(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Any tips how to feed baby the cereal. gareth still having prob eating cereal frm spoon.. i mst admit its my fault thou, as my aunt went on hols for a week n i have prob feeding him wif spoon so i been putting the cereal in the bottle for him.. after 1 week of tis he forgot how to eat frm spoon again n simply refuse to eat it frm spoon now.. pls help ar.. got scolding frm my aunt for screwing it up.. haiz

ya... know what u mean. i'm also like that. think too used to sleeping late. sometimes got opportunity to sleep early, body tired but mind still running very fast. will find something to do until the wee hours then sleep. so now i tell myself to sleep when got the chance. lye down n stare at ceiling also better.

Amanda also like taht recently esp when we r out. SHe'll stare at the surrounding eyes big big. Thought she'll stare until knock out. But she never. The moment her bean pillow cover her face only, the eyes auto shut off. normally i'll let her cover but will shift the nose area a bit to make sure it's not covered up. but i think this age, they will know how to remove if uncomfortable.

And she like to sleep facing down in yaolan too!! that.. I'm even more paranoid. though the cloth got holes, not sure if it's pressing down her nostrils. always got to flip her around n she gets annoyed with me disturbing her sleep.
i realised if i just shove the spoon in, she will end up spitting all the cereal out. i tried putting in the spoon directly on top of her tongue when she opens her mouth n scoop the cereal in, n she took it better. not too much at a time. takes really long to finish that 1 tablespoon of cereal with milk.
ya gareth does tat face down in the yaolan too!! i think now they big oredi wan to move around wen sleeping so i really paranoid la... imagine tis few days he nap in the afternoon 2-3 hour, i simply sit there like idiot watch him sleep leh.. wahhaahah coz he dun let me take the pillow away..

how did u make amanda take the spoon?? i gotta really try again tmr if not for sure my aunt will breathe down my neck on this again come mon if gareth still cant eat frm spoon like last time..

really got to go slow. a bit at a time. lure her to open mouth, then put the spoon onto her tongue n "pour" the cereal in. think she's ok with the spoon also partly becos i've been feeding her multi vits recently with the syringe. think she got used to something fed into her mouth other than the teat.

why dun u ask yr aunt to show u how she feed. maybe it's the different way u used that's causing him to reject.
If you are still feeding full BM, by right, feeding large amounts of water is most probably not necessary. If you still want to give water, try spoon feeding the water, put the spoon with water at the edge of the mouth until all of it goes in (the bb won't be able to push the water out of the mouth so easily and have to swallow)
wa.. so small got multi vits liaos.. hahahahahaha.. ok i try tomoro.. prob is now even my aunt feed he oso dun wan to eat coz he got so used to taking it frm the bottle.. easy n comfort zone i guess.. boils down to laziness la..
Wakado milk - only 10% discount, nothing more than that...those who indicated interest intially, do let me know if you still want it.

Big thanks to mommies who sms me abt your pumps, much appreciation! You guys rock!

Dumex, Mead Johnson (Enfa), Friso, etc. all sent me their Stage 2 milk and I am just gonna let austen try them all, when my bm is insufficient. dh said hopefully no need to buy milk at all with all these free milk powder. Wishful thinking!

Though my PD gave green light, I am hesitant to give cereal till he hits 6 months (he is now 5 mths). I am not even sure why...oh, my boy loves to drink water, in fact, mixing water with his antibiotics is the only way he would take his meds...

Time flies, just 2 more days and it's back to the office for me. Ah well, back to reality. Good news is - not too long now, just a couple of months and I can get off. Good night, mommies!
LS, i got it from level 4 @ tangs, the baby section where they put all the avent product. i think it's just in front of the lift but must ask the staff cos they might not display must go inside to take.
Im keen to get.. pls let me knw how many tins u can get.. i will get 3-4 tins if no prob with you.. thanks so much for your help.. I can collect frm u at joanne plc
i met tis lady wif her baby at isetan yesterday afternoon buying wakodo fm.. does it happen to b one of u ladies..
coz her baby is 5mths so thinkin might be frm our thread..
haiyo..poor thing got scratch on the face.. ya the pillow is light coz its only husk n not the whole bean type.. ok in tat case i wont b an idiot anymore sitting there watch him while he snores away..

gareth hates the bottled fruit puree too, which i dun knw y.. mayb like wat bbethan says coz its sourish but i tasted it, it taste bland to me leh.. mayb u try give ju en avocado or pumpkin, quite easy to make..

i have a tin of frisocrem to give away if u wanna try, but its open thou coz i try give gareth but he dun like.. n i stop after 2 tries coz i find tat its too sweet anyhow.. n the vanilla taste quite strong..
gina....juen tryin to copy edna on scratching huh....
this edna gave me horror shock yesterday...i saw her cot sheet w many blood stain..she scratch her hands n bleed again! n i cut her nails before tat!
hw the bb use chow chow n slp in pram?jus ciover face themselves?i tempted to giv her a chow chow hahaa outside she dn slp also..onli cat nap....aft pushin her ard in pram at same time sare she cant wean off e chow chow habit...arghhhh
Yan, yes yes (hai hai) or steady steady?

