(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

hur hur. govt hosp is cheaper, dunno when i can check out. may be there for a long time. strangely i want to go to work tomoro, get my mind off the madness. crazy right. my point exactly. but thank god i found online friends like you, advice at click of a mouse. tom i'm meeting my gfs for lunch. will be bitch fest. will see how the hb sorts it out tom. he's like the ham between the bread. not a good place to be.

awww.. don feel upset.. ignore yr mil.. sometimes old ppl really can get up to yr nerves...
cool it!.. *hugssss*

wah lau... don say u gt gu niang bb.. mine oso same as K... cry n wail until ppl carry.. but if its really no reason jus simply he wans ppl to carry, i'll tell him, sorry..mian tan..i will leave him cry until he cannot tk it.. knows i wont gif in.. he'll stop by himself.. oni wen my hb n mum r arnd, he'll cont crying cos he know they'll pick him up.... haahahaa..

oh yah... kim u stay in west rite?... next time i can meet u in the west... hahaha.. cos my hb's changing workplace............ =S
hbb hows your friend ? havent been keeping up with reading post so dont know if got updates. hope she's better. i'm hopping mad, but at same time i'm calm. its like so mad until its beyond melting point red hot mad, its now white hot mad.
i do!... hahahaa.. if Jav keeps crying in middle of nite.. n hb needs to work next day.. i'll get v upset w him.. n will scold him.. but still, he will cry even louder... anw, i do get so upset at times tat i'll bring him outta the master bedrm n put him in the guest rm or yao lan... let him cry.. but i'll stay in living rm but wldnt let him see me.. aft a while i leave, he will stop.. den oni i'll carry him, talk to him...n den he'll slp wen we return to master bedrm...
ChiyoJade, I carry mine whenever he cries non-stop or let out the type of cry that says "I am frightened".. but some of the moms here 领教 my boy's cry before, very irritatingly loud.. so embarrassing. I counted the occasion I got impatient is less than 5 fingers.

Bestberries, sayang ur hb abit too, u need him to b on your side to fight the battle.. Hee hee hee (stephen chow's laughter...)
The boat went down in March, but I only found out today cos was emailing the owner to arrange for trip next year. Cook (who always give me vege to go swim & feed turtle) died, saw a few dive masters name in the survivor list. Feel so bad for them...

(*hug*) Hubby around these few days? Yah, it's bad for men to be stuck between mother and wife... but sometimes blood can boil. But must applaud you at least remain sane enough not to start screaming at her. Same thing here. I can get so angry that literally get sick. Next day will be feverish and puke type, that's how angry I can get
HBB, I wish my bb can understand I want him to stop crying or I wont pick him, but he cries and cries until no voice.. I also heart pain, so gnwa gnwa gnwa.. *failed*

Jes, u mean when u r hb change job location, u move? so drastic? Ya my plc consider city south west..
i always ear plug modeone i also will find it irritating at times haa its normal lar...

wan go govt hospt to get admit for such thg dun go kkh hor cos they will reject u LOL cos they rejected my gf LOL
they directed her to IMH instead.
she is much better now aft on anti depressant n sleeping pills
jus spoke to her today and she def sounds better!!!
thanx for ur concern!
thanks for all the hugs...

ohh yes thats right. must must must control my temper with my knight in shining armor.

best part is, my bb cry at most, tops, maximum 25 min, then she's tired and falls asleep. last night she did the same thig, until i told her firmly to stop crying, she whimper then stop. think she understands me. so whats the effing big deal right ? *roll eyes*
Hugs to mommies whose blood are boiling.. Lamagier, wa, angry until fever and puke is serious.. Mine at most is shivering and cant speak properly which I hate cos I need to argue and so many mistakes in a sentence made me look stupid! Then I felt I need to yell in order to get my point thru, then next day sexy voice..
hbb, haha... i'm just imagining myself at kkh counter, want to seek help for pnb and light madness. they tell me go imh. that is so insulting and totally catch the victim by surprise right. i think i will really go mad there and then. hope your gf can get well without pills.

my knight is coming back tomoro. he's got a lot of blood to wipe off the floor. he's under lots of stress too. will see how it goes. looking forwad to gg office tom, gg to treat myself to a disgustingly oily unhealthy delicious breakfast.
fyi unless u got suicidal signs else they wun refer u to IMH also unless u show u r crazy thr hehee

my gf i tink she might need to b on medication for a while
doc say takes few mth to a yr to recover
dh say his friend recover aft 6 mth
Bestberries: you're very good to be able to tahan. If I was in your position, I would have lost my cool. Hope you feel better tomorrow

Kim: managed to upload the video? I was so annoyed last night cos Max woke up every hour. He would turn, get stuck and then wake up crying. By the 5th time I tried to swaddle him but as usual he managed to wiggle out of it. Keeping my fingers crossed that tonight will be a better night.
Phew! I feel better knowing that I'm not the only one irritated! He can cry for 40 mins nonstop. I try not to carry him too much, BUT.... I will put him in his rocker, face him and just say gently, "No, I'm not going to carry you, it's OK" and it goes on until it becomes,"OK!OK!OK! You win! Happy?!" and I pick him up. Then he is like shaking and gulping for air and I feel so bad/guilty. I don't shout at him so much or scold him, but the crying does get on my nerves and then I get headaches!!! And I'm allergic to aspirin and paracetemol!!
RE: Baby crying

Totally agree on different parent different parenting. Even teaching from books said differently. Read from 1 which says the longer she cries, the longer you need to calm her down.

