(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Re: Philips Steamer/Blender
Heard that the Philips Sale at TPY not selling it any cheaper coz its a new product... Hengz sia... Luckily went to metro to get it at 20% disc...

Good nitez mummies!!! 6 more hours to work.. Urgh!!

I think i was sitting next to you when you were having dinner with your hb and #1 at Ikea on saturday nite, but I am not sure is that you, so i dun dare to say hello, later paisei. and i dun got to see Amanda face, or else i can confirm that is you. hehe...
haha.... same here. i also can't confirm if it's u. kept thinking this girl looks so familiar. i only vaguely remember seeing u on fb. ya... my girl was so cranky there. screaming all the way while we gobble down our dinner to take turns attending to her.
Good am girls!!

Wow, Manic Monday? No post so far..

K KOed till 9 this am... only 1 feed at 5am. I KOed till 8:40am, not better. We are so well recharged we are going out in 1 hr..
Morning kim... you are one busy lady ..... so many appointments...

Haha monday blues...
bb smiles so happily at me and was making all her happy cute sounds that I felt like bringing her to work with me instead of dropping her off at babysitter's...

Hee, had a super lazy sunday with my girl yesterday. We both slept the day away, only woke up to shower and eat. haha, sleepy baby = sleepy mama.
Joanne, I really tempted to buy the blender now. btw, metro paragon doesn't have it right? is it blue tag? I still hv 1 more 20% disc coupon le....how much again?

Kim, such a bz days for weekends rite...
yesterday I brought the kids to Fidget bday party, the service is great, they have nice private party room and the children will have unlimited play in the playscape. they provide entertainer and food for adults and kids. the food is not bad. the place is clean and the staff are very helpfull. So, I'm so tempted to hold my son 4th bday party there. But this year, we're in budget constrain due to the new place, renovating and all...haiz.
Btw, my son got "little" accident, his legs (till the thigh part) got stuck in between the slides. He went wilds and he climbed up on the slide instead of sliding down. haiz very naughty. (he's not supposed to climb up there, that's y can got stucked!).luckily all the playscape area got fully covered with CCTV so we can monitor all the kids while sitting on the cafe. he scream and scream but it was so noisy, nobody can hear him. my hb tried to pull his legs but worried will injured him so finally one guy come and help to pull out.

after 2 full days, today I'll be "good" girl and do my work.kekeke (and not shopping online)
Joanne, I can be WC again (wahlau, sounds like toilet WC).how are you gonna plan to decor? somebody doing it for you? actually I can help a bit in the decor part since I've been doing wedding decor for my friend sometime. but I cannot commit le, don't depend on me 100% since around those time I will be very bz renovating my place and moving out.
i think WC sounds like me loh... Winnie Chen... =p
My bro's AC, my sis's MC... hahahaha~

my details correcto but now dunno wan hubby tag along nt, scared he go there shy lehs... hahahah~ but if alone, dunno i can handle not..
aiyo... so he's badly bruised or not? Fidgets is at turf city right?

hehe...i want to get the blender. but i missed the 20% sale. can i tompang ur discount coupon if u r buying too? btw u were using the pigeon set for making puree previously? easy to use? cos i had a hard time trying to puree certain food like peas using the sieve. but this one seems like quite good. don't need to transfer... all in 1 machine. save all the hassle. i just want the easiest method. lazy me...

heard that munchkin food blender also good. anyone used it before?
Anyone here knows what shop best to go for cute bb girl dresses? Went to mothercare but their dresses material quite rough and prickly...

My sil ROM & wedding coming up. Got crazy urge to go shopping and dress up my girl like a little princess (even though she's a little botak and looks like a boy....) Any suggestion?

Haha, I don't like shopping but these days going crazy, see baby shop must go in and look for clothes for my girl even though she has more clothes than she can possibly wear

sure..no prob!...=D

thanks for the DVDs..i see u like superwoman..bring so many things n driving yrself somemore.. i don tink it'll ever happen to me.. wahaha..

Finally Javier had a good nite slp aft staying awake for 2 nites till 4am.. phew.. but he din slp himself.. was crying n crying till 1am.. i gave up..carried him, pat him n he fell asleep lying on me n i fell asleep sitting up.. ergh.. until hb came in aft watching soccer at abt 2 plus or so den woke me up n i put him dwn.. terrible boy.. i was telling my hb mayb Javier gt slping disorder!..hahaha..
u can always buy the hair band w wig which ls got for her girl
if kim's k can transform to a girl... i bet ur girl also can la hahaaaa
no, he just cried for 5min with real tears rolling out. then after putting the ice pack, he was up and running happily again. his energy is unbeatable.

metro paragon don't have that blender ya? otherwise I can buy for you..
Kim's k cross-dressing photo on Facebook? I wan see!!!!!

