(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Winnie, I think K and Shanna can be couple, all habit so similar!! Btw, how's her milk intake now? K still rejecting the last 3/4-1oz. I complained to hb and he said may be he is like the Chinese, to leave some at the bottom of cup for the ghosts *fainted*

HBB, I think Edna is gonna start crawling, I think bb starts by lifting themselves on their four.

Princess, I think mayb your friend want to pack along the potty whenever they go..

I am reading "what to expect--baby first year" and can't find anything on potty training.. Sigh!

muffingirl - wah say, kim always has the technical answers. i was just gg to say, pack with dry ice and check in. hk is only short distance, so shld be easy peasy.
ok keep u in the loop!

yes edna aso hav slightly morethan hav a pigeon bowl of cereal.mix w 1 ice cube of puree.tink i giv a bit too little for puree.might giv 2 cube instead
this gal milk intake drop drastically! she took 120 today instead of 240.i was expecting her to take 180 thou.
re: ikan bilis powder
why nt ask ur aunt make? else u cn go to those medical shop to buy too.they do hv.

if diy, can wash ikan bilis w heads off 5-7time to wash away salt... dry fry it on e wok till crisp.if gt oven then jus spread on baking tray n bake till dry n crispy. put in blender n blend into powder... store in air tight container n keep in fridge
LOLz~~~ Ur hb so funny!!
According to my hb, shanna finishes her 170ml intake for her 3 feeds ytd... but at night when i fed her, she only managed to drink 120ml. Den i fed her her medicine & continued with the feed, she drank another 20ml or so and starts to play with the teats oledi... feeding her has reallie become a chore now...

wan to start her on cereal this sat (if i can find the happy bellies cereal recommended by hbb)...
i tink lamagier say no stock leh.. u wan buy fr vitakids instead? jus buy 1 and tong 1st LOL
i no more happybellies
Count in me for Happy Bellies too. Joie's not a big eater with cereals, more like a puree girl, her cereal is like moving so slowly.
yah. Shop at harbourfront is Taste Original Pte Ltd. Tel 6274 5852. Owner said stocks coming soon when I went on Monday. You might want to call in advance to check if you wanna buy from there

Thanks. I go search for the thread.

I don't want to trouble my aunt cos she has 2 teen boys, fil & dh to look after also. Easier to just spend a bit of money and buy to let her cook

Your dh has a cute sense of humor ~
i jus call them they say shipment delay
stock might come end of the mth or later!!
they willing to provide me w delivery to 1 location. so i tot mayb ask them to deliver to my mum pl which is at central area. easier for u n twinkle to pick up? i can collect for sam and sam meet mi at my pl at east area to collect easy for sam as well as other mummy who is at east side =)
price is $9.50 aft less is $8.08 per tin but he mention the price is subject to chg if the shipment comes in at higher price =(
i left my contact w him and he will call mi once shipment comes. tentatively i order the brown rice one. he say gt oat meal one u girls wan the oatmeal one?
bestberries ya sure
tell u wat.. shall we list down the # of tins we wan? then i know hw much to order cos for now i told him i wan 20 tins

HBB-8tins (brown rice cereal)
hi mummies, for the HT rice cereal, how many tablespoons (i mean when cereal is dry) r u all giving yr babies?
i want to have a rough gauge of how much my gal shld be eating...
now i only give her 2 tbsp + 1 tbsp puree.
lamagier/hbb, seems so little compare to what yr babies are eating!
i gave 5tbsp! and it seems barely enuff!! hahaaa
but for a start u can start lilttle.. then slowly increase since diff bb appetite is diff
Hee hee...

Sam, I think K is like Joie. He prefers puree to rice cereal. I now have 2 boxes of unopened rice cereal (Gerber & Organix) and an opened box of Gerber rice cereal wih banana..
But I also think his metabolic rate dipped.I just gave him a full bowl of mash potato, but he only finished half. These days his meal/milk intake is every 4hrly or longer, and only fin 5-5.5 oz..
Hi ladies,

THanks for the replies and advices. Kim, i am not pregnant la....he just suddenly becomes so clingy.

We have been bringing him out since he turns 1 month. And we didn't have problem leaving him alone until much recently. I guess that is what you all say ba, the separation anxiety has set in.

Today i tried to talk to him while i slowly walked to the kitchen to boil water. He cried also. Then once i thought he was watching TV, so I tried to sneak from his sight, then after a while, cried again.

Yesterday fed him brown rice with fish. Ate halfway cried and cried. Dunnoe wat's wrong with this cranky baby. Kept telling him he's a boy cannot cry so much but no use...he cant understand.

Because of this separation anxiety, my mum couldn't even cook any semi solid for him. So sometimes, he only takes milk.

Think I just have to keep train and train. No choice.

To all mummies facing such problem too, jia you also!
Hi ladies, I have a question on Poop! The last I wrote, my dd had a bad bout of loose stools that lasted abt 1.5weeks. That cleared and she's all ok. BUT now, she's gone to the extreme! Today she gave me poop in a solid tube instead of a paste........does this mean she's constipated.

A few days after she recovered, I transitted her from STage 1 Similac to sTage 2 Similac (immunify version). Initially 1.5scoop stage 1 and 0.5 scoop stage 2 but last two days, she's been on 1 scoop stage1 and 1 scoop stage2. I am trying to give her more water (plain as well as mixed with gripewater). Does anyone know if I can give her prune juice? or if I should give her prune juice or just wait out a few days. Would appreciate some advice - thanks!

HBB, is this BP for Happy Bellies? I bought a tin from Vitakids but only planning to start dd on it this Sun when she turns 6mths - can I place order with you next week? just wanna see if she likes/dislikes the cereal. Thanks!
Hi ladies, I have a question on Poop! The last I wrote, my dd had a bad bout of loose stools that lasted abt 1.5weeks. That cleared and she's all ok. BUT now, she's gone to the extreme! Today she gave me poop in a solid tube instead of a paste........does this mean she's constipated.