But don't you find lying on the back too long, the back will become too hot and sweaty? Very uncomfortable le. Now, Regis normally wails when he's hot (at least I think so) cos when I pick him up, the back of his shirt is damp and he would guai guai unless it's something else like hungry or wan2 sleep.
Pe@nut: Max is exactly the same. Sometimes he is sitting in his pram or car seat and starts crying, the minute we lift him out we realise his back is all damp. Once we carry him out and cool him down he's fine.
Yes, his back is all hot and sweaty after that as well. sigh... which brings me to ask you all which stroller do you recommend? I haven't bought one - using an old hand me down, because husband and I realised that strollers for newborns are more expensive than thsoe for 3 or 6 months(can't remember) and above.

So now we are using this hand me down, but would like to get something smaller and preferably light and can close with one hand, etc. AND we notice that when bb i sin the stroller (the hand me down, a Capella one) for too long, he gets hot and sweaty!!! We have one of those fans, but his Back is all sweaty - like when he has been crying - but are there any strollers with "holes"/"netting" that allows the baby's back to breathe, right? And it must be light! Don't want those 14kg type.
thanks kim for sharing K routine, wah he's drinking and eating nearly every 2-3 hours, that surely keep u busy. btw, izit doc's recommendation to start him solid or ur decision?

joanne, my #1 was only 6kg at 4 months, dunno why tomi is bigger, maybe like wat lamagier said, bb born on 21st july are just big, hehehe. although he has many reserves, but ahhh very heartache when he dun drink milk.

bestberries, stay strong ok, no point arguing cos typical mil always wanna win.
mummies who hav been on trip bringing pump n BM along may i knw hw u lug it to n fro? can bring on board? or gotto check in luggage?
i really hate it wen babies cry... i mst confess i have lost my cool on gareth on more than 1 occasions... last nite he wasnt crying but simply refuse to sleep n tat was 2am!!! gv milk take half n got cranky.. finally slept at 3am n woke up at 6am.. gosh i was goin mad.. i feel so guilty everytime i lost my cool at him but huh i really admire u ladies like Kim who is able to b so patient wif their babies...
HBB: Pump can hand carry, I checked in my FTG filled with BM the other time but you can check with the airlines if you can bring it on board.
Jillian, the video is posted few days back in my fb. u check <[email protected]>

RE: Nestle NAN1
someone posted something about this few days ago.. can PM me if it's report on this? Thanks!

Coolkero, ya, busy cos the weaning food is longer since bb only learning how to thrust food to the back of the mouth then swallow.. and making a mess. I now just let him be as messy as I can tolerate, then wipe everything after.
When I saw Sam's post on how to see if baby needs more food, I though perhaps he was ready, that time he was less than 3.5mths. And the spitting up makes me really helpless. When I saw PD at 3.5mths, he says "no" even though he was a full term baby.
But after the 2nd 6in1 at 4mths, he gave green light.
Intro of weaning food actual ease the problem of spitting ups. Now it is only occasional spit ups which doesn't cause so much concern to me.

Chiyojade, there are other pain killers in the market that does not contain paracetamol or asprin. U can get from doc the list too. Hope u dun need med to ease the pain.

Yan, aiyo, I have those in my care that are more hard to please, and they are not even blood close. So, how can I be impatient so easily to my own flesh &amp; blood esp when he can't clearly tell me what discomfort he is experiencing right?

HBB, Lavenderbear is right, almost all airport allows liquid when u travel with an infant, but I have yet to hear feedback from those that are most sticky~~Australia, US domestic.

Gina, I also dun mind 13th if the rest are ok. I will keep that day open. Thanks for arranging! Gf told me she prefers Kindermusik too Aquaduck.
Gina, just to add.. yes, leaving the scene w/o any word is better than making them feel we are talking back, and if you always clash with MIL, one day when u simply walk out, she will get the chock too!
Hope you are feeling great now after your super duper oily breakfast. Got me craving for roti prata. Stuck on my little island, nowhere to go buy prata =p

Ju en power! hahaha. You must standby videocam next time and catch her in action.

