(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

if i rem correctly some pharmacy also selling the 2oz one so better beware
unless desperate.. else try to buy fr p hahaa
anyone knws if the 1st toothpaste comes w the silicon finger holder thgy?? tot of buying that as well when i buy desitin
Hey moms- be careful if you have a MACLAREN STROLLER!!!

They are recalling strollers made from 1999-2009 because the hinge can cut off your child's fingers. The company is sending out kits to fix this problem in the US, not sure if they will do the same in singapore..

My baby was due in July, but she was early (June). Just wanted to share with the moms here as well...
Costco US sells 2 tubes of 4.8Oz Desitin Creamy (blue) at USD9.80, my HB was over in states and bought back 2 tubes. 'Cos it is very creamy and doesnt wipe off easily unless you wash it, we apply on my boy only after his bath twice a day. We dont air his butt cos he pees very frequently and wont hesitate to aim at you if we take off his diaper for too long. However, we try to loosen his diaper so his butt still gets aired.
re: Nappy rash

I use the california baby diaper rash cream for my girl and it has been very good. I also used it for the rashes on her neck when she had very bad rashes and it healed very fast. I use to use desitin too but found it too thick and difficult to clean off plus my pd says unless very serious diaper rash dun put too much and especially if girl, dun put between the folds of her privates cos no good.

Wet wipes:
My #1 has very sensitive skin and always gets diaper rash. My pd told me some of the wetwipes has aloe vera or perfume and some children are sensitive to those so when using it too clean the bottom may cause rashes as well. I only use the wetwipes when I am outside no choice, otherwise think cotton and water is still the best
here is the link to the Xmas costume BP: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3222790.html?1257583179

I went to Spotlight at PS today... So tempted to buy their adult Xmas costume... It cost only $14.90 for the Men's, $12.90 for the boy's & girl's... Too bad, no babies de... But i bought a Snow White costume for lil Gen... Went to so many shops, finally found a smaller version Snow White costume coz most of the shops selling the 3-4years old one... totally love it to bits...

Lil Gen's fairy costume arriving? Thats great... I'll dress her in that on the gathering... Thinking of the hair accessories le... hm...

Re: Desitin cream
Yup... Its selling at $10 in TMC, no further disc even with FBI card... Can't seem to finish using 1 tube of 2oz desitin cream... been using it on Gen since she 4 days old... Right now, she's already 4 months but I'm still using that same tube... I previously used Avent one on her but not effectively...
Re: Solids
Went to PD today for lil Gen's vaccination... PD says that Gen is still not gaining enough weight for her age (4 months), she should be ard 6.2kg... Her current weight only 5.6kg... aiyo, headache sia... same genetic problem as mummy, eat drink so much but so damn difficult to gain weight... PD wants us to start her on white rice now then proceed to brown rice, hoping she could catch up on her weight gain... Her height at 63.5cm, acceptable still...
She's been a sweet angel today, never shed any tears nor scream when PD inject the 6in1 on her butt... she jus scare at me and gave me a sweet lil smile when the needle is out, no expression of pain/discomfort from her thru out the vaccination...
I started giving her Organix white rice today... She seems to like it v much and keep asking for more even thou she drank 150mls already (FM plus white rice)... MIL will monitor her this few weeks, if everything is ok, she'll proceed with brown rice next...
Hi all,
Many thanks for your thoughts and prayers, well wishes and blessings for Austen. My family and I are very appreciative of your calls, sms-es, emails and FB postings/messages.

Austen is finally discharged from KKH today (he was admitted on Friday through A&E, we brought him in coz the GP told us to – he had a high fever of 38.5 degree celsius). He was diagnosed with UTI which is a bacterial infection of the urinary tract (kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra). The UTI is from Escherichia (E.) coli, which is the bacteria from poo poo, and could be caused by hygiene, physical or structural condition of my boy, or any other unknown reason. We have to go back for an ultrasound in a month’s time and another test where they will inject some dye into his blood in 2 months’ time. I really hope it is not due to the physical or structural condition of my boy, PD warned if that is the case, he will have to perform a more invasive test.

