(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Yes, 9 times! I put him on soy based formula since yesterday and the situation improved. yesterday LS 5 times and today so far 3 times. I have to be very careful to change him back to milk on the right timing or I will have a constipated baby instead of LS baby.
Good thing is my boy still very active and willing to drink water. so we try to feed him more water lor...
mashy, wat is probiotics?

1) Chiyojade - Yann
2) HBB - Edna (29 Jun 2009)
3) lamagier - Minrui (21 Jul 2009)
4) Sam - Joie (6 Jul 2009)
5) Kim - Kaelem (13 Jul 2009)
6) Joanne - Genevieve (9 Jul 2009)
7) pprincess - Darius (11 Jul 2009)
8) FOZ - Austen (25 Jun 2009)
9) poohbear75 - (26 Jul 2009)
10) gina - ju en (1st july 2009)
11) lavenderbear - Ee Kin (19 Jul 2009)
12) beverly - Daniel (18 Jun 2009)
13) beverly - Matthew (18 Jun 2009)

no, dun feed water. it'll dilute the salt content in his blood. diarrhorea cannot just drink more water. hv to take pedialyte. but not sure bb can or not.

probiotic is live bacteria like yakult. dun give that though coz it contains milk. ask pd for infant type. gd for diarrhoea
this thing call ASAFOETIDA, it's avail in Indian store. My gf intro to me cos she is vegetarian and many of her died can cause gas. U only put very very little in the food. IT has a very subtle smell of dried onion powder when you put the container close to you.

RE: Probiotic
K was prescribed pro-biotic when he kept spitting up. Only 3, once every morning. I think Loshita's bb is taking it, but I am not sure for what reason. She's been out of touch for a long time in this thread.
RE: Pedialyte
Pedialyte is a brand of Hydrolyte meant for babies. I asked for Pedialyte for standby for our trip but PD gave Hydrolyte.
I think u may wan to try the method that my pd taught me if u wish. I only feed him pedialyte for 3 days. no milk intake at all not even soy milk. They will drink it wen they r hungry n they drink alot. Gareth drinks up to 2 bottles a day!! Not cheap hor its like $9.60 per bot at pharmacy. On the 4th day i see tat his poo frequency actually comes down n also the amt tat he poo is much lesser and less watery. I start to give FM. But mst really dilute it. I give only 2 scoops of fm to 160ml of water and i start wif twice a day and the rest of the day still on pedialyte. Till now coz i see the stools still quite watery so i give him fm 3-4 times a day and still load him wif pedialyte to replenish his loss fluids. But seriously if ur boy continues to LS so many times a day i think best u seek 2nd opinion to admit him to drip which apparently is most effective as my gf boy was like tat and it controls it fast but heartpain la wen u see them poke the child.. but if really no choice i think tat is the last option.
jst in case u r still breastfeeding. my pd told me not to give bm coz bm is much oilier than fm so it will trigger the LS even further so dun give bm till his LS subsides.
dun feed plain water too much coz water is practically empty n not very gd for babies if given in large vol. have to really give pedialyte coz at the rate he LS he losing a lot of body fluids and need to be replenished. Watch out for dehydration symtoms like not peeing much n dry lips.
Bev, I also think you want to consider taking your boy to hospital.. bb LS is no joking matter.

RE: Prayer for little ones that are not well
Heavenly Father, I come to you in all humbleness to ask for you healing and protection to our little ones who are not feeling well. FAther, you said that a thousand may fall at our side, ten thousand at our right hand, but it will not come near us. We trust that you have been and will continue to command Your angels to guard us and our little ones, we will be lifted so that we will not strike our foot against a stone.
I now call upon You and believe You will answer to my prayer, be with us and those little ones who are not at their best health this moment.
In Jesus mighty name I pray. Amen

aquaducks - very tiring contacting them! I just got an email today saying that they have cc'd another lady (I think she does the arranging for Tanglin Village) and that she would get back to me.
So I got a bit fed up and rang them this afternoon and finally, I managed to speak to someone and as I was driving to work, I couldn't take down all the details, so I asked her to email me this afternoon, and still no reply.

