(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

thanks to mintymom for being so kind to open her home up so last minute
and for being a lovely host!
apologies to all mums for the noise pollution from my ah tim...cranky cos he refused to nap properly in the morning and strangely refused to feed properly either!

I saw that ohyeah pullout frm the year end gathering.. can u put me in? Jst me and bb.. hubby not joining.. thanks so much
Many many thanks for opening ur house to us today... U have saved the day, truly a heroine... Also please help us to thank ur hubby for helping us take pictures and didn't mind the "orchestra" at all... Truly a wonderful husband...

So sorry I can't open to more ppl as I'm reducing the list...
Thank you so much for being a great host! Your younger girl is such a good jiejie! Lucky Matthew
Joie was bursting out with giggles every time she played with her :D

Must seek your advice in the future for schooling in the east coast area, planning to move in a few years' time, so the next location has schooling considerations.
Re: gathering
I'm glad to meet all of u mommies today, after so long just knowing most of u w/ onli nicknames & fr FB. I woke up this morning & saw a few SMSes. I hope Austen getting well soon. FOZ be strong & take care too!
Thanks to Minty_mom for making the gathering possible today! It's such a nice place
though it's the same thing, but im going to say it still, thnx sooo much for being a wonderful host! glad we didnt tear down ur beautiful house. ^^

It was nice meeting all the mums and babies today.
FOZ: Hope Austen gets well soon.

Minty_mom: Thank you for having all of us over. Please help me thank your hubby for giving us a lift from the MRT. As for Max's anklet, I'm pretty sure it dropped in the MRT, the clasp is a bit faulty so I guess it must have dropped off without me noticing. Have to get one to replace it cos it was a gift from my mom.
Gina: yes, a big thanks to the WC committee also! Lucky I turned my phone onto silent after the first SMS if not my hb will kill me for disturbing his sleep! Your Ju En is such a cutie

You r rite.. i was thinkin poor mummies.. still bz arrangin our gatherin at 2am! Really appreciate it! But may I noe who is the one smsin me? So I can record ur number!

So 3 cheers for the WC committee too! HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
okie okie, soli soli.. ARIGATO XIEXIE KAMSIA TERIMAKASIH to our unbeatable WC!!! The gathering really won't happen without u all! Appreciate all the efforts & helps..

the party hats wasted! hahaaa.. whoever found it, just keep for next gathering lah
Sorry to hear abt Austen. You must be very worried. Do take care and hope Austen gets well soon.

Nice meeting all of you and your babies today.
Thanks minty_mom & hb for opening up your place at such short notice and for being such great hosts. And of course, thanks to the impressive WC members who were still 'working' thru the night to make alternative arrangements for the gathering to happen.
Hope this 2 articles help you gauge how ready your baby is:
http://www.babycenter.com/0_age-by-age-guide-to-feeding-your-baby_1400680.bc (although I don't agree with some of the food suggestions due to higher risk of food allergy at early age)

Extract from the 1st article:
How will I know when my baby's ready?

Your baby will give you clear signs when he's ready to move beyond liquid-only nourishment. Cues to look for include:

• Head control. Your baby needs to be able to keep his head in a steady, upright position.

• Losing the "extrusion reflex." To keep solid food in his mouth and then swallow it, your baby needs to stop using his tongue to push food out of his mouth.

• Sitting well when supported. Even if he's not quite ready for a highchair, your baby needs to be able to sit upright to swallow well.

• Chewing motions. Your baby's mouth and tongue develop in sync with his digestive system. To start solids, he should be able to move food to the back of his mouth and swallow. As he learns to swallow efficiently, you may notice less drooling. He may also be teething around the same time.

• Significant weight gain. Most babies are ready to eat solids when they've doubled their birth weight (or weigh about 15 pounds) and are at least 4 months old.

• Growing appetite. He seems hungry — even with eight to ten feedings of breast milk or formula a day.

• Curiosity about what you're eating. Your baby may begin eyeing your bowl of rice or reaching for a forkful of fettuccine as it travels from your plate to your mouth.
thanx minty mum for today! bet i miss out loads of fun since i run off early....believe it anot... i jus m,anaged to reach hm.....mre than 12 hr of outings!

hope austen no mre fever...tk care!
WC - tks for working thru the wee hrs of morning n springing into action when activated again!! *clap clap* you all deserve a good rest tonight

It was a pleasure to have the moms n babies over. Very happy to meet most of you for the first time. The catering of finger food is a good idea, very minimal clean up needed. A great gathering to mark the end of my maternity leave!

