(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Anyone's baby had fever after taking the 2nd dose of 5 in 1 at 4 mths? My girl started having fever yesterday after jab and still having today. Any idea how long the fever will last? She did not have fever for the 1st dose so also dunno why 2nd dose kanna fever....

my girl had a mild temperature after the 1st dose, gave her a dose of paracetamol on the 2nd day when she's still warm, but for the 2nd dose, I made barley water for her to make her milk and drink if hiccup and she was fine all the way. Then again, not recommended by PD to give barley too early, but she's been drinking a bit of boiled barley water every now and then to jiang4 huo3 so I know she's fine with it.
Kim: Thanks! Just watched the video and realised my blanket is way too small for my big boy. Will sew up 4 cloth nappies and that should do the trick
Been so busy since i started work i've hradly had time to log in

Went for blood test last week after my diagnosis of morphoea. blood test results ok (was to check on my organs to see if any antibodies affecting my organs or something) went to see a chinese sinseh - says that my lungs, body weak. tongue has black dots (body toxic) haiz.... only 33 already like dat.... she said cld be coz of pregnancy coz it is v tiring for the body.

Tks for the PM on the domestic helper. Will discuss with my hb abt it.

Yes, still no news on the polo yet.... can't wait...

MLMMP & Goat's rue
I am now going to stop bf ...
can't continue coz of the medication i will most prob be taking and the topical medicine the determatologist gave me (contains vit D which is not suitable for bf mothers). I have 1 bottle each of MLMMP & Goat's rue. MLMMP i think i took about 10 tabs and Goat's rue only 1 tab (60 tab for each bottle). Anyone keen in taking over fm me ? dunn mind letting go for about $75 for both - dun want it to go to waste.

poor you - can imagine what it must hv felt like. you are v strong to tolerate ur mil. vent here whenever you feel like it- think it does help

how is everything? settled in at work? feel so tired everyday - too long at home lazy liao...
Hugs to bestberries..

Littlenotes - eat more nutritious stuff to regain your health yah?

I thought I was the weird one abt bb crying. At 1st will coax him and say "mummy loves you, don't cry" but as he goes on and on I get so pek chek I look him in the eye and ask him to "Enough! shut up" but he wails louder usually. My mum sometimes think I shouldn't leave him to cry. Which makes me even more frustrated.
Poohbear: my little one had his 2nd dose on Monday and had mild temperature. I gave him paracetamol twice a day and made sure his temp doesn't cross 38deg.. Then it was ok after 2 days..

I logged in to check on the thread and also update all abt my #1 health.

I gt e call from doc yesterday. Its positive results. To him, he feels its good news as its not life threatening and curable. The test for luekemia is negative, but the viral one is positive... Out of the 3 illness he mentioned which leads to swollen livers, that viral infection is better. Mbe he was trying to make me feel better. To me, I thought better news would be the results are normal. Anyway, my expectations mbe too high. My boy wont be able to run, jump, walk abt.. cn only stay indoors then outdoors. Wonder how I am going to go through this since its the fextive season. Cant bring him to see lights, deco etc.

Anyway, at least a load off my mind. Gt to watch him carefully and make sure he dont fall or hurt himself. Going to see doc tml morning. Hope he will bring me better news that the swelling has gone away a bit.

Coz of all this, I am going to be separarted from my bb gal this long weekend again... Miss her lots.
Bestberries, ren ok. ignore her! one ear in n one ear out. this is what i am preaching! sometimes I also cnt stand my MIL. haizs! most MIL and daughters in laws just cnt click.
Sam/Meng Lee,

Thanks for sharing your experiences.

Hugs to you and your boy...hope he gets well soon...I know how it helpless feels when your child is sick and we can only wish it happens to us rather than them...take care and hope you get better news tom.
Oh dear. Sinseh got give you any med to "bu" yourself? Yah, most impt thing is healthy mother, then can look after baby. Whether bf or not is secondary. Keep yourself healthy ok?

Tahan a few more hours... Long weekend is here =)

Glad that at least got known cause for your boy's illness, no need be so worried. His infection contagious? You must miss your baby a lot...
Oh dear...i'm missing soo much despite me staying at home most of the time with my boy hmmm....

Jes, read abt jav...so glad he is fine after the fall
Poor boy and poor mummy! I understand how u feel cox i've accidentally dropped a heavy toy on lucius before. Thou my boy is not flipping so fast now cox he has learnt his lessons (puke v badly after flipping too fast once), i'm trying him out to sleep on mattress.

Coolkero, tomi is BIG! I can't imagine carrying 8kg to sleep and pacifying when he cries. Infact now, i already find it straining to carry lucius. Like many mummies, i'm oso not very patient with bbs...many times have lost my cool esp i'm solely taking care of him now day and night. Sometimes my patience jus run out
Hav tried letting him cry to sleep but i felt sooooooo bad the next day.