So I only know that all weekend slots for Tanglin are FULL.
I am going to call the lady again tomorrow and get back to you all asap!

Sam - my bb was born same day as yours! :)

BTW, where can u buy the Happy Bellies? I looked at NTUC but they don't have it.
woot! Linsu's girl shares the same birthday too :D

re:Happy Bellies
You can get it at Vitakids. Saw it there when I walked in the forum outlet for a peek last Friday.
huh....so cannot feed too much water? okok...will take note. That day I saw pedialyte in pharmacy but it's for kids of 1 year and above so didn't buy. I think his LS is under control coz it stopped at 3 times today. The stool is creamy...
Sending him to hospital is my last option. Dun want him to go thru what his brother went thru...hunger, pain, etc. Anyway, tomorrow I'm bringing both my boys to kidslink for review. Hope they are ok by then.
The probiotic and pedialyte sounds good. Will check with pd tomorrow.
mashy, kim, yan, many thanks for your advice...and kim, for your prayer too

My girl started this stranger anxiety since 4 mths and I attributed that to the fact that she was not exposed to people in general for the first 3 mths of her life cos I was very worried abt her catching H1N1 or anything from outside. So now no one besides my hubby, my helper and me can carry her for more than 5 mins if not she will start to cry very badly.

But I have been exposing her more now that she is older and though she still cries when my mum or sis carries her, her crying has reduced from wails to just red red eyes and small complain noises. I started with letting them carry for a while but once she start crying I carry her back then slowly let them carry longer before I take her back even if she is crying and it seems to be working slowly....
chiyojade, HBB
The organic shop opposite Hua Xia at Harbourfront stock out on Happy bellies at the moment. Expecting shipment soon. Collect $100 worth in receipt for membership. $10 off. can combine receipt, no time limit.

Vitakids at United Square or paragon, Pink of Health at Millenia Walk also carries happy Bellies.

Else this lady wreen just posted in our thread today. She's doing spree for Happy Bellies. I ordered 4 tins from her cos slightly more than 10% off usual price
accordin to wat i know the hfc store.. if order 10 tin gt 15% off!! i might order fr them!!!!! at the rate edna eat iwill go pok soon
Rane: My #1 had really bad stranger anxiety from 6 months all the way to 16 months. She would cry if a stranger just looked at her, and I really mean cry very badly. She never liked being alone and would scream/cry. We just kept taking her out, exposing her to different situations and people. At home we would leave her alone for a few minutes, if she cried we went back to pacify her and then left her again and slowly lengthen the time she was left alone. It was a very tiring period but she got over it eventually.

Max is totally different, he's now more aware of his environment and when we leave him alone but in general he's quite contented with his own company.

Carrying babies: I carried both my babies a lot when they were infants. Lots of people and relatives told me that I would be spoiling them by carrying them so much but I firmly believed that whenever they cried or were upset, the most comforting thing for them was to be carried. As they got older and learned to understand more things, I would still carry them but not as often. Sometimes if I'm in the midst of cooking then they'll just have to wait. Its a personal choice and what you are comfortable with. Some people don't mind carrying their babies all the time, others prefer their babies to be more independent. My hb and I feel that they grow up so quickly , hence we don't mind babying them a bit.

Sorry for the long winded post!
HBB: Congrats to Edna sitting up on her own! Max still isn't taking his solids well, we get more of the food on his shirt and in his hair. I still give it to him twice a day and hopefully he'll get used to it. He definitely loves his boobie medicine = BM a lot more than solids.
hw long is max on solid already??
edna took it since boxing day.. and she took 1 week or so to get less messy ie no itchy hands or wriggly octopus... but she still whine when i giv her cereal..guess she is hungry... but at least now she will open her mouth n thrust her head forward for the cereal.. nt too bad

anyway my term of mess is nt on shirt or hair.. is jus on face n a bit on bib.. if it goes on to hair as well its call disaster hahaaa cos i got so irritated by edna so worried she dirty my floor blar blar blar... haiz... ok im anal i admit!!!! she liek to sneeze w cereal in her mouth.. everytiem she do tat i scream!
u might wan to prepare before hand a wet hankie to wipe his face or mouth in btw feeding, a table cloth to wipe off any cereal dripping on to the table or tray, tissue paper standby.. this is my SOP for a mess free feed heh heh...