Re: Baby cry
Sigh. I'm those softie parents. Feel so guilty at having to send her to my aunts to stay overnights that I pamper her ltos when she's back home with me. And now she's getting spoiled. Behave like little angel at my aunt's. But the moment she recognizes that I'm around, cried to be picked up. Sigh. Seriously need to start toughening her up and getting ehr back on a routine again
i feel for you. the same thing happened to me last night except MIL didn't say it. But all her actions speaks it.

Not sure why, these few nights Amanda was crying before sleep. Something she has not done for quite some time. Screaming her head off in the yaolan, in my arms, on the bed, etc. Know she wants to sleep but just couldn't sleep. Was at wits end and left her on the bed to cry while i try to pat her. She was screaming from 10pm till 11pm+ when my hb came back. When hb came into the room, he asked me if he's crying since 9pm and offered to carry her. Then he carried her out to the living room. Then that MIL came out of her room asking what's wrong and why cry until like that, wants to carry her, etc etc. Fumed! What's all these telling my hb she's crying since 9pm, offering to carry her only when he's home, etc? Must be thinking what the hell i'm doing in the room to make her cry like that. Lucky my hb know i'll be super fumed if he allows her to carry n told her to go back to sleep. N she fell asleep while he carried her.
gina..i clip her nail le still v sharp! arghhhh

thanx for input on e milk thgy... tinkiun wan buy a can of formula fore trip anot....zzz...

wah wah wahhh.. Tomi is really BIG huh?! I got headache again now. After stacia drank so much milk last wk, this wk she totally a diff baby! Keep wanting to play, sleep less &amp; drink sooo little! Yesterday onli drank abt 510ml! Woke up at 6am &amp; din really sleep until 7pm!!! Just nap for 5-10mins then wake up liao.. so heartpain to see her cheeks almost gone flat liao.. no bakbao already...

hahaha.. gina said we're the same.. so maybe i shud stand outside w/ u? kekeke

I oso din really get it when u said abt boo boo-ing until I saw it myself that day! she's really cute!! like a grown up &amp; do it on purpose! haha
Oya, thanks anyway for changing the class to Jan!
bbethan, tomi is drinking nan ha, and yes it's on the bitter side. the consolation is that they will grow up not having sweet tooth. i didn't know that until once when my nanny was around and tomi refused to drink from midnite to the afternoon, so she taste the milk and thought something wrong wif powder cos it taste bitter, me panic attack call the PD, and nurse say it's like that, no worry, all the nurses use nan ha also.
hi mummies thanks for all the advice. yes yes i'll remember to just keep my mouth shut. it really took all my physical strength and jaw muscules not to talk back yest. in my mind i was smashing things agaist the wall, onto the floor, throwing things around the house, packing my luggage, getting ready to leave. like ally mcbeal. yup had my oily artery clogging breakfast. and kopi gao. feeling much much better. except that my pumping schedule went haywire cos forgot to wake up for my 1am pump.

milk on trip - you must have bb with you for airplane to allow milk onboard. otherwise you'll have to freeze your milk and check in.

bb cry - chiyojade, i'm like that too. will start off with 'hush hush now, mummy's here, mummy love, blah blah' then after 20 min its 'ok STOP IT, ENOUGH, NOBODY CRIES SO LOUD'
Re:Walker cum rider/wagon.
Mummies,any feedback with the following items?
FisherPrice walker to wagon or Tomy Toddle n ride(walker to rider)

My friend recommended me Tomy Toddler n ride Jap version.As most places sell US version,which she told me Jap version is better as there's a rubber strip and has the friction,wont topple and fall so easily.

What's mummies say in the 2 above stuff?
Good morning Mommies, there is a huge bouncy castle with slides, ball pit, free for kids, from now till Jan 2010 at Changi Airport T3, opposite Coffeebean, near Counter 10, Departure level. Till 10pm everyday. There is also a playground just next to it though there's nothing to shout about it. Been once - my kid loves it!

Gina, is it possible not to arrange Kindermusik trial on Sunday morning? alexis has Sunday school leh...I am keen to sign on
can we pay first 2009 rates but go only in Jan 2010?
kim/chiyojade and rest of the mummies!

hi 5!! same here,,,really buay tahan when my boy starts to wail! sometimes I feel the whole building can come down crahsing! so puny yet the voice can be so LOUD!

my bro has been asking me to leave him to cry and not pick him up immed, but somehow heart pain la..see him cry more than 5 mins can not tahan liao! 40mins is too much for me to ignore ; (

gina - no worries about Kindermusik, just let me know.

Yeah, the 40 mins was quite terrible. But he was sooo fussy that whole morning/day until I really needed a break, felt like my head was going to burst, so I let him cry in his room, transferred him to his bouncer (after 10 mins), put him next to me but I didn't carry him...it was one of those bad days!

Anyone here on FB?