A few days after she recovered, I transitted her from STage 1 Similac to sTage 2 Similac (immunify version). Initially 1.5scoop stage 1 and 0.5 scoop stage 2 but last two days, she's been on 1 scoop stage1 and 1 scoop stage2. I am trying to give her more water (plain as well as mixed with gripewater). Does anyone know if I can give her prune juice? or if I should give her prune juice or just wait out a few days. Would appreciate some advice - thanks!

HBB, is this BP for Happy Bellies? I bought a tin from Vitakids but only planning to start dd on it this Sun when she turns 6mths - can I place order with you next week? just wanna see if she likes/dislikes the cereal. Thanks!

Beverly, I know how trying and worrying LS can be - hang in there. Hope bb recovers quickly!
wah, how com his price sounds like it's quite volatile? Vitakids selling at $9.40. One lady (wreen) posted in our thread yesterday her spree one tin $8.20. SO his price will still be best, if the price holds

re: Happy Bellies
HBB - 8 tins (brown rice cereal)
lamagier - 8 tins (brown rice cereal)
Thanks HBB. I can collect Punggol if more convenient for you. DH on his way when he goes JB for golf anyways.

Happy Bellies: Brown Rice -----
HBB - 8 tins
lamagier - 8 tins
Sam - 4 tins

Happy Bellies: Oat Meal -------
yar that's more likely heatiness, can become constipation (more like pebbles/solid stool). You can give diluted prune juice, or if your dd already on solids, can give some barley water (don't overcook the barley, otherwise will become "heaty")
yuli ya sure =)
anyway if the poop is tube form but not hard it is not constipation. use the soil diaper n press the poop...

lamagier i tink its the same for vitakids also they told mi the same thg last time c os i tink due to exchg rate n shipment ne tc.. the price will varies slightly
if the price still stands.. its cheaper of cos other wise can buy fr the bp thread also!! i hope the price holds man

sam ya sure =)

still feeding edna w healthy times now.. gg to experiment see if her poopoo is same when compare w eating HB one. but i still prefer HB hehe
Hi hbb,

Can I also join the bp? Want to ask when is the latest to order? :)
Dunno if he will like it or now, so may buy one to try first...
stock wun come till end of the month so for now u might need to buy fr vitakids to try 1st hehe
aft u try and yann like u can join in (if there is enuff stock)

The price keeps changing. After i told the aug mummy abt your better price, they called and now he quoted $7.83 min 10tins.

Happy Bellies: Brown Rice -----
HBB - 8 tins
lamagier - 8 tins
Sam - 4 tins
Mashy - 4 tins
Happy Bellies: Oat Meal -------
I dunno what is about me.. I am getting a sweet taste in my mouth. Already 2 days.. reminds me of the time I was pregnant and tot I had gestational diabetes.. NB: I cant possibly be pregnant, so dun speculate..
ya lor
the price keep changing... i better call n ask again later!!! angry!!!
but he mention to ur aug mummy that price might chg also!!! tsk tsk
why so like dat!
i kaykay went to ask abt the HB brown rice cereal during lunch time earlier on, the guy says stocks shld be coming in abt 1 week's time, and he said lots of pple have been asking him!
Pink of Health at Millenia walk has a few tins there. i just bought mine on new year's eve.

healthy times - full feed is abt 5-6 tbsp.
lamagier, i fed my boy that amount (almost fill up half of pigeon weaning bowl after adding water) too. He finished everything in a blink. i thought tbsp means tablespoon? i scoop like a mountain somemore. :p
bbethan/lamagier, tks...then i must slowly increase! hope she can eat more.
seems many babies happy with happy bellies cereal, will go buy 1 tin this weekend to try also...
this weekend going to make sweet potato with broccoli for my gal...hope she will be ok with broccoli!
ay sorry so bzi..gareth much better!!! i think coz all he had was pedialyte n it cleared up his system. But im happy tat even thou it took some time to recover but i din put him on any antibiotics. Now he still have abit of loose stools but not like b4 those watery kind tat absorbs into the diaper

Im still giving him very diluted milk till i see his stools r back to normal then i will start bm again. I still giving him pedialyte but not so regular, its like in between feeds. u add me on msn la.. [email protected]

How come no one doing organix spree!!!
Hee, your boy's weight going to catch up with minrui soon by the rate he's going.

Wonder if bb weight gain will slow/same/increase after solid food. My girl already starting to feel hefty. Gotta go gym to train to carry her....
Sam/HBB, thanks! The solid poop wasn't hard. 2 hrs after that 1st poop, she gave me A LOT of pasty poop (her usual). I will still up the water intake just in case the stage 2 fm is too heaty.

Sam - Am starting her on solids only this weekend. I should give her barley water without sugar right? Which brand of prune juice should I get? Think I will stand by some.
Yup babies don't need sugar in the barley water. I usually prepare a flask when I sense heatiness to make her milk or just let her drink straight.

Prune juice, I just select the brand with no added preservatives/sugar/artificial flavour/colour kind, think a few brands have that. I picked Sunraisya, cos got small bottle.
any mummies still taking motilium? i have check that it is not recomended to take during bf. any mummies know more details?

Yan, I recently joined a spree for Organix, the shipping charges for the cereals isn't cheap, so on simple calculation, spree cost is only slightly cheaper than from local stores, kinda not worth the wait for the loot to come in. More worthwhile for spreeing the other products in the Organix brands like the fingerfood snacks which are limited here. Spree organizer said she'll nv spree for it again lol due the pain of explaining the expensive shipping charges from boots.com.
