(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Thanks for the offer =p. I'll let you know if I need to borrow Juen'syour tutu skirt ok? I go look around if I can find a cute romper to match a tutu.

Blossom at Suntec and Raffles City? I go have a look... Been leeching on my sister and taking all my niece's clothings, so now no idea where to go to buy baby girl's dresses

Didn't see any post from you. Hope you are ok....

don't be lazy... Suddenly decrease pumping frequency = higher possibility of mastitis.... DOn't play play.... Haha, I'm now like naggy mother...
muffingirl n sam,thks for the article. i do nt agree w
solid nw till much older.
lil cate bn wakin up at 3am these days,fed her only drink 120ml then want to play..hiaz so tired..
Cate been sleeping a lot at the infant care? In case lil Cate now "thinks" long sleep is in afternoon and night time is "mummy & daddy play with me" time =p
oh... din know they have a pushcart. will go n see when free.

one at raffles city.
know there's this shop at Forum selling very nice dresses too. It's on the 2nd floor at a corner facing the escalator.

my girl has been wearing rompers only. only own 1 dress that her grandma bought for her. always v tempted to buy but cannot justify any occassions to wear except for weekends which we only go nearby shopping malls only. keep telling myself they will outgrow very fast n wait till she's at least 6mths then buy. when they r starting to sit, wear dress nicer... hehe... me a bit stingy hor?

where did u get those big nappycloth u used to swaddle K?

I buay tahan Amanda... u gals should hv seen how she kept flipping around in Minty_Mom's house. Now trying to get her to sleep in the cot back again but failed. 1st night i swaddled her, she slept fr 1am to 6am. subsequently, she managed to unswaddle herself n roll herself around the cot until she gets stucked somewhere. can only stay in her cot for 2hrs only at night. gave up. throw her back into the yaolan. anyone has similar prob too?
lamagier & gina
my temp slightly higher yest but no fever i think.. the boob abit red ard the painful area, sort of inflamming.. onli managed to pump 100ml & already tried the massaging method that one of the mommies posted few days back.. it felt like still full but can't come out.. This morning worse, onli pumped out 80-90ml, normally will get 120-150ml.. time to close production liao.. I'll pump diligently today & hopefully will b okay.. thanks lamagier for your concern
lil notes and minty mum: welcome to the working mums club aka panda eyes club

my bbies decided that weekend was too much fun and were so tired out yesterday, they slept at 7+pm and woke up at unearthly 5am this morning. both of them ! got to try putting them back to bed later. of cos, when they wake at 5am, i'm also awake. i was super shacked out too, forgot to wake up for midnight pump and only got up at 4.30am. sheeesh... i'm on this pumping roller coaster and dont know how to get down or slow down, scared to get block ducts again.

LS, hope you're getting better. are u heading towards stopping pumping or to continue pumping.

lamagier, so your blocked ducts cleared right ? are you still pumping. if want to slowly wind down on pumping, is it have to go through this mastisis thingy ?

flying and pumping
i might have a 3 day biz trip next week. i'm worried will have blocked ducts and mastisis too. wont be very cool if i get painful boobs during meetings. then say, 'Mr X, oh please excuse me my boobs pain and i having fever, so please carry on discussing while i go toilet and massage myself'. so uncool. how how how ? kim, you have a lot of flying tips, any on pumpig while on the plane ? what shld i do with the milk ? my plane trip abt 7 hours. eeehhh, if i sit next to my male colleague how ? go toilet and pump ? then must bring barang barang into toilet. then if i take red eye how? wait sleepy and clumsy drop into the cramp toilet bowl ??
I'm slowly adjusting to longer pumping time. Now stretching my 4hourly pump to 5-6hourly. I believe what peanut does is she stretches the pumping time, but make sure empty boobs when pump. If got block duct then try to clear ASAP.

I was reading up some time back on mastitis. Apparently it's caused when milk in boob too long and thickens. And if you have gotten it before, got chance of it re-occuring. And some websites say one way to prevent is to take Lecithin so fats in milk won't thicken or something like that. Anyway it's supposed to prevent too much fats from sticking onto liver, so I'm taking it now.

