(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Thank u! =)

Nope I din rent the jumperoo. Wanna buy 2nd hand but if taka would have the additional 10% on top of 20%, it's worth to buy new one i guess.. Dec, pls come soonnnn..

i can bring bumbo in next gathering if u wanna compare

so the 1st fruit for K is banana or anything else u gave to him? And 1st veg is carrot? must do lots of research fr now..

LS, u can get a food chart from your PD. I use that as a guide. K's PD said, u give each food for 5 days then strike each one off when there is no allergy or adverse reaction. I only did 3 days. I am trying to give him as many as I can so when we travel, I know he'll be able to take most of the food (from the bottle) offered by the airlines.
I doubt the jumperoo would have additional disc during taka sale leh... Coz the prev sale, the jumperoo was selling @ $259 with only 15% disc. I've combed most of the dept store during the prev sale period for cheaper jumperoo but none of them cheaper than the one offered @ the Mattel sales ($200)... Thus, have decided not to buy and have rented it for one month coz Gen shelf off her toys less than 1 month... the longest is her LP Scout which she held on to it for 2 months. But now, that poor dog left in "cold storage" le... Headache sia...
Gosh, so many of you are feeding cereals. Hmmm how do you know when to start?? My PD did tell us to rub fruit on my bb's lips to let him try - he is still bf with one formula a day (at night) - but that's all that I've done. I dare not feed cereals yet..

And I also want to ask - how do you know when to change the bottle/teat? My bb drinks OK from the bottle (160ml for that one formula feed), but I don't have anyone to compare with -in terms of speed, so how to know when to change the teat?
hehe thats great!
i will try giving edna some plain water durign xmas hehe.. then new year day start cereal (feed cereal also must look at date) hahaa
twinkle, why must give water spoon by spoon leh? sorry missed ur post.

Chiyojade, I chg K's feeding teat when I see that the flow is too slow for him & he is like having tough time sucking.. As for starting weaning food, my PD din do the rub method like advised by urs. I already try to get green light fr him to start at 3.5mth cos it seems my boy is forever hungry but cant take anything more than 4.5oz then. He also kept "eying" on our food, each time we pick up something, he'll look and as if he was looking to see if we were gonna feed him. For a month, I "suffered" K's spitting ups, forever hungry (even with fm, except in the night, thank God!). Till now, the cereal & fruit/veg I gave him is just a snack/ appetizer, he still take the usual feed and still eyes on our food. This am, I was having my Dosai, I brought the food to his mouth, and he really want to eat!!! gnwa gnwa gnwa gnwa.. *fainted*
kim, i tried bottle feed my boy with water & he always rejected (no problem if bottle feed him with milk). Sam taught me to use spoon instead. It works!

PD advised me to feed him 60ml everyday. So have to feed him spoon after spoon. yawnz ....
FOZ, is isetan private sale will b on 17th or 18th? because normally it will start on Thursday.
Btw, if you wanna stock up wipes and stuff, I think Takashimaya member sale is better (they will be around the corner too). because by default, stuff like pigeon and avent got 20% then member got additional 10%, whereas in isetan the additional disc is not as much. Isetan private sale is good for the special-priced items. In the meanwhile I usually search for voucher, usually SMH will sell in 10-20% disc, so it's like having disc in advance.kekeke...do I sound very lo-so
Btw, thanks for the toy-rent link. I'm so interested into renting those little tikes ride on, but almost all is rented out. Anybody got any lobang for little tikes ride on?

Haiz, I have been waking up at 3-4pm and cannot get back to sleep. Tired starring at the ceiling...
After a few days of whole days outting with kids, I'm so tired, but my mind keeps on running, refuse to rest.

Kim, have you found the pigeon bottle with the attached spoon? it's bloody cheap $3, but it's super usefull.

Gina, I may take 1 or 2 can of your similac. but it will be like end of dec, can? coz I'm moving and my house looks like warehouse now, especially after the container arrived. I swept the whole JB, run out of stock for similac stage 1. dunno y.
Twinkle, glad that worked for you, does great for hiccups, now Joie associates water for hiccups, and sucks from the bottle whenever thirsty or hiccups.