Gina, you mei you po xiang?! Received your sms.

HBB, when you wanna have the jumperoo back? You want exersaucer?
i want the haihai 3 tins if u can manage... thanks 4 extending tis offer to us... maybe u email me the amt and ur a/c details i trf funds to u la... [email protected]

i put in the chowchow 4 him since day 1 in the pram, in yaolan, on bed, on rocker!!! he cant live wifout it nw le... he will put it over his face wenever he wans 2 slp, normal times will jst leave it on his lap or tummy.. if edna can do wifout n slp best dun gv her la, u c my gareth now jialat like addict 2 chowchow le.. haiz
Javier uses 3 chouchous to slp.. he'll play arnd w one n slp w it covering his face no matter in cot or yao lan... tink he gt security.. but i'll check on him, if he covers his nose, i'll try to move it lightly away... sometimes he will stir wen i move his chouchou..but i'll pat him lightly n he'll fall back asleep. =)

yah..maybe can date kitty n a few more.. hahaha.

oh yah, jus wanna ask, where to get the Wakodo milk? i've been looking arnd at 2 isetans alrdy but din manage to find any.. which isetan to get? does carrefour have?...

wen edna has her jumperoo den i bring Jav over n testing can? =D
haha.. okie okie, i'll try my luck again if i went there.. thanks!

i went to isetan w/ stacia yest but def not me buying wakodo cos' gina already helped me to buy 2 tins last time..

can help me get 4 tins (hai hai) if u can carry? if not, 2 tins also will do.. thank u!

u can try Meidi-ya @Liang court

any idea where to buy good food storage system & those ice cube for bb food?
got mine normally at isetan scotts.. its inside the supermarket at baby section.wif all other fm..

normally got bulk purchase on smh..

anyone knw where i can go get exersaucer? chk tangs n robinson all dun have..
no la.. i mean those food storage system la.. normally got bulk purchase on smh. FOZ is buyin fm for us coz her mum works in isetan..
yea yea.. blur me.. i suddenly think it's not the milk but & wanna amend my post but u're fast hehe.. sorry, still holiday mode despite gotta work half day today.. sianz!
sell to me! sell to me! I cud lend u my combi for few days til your pram come if u want.. but dunno if it's the same combi
u can buy from smh threads. i normally buy it from this seller called LJP.

yes... nowadays i bring a smaller chou chou out for her. used it to shut her eyes off from all the lights n environment. v fast to send her to dreamland. guess as long as u don't overuse it, won't get addicted one la. no issue with #1. but do agree wif Gina leh. a bit waste effort on yr sleep training.

which combi u getting n where? i also want to get 1 so taht can bring her out shopping. must definitely be lightest weight n 1 hand operated one.

those exersaucer/walker. my opinion is ask around for hand me down or rent if can n if u all don't mind 2nd hand. it's really like jumperoo... bulky n outgrow in a couple of months.

actually i'm v tempted to rent the jumperoo but must wait till next mth when we move. don't know by then, she'll outgrow or not.
I rem reading the thread that some mummies loan the jumperoo online. I am interested to let ariel try. Can any one of you provide the link?

Re: Cereal
Ariel is on cereal - frisocrem. I didnt know its sweet coz I never tasted it. You gals bought the organic cereal from Vitakids. Any recommendations which I should go for?

Re: Diapers
Mummies, any brand of diapers to recommend for day time use? My gal is on nepia. But, M size is too big & S is too small.

I just got so upset with my mum. She bought the teething biscuits for ariel even though its only for 6 mths old n above. She told mi she keep sucking her thumb n wana her eat e bicuits instead. I told her she is fair too young for the biscuits & dont let her eat it. Wonder if she will listen coz sh is so stubborn at times. She is a gd help for mi bt I cnt stand her parenting method at times.
haiz.. gina u r right lor.. if i giv her chou chou then training wasted but outside she realy gt problem sleeping! super distracted!!!!