Gina- the projectile is an eye opener for me, hehe.
Sam - yes, schooling will b next big topic to consider. Presch, primary school, never ending.
Jillian - sorry abt the anklet, hope you can still find the same one
Muffingal - hope Timmy is back to his usual routine

FOZ - speedy recovery to Austen!
Minty mom
really thank you for opening up yr hse. hope we didn't create too much mess for you to cleanup. n also thanks yr hb for us for picking up from the mrt station. so sorry to have kept him waiting. I'm the one who was late.

And thanks WC committee for the food n coordination. I must say the mango salad is yummy.

Hope Austen is better now. do fill us in.

i also just come home not too long ago. went ION and then IKEA for dinner. Silly me almost lost my bag cos i left it in the nursing room in ION. Amanda was all shacked out n screamed to sleep at IKEA, Hopes she knocks out tonight till next morning.
FOZ, hope Austen gets well soon.

Minty mom thanks for the host.

Gina, i finally know what is the meaning of "merlion". I thought my boy is terrible. But Ju En is definately 100x more powerful than him. oh no.... Lucky she is a cheerful girl. Does Ju En does that very often?

Bbethan, u mean the whole diaper bag u left in the nursing room? Lucky u rem to return back in time.

Lastly a round of *applause* to the WC committee. I rec'd kim's sms like almost 3am.
ya lor... i left the whole bag there on the floor. came out, went shopping. only when we were going to leave, then i remembered my bag is missing. luckily i went to one that's not so high traffic. else sure gone.
thank you minty mom for opening your house for all of us to meet, ribbon n tomi had great fun there. thanks gina n joanne too, hip hip hooray for all the efforts. and nice meeting all the mommies again. any news from FOZ??
It was nice meeting all of u for the 1st time. thanks to some mummies that talk to me so I didn't feel so odd there. especially Kim & Kitty, twin's mum & Stacia's mum (sorry I didn't get ur name).....

I think Xuanyin is also pls to meet all the baby's, it's her 1st time meeting babies, after she leaves the hospital.

Sorry that I'm bad with words so I am only able to express myself by saying "Thank you!" to Minty_mom & the WC.

Sorry that Xuanyin was so noisy while she's there.

Sorry to Regis that Xuanyin pulled his ear & Edna, xuanyin almost put her finger in her mouth. Paiseh!
Oh ya..... we all forgotten about Bell. Must also thanks her for rushing the rompers for our little ones. Thanks Bell!

BbEthan, salute to you! lucky for u. cos weekends tend to be more crowded. Oh that time i just went ION. Gotta pigeon bottle warmer. Cool!
hope yr austen is better alrdy.. will keep him n u in my prayers.. u tk gd care of yrself too..=)

thanks for opening yr hse to us today... u really saved the day n the gathering!..

thankiew all for yr efforts!..big claps for u ladies who have to arrnage everything for us! gt Kim's sms at 2 plus.. n Hbb's sms at 4 plus.. n oso nt forgetting gina n joanne... i tink u girls collected the food cos they cldnt change venue rite?..=) *clap clap clap* =D

ya..i still rem wen i first saw Juen merlioned at Kim's place.. while drinking n "BLACH" everything jus splattered out.. i was really surprised n shocked till gina says its normal for juen..

lucky u gt it back!..=)

i heard b4 abt the tasting thing in 4th mth.. can u share a lil more? =D cos so far, my mum din tell me to do anything leh...xcept cutting hair.. so i jus yi si yi si trim a lil..

did u bring the mats today?..sorrie i forgot to ask u jus nw..

i reached hm like abt 10 plus.. by the time i settled Javier.. n ready to pump my almost exploding breasts.. it was alrdy 11pm!.. 13 hrs of no xpressing... painful like dono wad.. 1st time i din xpress for so long...haha.. seems like the lil ones had a tired day.. Edna..Amanda..Javier.. n Lucius!..went sentosa rite! =D Muffingirl,tink mayb timmy nt enuf rest tats y a lil cranky.. thank god Javier was ok today for the whole day out..the oni time he made noise was wen he wanted milk.. so quickly make n stuff into his mouth n he kept quiet le.. n he slept aft each feed.. not tat hes guai!..is cos he din slp last nite till this morn's 4.30am! haha..if nt can fite w Timmy le..
Thanks to Mintymom again for opening her place for us in last minute notice. We had such a wonderfull time. Sorry WC, I didn't join the "fun" last night as I forgot to charge my hp. I didn't go online as well from 10pm as Naomi keeps waking up (she woke up about 3 times and wanted to play!). Thanks to Kim for the ride in her Jeep.
Bell. Thanks so much for the romper. It's sooooo pretty. Can match her tutu skirt!
I went to Vivo from Mintymom's place, just back 10pm. it was my boy' turn to have fun in the waddling pool upstairs. haiz. Naomi was so tired, and she didn't drink milk since 1pm in the afternoon. finally had her drink at 7pm. and KO till 6am this morning.
FOZ hope Austen gets well soon. when you free let me know when you want to collect your stuff or we can meet up.
Sam, I think the philip warehouse sale won't have the new items like the steamer/blender set. It's a very cool and convinient gadget hor...
Joanne, how much is the capacity of the blender? I used slow cooker and the Braun hand blender.
But! when our baby is as young as 6mths, the solid amount that they eat is VERY LITTLE. It can get "lost" in the blender. ahaha...I don't know how to describe. So, I was using the Pigeon food maker till my boy was about 1 yrs old. it's more convinient and it's fun to use too. Got the grating tools, pounder, squeeze, etc I can't remember.
Gina, how about feed Ju En bit by bit? you want to try to go to my PD? he recommend some milk and special med for my' friend baby who has the same merlion habit as Ju En
no worries.babies duno wt they r doing one la..they see thg they grab... scratch n etc haha...edna drank so much chlorine yesterday!cos she keep sucking on e float n her dad keep dunking her into e pool hahaaa

