(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs


thanks.. i wan!!! whole sgp oos n tis bugger dun eat other brands n i suspect he cant take Happy bellies coz he LS aft he ate it.. u goin on sat 4 the jwt ma.. if goin i pick up frm u then...
dun say few bucks diff.. now $10 per box i oso gotta buy coz gareth dun eat other things!!! really put me in a fix now... haiz
yan, it's ok. gareth tried organix before & he like huh?

hbb, central pick up is ok since my mum living at lavender. if not i can pick up from ur plc too. my mil stays at serangoon. hehe. :D

5.7kg. this morn weigh her drop to 5.6kg.
so tiny.

some mummies were prescribed motilium to increase bm. so dun think got prob.
yes he only takes organix i dun knw y.. but my guess is coz organix is very fine in texture compare to all other brands.. anor brand tat he is still ok wif is babynat. oso quite fine in texture..
Muffingirl, if you are taking Tim with, remember to request for "baby meal" bcos SQ no longer carries them in their drystores where passengers can ask when they board the plane. This is becos of the new restrictions AVA has on food that are brought in by SQ (I am sure this also applies to other airlines).
When I arrived in SIN, the crew actually gave me all the balance bottled baby food, incl bb juice. She told me if I don't take, they'll all will be dumped into the waste bin under the new AVA restrictions.
Now, these are all the same (of course not those organic ones) as those we find in the supermarket shelves, and since the expiry is 2011, I took all of them. I made a check, AVA not only made SQ dump these bottled baby food, there are also sugar sachets (yes, those opened packets of bulk sugar sachets specially packed for SQ), and certain brands of drystores such as instant noodles, tea, coffee are also in the "dump" list.
My mom will say, such wastage will cause the lightning to strike on the person.. lets see if AVA building will get lightning strikes (just a joke!)
I did read up on the medication. I used to take them and stop. funniest thing is when I'm takingnit der's a slight increase but when stop increase even more. not sure isit cuz I'm not so anxious abt the milk supply also
it can b taken while breastfeeding is safe. but do note that the content may go into the bm as well. but generally causes no harm. that's wad I read
Hahahahaha.. caviar oso need to throw or not.. i used to sweep it all off the ac on eu flts..kakakakakaka if not lightning will strike on them coz waste to throw...kekekeke
ehhh u say full feed is 5-6tbsp?!?! realy? so meanin aft tat no need drink milk? edna took 5tbsp jus now plus 2 ice cube of puree..then i latch her she refuse to drink aft 5 mins and i keep forcing her hahahaa
hav gareth try healthy times? i find healthy times v fine also.. too fine for edna machaim not full!!

haa cavier? i wish they sweep off cavier!!
ehh last time my gf sweep off alot of alcohol and we always mix spore sling aft she touch down hehe hehe... oh yea i miss the pringles from the london flight... yummmm

twinkle no prob.. urs is easy to liase haaaaa
Yan, wow, u hv expensive taste! If AVA made SQ throw caviar, I think she'll no longer be the most profitable airline in the world.. I dun mind a bottle of Krug though lol
yesss!! the smaller pringles... and oh yes its not for mi to eat(i onli take a few pc for fun).. usualy i get it for my dh who will wallop the whole bag LOL
hbb, u freeze all yr fruit/veggie puree?
was thinking if i shld do it...cos now i am 'forcing' my mil to do fresh ones daily!
caviar has always been my all time fav n so is champagne!!! hahahahhaha.. always hide in rm eat 2 cans then slp like a pig.. kakakakakkaka i dun take krug la dun rip them off so terribly got dom peri very gd liaos... hahahahahaha cannot say where i work ya if got ppl frm there come after my ass..
yes i freeze
i got no cohice.. becos i tink its a waste of resources.. hw to cut half or a quarter of a pear, steam n mash, and keep the rest? keep le also dun dare giv bb eat since im worried bout bacteria contamination.

esp so that i look aft edna alone i barely gt time to eat my main meals... if i do her puree daily i will die!!!
anyway i use my pressure cooker to steam the fruits.. fast! then use my glass blender to puree everythg since its hot.. duno my u like blender can tahan the heat anot (duno bpa free anot LOL) then pur all into ice cube holder n freeze hee

i try to do fresh one for 3 days aft tat too taxing.. but i din blend thou.. jus use fork to pash hehe
hbb, i will consider on freezing then.
now i really steam half the pear or apple for her everyday. the rest my mil or i eat lor...
sweet potato and carrot my mil and i also eat the remaining ones haha..
in the beginning i cook very little and blend, stupid me, the carrot not smooth at all, because too little carrot the blender cannot reach fully haha! so no choice, i will blend one whole carrot now.