Bestberries, calm down...really no pt arguing with your mil. It's really not easy staying with PILs i know...that's why i choose to stay "far away". Hope u feel better today!

Lamagier, sorry to hear about your diving mates. Was it a cyclone instead? cox tornado is a landsprout.

I don't expect MIL to click with me in anyway haha but nowadays i see my MIL losing temper on my elder gal i feel heart pain for my elder one.

at the terrible 2 stage, we have to learn to be patient with her and teach her the right from wrong not just shouting at her when she is naughty.. (which what my MIL is doing)

I pity my MIL for having to help me with 2 kids.. but i can't stand that she is losing temper on my elder kid which she dotes a lot..

OK my gal naughty, u scold her for being naughty but she is not telling her why this action is wrong? Like that how the kid knows why she got scolded? so end up my naughty gal will try her luck again and get scoled again...

Aiyah basically her method of bringing up kids is different from me.. so i'm very fustrated...

if only i could be a SAHM for 2 /3 yrs.. IF ONLY...

I'm so so wanting to work part time instead of sticking on to full time....
Today I had a horrible day!!

cos I've forgot to bring the handle of my manual pump to work!!

Panic panic when i was abt to do my pump during lunch time..

boops pain.. mind getting dizzy...

end up i decided to go for the slow way.. Hand express.. at least can relieve the boops.. i dun want to end up fever + block ducts..

took me whole 45 mins to clear both sides!!

but better than nothing..
Hahaha, that's in your area of expertise. New paper report wrote 'tornado'. Guess the Thai journalist also got their facts wrong. Should be cyclone. Thanks. They're ok. Just feel so sorry for them... tsunami, then spend so much money to buy new boat, boat sank... and people who don't know the details were quick to point fingers and blame the dive operator & boat captain for the freak accident, tarnish their reputation.

I'm also so tempted to take a year or two off even though I only have one. So addicted to my girl these days.. but scared later no job waiting for me liao... Sigh. Decided it's still best for my girl if we have financial stability compared to 24hour devoted mama love...
Hi littlenotes76,

I saw ur post earlier and you mention that vit D is not suitable for bf mothers? Is that true? Coz I'm currently taking my calcium supplement and it contains vit D and I breastfeed my baby.

Do other mummies take calcium supplement take contains vit D??
Lamagier , menglee
tks. Hv to concentrate on building up my health now . Some med given to "tiao" and "bu".

I think it's e cream I was given coz e amt is in higher dosage
Sheryl, so sorry to hear the condition of your son. Did the doc tell you what's the cause of the viral infection? and how is the symptons like?

Bestberries, hugs to you. I missed your story about the MIL. Hope everything gets better if your hb can be on your side. I can't offer much advice tough since both my parents and in laws are not here with us. So I'm free to do whatever I want with the kids.

School holiday.
My energy is draining.... so Tired! has been on whole day outings these few days with the kids. swim-park-play-mandarin class etc etc and my back is killing me. Went to bukit batok for Berries on Tues by bus with wriggling boy and squirming girl on baby bjorn, and it was like 1hour journey. And my boy was trying to "entertain" himself by chatting with anybody nearby. "uncle, are you a spiderman?", "this uncle must be the power ranger". he was nonstop talking and was very noisy throught the journey, making me so malu. he went up and down the seat also, simply cannot sit still for even 1 min. By the time we reach home, it's dark already. I better change him to the Orchard branch.
Lamagier & etirto, yes it's contagious.according to pd,it will spread in e first 2 wks.it's gg to be 2 wks sn...I miss ariel lots,cnt wait to bring her hme.tml,I will go ask my doc again.btw,I suspect he gt it fr sch. Coz on wkdays nw,it's sch bus to n fro sch & nowhere else.anyway,e symptoms r spiking high fever,cold n cough.after which,u will notice veins popping out & a veri bloated tummy.

Oh ya,there is a outbreak of h1n1 again.visited e doc a few times last wk & he told mi abt e h1n1 outbreak.mummies,u gals may wana consider nt bringing yr child to crowded areas & for too long a duration. Just my thoughts after #1 gana this infection.
mummies who are goin for the gathering.. i got an extra santa claus costume in size 80.. anyone wan to take over frm me?? my gf buy me an extra set leh.. so now i got 2 sets.. if any of u wan pls email me at [email protected]....
RE: BB not well
I pray that all baby will be healed and whole!
RE: mommy not well
Heavenly Father, continue to give us strength in all adverse condition and situation. Give us wisdom to battle all accusation and open our eyes to recognize that our Lord had pay forth all our sins THERE IS THEREFORE NOW NO CONDEMNATION in our lives! Amen!!