ETirto, I saw similac new formula yesterday in the small can at Tesco. I think they pulled the old formula off the shelf. I already switched over to nan, since she seems to like it, especially when cereal is made with it. Waiting for next pd appt to check the weight before going over completely.
Oh can bring violet along to the gathering for me if it's here already?
oops, haven't seen my email yet, was reading on my phone, thanks! I'll check with Gina if can pass it to me, so can go change the batteries and configure the toy for her before xmas.
hi all, where can i get earth's best cereals? i got the healthy times brown rice cereal, but worry too heaty so want to get some white rice cereal to back up...
and i also need to get baby cubes storage but can't seem to find them! any idea where to get?
Thanks kim, i will go take a look at pigeon magmag

LS, thanks for your offer! hahah, i rem it's a purple bumbo

Sheryl, the service was not too bad...prompt in reply and delivery. The person who delivered was also sharing with me all the new products they jus got. So generally they are ok.

Mummies who started on solids...is it necessary to get baby cubes storage? Seem like it's quite exp.
I got from the same rental as kitty I think. Takes a day to respond from the site, got my jumperoo on the 3rd day, can see status of the toy if it's backordered. I had missing part but got to me the next day. toy looks clean, and answers promptly on sms. have to see on future rentals, if the service is still as good as first time.
kitty, I read some mums just use ice cube tray with cover, so just break a piece out when you need that portion. Baby cubes, occasionally there's bp but not cheap, convenient to bring individual portion for outing since it's a little container per cube. I got mine on amazon when preggy, but can also get from baby wares site during sales. Not very necessary lar, got other ways to manage.
i agree w sam
the baby cubes storage not v necessary
if got the tieme jus do it fresh everyday
otherwise the ice cube holder w cover works as well..
the IKEA ice cube maker is good too cos flexible.. jus put the holder in a zip lock bag to freeze since it doesnt hav a cover...
LS n Yan,
thankiew for the info!... will go check it out soon... =)

wen needa reply u on the milk powder latest?.. hw long n they last if unopened?...

thanks...u lemme noe wen lil nana's jumeroo is back den i arrange w u ok??.. thankiew!!! =D
Realized I spent over $100 on baby clothes this week... Spent $39 on a baseball cap for minrui cos realized she was squinting cos sun was in her eyes when the few times we were at botanical gardens... And she looks like a boy with the baseball cap on... Sigh...

Your boy's swelling went off? He's feeling better already?

Re: Solids
I guess I'll still wait for a while before solids. Was checking with the PD yesterday and my girl shows no interst in adult food, unlike big K. So PD said to just give her 6months uninterrupted TBF is possible.

Re: Chou chou
Feel so demoralized. Yesterday my girl wailing and I thought she just wanted my bil to carry her instead of being dump into yaolan by my mother... Then suddenly total silence. Turned out she has developed fetish for nappies at my aunt's and my aunt told my mother.... And I never did realize she has chou chou... I would just carry, sing to her or latch her to sooth her... I feel like such an unobservant mum...
i bought yesterday at building next to serene center, the one with cold storage in it.
Kidz Design #01-03A Cluny Court. The baby shop faces the main road, sells baby clothes from european. Now got discount, 50% off 2nd piece =)
lamagier u make mi feel liek gg to that shop at cluny court.. im a sucker for european stuff LOL

btw on the bb food storage container
i bought some fr daiso... 4 box in a pack.. i tink is airtight. better than the bb cubes i bought cos those r not air tight.. if i dump them into water to defroze.. the water will seep in =( so the daiso one r another option
haha.. at least i know i'm not alone ;p stacia is draining my bank a/c too.. how to afford not to work u tell me.. hehe..

Yes! Just go & spend more money there okie?! hahahaha :D Can post pic of the container if u got time? TIA!
bb on solids
errr, so many of you starting solids already, my bbies still on tbm since ss is still there, but bbies' appetite growing and have to supp more with fm. i can finish 1 900g tin in 5 days. how did you mums find free samples ? no one sends me anything...

any websites to recommend that talks abt weaning and starting on solids ? i'm clueless, still living from moment to moment

I got lactation mummy milk from attending parenting talks. Need to pay like $15 per pax but it comes with a tin of 900g milk powder which is definitely worth it. These talks were quite popular a couples months ago. Duno what happened, since Sep suddenly no longer hot.

PD and gynae samples are usually in sachets.
8KG!!! omg...

the good spoon for now wil b sth that can track temperature.. showing if the food is too hot anot. u might wan to look into if the spoon is deep enuff to hold the cereal/porridge. i prefer a deeper one so can put in more into the mouth when the baby can swallow better hehe
Hmm..maybe i should start with healthy times, carrefour seems to have stock for the brown rice but not the white rice cereal.Thanks for the Info!