how u warm the food? steam it? or just put in bowl, then put in hot water?
my hubby insist that if we do freeze the food, must steam it...
u can either steam it or microwave it
i microwave it
i know someppl say mircowave gt radiation... but i dun care becos i told edna.. she dun get to play w my hp liek some kids does.. so save her fr the hp radiation.. and take the mw radiation hehe
i make sure its piping hot.. since i am afraid of bacteria contamination
usualy 1 cube take 20sec to mw till piping hot fr frozen state
hbb, sorry, yr 1 cube of puree is around how many tbsp of puree?

now i give 2 tbsp(measure when dry) HT rice cereal + 1 tbsp puree...was thinking if my puree is too much or not.
i not returning back there lu.. coz if i go then who look after tis bugger rite.... if base sgp i will consider go back but its base oversea leh how to go back..
japa ehh i duno leh.. i tink is 1tbsp? nvr measure haa i use to giv 1cube of puree onli vs 5tbsp of HT cereal then realise seem v little so i gave 2 instead
but i tink my 1 ice cube is about half of the baby cube
mashy i tink i know where le thanx!
girls i tink the 7.70 one will b cheaper in this case leh

u girls might wan buy fr thr in this case...
how how??
u taking 8 tin,,, i tink u might as well take 10 tin ask ehr deliver to u!! hahahaa
how? or u still wan tompang me? i will order fr her instead... 7.70!!! hehe

twinkle, sam and mashy
how bout u girls?? twinkle.. i tink lamagier is nearer to u or ur mum than me! hehe..
im located at punggol..
yesterday some1 posted in our thread the bp rem??
she say bp wil b up tomolo wor.. i dun tink she knows the exp date as yet cos she say shipment not reach.. let mi ask her
hbb, happy bellies nice or not. do you try it yourself? so far I only try bellamy. but Naomi seems like doesn't like cereal le...she shut her lips and only sucks on the spoon. I'm so amazed Twinkle said feed her baby 2 table spoon cereal and finish so fast. my 1 box of cereal from donkey years ago haven't finish even half. dunno should I buy another one or not...
Naomi drinks milk so little compared to other babies here...she still take 120ml only, somemore still leave a bit (20-40ml) for the ghost, then end up only 100ml per feeding. I'm not sure whether I should increase her into 150ml?
She looks growing tough, nowadays I can see that she's taller...
FOZ, is the choos comfy? or it's a myth. I don't believe a comfy but nice shoes. but anyway, it's very dressy for me I think. need to eat at morton then wear that kind of shoes...hahah..
the cereal taste ok w water.. w bm its pretty sweet... usualy i use water and some puree cos mix w bm get v watery.

edna take 2tbsp too.. and she fin the tin in 6 days.. i migth stick to this for good and then use healthy times as back up. cos personay i more comfy w the dha n probiotics stuff hehe

I just got an email from aquaducks:

9 months to 20months trial availability
Tanglin Village: Tuesday 12noon
Science Park: Friday 3pm
Suntec City: Saturday 2pm, 2:30pm and 5:30pm

6 months to 8 months trial availability
Tanglin Village: Tuesday 10am and Thursday 3pm
Science Park: Wednesday 2pm and 2:30pm
Suntec City: none available at this time

Please kindly note that trials are subject to availability and the timings stated above are as of 6pm, Thursday, 7 Jan 2010. The availability may change within the next day.

Then after reading it, they don't state how many in the trial class. Hmmmm, so I have emailed them again.

Anyway, the timings are not so good for me, so must discuss with husband. I also don't know if those timings are only for the trials and if they will be the fixed timings for the class should there be enough babies, so have also asked them. Or if those are the slots and therefore are the only slots available.

Of maybe if we get enough babies, they can open a trial class for us?

hbb,I think I def want to try Happy Bellies! :) Can you also please keep me in the loop!
thanx for enquiring, do count me in if can hav the trial class!
thu i will prefer suntec but depends on the rest.. im pretty fine w the other 2 locations too.

i b ordering fr wreen leh.. u wanna add on to my orders? I buzz u on fb ok!
I order from wreen then. I just whack 10tins and asked her if can have free delivery to my place. Minrui eat about the same amount as edna or slightly more. So I expect she also will finish about a tin a week?

re: Happy bellies
Those who wanna order can try group together to get above 10tins for free delivery. Email wreen at [email protected]
ETirto, now i feed my boy 3tbsp of happy bellies. Today i fed him best earth 2tbsp. He puke. I taste both by adding water. Happy bellies more tasty. I also like it. :p

Yan, wreen also doing BP for organix. maybe you can check out with her too.
ya lor if can then u all jus order fr her easier also...
jus tat those who need less than 10 might wan join a grp n buy hehe

no need try ask for free delivery.. she say its free delivery above 10 liao if she back out on her words... i will jus go HFC n buy! cos they provide free delivery hahaaaaa

i oredi ordered frm her but her stock for organix not in till end of the month.

Organix cereal
Any mummies here who got extra stock of tis on hand pls do email me at [email protected] would really appreciate if any of u have to let go 1 or 2 packs till shipment in sgp.. thanks ya