The whole experience was horrid (and poor hubby happened to trip on the stairs and had a swollen ankle) - long hours of waiting, same questions asked by different teams of nurses/doctors (we were not informed when they change shift) and worse of all, no single-bed avail and we were thrown into a 4-bedder for the first night after putting our name down for a single-bed room (I will go more into that later).

Ward 85
Baby’s blood was taken at the A&E and the prick was def less painful than the squeezing of blood, the nurse was squeezing his finger so hard and then putting in a little into the container and wiping the rest away with a tissue, and I was thinking why is she doing that? Poor baby was crying so pitifully and there was nothing I can do. This was mild compared to after admission when the nurses in the ward were trying to find his vein to put the needle in so they could put his anti-biotics in. Because he is so small, it is very hard to find hid vein, I get that, but the nurses actually took more than half an hour to do so! I could hear him screaming the entire time (they refused to let me in), I was nearly in tears myself. When I next saw him, the needle was in and looked fine but when I saw his other hand, which was bruised, I realised they must have tried on that hand first, cannot and then do it on the other hand. Can you imagine how heart-breaking that is?

Dh went home to shower and packed his stuff after admission so he can stay the night more comfortably. While he was gone, PD/nurse came and told me what they were gonna do, and one of the things he said he needed to do is to collect a clean urine sample and it could be via a clean catch method or via a catheter. I said under no situation is the second method to be used. When I left KKH at 3am to go home, I gave dh a summary. Dh waited and then after some time, asked one of the nurse what they were doing for so long and she said they are trying to insert a catheter for austen. Dh blew up at her, something along the line of “Didn’t my wife gave strict instructions NOT to do that?”. Terrified nurse went in to check and came back to said it was her mistaken impression, they were NOT inserting a catheter, just trying to comfort him. Some fine job they were doing.

Bathing – the nurse only bath austen on Saturday coz after seeing her attempt at bathing him, I did it myself the next 3 days. So ill-prepared, towels not laid out, asked me for diapers, etc.

Ward 86
Things got better when we transferred to another ward. This was how it happened. In the first ward, in the 4-bedder, when one child cried, mine woke up and joined him/her. My dh stayed since I gotta pumped (baby refused to latch + super low appetite) and slept for only an hour on a narrow, hard, uneven and awful-smelling foldable bed. I went round the ward and found 3 empty single-bed rooms and demanded to be given one, only to be told two were isolation rooms and one for fits patients. I wouldn’t take no for an answer and tried to convince the admission officer to give up one of the isolation room for me, but she would not budged either. In the end, late on Day 2, someone vacated the only Deluxe Room in another ward (basically a single-bed suite) and made us very happy.

The doctors were pretty good at explaining the procedures, causes, trt, etc. The nurses in this ward were all a lot better, fast to respond, listen carefully to instructions, etc. Though I am very sick of KK's food, I am super grateful we manage to get transferred to Ward 86, and that we bought insurance for austen early.

Okay, I better go now, dh asking why I am writing essay. Good night, people!
FOZ, hugs hugs hugs & more hugs to you and little Austen!!!! OMG, I swear KK would now be my least preferred hospital, down from wher it was before!!!! I can imagine how it felt to be left outside, hearing him cry not knowing what the nurses are doing to him.. I feel my heart sng-sng for Austen too!!

I always believe at better ward, the med personnel are better, but I know many disagree, they believe in "luck".

hugs to u
its realy traumatising to go thru all those stuff... all is well now

i tink the dye test is to check the kidney to see if everythg is alrite
since the kidney is easily infected aft the UTI worsen
i did it 1 mth aft i was d/c fr hosp due to UTI cum kidney infection too.
Austen wll b blessed n will recover fast!
actualy i believe in the individual medical personel
when i pop at kkh
guess wat
the nicest nurses were those enroll nurse!.. those staff nurse simply bo chap! and yes i was in same ward as muffin gal went... and we prob had diff kind of service!!!!
hi mummies

my poor boy is admitted since sunday for broncolities. Heartpain to see him on the neb but luckily he did not scream as badly as my gal the other time. Hopefully, he can be discharged tomorrow.
FOZ: Big hug to you and Austen. It is always traumatising when one's child has to be hospitalised. Glad its all over

I know exactly what you mean about hearing Austen scream while you stood outside. When my #1 was 2 months old, she had to be admitted as well and they had to insert a probe down her nose into her stomach. Till today, I can still remember her screaming behind those close doors. Poor hb had it worse, he was the one who had to hold her down while they inserted the probe!