Haha, my botak girl look so much like boy that neighbour's 6 year old grandchild keep asking me "boy or girl".... Sigh.... Even the husband's grandma also keep telling me my girl got "da bor bien"..
lamagier i tink kim gt take poto but not sure she post up anot
i got also in my camera but let kim post herself lar hehe
sorry to intrude.. i'm from may 09 thread

BTW, anybody is using huggies ultra (purple packing) or huggies comfort (red packing)? wan to take over my M sizes? i bought and mr shers bought also.. and lil shers is outgrowing.. i dont mind exchanging for L size.. please PM me..

also any bbs here taking mamil gold stage 2? wanna exchange for enfapro.. 400g!
They must be BLIND! minrui so pretty & girly look.. btw, i could lend u the headband if u wan hehe.. to fully utilised the value..

I wanna see osooo.. must b 'prettier' than Stacia cos' eyes so round & BIG.. *jealous*
hbb, i din see how was k dressed. Ah....missed it
kim, quick post the pics on fb!

lamagier, i oso think they are blind leh. Minrui has such beautiful eyes that can "talk". She obviously looks like a girl lor
I like stacia's and naomi's headbands....very sweeet
yea, just helped him to put it on but halfway dunno attend to my bb or something.. so can't really rem his look w/ the wig.. hehehe :D

haha.. thanks! #2 hope u hv gal gal yaa
gina & lamagier & mommies who ever had mastitis
Re: painful boob
I've been pumping irregularly since last Fri.. today my left boobie v painful when i press ard.. is this something like mastitis? or just block ducts/engorgement?
You got fever? The painful area would be red and angry looking, painful to touch. And lumpy cos ducts are blocked

Oh dear, hope it's false alarm and you dun have mastitis....

If fever starts to kick in, quick take paracetamol and go doc to get antibiotics. Fever can spike very quickly in the evening... Then it'll be the crazy, painful massage + 3 hourly pump till the block ducts go away.... For easy way out, can try drink Peanut's malt + san za concotion
Hi all, today K not good boy again!!! Half way thru Tim Sum, he poopoo, took him to change but he was scared by the hand dryer, then by the flush... Aiyo, clean half way gotta pick him up and hug him tight. Then refuse to go back to the car seat, so I took it off and after he fell asleep, put him in the stroller, and he only slept for 30mins, then start his wailing again. He cried so much and so scratching on his throat, the skin under his right eye has small spots of blood vessel bursting and his eye so swollen. Also voice became so husky.. Dunno want to laugh at him or take pity on him..

HBB, I only found 1 pix of K's "female" photo in my camera..

LS, dun worry, Stacia still prettier than K (I think can call him Kaylyn (hahas), his female name..)
The Philips Steamer/Blender I bought from Metro Causeway Point (Woodlands), not sure if Metro Paragon selling it or not... Btw, its blue price tag, u can get it with ur 20% birthday voucher... Usual price is $199 (same as KP), its $159 after 20% disc... It'll be great if u can give me advise on the decor for the photography session on dec gathering... I have all the equipments ready for the photoshoot but nothing for the decor/theme yet... Headache sia... coz i'm not the creative type, dunno wat to buy for the decor... shop with me next week for the materials okok?

I'm a lazy mummy also... I'll get anything that can make things easier for me... thats y gotten the blender/steamer, else she gonna settle with bottled puree liao... keke...

Ur hubby can talk to my hubby mah... that time at my home he seems at ease talking with us... dun worry, my hubby also v shy de... shy ppl get along well with each other... keke... btw, will u be joining my WC (working committee)? hm... think i better change it to TF (task force) instead, else it sounds like toilet (WC)... keke...

TF (Xmas Task Force),
From the previous posts, I have collated the names of volunteer for my Xmas Task Force:

1) Kim (confirmed)
2) Etirto (confirmed)
3) Bell
4) FOZ
5) HBB - assisting photographer
6) Lamagier - assisting photographer
7) Gina
8) Winnie

For the above mummies, please let me know (via PM also can) if u are unable to assist for the gathering as I understand your previous posting was sent quite some time ago... No worries if u're unable to assist, jus let me know early coz I'll be sending out the tentative programme/administrative stuff for the event pretty soon to the TF... Many thanks...
Tomolo I gonna bring lil Gen for her 4th month vaccination... Mummies who are giving babies full FM, jus wanna check whether any of you have started giving ur lil ones cereals or puree?
Will be asking my PD when I can start my girl on cereal/puree... She's been asking for milk at v short interval now, every 1plus to 2 hours, she'll be asking for milk and my MIL give her 120mls if its only 1+ hour interval and 150mls if its 2hours interval... My MIL feed her so frequently until she tired also... wondering if the milk intake is not enough but 1plus hour interval seems too short, like back to her newborn feeding interval... Happy that she drink more nowadays but wondering PD will advise us to start her on semi-solids early since she's no longer taking BM and feeding more frequently now le...
sure! confirm me! keke

hey count me in for the shopping. etirto i need ur help for the rompers. lol.

