(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

(There is some confusion about this because 2 ladies gave me different timings, but I'm just putting one of the lists here to let you all think about it and maybe put your names down if you want)
To have 6 babies in a class.

We CANNOT form our own trial class (the times are fixed). NO CLASSES AT WEEKENDS.

6 months to 8 months trial availability
Tanglin Village: Tuesday 10am
1) KimKurek - Kaelem (Jul13 09)
2) Sam - Joie (6 Jul 09)
3) HBB - Edna
4) Gina - Juen (Jul01 09)
5) poohbear75 - Caitlyn (Jul 26 09)

Tanglin Village: Thursday 3pm
1) lavenderbear

Science Park: Wednesday 2pm
1) Chiyojade
2) Yuli

Science Park: Wednesday 2:30pm
can i know what's the size of yr slow cooker? r u using it to cook baby's porridge?? i'm thinking of getting one but undecided to get 1 small one just to cook bb's porridge or a big one so that can cook soup too. but if big one means cannot cook that small amt of porridge right? anyone can advise? currently using thermal cooker to cook porridge for #1.
If you're making ikan bilis stock or powder for edna, try a small batch first. The last time my #1 had a major flair up of eczema, the ped advised against giving it. I forgot the specific reason, something to do with salt or preservative content.

The milk bag is a brilliant idea. TFS!

From my experience, if your baby is the only one eating the things you cook, then the small one is handy cos easier to estimate how much ingredients and water to put. Not to mention easier to wash
If you are cooking for a few people (which is what I do), for example, if I cook porriage, I make my elder one, myself, and helper eat it as well
then the bigger one is good. Or you can use the big one, cook more and give to the baby for 2 meals when baby is older. Actually you can also use a small pot to cook porriage which is what my mum does. My 2 cents worth
my mum cook small amt of porridge for my nephew using ehr BIG rice cooker.. wat she did was she put the rice n etc in a metal bowl then put inside rice cooker.. add water in the rice cooker part to 'double boil' within an hour the porridge is done and v soft too.

yes i tink is the preservatives... that y i dun like =(
if wna to use i was told to rinse it at least 7 times!!!!
hehe sam
i jus store 8 packs of pineapple juice in my milk bag.. to freeze... cos i jus realise i got 20 packs of milk bags in the cupboard! goshhhh
thks poohbear/hbb

cooking porridge is more for my elder's dinner n going to be amanda's lunch n dinner. as i'm cooking early in morning before work, i must also make sure can last till night cos i realised thermal cooker cannot last too long if quantity inside is too small.

u really give a good idea to use the milk bags. i hv a few boxes unused too. unlikely to store anymore frozen ebm since my gal dun take them. can use to store the stock now. was still thinking of selling it off.
my mil

when yr mum double boil in rice cooker, she just put the uncooked grains and add water + ingredients? won't stick to the bottom of the pot?
bbethan, the smallest slow cooker has quite big capacity le...I even can cook porridge for 2 adults. and it's very convenient. I just need to dumped the stock (pork rib bone or chicken bone) plus rice. smell so good. no need to do anything, by the time you reach home, it's cooked and the nutrition all kept inside....
I tried fish porridge (got ginger, onion ,pepper and the gank) on Naomi from C. jade, she didn't like it...may be she just not used to the taste of rice. likewise rice cereal.
Hi mummies,

Anyone wants Nestle Brown Rice Cereals which was opened 2 weeks ago? Expiry date is Oct 2010. I only used one scoop so really a lot left. My Julian prefers his organix cereals more than nestle. Pm me if you want it.
Twinkle, i hav pm you my details. Thanks

Linsu/bbethan, hope both of you with Amanda recover soon!

FOZ, part-time is gd. I'm hoping to go into part-time/adjunct once my leave ends this yr so that i can still spend reasonable amt of time with my boy when i get home.

Re: outing
I like this idea...with or w/o daddies are fine with me

Jes/yan, anyone of u wanna take over my 4 tins of unopened wakodo (expiry is nov 2010)? I have been interchanging this with enfalac for my boy and realised he has been drinking more for the latter. Hence, i think i'll stick to that but my KS hb has gotten a few tins for me on standby.
How was the trial? The babies look really happy from the pictures.