she is tired lor..i even mre tired....zzzz..zzz...
minty - thanks for hosting. and for tips on taking care of 3 kids. Pei Fu.

WC - thanks for organising. i had fun tho i had to go off quickly. my bbies had fun too, cos tze yu who usually DOESNT sleep fell sound asleep. after gathering i went home, pump, then parkway cos isetan having 10% storewide. until today. but nothing much. avent products no discount.

bell- thanks for the rompers.

tutu skirts- i saw some really nice ones at mcare. yest see so many bbies wearing, so cute. feel like buying too. but i got them xmas costumes already. if buy means whole of december will be wearing costummes to max out on mileage. bit funny...
haha.. sure tired la.. normally wen the bb is tired.. the mother will b double tired!..haaha..
ehhh i saw her swimming costume... so cuuuteee la!!!... but got her size ar?... cos so far i tried finding swimming costume for Jav but cant find his size one lehhh...
I missed the FUN @ Minty_mom place :-(.. I didn't turn up due to husband is down with high fever from friday night till now, doc. suspect of H1N1 & asked him to to be quarantined . I am now at my mum's place with my 2 kids while he rest at home. Really look forward to meeting all the mommies at Joanne's place on 12 Dec

Minty_mom: you saved the day!
WC: Thanks for all the effort!

Bell: I will transfer $ for the romper to you soon!
its a bit loose on her which i buy on purpose cos i forsee she v swimmin alot at e club ....save e hassle of buy one mre haaaa....pair w her konfidence swim wear keep her warm...hee
FOZ, will be praying for a speedy recovery for austen. U take care of yourself too!

Mintymon, GREAT THANKS for being able to accommodate us within such a short notice. You hav been a wonderful host yest! And i love your beautiful hse
...Lucius enjoyed himself too until he was so tired that he slept all the way to sentosa but could not wake up in time to join his cousins at the pool. Oh thanks for your socks too. I feel so bad for not able to bring back to wash for u

WC committee, agreed with the rest that the gathering wouldn't be possible w/o all your time and efforts in the coordination. Gina & Joanne, great thanks for bringing the food all the way fr foz's place to mintymom's place. XIN KU LE!

So glad to see more mummies that I hav not met before yest like sabsab and mintymon. A pity could not managed to talk to others like max's and asher's mom due to my boy's crankiness.

hbb and sabsab, thank u once again for entertaining my boy when he was impatiently waiting for his milk to be ready.
hbb, thanks

Oh ya bell, thank you for the romper
Are we planning to wear it on the next gathering? Or is there a x'mas theme at joanne's hse?
Totally agree on the wonderful host and WC for making the gathering possible, plesant, and comfortable for all of us.

Minty Mom: You and your family certainly make me feel very much at home. Xie Xie! AND ONCE AGAIN, YOU HAVE A VERY BEAUTIFUL PLACE!

WC: Salute to your upmost effort in organising this event. Double salute to have you react to the last min changes and make the decision at the eleventh hour. You girls are WONDERWOMEN! Thank you!
SabSab , no worries abt the pulling of ear. I think many babies also kena pulled hair, kicked and punched by one another. They are babies afterall.
hbb, u bought the konfidence swimsuit in what size? where? and is it really make her warmer? coz I don't like the design, and it will simply coverup the cute swimming costume.
edna is using a 1 yr old size. using her korkor one
yes its suppose to keep them warm and also hav some bouyancy to keep them a bit of afloat. yes i would tink fo rnow.. a normal swim wear liek bikini will b cold for them cos even in her covered swim suit she also cried a while cos too cold.. but my dh keep her moving ard to keep her warm
guess normal swim suit is gd onli when they realy can move about in water themselves
minty, many thks for hosting. You are a wonderful host and your house is beautiful.