Sunsweet, do you love what you do passionately? Bcos I know there are so many people who decides to continue working because of finance, it's sad that they "drag" themselves to work everyday. I have always enjoyed what I did before I was pregnant, but there is nothing in this world that can buy the time I have with K now. To decide not to work, it's better to work out your finance with your hubby first. Be prepared, some husband does not understand the difference of a child's early development when he/she has a mom around. Also there are many who thinks being a SAHM (those totally w/o income and depend on hubby) is easy, even some of my working gfs thinks staying home is "senang". For me, no matter how tough it is, how deprived I may be, I have no regret deciding to leave behind all the perks I enjoyed when I was working, not even when I had to miss another promotion. Not all are cut out to be SAHM, and it is a BIG decision, so think it over carefully. God bless!

RE: Parental Guardian
I personally do not prefer the style of parenting where you simply scold or smack the child w/o explaining why. My hb's family is the kind that WILL NOT hit a child, but I grew up being hit left, right, center, up-side-down, inside out, top-to-toe.. so I am pretty alright with using the rod, however, I am following the Confucius theory of 因材施教 or different strokes for different folks. Should it need be, when all talking failed, I will lift up the rod.
Remember the hands are for giving loving strokes, the rod is for discipline, should you need.

Happy parenting to all & me!
Lamagier, ya those pple are quite poor thing.

Kim, same here. My hb hated the use of rod because of his upbringing whereas i was being brought up in a fam that i believe 不打不成材 that kind of thing. Anyway, he already forbid me from using the hard approach in disciplining...muz use soft approach! But if it doesn't work then how??? Anyway i think i'm going to play the "bad guy"
Sunsweet, there was once i brought everything EXCEPT my pump too. Nearly freak out when i was all ready to pump but could not find my pump. That time was already feeling very "full"...no choice ask my head to let me off earlier since it's after exams. Haiz...can't imagine i was forced to stay on...milk ss sure drop.
Kitty, wait until I show u one of my sermon dvd, u'll laugh until flip.. My MIL watched and she just kept shaking her head. I know she disagree, but I dun care, if K is type that needs the rod, I wont spare, anyway she wont be here to "save" him. I know my hb family is the type the uses爱的教育, they dunno what is 打在儿身痛在娘心. Of course we are not the 狠心 mother that get joy out of hitting the kid, just bo-pian then take out the rod mah, right?

RE: Pump
last night I had to use my hand too, cos the shield broke away from the plastic that attached to the valve, so no suction to draw out the milk. Wa, not use to it but what to do, I didn't wash my other shield yet and was tired..
Ya kim, i believe it's usually the last resort. Anyway i know most children 吃软不吃硬 so i will still try to talk sense to them. Then if can't, haha...they will feel the pain. Cox afterall, need to send the msg across mah.

I think i can't use hand...cox i will get so frustrated with the miserable amt i can get fr hand squeeze.
kim, wat happen, how come the shield broke? you using freestyle rite? are u going to buy another shield or use the other one in the box?

today happen to go tangs, avent got 20% plus 12% rebate, so bought a new pacifier (3-6 months) and the avent steamer u guys mention. anyway, how often do we need to change pacifier? going shopping so happy, but ahh in the end buying all the kids stuff, never buy anything for myself.
no laaa.. im not moving..wahahaha.. jus saying mayb can visit e west..n can ask hb pick me up aft work ..heeeee

yah.. felt bad la.. but of cos, thank goodness all's well!..

glad yr fren's feeling better!... =D

hope yr bb feels better soon... will keep you n bb in prayers... =)

Sorry to interrupt. Anyone looking for a babysitter at Kovan/Hougang? Would like to help my ex-babysitter to post her services. She is a nice lady in her early 50s with more than 20years experience in babysitting. Her kids are all grown up and the home environment is clean and smoke-free. Interested, can call her at 6284 1137 (Karen) to find out more. Thanks!
Re: Philips Avent Steamer cum Blender
Saw it this morning at Kiddy Palace Tampines selling @ $159 with a free gift. Got promoter doing demonstration on the product...not sure if other branch has the same promo...those interested can go n find out
Hi anyone has a electric pump lying around and can loan me? My mini electric died on me
and my boobs are exploding in 10-9-8-7...
really? any idea wad time the demo ends?... i wanna go see if still haf can bring hb along!... =) thnks..

heee...yea, sure.. i'll jio u... hes starting work next week liao.. haha..
sorry, didn't manage to check more details as hb rushing me to go home (can't enjoy shopping if go out with him...arghh!!!).
BTW, next door (BHG) having 20% discount on some baby products too...u can go and have a look.
Wow, today thread v slow.. good for me to catch up.