FOZ i buzz u later via sms k =)

ya sure can bring him over in the morning.. cos usualy aftnoon edna sleeping hehe

gina.. u kwno i so temptd buy the adidas mitten for her haaa.. actualy its meant for winter use... haiz.. but i also scare her finger movement restricted like mynepehw last time... tat y i wean her off mitten at 2 weeks old
I used both. container storage can store more. ice cubing storage got to keep in ziploc bag after freezing. both r fine with me. if u r freezing puree, then i think the baby cubes better cos just need to take out the 1 cube n thaw. i used the ice cubing storage more for freezing stock.

Re chou chou addiction.
Just remembered one advice from my mum. she told me it's ok to let bb sleep wif one. it's just like we adults using bolster to sleep. but the impt rule is don't use the same bolster/chou chou all the time. N must wash the cover frequently so that they don't pick up the smell and associate it with sleeping.
Re: chou chou
My boy also need his chou chou to sleep...but i will change his cover frequently more for hygiene purpose cox he drools on it. Usually use it to rub his whole face to sleep... haha i was like charlie brown last time...always lug my chou chou around even when i travel overseas. Lucky my hb wean me off after i got married *embarrassed* hbb, i'm worse than your sis!

FOZ, i wanna get a tin from you to try too. Is it ok?

Poor juen
Why wait for your pram gina? Thought u always carry your girl in sling everywhere u go.

I'm making an attempt to bring my boy down to the park for a walk every morning and to tiong bahru plaza to see x'mas lightings in the evening. But so scared to bring him to crowded places now...my stroller can hardly move at all! And heard h1n1 will hav new outbreak...haiz
yan/bbethan, my boy has been trying his best to flip in his yaolan ever since he mastered flipping. So far, his flip in it is not 360deg yet..only 180. Haiz... Sometimes worse, he drinks in yaolan and when he attempts to flip and drink...all his milk spill everywhere on the mattress below. Really v frustrated and he can still smile after the mess...goodness!

Did u all attempt to flip them over after they are sound asleep? or leave them as it is? Cox everytime L slept, i will hunt for his nose thru the net jus to make sure he's breathing well...so worried.
For Organix, i use 2 tablespoon (4.3g each - i use my enfa scope to gauge it) to 120ml of enfalac...
She haven't poo for 2 days le, thats y dun dare to start brown rice. wonder is it the change of environment thats y she seldom poo @ my home. she usually poo daily at my MIL.

I went to Paragon on Thur. Still no stock for the Organix white rice leh... Really not easy to buy Organix white rice... the rest of the Organix products quite readily available at supermarket like Giant @ Vivo City, etc...
Btw, Gen yet to start spoon-feeding. Now still bottle feeding for her cereals...

next time u come my home since we r staying so near and use the blender/steamer to make puree for Ju En? let her try fresh fruits puree, maybe she'll like it?
Which combi pram u wanna buy? i regret buying my combi pram leh... for me & hb, we felt its quite difficult to push coz the handle quite low and Gen doesn't like to sit in one... I kinda like the one Kim is using... Kim, wat brand is ur pram? how much is it?

U finding the Evenflo exersaucer? I saw it @ Century Square Kiddy Palace. i think it's about $230-240, memory failing me...

Re: Jumperoo
I've just rented 1 and will arrive today... Got a scolding from hb coz he dun like to buy/rent second-hand toys for Gen... I go ahead with the rental w/o telling him, he found out yesterday and wasn't happy about it...
Those coming to the Dec gathering, u may wanna let ur lil ones try on it first b4 renting or buying 1...
Jus dumped most of my stuff in the storeroom to make space for a mini play area for our babies during the gathering...
Sheryl, i rented the rainforest jumperoo fr mygrowingtoys.com @ $45/mth

Joanne, same here. I also rented w/o my hb's notice as he also dislike the idea but too bad, wat's done cannot be undone haha. Anyway can i let my boy try on your bumbo during the gathering? cox i'm not too sure whether worth to get anot.

Any mummies who started cereals and using avent bottles to feed? Wonder do we need to buy those teats for thicker fluids since it's not the no. of holes that count but the size. I hav not intro solids yet but wanna stock up some things since avent on 20% nw.

Thanks FOZ
You are most welcome, <font color="ff0000">Kitty</font>. Have not seen you since before giving birth, have not even seen Lucius face to face! Glad to hear you will be a temp SAHM - I can't wait to join you! We can then meet up anytime and not be restricted to weekends, PHs and school holidays. What bliss...