We have been in and out of KKH more than I ever wanted to and most of the time it was pretty alright. Or maybe we just got used to the crying and screaming in the children's wards. We put #1 in C class cos with her frequent admissions , it was the most economical thing to do. Insurance would not cover her since she was born with a congenital problem.
There was a time when she had an extremely high temperature, think she was only 2 weeks old. I ended up signing her out of KKH cos I was fed up that nothing was being done besides sponging her which I could have done for her at home.

Over time I learned how to make things easier for her each time she went in. We brought her cot bumper to put around the hospital crib, took her favourite toys,anything to remind her of the comforts of home. We got through those hospitalisations and I hope that none of you will ever need to go through this sort of experience.

Here's wishing all our babies good health !
Hope all is over and Austen will be well in no time. *hug hug* it always pain the parents when the little ones are sick. And yes... hope all our babies are blessed with good health.

thanks all for the recommendation on the nappy rash. will buy from the bp. in the meantime, i'm trying to air her bottom as far as i can. btw what's the main diff btw the blue n purple one? I'm still very blur.
FOZ: will be praying for your bb Austen for a speedy recovery. Pls take care.

LS: I had fever on Friday too and was worried it might be mastitis. Thank God it was just a blocked duct and I did warm compress and massage. Hope u r getting better now.

Bell: tks and noted.

HBB: You staying in Punggol??? Me, too!!!
Good to hear that Austen has been discharged. I don't have a v good impression of KK as well -when my #2 was warded at 2 months old, they did the same thing. Must hv been traumatic - poor bb and mummy & daddy. *hug hug*

Till today, I somehow still feel tt if they had been more efficient and "on", my 3rd one 2 yrs ago might hv survived although he was born at 25 weeks... haiz...

Ha ha, yes ma'am... will be more disciplined fm tomorrow onwards.... (read ur post late today - so didn't pump again.... guilty guilty guilty)

panda eyes is right! I am sooooo tired after 2 days of work! gotta wake up so early and then slog in the office.... I have tendered! Will be joining the new place in early Dec... hv mixed feelings... and worries on how things will work out... praying praying...

Cough & phelgm
Natesha is still coughing since last week - got the virus fm my dh and girls... poor bb - sounds like she's got phelgm now - worried also. PD gave her rhianathiol (red one for infants) but guess hv to monitor... anyone with recent exp in this?

*yawn* hv such a heavy head now... eyes can't open already....
nappy rash

hmmmm... somehow Drapolene has worked for my #1 & #2 pretty well.... used to apply a thicker layer when they had nappy rash. So far so good for #3 (touch wood

how was ur day back at work? shack right
Keen on setting up a Home-based business opportunity (not MLM)

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Oh my. I would storm into the ward and manhandle the medical staff if I was your dh. KKH sounds elitist. Pay for single bedder and you get better medical staff.

Hope your little one gets discharge soon.

Just trying to imagine how I would deal with bb being hospitalize already makes me heartpain...

Gina & HBB,
Haha, Edna can turn up as bumble bee. Love her swimming costume!!!

Haha, I was also lazy. Pump at 9pm last nite and too sleepy to wake up to pump until 6am. Was tossing and turning from the bloated boobs but just can't drag my lazy ass out of bed....
u r so hardworking. still will pump before going to work. i only pump near midnite and next pump will be noon. most of the time i rely on her to latch one side when she wakes up. sometimes didn't feed and go out liao. maybe this explains why my supply is dropping so fast.