koko51sg, sunsweet, beverly, devilene, tinklebellx, coolkero, littlenotes, lamagier, yan
my friend will start on ur rompers. by friday i should be able to recieve them. we'll communicate thru e-mail for either the meetups or delivery k?

ur rompers are with me. u can choose to get it from me at farrer park mrt/plaza sing/novena/old airport road. otherwise pls PM me ur add, i'll let u noe how much to top up for the postage later.
Bell, Winnie, littlenotes,
Realised that we ordered the same red Polo Tee... next time we put them on their tummy and take a group pics of them in their red polo tee...
can count me in & in the TF as well. Sorry, the husband won't be joining. I guess he's probably afraid he won't know what to do with himself when surrounded by a bunch of mothers and babies...

Unless the daddies all go to a corner and play WOW together...

Thanks bell. Sure, just let me know when to collect =)
Wow, first day back at work. Boy am I tired!

hee hee, e red polo so cute- had to control myself fm ordering more. Hope to join/ or maybe organize w next gathering
then our bb can wear e polos together
so tempted to order e cny outfit also.... My 3rd girl and yet still seem to hv soooo many things to buy.

tks so much for coordinating

minty mom
how was ur first day bk at work today?
u tell ur dh he can join my dh and yak bout BABIES at a corner.. of cos w our girls in their arms while we snap poto n help out hahaaaaa

u mind i post K poto in our grp then?
lamagier, winnie & hbb,
Thanks for vlounteering...

we can talk about the decor with Etirto when we meet again soon...

littlenotes, winnie,
the red polo tee so cute, cant wait for it to arrive...
going back to work tomorrow, chose to start on Tues to avoid Monday blues, hehe
finally the day has come for me to return to reality....
Hope your day went well!
Thanks so much... Really appreciate it...

Thanks for volunteering, will let u know if i need more assistance... Thanks in advance...
I'm ok with the idea of gift exchange, sounds pretty in sync with the theme also... TF members, is it feasible?
Minty mom
wah so smart
wish I cld hv done tt but alr took 4 days leave last week. Also had to return today to tender - time constraint coz hv to start at new plc
hv a great day at work tomorrow!!! Yes yes, back to reality !! Ha ha

how to arrange to pick up DVD fm u? r U staying in e east
im fine w gift exchg =) so long as nobody object

but i would tink.. potluck will b gd in case anythg happen n need to cancel or backout or anythg? LOL
freak out aft last episode hahaaaaa
Minty mom
oh, Tks ,my day went ok. Jst tt I started feeling so sleepy in e afternoon
no more r&r
(. Expressed at 6am, brought e whole pump bag to work but too lazy to express- and no plc too ! Only expressed at HM at 8pm. So terrible !!! R u still bf?
Gave a serious thought about the recent gathering... Not to worry, I've worked out a contingency plan also... Will send to the TF once I've confirmed the details...
Joanne, pls let me know if i can help in anything too
I'm fine with gift exchange...prob can set a budget in prep for a gift. It is meant for the bbs right?

Re:x'mas/fairytale theme
*headache*...not easy to dress up boys according to the theme.
Thanks Kitty, will let u know if i need help after finalising the tasks with the TF...

Oh yah.. Budget for the gift exchange, it slipped my mind coz I seldom participate in Xmas parties... pls do let me know if there's anything I miss out thou... Organised a number of events at work but none for Xmas related parties...

I saw this Xmas costume in BP thread... Wanted to buy but hubby dun allow saying that its more suitable for boys... Till now, i havent find a pretty costume for her yet... Headache also...

TF members,
Pls check your emails.. Thanks...


real superwoman. can managed your kids on your own carry so many things, drive them around & bring them out alone, wow thinking of it freak me out. The bag Kim carry, was like wow so big so many things how ur do it. really have to learn from u.

Don't worry my girl has the same prob (botak) ppl also ask the same thing "boy huh" but ppl say when the grown up they'll my pretty.... haha...(hope it's true)

thanks for the romper, if I have other items want your friends service, can she do it?

btw mummies the other time HBB mention the cloth that can be stick under the embro is call interface. I just bought it from spotlight today very cheap. min 1/4 meter only $0.50