How do i change fm , do i mix portion of new fm w old or have mix of new fm and old fm for daily feed?
Btw, i have a 400gm of Similac 1 to let go just bought from Cold Storage two weeks ago. Wanted to let my Cate try but decided not to change till end year.
Cate doesnt like to drink water too, will always use her hands to push the bottle away but surprising she drank some water mix w barley today cos she didnt poo for 4 days..make us all so worried.

Finally make myself sign up a gym membership and force myself to work out. Stamina was so bad that i had to sneak out of the aerobic class after 25 min..
If my girl cutie pie like stacia, I think my paycheck will all go to her wardrobe =p Lucky mine is botak girl, so I haven't start crazy buying accesories

The photo of my girl with the kangaroos is from taken in the kidz design shop, just to whet your appetite =)

I borrowed some books from national lib on games to play with baby and baby first food after sunsweet (or bbethan) mentioned borrowing from lib. Quite informative. Maybe you can go look around too
I got it from Four Seasons Market at Carrefour. $8.50 a box. It's not white rice. It stated whole grain cereal. When I opened to let her try, it looks exactly like white rice cereal.

I used Nuby's spoon. They hv the temperature indicator. will turn white if too hot. Not bad.

call the milk companies n they will be glad to send u. so far i got Similac, Mamil Gold n Friso. And Friso is so generous. They gave the 900g tin.

U giving Joie the normal Nan or the HA one? Amanda doesn't seem to like Similac. Never finish the 150ml i made. Thinking of trying out other brand after finishing this tin.
I gave the regular Nan, I saw she is okay taking it as far as bowel movement is concerned, so didn't try NanHA. She actually likes her cereal made with Nan, than when it was made with EnfalacA+
HBB, I tried both deep spoon & shallow ones. The deep one can hold more food and still hold on to them when u pull the spoon off the kid.. cos u knw we normally use our upper lip to draw the food into the mouth too? (Imagine eating Teo Chew Yam Paste or-ni, u can keep "wiping" the paste fr the bottom of the spoon). I decided to give up with the deep ones.
RE: Ice tray/ containers for freezing solid food
ya, the ice tray may also not be hygienic as they are more exposed to other things in freezer.

u need to call all the FM companies to ask for samples. They'll usually send a 400g tins. If your bbs have pref on what they wanna drink, u can try exchanging them or selling them on the forum. Last time my boy drank promil so i exchanged all my sample tins for promil tins.
food container.
Yeah. daiso is a good choice. buy those cute tiny containers. Usually 3 pcs in a pack for $2. Air tight so that food won't have frost bite taste like ice cube tray method. I'm still using that for my #1 till now for storing fish (buy 1 piece of fish fillet, can be divided into 3-4 portion), so when need to defrost, just take a single portion. Another alternative is the dark blue lid (is it lock and lock brand or EZ lock), these are more long lasting. can be bought from Robinson or JL, I think got 6pcs for $5. When they graduate to porridge, we can store the porridge into the AVENT VIA cup that some mums use for storing breast milk. Usually I only cook and blend the porridge once a day, feed the first portion then put the dinner portion into the cup and store in the fridge. When come to Feeding time, just dump into the warmer and no need to transfer it into another bowl, directly feed from the cup, so it's very convenient.

Bbethan, thanks, I will check it out and may just buy 1 box to stand by. I will ask my PD tmr whether Naomi is ready for solid. She's still on milk strike...grrrr...can see the cheeks are not as chubby as before. I'd rather like lil Gen who drink and eat more but stay slim (like mummy)...hehehe...

Anybody got any lobang for California baby product? otherwise I may need to order more from state. Naomi got some white patches on the skin (dunno what is that..) after I used back the J&J top to toe wash to her since I run out of stock for the Cal. baby wash. Just open the new bottle yesterday from the shipment but it's damn small bottle.(the one with the pump)
a stupid question to ask; how do we feed bb heinz pear/ apple puree? do we feed it cold (just outta the fridge) or do we warm it up first?

so cute,how come most babies have the same patterm?? my boy too must cover face or must slip on tummy...then will cry if he needs to flip back...will be on standby most of the time, worried if he can breathe well covering the nostrils!

Sheryl,try drypers..not bad...my son now soon gonna graduate to L size.. ; )

Solids to babies,

hi mummies, heard from my fren that we muct be carefull when introducing solids to babies...thier kidneys must be in full function before they can start processing these solids or esle later will have prob with build up of proteins...esp for boys...my fren's boy had so much of probs when he was 1 yr plus...just thot of sharing...

most likely i will only intro solids to my boy aft 6 mths...