Saw some thread on milk storage while on biz trip in the forum. You might want to go dig around
for your case, once u cleared the ducts & pumped all out, supply drop or not? dun mind if i cud hv the san za recipe again? just standby & hope it'll help me too..

thanks! i'll monitor closely today.. i'm v tempted to 'declare bankrupt' but on the other hand, still wanna give my best to my bb.. so aiming for at least 6mths (til year end). Just bought 2nd new pump to put @offc last mth, if stopped now, feel v wasted.. but dh saw me xinku he asked me to stop.. dilemma loh..
Supply dropped by about half, now back to normal after rigorous 3 hourly pumping routine for about 1 week. (from about 200++ml back to 440ml this morn)

Peanut's recipe.
Can get ingredients from chinese medical hall. About 3/4 bowl of malt (mai ya... kinda like barley) and 5-10 pieces of san za (dried fruit, not the cnady type). Boil for about 10min and drink.

I took for 2 days x 3 times a day. Blockage cleared by the 4th day.
thank u so much! it seems so easy to prepare.. will buy tonite cos' can go home early tday. Thx peanut for sharing the recipe in this forum!
Bestberries: When I was bf my #! , I had to go to HK for a few days without her. Just took my pump, spare milk containers ( if you intend to bring the milk back) Mine was a much shorter flight but what you can do is pump before you board the plane at the airport, discard that milk. Pump again once you reach your hotel. If during the flight you feel uncomfortable, either pump in the toilet and discard the milk or just express a little out to ease the discomfort.
Depending on your hotel, you might be able to ask them for assistance in storing your milk. I just left mine in the small bar fridge since it was a short trip. Took my big Fridge to Go bag and got the hotel to keep that bag in the freezer. When it was time to come back to Sing, dumped all the milk into the Fridge to Go and carried it with me on the plane. If its too ma fan then just pump and dump, at least you still keep your supply up.

Hope that helps
Jes, sorry for delay, here info on K's 4th mth "rituals"

1. walker-- represents the sedan chair to symbolize start of sitting down.
2. "Kwee Cho"--"cho" actually means 餫 means non-veg. my mom used the chicken tongue, dunno what it means either.
3. Marie biscuit--in the past it was done using the chinese biscuit call Moldy biscuit. It is a kind of biscuit that is like the piggy/ skin of the moon cake, with icing sugar dusted on top. But ths type of biscuit is no longer available. This is done if the bb salivate alot, to dab and soak up the saliva. Hokkien believe if this is not done at 4th mth, the bb will continue to salivate until 1 year old.

I wish I could tell you more, but talking to my mom sometime can vomit blood cos she kept insisting that we should just do and not ask, but whn in the end, the reason is because she doesnt know alot of these practices, and because she doesnt question, she expect her children to be like her--follow blindly..
Bestberries, Jillian has good suggestions. I strongly suggest you keeping the ebm cos every drop is gold!!

<font color="119911">You will need:</font>
1. pump, (spare batteries)
2. milk bags
3. ice bricks (buy extra from daiso, get those that fits the size of your cooler box)
4. cooler bag/ soft bag
5. cooler box (you'll know how many you'll need base on the volume you usually yield/day and for x number of days
6. labels
7. waterproof marker
8. Post-it pad

<font color="0000ff">Hotel</font>
Almost all hotels will accommodate your request to keeping your BM in the freezer then you collect when you check out. Ask the hotel to freeze your ice brick too. Else, you can always freeze the bricks in your minibar fridge, but dont trust those fridge to freeze your BM. And if you do put your bricks inside your room;s minibar fridge, stick a post-it on the door of your room so you'll remember to take them with you when you check out. (I have always left my ice brick/ cheese cakes/ yoghurts etc in hotel fridges, sayang)

<font color="0000ff">Aircraft</font>
1. Pumping--unfortunately, you can only pump at toilet if you want privacy although I have come across one mom who did her pump in the cabin in the mid of night. But her pump was extremely quiet, thot it was the Medela PIS (backpack). I only hear very soft humming.
2. After that, you can ask the crew to help you put in their fridge. If you happened to be on SQ, their B777-300ER, A380, A345 (I am sure their latest A330 would too) have freezer in the business and first class. Ask crew to help you put int the freezer, when you arrive, put the bag into your cooler box, the temperature should last till you get to your hotel, once you are there, ask the hotel concierge to keep the soft bag in the freezer. Do label your bag for ease of I/d-ing by crew &amp; hotel staff.
3. The above mentioned aircrafts have electrical power outlet in the seat, the safest is the 2 pin plug (European), but no harm bringing along your travel adapter. I am not sure about A380 &amp; A330, in the past, on the older aircrafts, you need to match the pins of your cord to the socket, and you'll need to twist before it can be fully inserted to the socket (safety measure).
Ask the crew to help if you encounter problem. SQ used to carry adapter/ splitter, but it's only limited quantity, so you may want to ask early. Now the splitter is for sharing, cos in the past it's 2 outlets: 3 seats. I was told in the newer aircraft this is no longer the case.
4. For return flight, I suggest you board early, and after you settle your bags, ask the crew to help you put the cooler box in the fridge or freezer to ensure the frozen ebm does not start to thaw. If they are unable to do it at the early part of the flight, your frozen ice brick and cooler box should last for sometimes. Crew may be able to accommodate by giving you some dry ice, or accommodate after the first meal service (7hrs flight usually has 2 meals service except an ex Japan).