and edna seem to disliek her milk now.. she can fin her 200ml of milk for her 3rd feed. last feed can onli drink 220 not 260! and its after much struggle.. else aft 120ml she will say bye bye!

oh ya she onli sit up once jus now then nvr sit up again tsk.. guess take a few more days before she master the skill but once is better than none haaaa
hbb: I can't even remember when I started him on solids, should be about a week ago. I always have more than one cloth on standby and I put a mess mat on the floor so easier to clean up. With my #1 I was also very anal but now its like aiyah, messy then messy lah, later go bathe. This morning I fed him without his shirt and after that just gave him a bath.
Max is so chubby but he only drinks 160 to 180ml at most. I only give him his last feed from a bottle and he doesn't seem to want more than 180ml. During the day I'm not too sure cos I usually just nurse him. I'm sure he's passed 9kg by now....
hahaa quite smart ah.. feed w/o a shirt.. im tempted too but edna is a girl dinw an to make her tink gg shirtless is ok LOL

hw many feed does he hav a day anyway?
hi everyone
been out of action for 2 days and so much to catch up.

#1 having a fever since sunday n just confirmed it's HFMD this evening. poor boy got ulcers all over his mouth n he couldn't eat. now worried that Amanda has caught it too cos she's starting to hv a mild fever since yesterday. PD said it's too late to isolate her since #1 started to have fever since sunday. wonder where he caught the virus from. yest was my turn to be down with fever. hbb, now i know how u feel the other day... shivering with chills n numbness. feel damn lousy. sleep n cover up like a popiah... with my boy fussing in his sleep n kicking me the whole night. nightmare manz... worse, my hb is on reservist and not home
i wonder how am I going to survive the next 1 wk at home with 2 cranky children.

what a bad way to start off 2010.
HBB, congrats to Edna sitting up too.. Haha, you wont know, u think it's by chance but I dun think so fr my experience with K. After a wk or so, she may well be able to push herself up when she sat and leaned forward. Like K, initially, he sat but kept leaning forward like doing stretching in our NAFA test, then 2wks later, he could use his arms to push himself up, now I think one hand can also do the job.. Only thing he can't do is if he lean forward and ended on his belly, then he is lost cos this boy still hasn't master rolling over. His roll-over is still by chance
Bbethan: sorry to hear about your #1. Ally's first christmas she and I were quarantined at home with HFMD as well! She was just 5 1/2 months old then but luckily she contracted a very mild strain. Can you mom or MIL help you while hubby is away?

HBB: During the day every 4 hours, if its a good night he'll just have one feed around 5am. If its a bad night then I lose count! Since he shares a room with Ally, the easiest way not to wake her up is to just nurse him back to sleep. But recently I've been giving him water if he wakes up.
Until now , on very hot days Ally still walks around the house in her panties. She is super samseng, if given a choice she will go out without clothes. My grandmother used to tell me not to let them go without clothes too often if not next time they won't want to wear clothes.
hugz to u... u must b feeling darn low now... hugz hugz...
rem giv some cold thg to ur #1 to sooth his throat.. room temp stuff wun appease him liao sicne there is ulcers on the throat..chill some juice or packet milk for him.

ya she keep doing doggie push up LOL
she yet to realise sheneed to put her leg in front to sit up.. so hopefully nxt few days she realise.. guess i left her to explore on her own tis few days while dh nto ard was a right thg hehe

nvm la.. mayb K skip rolling over!! hehe
hahahahaaa ally is cute LOL
talk bout samseng. ya itink its the right word to use on edna too.. this girl hor... haiz.. no words to say her nowadays...