TJE: Ju en looks so cute in the swing. Love her jeans. My little fatty won't be able to fit into jeans, if the waist fits it would be miles too long.
jwt trial
Gareth enjoyed it i could tell as he was active thru out the session and quite a few times was chuckling esp wen he was in the swing and the last part i think where all participated in the walkaround n singing exercise.

thanks for getting all the info and making tis trial a success but so very very sayang gen got tired n slept thru out.
wah poto fr the trial loosk fun...
anyoen who went hav any idea if the toys been sterilised?

gina.. ehhh carpeted floor w no socks?! ermmmm....
lol, honestly, I don't think so. They didn't make the socks thing mandatory, but I brought anyways during my trial.
nope, I went the weekend before xmas to the UE branch. Can just call and join the appropriate age group for trial. It's a regular class which you experience the trial.
sam oic
sounds good since its a regular class unlike the one we went previously where theyjsu demo 1 or 2 stuff hehe...

u gg nxt sun for the other trial?
I think next sun is our kindermusik trial class right?
Best call JWT to book a spot for trial. I remember the manager telling me they are going to start charging a fee for trial in 2010
Re: JWT Trial
Lil Gen as usual, does her "Sleeping Beauty" stunt again... KO barely 5 mins after the trial started... well, i guess this time round due to her 6in1 and pneumococcal jab yesterday, thats y she's so tired... Else I think she would enjoy herself also... I would prefer JWT than gymboree thou... Lots of activities for the babies, but kinda tiring for the parents thou... I would consider signing up with JWT when Gen is older thou... Happy to catch up with the mummies today and not forgetting the cute lil ones... Generally most of them enjoyed the class, laughing away unlike my lil sleeping beauty... Hope that she dun be a sleeping beauty when she went schooling in future... I can foresee myself and hubby kena call back to school coz lil Gen is caught sleeping in class, again.... urgh!!!

coolkero, its the first time I saw Tomi chuckling so loudly... He's so so cute esp when he LOL... keke...

devilene, nice meeting u today...

Mummies, so sorry of the blur photos I posted in my FB... I dunno how to use my hubby's camera thats y the pics didnt turn out nice... had wanted my hubby to take photos but lil Gen jus refuses to stick with mummy and prefer to hid under daddy's armpit...

All of us had brought our socks along, however we didnt wear it as the person says its not required unlike gymboree where they made it mandatory... As for the sterilisation, I doubt they sterilise after every trial, maybe once daily?!
yes nxt sun is the kindermusik hehe... see ya thr!!!!

JWT one i tink twinkle already chop a slot for us hehe.. gg mth end (i tink)
Thanks for organising the swim trial... Sorry that I gotta pull out my name as there isn't any class for weekends... Haiz... seems quite difficult to get a weekend class for Aquaducks and Marsden thou... Think I'll jus get the daddy to bring her for swim every weekend or I'll jus look for those conducted in public swimming pool (SAFRA)...
jus saw ur picture on the jwt trial. sure looks fun! looking forward to mine alreadi!

i also cant go for the swim trial due to the timing. cannt manage to take leave jus for the trial lar. hope others will enjoy!

re: passport picture
can i check how u all take the passport pic huh? i saw onlin got so much requirement on the pic! like Sharp and clear, 35mm wide by 45mm high and Taken with the image of your face measuring between 25 mm and 35 mm from chin to crown of head?? im very blur!
wah, i not pro. so i think cannt. but if we go shop take, i haf to put him on my lap and take? like so ugly lar. sigh. think gotta figure a way out
My hubby jus collected his passport... I took his photo against a white backdrop and crop the photo according to the dimension given by ICA, thereafter resize it to less than 200 kb(I think)... Luckily ICA accepted the photo... Now I using iPhone, need to get hold of my laptop then easir to explain how I crop the photo...
No worries about the swim trial - I know its so frustrating re their timing!!!
I'm waiting for them to revert back to me, because if they are thinking of the trial THIS Tuesday, then must quickly let you all know. And I happen to have this Tues morning free so would prefer to join you all at Tanglin!