WC, many thks for your hard work for organising the gathering.
Re: Philips Steamer/Blender
I jus tried it today... Of course not preparing food for lil Gen yet, jus testing the product to see if it works... A very compact gadget, doesnt take up too much space in the kitchen... Etirto, I tried it with half carrot only... Steam it for 10-15 mins then blend it for less than 10 secs... Let my MIL inspect the end product after that, well... She gave the thumbs up... the end product looks and feel so fine to me... even though i only put it small quantity of food in it, it still works and not "lost" in the blender... the product comes with a recipe book teaching how to prepare the various purees and how much water to add in, etc for the steamer/blender... well, didnt know preparing purees seems so easy... luckily i didnt stock up too much of the bottled purees...

Many thanks for the romper.... Finally lil Gen got a romper with her chi-na name...

Re: Nov gathering
Mummies, u're welcome... luckily mintymom's house is pretty near FOZ's house...

Re: Dec gathering
Gonna start preparing for the dec gathering... I do hope that the recent gathering did not deter the WC from assisting in the next gathering thou... Learning from the Nov gathering's lesson, I'll think of a contingency plan should something crop up last minute... I've already collated the details of all the mummies coming for the gathering... will send out to all so that u can double-confirm ur particulars first b4 I send out the details of my gathering...
Mummies whom have been asking y i didn't bring my lil Gen yesterday, u'll see her in dec gathering... Poor mummy unable to handle this lil chilli padi, thats y leave her at home and come alone yesterday...
Finally manage to sit down n follow up with the thread.

RE: Gathering afterthoughts
WC: It's quite an experience to discuss the matter over msn & sms, most challenging was to my thumb that became sore yesterday due to the (stupid) LG touch screen phone that is slow to register at times and quick when my thumb made a mistake.
Host: BIG thanks to Minty mom who saved the day!!
Food: Great selection of hi-tea, applause to Gina. And thanks to Joanne & Gina for going over to FOZ's to t'fer the food over.
Company: Great to see more moms, yet, I can see some moms are quieter than others most probably because they are "newer". Therefore, more meeting up needed (kekeke)..
Apology: Apology extended to Minty mom for running off early and didn't stay back to help with cleaning up.
Other thanks:
1. Gina & Joanne for being such wonderful WC members, and getting the labels & markers;
2. ETirto for "bb sitting" K while I go pick up the parcel & helping with the labels;
3. Bell, for rushing the embroidery;
4. HBB, for BB Einstein DVD
5. Everyone for the joy.

ETirto, you are most welcome, just hope you didn't mind the height of the Jeep.

I had a busy afternoon after leaving Minty mom;s plc. Went to pick up my mom & sisters, then my mom who was supposed to bring along the wooden sedan forgot and only remembered our original plan of me picking up a walker from my aunt in the morning... so drive to Bedok South to pick up the walker then make it home. By then already 4. Wiped & changed K, do the 4th mth thing(s) and pack up, send them back to BRR, then airport to pick hubby, send him to Dempsey and back. By then already 9pm. K was angry cos it's past his usualy bed time.. so fed him and put him to bed as quickly as I could then pack his bag for church today.
He slept from 9 to 7, while I KOed with TV on, lights not turned off, slept on top of the quilt (hb ended up using his portion of the quilt to cover me and took the spare blankets to cover himself, so sweet.)

Today, w/up, shower (and forgot to put on make up) while hb prep K, then went park car at airport cos expect it's gonna be madness in Expo since all 3 mega churches (CHC, FCBC, NCC) all there, and Expo sale... Took train to Expo, drop K at Champion Babes, service, pick up K, took train to airport, pick up car, drive to harborfront to pick hb, home, change, attend a 1yr old birthday party, home... now all I need is zzz!

Tomorrow is wake up, prep, go brunch with ex colleagues, meet sister who will be "evicted" from the house, home, cook dinner..

(Days of my life hahaha)
Jes, I will post the 4 mth thing tomorrow night after I clarify things with my mom..

Gina, the FB kep saying it cant find the Applet think my java disagree with my internet browser.. Will try to use another mean to upload the pictures..

Joanne, I can still help as a WC member if you are ok, just that I think I didnt do much at the gathering this time round..

Okie, nitez!!

I'm more than happy to have u as my WC for the dec gathering... u helped a lot esp the liaising portion in the recent gathering...

Mummies going for the end of year gathering, pls check ur email... I've just sent out the list to you for confirmation, thanks... Please note that I might be quite slow at replying as I've already started work and have no access to outside world during working hours... Hope u all dun mind my slow reply either via hp or email... Will revert once i get hold of my iphone after work... Many thanks...