Drapolene works for #1 but doesn't seem to work on #2.

re children hospital
other than kkh which specialise in children emergency n illness. which other hospital is good if we don't intend to go kkh?
My girl at my aunts on week day nights, so must be hardworking and pump... Haha, else I also don't bother. Just try to let her drink as much as possible so I can get away with not pumping.... Maybe that's why she's fat girl now =p
i see... now my naughty drinks only 5mins and stop liao. never empties at all. no wonder she's so skinny. n now she prefers only the left side n don't like the right cos let down in the right is slower. i'm lopsided already.
Bbethan: for me I'll always choose to go back to KKH, simply because they are a children's hospital and are better equipped to deal with pediatric cases. Just my personal opinion
FOZ & Jillian
You both are very strong mommies!!! I could never imagine if I'd have to go thru all these. I hope Austen will recover soon!

Be strong too!

I think my case also blocked ducts. I found a hard lump on my left breast last nite & the skin is red ard that area. Tried to massage it off but doesn't seem to go away. Will get the postnatal masseuse to come today & help me. Hopefully she got slot last min! Hope u get well soon too!

Went to 2 medical halls @Simei to buy maiya & sanza but both out of stock. Onli 1 of them has sanza nia. Actually wanna buy @Bugis there cos' near to my offc but today i decided not to work.

Stacia is having rashes all over her body. It started few days ago when her skin in touch w/ water. It'd disappear after abt half an hour so we tot she's allergy to water cos' she did at birth. Then, since last nite, the rashes dun go off til now (even not in touch w/ water) so I wanna bring her to PD today. Any babies getting this after vaccination? Her vaccination was about 2wks ago. Haiz! Bad week bad week
Wah, allergy to water?!? Sounds bad. Hope stacia gets better soon. And hope your masseuse will be able to help. I didn't manage to massge the lump away... MrsC said took her more than a month to clear hers... =(

Haha, mine not lopsided, but effects of gravity written all over them. I guess small boobies suddenly gone big => saggy....
glad Austen is home! will pray for his complete recovery in all aspects.

Re: back to work
thanks to all for your encouragement

first day not too bad, productivity very low, subconsciously preoccupied with when to express. so many things to catch up and read up at work, tons more to go. tough too to stay awake in the afternoon. a mad rush in the morning to express / feed baby / sterilize the pump / pack all the barang barang and not to be too late at work. hubby was super sweet, he sent a beautiful bouquet of sunflowers to my office to cheer me up! so touched, i almost cried.
littlenotes - must remember to express at work

blocked duct
i have tendency to have blocked duct, always at same place. took lecithin (1capsule/day) and find that it helps. previously will take 1-2 days with intensive massage just to clear it. now with massage during feeding/express, the lump will go off within the day.
Lamagier - do you see any effect with lecithin?
Whoa, what an ordeal... Glad to hear that Austen has been discharged, and hope he gets a clean bill of health at the next appt. ((HUGS))
Minty mum,
I'm also taking a pill a day. So far so good. No blocked ducts despite me sometimes going 9hours without pumping. Just some swollen ducts, but will go off when I put in extra effort to massage them away when pumping
Hi Mummies,

After express the milk can stay at outside without fridge for how many hours? Tmr go shopping just wonder how do i settle my breastmilk after express it.

anyone know bugis junction got nursery room ?
FOZ you are strong. hug hug to you and your bb Austen. I also feel pain after reading your story...wish Austen fast fast fully recover soon.
anybody know which MACLAREN is under product recall? Mine is the XT. Bloody hell. Paid so much still got design fault.
ETirto: its all the Maclarens as far as I understand. We have a Volo and a Quest. I think the recall is only for those sold in US, haven't heard anything locally.
From the link that kim provided

"The affected models include Volo, Triumph, Quest Sport, Quest Mod, Techno XT, Techno XLR, Twin Triumph, Twin Techno and Easy Traveller, according to the stroller company. The strollers, which are manufactured in China, are sold nationwide."
Gemini19, prayer goes out to your bb too! Hugs to you mighty mommy!

I pray nothing of this sort shall happen, but if worse case scenario, I return to RH.

HBB, sometimes who knows us also plays a part in the med service we recv. A friend of mine used to b secretary for Pres Nathan, when she went SGH for surgery, Pres even visited, so u can imagine how she was treated.

Gina, where did u find the Yoda costume?
I agree we should do a costume party! Any mom keen to play dress ups too?