I have never use the large fridge to go before, so I am not sure how good they are.

Bare in mind there are also restrictions on liquid, aerosols and gel that only permits 10x100ml bottles in a zip-lock bag.

If you are traveling in and out of Australia, the local customs officers are more sticky, so I suggest you declare if you have ebm entering. I hope they are more understanding to this.

Woah, so lor-so..

Do share your experience so we all can learn! And have a fruitful trip!
Sabsab, I am Christian, so cannot pray to Singapore Idols..
We started off by putting K in the walker (sedan), then garland him with the Marie Biscuits, my mom took the chicken tongue and wipe it on his mouth (just wipe, not feed), then use the Marie Biscuit to dab the saliva.
Mom says, after that, dont say thing like, "oh, it works" or "oh he's still drooling" or anything like that.. and of course this mother here and the aunties had lots of fun taking photos..
Jus realized I missed some posts:
RE: Austen
read FOZ's email, Austen should discharge today.

RE: Handling bb single handedly
Sabsab, don't doubt yourself, I am very sure you are capable to do so like all moms could. Ya, my bag is abit "kua zhang".. It's meant for twins. I love it cos I can carry everything except the kitchen sink!! But if I am going to church, then I will separate into K's back pack &amp; my own handbag.

RE: large nappy cloth
BBEthan, my nappy cloth is standard size, I was told tolly joy has large ones. I used those cotton swaddling cloth that I bought from Chinatown textile centre. they are 45" wide, you can either buy in meter or yard. I think 90cm is about 1yard which is about 36", so in order to have a more squarish piece of cloth, you might want to buy 1m..
K "unswaddled" his arms before.. There is a trick to swaddling my CL taught me dunno if it'll work for you.. u tuck the one side under the back of you bb, before you wrap the othe side, then instead of tucking the end like hosp taught us, u roll the end of the cloth under the bb's back again, so the weight of the bb's body actually keeps the outter end from coming off, and unless this end comes off, the one inside will stay. Just remember not to swaddle them too tightly.
flying &amp; pumping
lamagier, jillian, kim - gee, thanks for all the tips. now i have a better picture of whats ahead. went to dig around other threads as lamagier sugg and found some useful tips posted. cant trace back the link but its on this SMH thread. kim, as usual i'm gg to store up your detailed tips. i'm weighing my options now whether to pump and dump, or pump and store or dont go at all.
bbethan, try to put a small bolsters on her side, so she won't be able to flip around. nowadays that's how Naomi naps, with the teddy bear on her hug and the small bolster on her left (she always flip on the left side, cannot on the right side). and she will sleep sideway.

Joanne, remember your Gen's fairy suit? it's on the way here already. so you got to decide whether let Gen be santarina or fairy princess...heee...

Bell, when u need to buy the romper? got to arrange with my other gf because she wants me to buy something.

Gina, check your email.
dun really quite get it. maybe next gathering u show me. i tuck both ends of the nappy cloth under her. but don't know how she still manage to free herself. the cloth u got from People's Park... r quite thick right? I've the big ones but thick. that's why changed to use nappy cloth instead cos we dun sleep in aircon room.

hmmm... tonight i'll hijack #1's bolsters n try. maybe i shd use back the sleep positioner again. thanks.

just check... are girls more easily subject to nappy rash on their private part? noticed that she has rashes that goes on n off despite using the calendula cream/ aloe vera gel.
bbethan i dn tink girls get diaper rash easier.touchwood..nana dn kenna thou. u mmight wn consider using desitin instead?its one of e best diaper rash cum barrier cream.edna hav her diaperfor 12 hrs.... no rash prob..... bt she gt eczema! arghhh
My girl no diaper rash (*touch wood*) but she does get reddish butt a day or two after I've taken chilli padi or other spicy stuff =p
u r using the purple or blue one?
i used drapolene... no effect. so change to calendula cream. improve a bit but still there. then applied aloe vera after i bought fr bp. the rashes gone but lately come back again.