Need advice from those mummies who have travelled.
I'm going for a course in Hong Kong soon & need to figure out some logistics for my milk.

If tim comes along, I would need to bring maybe 7-8 bags of frozen BM over for his feeds while I'm at the course.
and probably bring back to Singapore 8 bags of frozen BM that I pump there
ya... my mil stays with us. but her help is only limited esp when ethan is super sticky to me.

dun worry... like what hbb said, he may skip the roll over stage. my gf's boy is like that.

all babies r so cute in achieving their physical milestones. i still remember ethan does that doggie push up style when learning to sit up. very funny. But amanda is not doing it this way. she will turn around into a sleeping buddha style. sometimes when she can't balance herself, she flips all around. think she's going to sit up from this manner. tried putting her in the sit up position. she'll stay in that position for a while and cries... think she doesn't like it.
emailed u!
no, Dr Ngiam no longer with SBCC. Himself, YY Yip & another PD quit SBCC (which is under healthway) & set up their own clinic. The temp clinic is still at the same blk, #03-03, the new clinic will be at the annex blk which they'll be moving to somewhere end this mth or early next...

but not easy to get thru coz on mon & tues, they hung up the phone! coz new team + new system, abit chaotic... & only cash payment for now... i forgot to feedback to yy yip abt the hanging up of the phone when i saw him on tues...

oh dear, i hope ur #1 will be fine soon & let's hope amanda wun get it! I heard can give ice cream to children to soothe their throat...
Bbethan: poor you, its hard when they are sick cos they can be so whiny and clingy. Before Max, I used to put Ally in the Beco carrier when she was ill and clingy so that I could still get things done. But if we were both unwell, I would just leave all the housework undone and camp out in the room with the kids. Everything important, laptop, phone, books for her, dvds was within reach and we would just lay on the bed most of the day. For meals I would either get my mom or hb to cook/ ta pau.
yesyes the sleeping buddha... edna does that when she lose her balance, super egoistic.. refuse to roll to her bk.. pretend she is lying on the side LOL

tell ur dh.. his SK nana will bmore tok kong... LOL
bbEthan - OH DEAR!!! I hope you all get well soon!

hbb - I was laughing when I read about Edna sneezing with cereal because I just read about that in Miriam Stoppard's book about tips for feeding and it was to be careful of that! Also to be careful of the walls as the food can go there!
Great that she can sit up too! :)

Jillian - I like the going with out shirt when feeding! I think I might try that.

Am also quite anal about not dirtying - but I know it will happen. My in-laws bought a lovely wooden high chair which I fell in love with when I saw it, and I didn't expect them to buy it because it's very impractical!!! But it's an antique high chair, 100 years old, and so I can imagine being super stressed if he dirties it!!! LOL!! I haven't put him in it yet, because I think I would need the sack and seat as there is no divider in the middle for the legs.

lamagier - thanks for the locations. Am going to check them out this asap.
I might get some from the spree as well.

bestberries - aquaducks : swimming lessons for babies: http://www.aquaducks.com.sg/Homepage.html

At the moment, I'm trying to find out when their lessons are. They keep evading that question! Quite irritating. Going to call them tomorrow morning.
Anyone knows which flavour to try for Happy Bellies? It's my first time trying.

BB has tried the Nestle ones (samples) and he can finish half a packet by himself now. At the moment, he doesn't have any problems feeding because he is quite the greedy pig! He learnt to swallow the after like the 5 spoonfuls of food and I tried to make my own carrot puree but didn't have the correct blender, so it was little lumpy, but he finished it all the same. Aiyoh!
HBB, me again. reading thread slowly. haha. u wanna to share the happy bellies with me? 5 tins each? If not is ok. I can buy to stock up too.

