you won't sleep till morning break
Thot Ju en loves her durian? Use that to make her open mouth then shove apple puree inside. Then pray very hard she dun puke.

Gen is one funny little dino baby. I thot too early, my eyes see wrong. Yong Tou Foo?!?!? Piang. Her tummy matures very fast. I'm still stuck at what puree to give for her first taste of puree ~
i mix puree w cereal.cos find fruit puree too sweet on its own.dn wn let edna hv a chance to choose sweet over blend...haha...oncea while i giv her cereal only so tat shenoes cereal cn b eaten plain....
han BaoBao,

Wat puree can mix into cereal ? How to prepare puree har? My baby just start the cereal so me still blur blur dunno wat to prepare for her. I feed her the Nestle cereal last two day she only take a bit nia.
TJE: don't worry, Max is exactly the same. Keeping him to open his golden mouth is such a chore and then when I feed him he'll gag but won't throw up. I'm not too fussed about it at the moment, will just give him some time and see what he likes to eat by offering him different baby foods. Sometimes letting them "play" with their food might entice them to eat. The easiest way to do it is to put a mess mat on the floor beneath the high chair, spoon a small spoonful of their food onto a bowl and just let them experiment with their hands or spoon. I usually take off his shirt so after that just put him straight into the bath.
u can mis any puree intot eh cereal
i gave her.. apple, pear... then ehh carrot too...
jus steam w a bit of water (pear dun need steam w water) then add the steamed veggie/fruit to blender n jus blend!

Hi, long time no see. :p Long time never chatted here cse after giving birth, I simply lost interest in doing anything, in fact i already stop doing alot of things that i used to do before. Sigh..
Exhausted everyday. But I read silently everyday de. knows yr baby is called Minrui. Nice name.
I see that everyone has started their baby on diet le, mine is still drinking milk nia, and yet she's already almost 9kg. Ha Ha!!
TGIF! Thread is fast this am!!

RE: Genevieve
OMG, YTF? Gen is gonna be a food critic when she grew up manz..
But Joanne, you may want to be careful of salt level of food from vendors.

RE: Feeding
I also read that when we start solid, we should give bb a spoon and let them "play" with it. This is to make them feel "independent". I think I may try later.

Any mommies here already replacing one or more of the feed with cereal or puree? Cos I am still giving K as snack and dunno how to start, which feed to replace. In some eay, I think he is ready as he is not interested in milk after 3-4OZ, I also think he is not ready cos he doesn't seem interested in food too.. After a few spoons, he starts to "play" the food in his mouth or push out or worse, wipe it all over his face and the back of the rocker *roll eyes*

FOZ, wow, 2.5days per week is good arrangement! I would love that if there is opportunity!

Yan, actually when I read the book, I found I may have done it wrong. Apparently, if to start solid fr 4mths, it should strictly be rice cereal from 4-6mths, then puree after 6mths.. So, if Gareth is still very interested in his cereal, it's actually a good thing.. Now I am worried if I will implicate K's health, I pray it won't.
i tot previously k was v interested in the adult food? hw come suddenly he doesnt wan food?
i tried giving edna a spoon to hold while i feed.. end up.. the spoon in her hands go to her mouth as well.. so i gave up LOL

i tot of replacing lunch w cereal but i worry bout her milk intake..
Cecelia, sounds like you are handling bb alone? U have to find a way to energize yourself cos as bb grow, they become more active and draining more on our energy.
I am the oldest amongst the lot, and certainly my energy level cannot compare with most moms here. I realize I am better when I have a routine and I need to plan each day before it comes or I will end up whiling my days away not knowing what I achieve..
Now that K is more or less on a rough routine, I find it easier even to slot something at the last min. Like last night, I just felt I need to do something more than just sitting at home and wait time for his meal or bath time or play, I decided to take him on the bus to Ikea. I dun even know how to take a bus there to be honest, but we did it! His evening bath was delayed and so it delays the sleeping time but everything went well.
If you find yourself having no time to make your meal, try making a one dish meal, western main or big salad, they are less time consuming. I find most but not all, Chinese dinner requires more time to prep and cook. And like my mom told me, handling bb alone may sometimes mean cooking at 2pm for dinner at 6pm.
Now that I have stopped bf, I am not as worried about my nutrition intake. So, I can make a pot of western soup, and have it from lunch to dinner.
Or chop up the left over grilled chicken, and toss them in the salad.
If I am lazy to cook, I go downstairs, buy lunch, tea sn even dinner.
To some, I am not the best healthy lifestyle advocate, but I find in my situation, I have to give a little allowance to be rebellious.

Whoa, I hope you do not find this post overwhelming..
HBB, he is still interested in adult food, but he is not interested in milk and cereal and certain puree like potato and cauliflower. May bcos he already tasted the sweet from apple, pear, sweet pot, carrots. He give me the face like as if I am killing him with potato the other day.. I made everything w/o salt, and use only unsalted butted to mash.. Adding FM also din help..
So he is still taking them as a snack cos mommy afraid he will go hungry and disturb the routine..
(*hug*) Hope you'll be able to get some rest this weekend. Minrui surrender the heavy weight female baby title to your girl. Your milk very power!!!

Kim, HBB,
haha, Wed evening I told my aunt about the give-spoon-to-baby-to-hold-while-we-feed theory. Like Edna, minrui stuffed the spoon into her mouth then proceded to rub the saliva+cereal all over her face... Then I told my aunt "the book never state she would do this..." and my aunt laughed in my face.... haiz...
yes this is wat i worry.. rem i say i wan giv her peas 1st? now pd say cos of allergy ask mi dun giv yet..sigh end up she been takign sweet thg! arghhh... keep finger cross she will take bland thg.. tat y now i giv cereal kosong as n when...
babies r real smart manz!! i tink when he hit 6 mth.. u can blend some pork w the other stuff.. mayb he wll take it better.

hahahaaaa i like the part u said: the book never state she would do this

today i try to shorten the feedin time by feeding milk 1st then cereal... end up she struggle alot while having cereal... haiz... then how?!?! but it def shorten the feeding time... 30 mins in all unlike the 1 hour!!
i also mix. same like hbb, find puree esp fruits to be v sweet on its own. also dun want her to reject blend cereal. so far so good *cross fingers*. she tried brocoli with potato, peas. still ok with them.

i'm also thinking of replacing meal though i'm not letting her take her solids as snack now. it's milk+ solids during her normal feeding time. now she totally lost interest in milk. drinks only 90ml. at most 120ml which was this morning at 4am after her last feed at 9pm. wonder if i can just increase to 3 meals now.

Lamagier, HBB, tot my book did describe and warn us to be careful. Even say it's messy.. Lamagier, you book got lots of "hidden costs".. lols

HBB, ya, I also got the fish monger's contact to order threadfins.
CAn giv us a glimpse of Edna's feeding routine?

Someone mentioned that the MIL give scallops in BB porridge or something like this.. I was told actually we can also use dried mussels into porridge *Fainted* It's for the "flavor".. but... that is what we dun want yet right?
However, I know scallops has great source of bone collagen, good for our knees.