LS, you may want to find out what is in the water that cause the allegy. Seems like fr now on, Stacia has to be bathed in milk.. (Cleopatra) ;p

RE: MacLaren Recall
I suggest you call up those that carries this brand to find out the details, It appears to me that the local authority such as CASE are not as active as those consumer bureau in USA. Many of the items that are recall are either unannounced or a tiny inconspicuous article in the papers.
Also as mentioned in the video of the link, the buyer of the said stroller will be give a protective cover or clasp to install in their stroller and not that the whole stroller will be replace. Do check on this in case I got it wrong..
i totally agree with the double service std of these nurses. still remembered for my #1 delivery, nurses were bo chap as i was under my covering gynae. when my gynae returned from his holiday and came to visit me, wow... their attitude was so different as compared to the other gynae.

bugis junction has a baby room on almost each floor. beside the toilets. there is also a baby room inside Seiyu on the nursery dept.
I think I'll be worried sick too hearing the bb cry behind closed doors. Heartpain reading what he went thru. Get well soon, brave little guy!

Re: Maclaren
Oh boy, I was considering a Maclaren when the bb gets older because it can be umbrella fold.

Re: Children medical emergency
I think I'll still bring her in to TMC cos it's easier for me to get to in case of emergency, probably a good question to ask my PD, that in case of emergency what should I do for her care.

Re: Costume party
Sigh most children's costumes I saw are like 2T-up sized, the smaller ones like animals, fruits/plants and fairies lol. Gina, do share the link you saw for babies' costumes! Can imagine it'll be so funny when they are sitting up in their costumes :D

Stacia's like a snow-white so fair! I don't know if it is KS or not, maybe can ask the PD when is it possible to conduct allergy tests, in case we are unaware if our babies are allergic to certain substances (gluten, nuts, animal fur etc) especially when we are introducing solids in the following months. Must remind myself to ask the PD when I bring her in for her next jab.
My girl is 4 months 2 days today, her measurement yesterday @ the PD, 5.6kg & 63.5cm. During her 2nd month checkup, she's 4.7 & 58cm. She's considered quite light at birth @ 2.695kg... Now monitoring to see if she manage to beef up after feeding her cereals...

Re: Baby Attire for End of Year Gathering
Mummies, please do not dress ur lil ones in white for the gathering as my backdrop is arctic white colour... Try to dress them in bright colours like blue, red, pink, etc... In sync with the theme, Xmas & Fairytale...

Re: Costumes
I managed to find smaller size fairytale costumes in Spotlight. This is wat I bought for lil Gen. There are also batman, spiderman, ninja turtle, cinderella, sleeping beauty, fairy, wonder woman costumes there also...

glad Austen's discharged n well now... *hugs* for going thru so much w bb Austen.. hope everything will b fine w him... will keep u all in prayers..=)

all along i don realli trust govt hospital.. sorrie to say tat..bt due to my past conditions n experience w all govt hospitals.. i jus feel i'll nvr step back inside there again unless i don haf a choice.. i do agree w hbb there're still nice docs n nurses arnd...but sad to say.. they're going extinct soon..

thanks so much for the info!...=D

last time Jav had v rd n bad rashes over his buttocks n i was oso using dropelene that time.. in the end, i ask HBB for help...hahaa den she recommended the desitin, gt it n applied it.. within one day.. all rashes cleared up! since then,Jav was ok le.. so far *touch wood!* no rashes den...=) thnks for the 'walking encyclopedia'..hahaha

Sam n HBB..
i tnk im worse lor.. oni watched one disc w jav.. ytd nite nvr gt to slp again till 5.30am.. *boiling man!* i'll try my best to finish watching the discs.. if nt, theres anything wrong..i can oni blame myself..=(

i cant decide wad to dress Javier up in oso.. =S still looking arnd for a perfect costume..=(

wanna apologise for nt being able to inform u on mon tat im unable to go dwn n colect mats frm u due to my spoilt hp.. sorrie abt it..=(
Feeling under the weather... sigh... want to go home and use bb as my hot water bottle cum comforter... 2 more hours and many more deadlines to go...


Just went to the guardian near my mum's place just now and say that Desitin, both blue and purple 2 Oz now going for 9.90 if you are interested you can check out the other guardian.