Chiyojade, i bought brown rice flavour.
dun b defeated by this. we all learn new things everidae! the bb learn and we learn! bb grow and change veri fast. jus when we learn to adapt and get use to it they change pattern. i always take relax attitude towards all this bcos i feel no point being pek chek. it's part of our learning process.
i do carry darius very very often. almost every single min. he spend min time on the bed playing by himself. esp when i got a maid who kept carrying him. sometimes when i put him down he do cry. i will us talk to him, sae he cannt b so naughty. mus guai guai. mummy tired. my dad always sae, talk to bb and dey will understand. of cuz mus b wif claim tone.

thanks for the link. will check out the BP when ive the time to browse!

i saw the swimwear diaper the washable one in the bp. thinkin mayb i should jus get that 1 and dun let him wear aniting?
im a veri lazy mum. scare of trouble. but scare that he fall sick.

no wor, if the bb cannt poo in the diaper is super jialiat. that dae we went for gatherin at a frens' bb full month. and the boy kept farting wanna poo. but cant poo bcos the toilet is occupied and he dun wanna poo on diaper
last resort, place the diaper open on the floor
and hmm-hmm him in the public. even his own dad saes disgusting. and the mum kept apologising bcos we're eating.

beverly & bbethan
hope all of u and precious reover soon!

dun get irritated by the aquaducks. relax ok? jus let us know when u haf the details, no hurry :)

re: baby flippin/rollng
previously darius manage to roll abit
but i realise he doesn do that animore duno since when
he will seems to haf difficulty flipping over, always abit stuck and cannot flip himself over to tummy animore
i duno wad's the reason and tried to correct him the way to flip, but till nw still cant
but he is very very gd at flipping back to his back
is this a prob or normal?
Any mummies know where to buy powered ikan bilis? I remember reading somewhere in SMH got someone selling and it's washed twice and remove head one... but I somehow never jot down the link...
healthy times i still use water.cos scare turn runny as usual.heehee...
ok we cn share!i buzz u ok! gt another mummy wan aso.we cn buy e amt we wan and add up in all so tat we all get e best price! hehe

chiyojade i bot brown rice one too!
me keen to join in if going to buy Happy Bellies. If not really will go broke buying cereals

Very silly. I told my aunt I gave minrui 1-3 teaspoon cereal powder each feed. Yesterday my aunt told me she's now giving 2 spoon. Then I saw the spoon she used is those white plastic adult spoon for takeaway food. ~ SO it's about half a pigeon weaning bowl. And my fat girl gobbled it all up within 10 min. To think I was worried 3 teaspoon too much for her... The silly bugger....

Oh dear. DO take care. And do pay attention to your own health. Not to scare you, but adults also can get HFMD.. My colleague got HFMD from his son 2 years ago =p
it's in the bp section and if not wrong alreadi close yesterday
u might wan to go to the close section to check whether she still take in order
my fren say that we also also cook ikan blis in water n use that water to cook porridge

RE: Flipping/ Roll-over
I heard more boys skip this than compared to number of girls doing so.. I guess that's why girls dance better esp belly dancing.

Chiyojade, thanks for helping with Aquaducks.

Muffingirl, carry the BM with you in a styrofoam container like those meant for fishing with ice brick. When you get on the flight, ask the crew to store in frideg for you. If you are taking SQ, their B777-300ER's business class has freezer, so you want to make sure you are booked on flights that are operated by this aircraft. When you get there, ask hotel to keep you frozen BM in their freezer instead of the bar fridge in your room as they are usually not cold enough and may start to thaw your frozen BM.
Likewise, when after you expressed, asked the hotel to help you freeze them in their freezer and do likewise on the flight.
On SQ, if you are taking Tim with, even with helper or your hb, asked to have "meet and assist" service (under the category parent with infant), it is FOC. Usually this service is meant for those who travel with infant needs help on & off the aircraft, immigration and customs clearance and during flights, eg. crew will assist to keep an eye on the bb while mother eats or go wash room. U put this in your status, but the special help you need is actually the use of their freezer.. Crew are usually more accommodating when it comes to bb food as compared to items like Krispy Kreme..
I have extra ice brick from Medela. It is now with FOZ, you can get it from her if needed.