Coolkero, I went to look, but was thinking if I should buy cos K is latching more. Only sometimes in the day when he wants to play instead of drinking then I'll express, and I still do an 10/11pm express, cos if I dun, then from the last latching at 6pm to 4am, my breast would burst.. I have another one to use..hmm...

Jes, OIC.. ya when we have catch up at my plc..

FOZ, oh dear!! some more u are going to vacation! Hey, dun mention about the FTG (actually no FTG lah, Just cooler bag! Ur helper very smart, she asked if I have my name written on the bag.
foz, you want to get from me? I'm not using my mini electric plus, so can pass to you. Actually already pack up my freestyle too, if got your own shield, I can also lend that one, more convenient for travelling. Let me know, I think you got my number already. I'll be out the whole day tml, so try to contact me by tonight k?
yup, decided to stop some time abt 3 weeks ago, cos the ss was dreadful for quite sometime, and the last pd appt, her weight increase hasn't been as large as before. Because of bf, haven't been taking da-gui, so blood circulation all the while very poor. Now can at least take some tonics.
ya my ss now a bit yoyo i duno why .. haiz... i wonder is it cos i not enuff rest (since birth)
im tryign to tong till 1st jan LOL
intend to let her take cereal on 1st jan hahaa.. then hope by then enuff milk to back up else i tink really the end le
for those feeding cereal, which is better, healthy times or heinz or frisocream? Nothing too sweet or heaty for my ger. She doesnt poo much nowadays eventhough she took 10ml of water after every feed.Rem someone bought organix..isit easy to get beside those organic store?
went to Tangs today but ended up buy nothing there! Looked for the blender @3rd floor, was asked to go to B1.. went to B1, was asked to go up to 3rd floor.. so fed up cos' it's so crowded today! Left for paragon instead.. bought Healthytimez brown rice cereal & Organic banana porridge.. yet to let my bb try.. tomolo maybe.. the 12% rebate until when?

Following reading I find very helpful for blur mommy like me:

HBB, check with you, did you give edna plain water? i tried giving but my boy kept rejecting everyday for the past 2 weeks. miachiam like feeding him poison. Believe next time if i change to formula or start solids sure have headache.
I started my girl with Organix white rice which i bought @ Vitakids, Paragon. Not easy to find it thou. Currently, it's out of stock at the paragon branch. Each box only 100g, if feed twice daily, 3-4 days will use up 1 box. Each box cost $4.90.
For healthytimes, there isn't white rice cereal. I brought their brown rice cereal but yet to introduce to Gen coz afraid it's too heaty. currently she's still on white rice cereals only.
i started Amanda on solids today. Bought Earth Best's cereal. She seems to like it. But she keeps thrusting her tongue initially. Only until the end of the session, then she seems to know how to eat properly.

i haven't start her on plain water yet. But I have to soon cos recently started her on formula and today solids. Take it slowly... a few sip better than none. My #1 also reject water initially. Only took 1 or 2 sip. So each time, let him hv 1 or 2 sip. gradually he's ok liao. My gf's boy also like that... end up with constipation. So she tried spoon feeding water which works for him.

i truely believe our ss yoyo cos of rest. My ss drops again recently due to lack of sleep n feeling a bit unhappy. Noticed that if i get more sleep n eat better, ss not so worrying.
i remembered u mix Gen's milk with cereal n let her drink from bottle right? how much cereal u put in the milk?

healthy times cereal... not too heaty. My #1 was on it and ok for him. For him, i started off with Bellamy's white rice cereal, then introduced healthy times brown rice cereal, barley cereal and then oat cereal. Healthy times cereal is the most readily available organic one in the market now.

Is frisocrem good?
I bought healthy times barley rice cereal today.. but thinkin to let gareth try wen he touch 6mths which is nxt mth.. if u feel brown rice too heaty then can try tis ba.. haiyo till now still no stock at paragon??

Mrs C
I dont recommend frisocrem coz i find it too sweet.. but depends on individual thou coz my gf gave it to all her 3 kids n they love it as its very vanilla n sweet tasting..

Dumex Stage 2 fm
Anyone giving their babies dumex fm? I have a tin of stage 2 fm to give away.. dumex jst send it to me so pls do PM me if anyone wants it..
no i di dnot giv edna water at all.. she is on TBF onli hee..
the doctors i met (many of them) said even if they r formula fed also no need plain water for 1st 6 mths

dun worry bout K not likign plain water
mynephew does not take plain water for 1st 6 mths too.. he drink like a buffalo now!!!!

bbethan b ut i cant sleep at nite u know.. liek insomia thou i v tired! haiz

gareth been using his chou chou to cover to his nose n mouth then can sleep.. anyone knw if he will suffocate this way?? i get so paranoid abt it n jst sat there watching him sleep coz the min i take it away he wakes up n cry.. pls advise....