strangely it's only on the private part area only. not on bum. doesn't hv to do with diaper right?

i heard that drapolene is good for maintaining status quo but desitin can heal diaper rash. My gal had diaper rash after we were discharged from hospital. Just 1 day of desitin and it's all gone.
Been using Desitin Creamy (Blue) since day 1 since I left the hosp, and hasn't experience diaper rash before. I do think my PD will prescribe desitin if I go to her for rash cos I see a full shelf stocked from top to bottom with the cream, and in fact when my girl had a milk rash around her neck, she said to use desitin, and it went away within 2 days. Regular diaper change and wiping when changing will probably help to clear up the problem faster. If can air the bum, might help too.

I had heard that rumour when I was pregnant on Fitti diaper releasing a chemical harmful to girls' privates, but nv see any article providing reference to that. So regular change, cleaning and barrier cream should keep us off that. Maybe can see if Amanda has any skin sensitivity?
BTW, I had noticed redness in the labia area when I leave my girl at my MIL's, and it hadn't occurred to me why cos she lets me do the diaper changing when I'm around. Until I pretended I needed a break, and let her have her precious grandchild to her, I saw how she does the wiping with the wet wipes from back to front, that I had to point out to her nv to wipe in that direction.

Something did come to mind, any possibility of Amanda being sensitivity to the wipes? Cos some do contain some chemicals.
i do wipe her after every change. not sure how my MIL does it. not within my control when i'm at work. i'll get the cream to try. those sold in pharmacy r normally the purple ones right?
I think they do carry the blue one, but much more ex than bp. If it's getting serious and urgent, you can drop by my place to pick up one tube from me (I still got the one I got from HBB for $8), I stay near Bedok Central. After that can buy some more from overseas drugstore sprees if it works for her.
ya sam is rite..watson do hav the blue ones.

some ppl say use pure corn starch on the diaper rash.. i dont dare thou cos it might dry the skin too much n cause other problem for my instance..eczema (again!)

1 cons bout desitin is the cream v hard to wash off esp in between the labia areas... =p
any one know apart fr drugstore whr else can get the desitin huh? heard gt pppl get it cheaper than drugstore price.. i wan to buy n ship over but cant find a cheaper one apart fr drugstore.. any one knows? else i will jus buy direct fr drugstore n ship liaoz.. see who wan can share
BBEthan, ya, I think I showed you the cloth before when we first met. Ok, can demo on Amanda next meeting, see if it works. Actually for her size, the standard size nappy cloth still workable.

RE: Nappy rash
My CL told me not to use baby wipes cos the chemical on the wipes can stick on the bb's butt and cause rash too! So till now, I still stick to cotton ball/ pads and water. Only when I go out then I use the wipes. U ask your MIL to try?
just to add RE: nappy rash cream
CL also told me the drapolene is useless. I use the blue Destin since hospital too, until the guy at Guardian took the purple one for me.. He thot it was new packaging, but I later found out it's the original. It's thicker, and not scented, so quite strong smell of "plastic". But wont wipe off easily. I like to "paint" K's butt, and now I dun need to apply so much cos it last a whole day long..
urm, I used cornstarch powder, but if the rash is wet, it just becomes a streaky mess, didn't help to clear the rash at all when my girl had the neck rash, kinda makes it look worse than it is cos you have to keep on wiping it to keep the rash area clear. Desitin comes on a little oily-feeling but after it dries up the rash, the skin condition looks much better.

yup, desitin doesn't come off with water, but usually the wet wipes will get it off, if not I will use the mustela no-rinse solution on cotton wool and it comes off easily.
wow, HBB, saw your sms, you managed to watch all of them, I KO from the music after 2 discs, so far only watched 4 discs.

I was looking to buy online too for desitin, but not so soon yet, cos still got stock. Diapers.com got 15% off at the moment for skincare items. I'm curious about Desitin Clear cos it goes on clear.
i did not watch fr start to end
so logn as it does play fr the content .. then i deem it as ok haaa else will die ahhh....

ya i stillgot stock so i no hurry also haaaa mine can last till feb at least
any idea is it 2oz or 4 oz? if 4oz.. still not too bad.. thou online still cheaper but if 2oz.. def very ex...