<font color="ff0000">Renting of toys</font>
Usually I only rent for a month, the whole point of renting (for me anyway) is so my child gets variety, plus it is great especially for bulky toys. Maybe I have been their customer for a long time so usually even though rental is supposed to be for a month, they stretched to as long as 2 months for me. I have rented before, for #1, slides, doll houses, kitchen sets, exersaucer, amongst others. I rented the whole party package at her 1-year old party, which is for 4 hours ($80, include delivery and assembly and collection after party), a few toys that the guests and birthday child can play with. I recalled the big favorite was the ball pit, followed closely by the rocker, the car, and then the slide.

<font color="ff0000">Babyethan</font>
I also support LJT

I am waiting for Isetan's private sale to get new Medela bottles/teats and Nuk's pacifiers, my stuff would be 6 mths old by then and ready for a change. Will prob buy stuff like cotton balls, pigeon diapers, etc. Been wanting to bring austen for a swim in his new beautiful swim diapers from Mothercare but #1 is having a slight cough and if I bring him without her, war will be declared. I cannot risk that. Sigh...

My mom and dad are coming to my place this evening for playtime with grandchildren and dinner, I hope we don't get into a fight. Thank goodness dh and I gotta leave for a play by 6.45pm. We are catching Beauty and the Beast.
I rented mine from rent a toy (http://rent-a-toy.com/shop/index.php) coz the rest of the jumperoos from other rental stores already taken up... So no choice i got to get it from them @ $50 and i wasn't pleased with their service thou... well, that will be the first and last time i'm renting toys from them thou...

Mine is jellymom from smallsmallworld... looks like Bumbo but has a bigger leg room than Bumbo... I'll place my jellymom either at the playarea or might be using it for the photo session... If u wanna try Bumbo instead of jellymom, some of the mummies might bring theirs along the gathering, u may wan to compare the diff and try it...

Gen's Chou Chou will strangle me if i buy a brand-new jumperoo esp since Ah-Gong giving so little bonus next month... there goes my shopping spree after the news was announced few days back... urgh~!!!

Btw, any mummies know where i can get baby cubes?
mummies who wanna get Avent steamer cum blender.Jus went for a walk at compass pt kiddy palace,and there's a lady doing demo for this steamer cum blender.could see lots of stock.
Promotion is $159 with 20% discount.Usual price is $199..
FOZ, ya really hav not seen you since before delivery! Lucius has not had the chance to meet austen too. Btw, how is austen? Better already? Looking forward to the meetup in Dec. Hmmm...temp SAHM....hope i wun regret hahahaha

Joanne, thanks...would like to let him try on that day
kitty hahaa now my sis force her bf to hug her chowchow hahahahaa

gina i might go buy then sling...when i see u then u cn teach me hw to put edna in lol
Gina, is K's gf ok now? {{{hugs to her}}} and help K give her a wet kiss too! ;)

RE: Chow Chow
K is like most of the bb here. In the night when I do not swadlle him, he will place his beannie pillow over his face if he faces up, else it'll be on one side of his face if he is sleeping side ways, if no chow chow then, he'll put his hand over the outter side of the cot bumper and push the bumper on his face so he can sleep.

RE: Water
After intro cereal, I find K poop less liquidy, so I give him water when he wakes up from nap (cos I usually need when I w/up so I suppose he'll need too), after FM, after cereal. Bcos I had stopped giving him water ever since I latch him more, initially he wasn't enjoying the water. Now he is back to ok again.

RE: cereal
I gave K carrot from bottle, he likes it but I tried and think there is a bitter after taste as compared to the real carrots. Today I ran out of carrot (Gina, ya, that bottle of carrot I got from Vitakids is only 2 serves for K), so I only give rice cereal. I want to start Avocado next, but ;last night a friend told me his girl is allergic to Avo (oh dear, it is the least allergy food leh).. Think I pray over the Avo then prepare..

Kitty, for feeding cereal, if you intend to use bottle, try using the Pigeon MagMag. It is a 3 stages cup. One cup, 3 types of lids, one nipple top for for milk(3mths), one spout top for liquid cereal(5mths +, but I already use when I intro K his cereal), and one straw top(8mth). The spout top's means a cross on the teat, and bb get the amount he/she sucks, not leakage or mess, easy to clean too, so no worry for germs etc.. I now give K all his weaning food with spoon, he is swallowing pretty well now. Happy feeding!