pprincess - I got this company, Peter Pan, to take my bb's photo in hospital. So his passport photo was taken when he was 2 days old. If you are not sure, then might want to get it professionally done - it's not easy because, like you said, you need all that specific requirements. My husband's nationality's passport even more complicated!
U can place a white bed sheet on the floor and place him lying on the bedsheet... Take a photo from top down...Thereafter crop and resize... I didn't use photoshop cs to edit, too chim for me... Jus those normal program already dl in ur PC... Jus 2 steps and it's done...
I have the Peter Pan Studio 2010 calendar... Had wanted to take a package of photo plus the footprint thingy at hospital... But the photo package too ex, hubby refuses to pay for it... Ended up we had to take pic ourselves for Gen's photo on her footprint frame...
hahaa.. did yr hb survive w 2 kids?.. i don tink mine can.. he jus bathed Jav today oso kalang kabok.. haha..

haha.. yah.. mus actually get ready w the towel n wait for him.. yeap, Jav was so cold till he cried lor.. so hrtpain.. bt luckily aft the shower he felt so much better..

sorrie for the delay..pmed u liao!.. =D thanksss!

the outing idea is great.. maybe we can plan n bring them around.. including daddies like wad HBB says is good too.. at least theres still another pair of helping hands!.. =D
can keep me in the loop too for the priv class? thanks.. =D
mayb try lying down method and hope he cooperate! else is retake retake retake!

i no bumbo, else i think it's a very gd way to capture the image. bcos no bcking!

2 days old till nw? the immigration still allows? bcos i tot dey always very strict! and bb is 18 bian! hahas

ya he did. He said it's a breeze. But can't get my boy to nap, let him play xbox n carried my gal to sleep. well, dun care how he do it so long as i get my break. i even squeezed a foot massage in.

Yes, no problems with Yann's photo. We went to JB and Bali and it was OK.

Swimmimg: Private Swim Lessons:
Those interested: (tentative) (Sorry, I think there were 2 othes who seemed interested, but as I'm scrolling up and down, I still can't seem to find out who you are!
1) Marcel (my friend's baby,@his place) Marcel is coming to a year.
2) Yann (6 Jul)
3) Yuli's bb

It will beheld at my friend's private condo's pool on a Sunday in Balestier. We can go up to the place to shower babies after that. There is also a changing room downstairs, but we can use a proper bathroom if we want.

This is what I found out about Happy Fish:
1) Happy Fish.(30 mins per class, max 6)
They ONLY conduct lessons at Queenstown Swimming Complex.

If not, then they do private lessons.
If there are 4 of us, then it is $400 per month, per group. (i.e. $100/month/child)
If there are 5 of us, then it is $450 per month, per group (i.e. $90/mth/child)
If there are 6 of us, then it is $500 per month, per group (i.e. arnd $83/mth/child)

Not sure if there is a registration fee or not for private lessons (not very clear on their website), but for group lessons, there is a one time registration fee of $25.

Re: Outing - weekend or weekday is fine with me...tentative spots: Anyone keen on these places? Can comment or add suggestions:
1) a Walk somewhere - the Southern Ridges?
2) Botanics
3) Beach
4) Zoo/Bird Park/Underwater Water World

...? Do you want one this month or we start after CNY?
Chiyojade, thx so much 4 enquiring abt swim classes 4 us. I can tell itz exhausting getting info fr the schools! I think Jes is the other mummy interested in pte class?

Swimmimg: Private Swim Lessons:
Those interested: (tentative)
1) Marcel (my friend's baby,@his place) Marcel is coming to a year.
2) Yann (6 Jul)
3) Alexis (11 Jul) Yuli's bb
4) Edna (HBB)

Re; outing. I m keen too! Those venues sound good.

Qn re; Porridge
Must the porridge b blended or mashed after cooking or shld b soft enough already? I plan 2 use a small thermal cooker.

I juz tried transitting my dd fr stage 1 Similac to stage 2 Similac but after a few days when it was more stage 2 than stage 1, she LS. I think she got sensitive stomach/gut ;( Becos she LS twice, she developed diaper rash. Jialat leh. sigh.....
talking about leaving kids with HB, this morning hb took the 2 kids so that I could sleep in a little. His intentions were very sweet but when I woke up I realised he didn't give milk to my older girl nor did he change the diapers of both the children from the previous night. Of course I didn't say anything cos he was kind enough to let me sleep in but it just goes to show that mother knows best!

BbEthan, my slower cooker is big. My sis gave to me. I cooked the congee in my small rice cooker. Stock in the big slow cooker. When everything is cooked, i blend them using a mini food processor. Turns out like puree.

At my mum's house, she would use a small slow cooker and dump all the ingredients in. So everytime, she will be cooking fresh meals.
