(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

i drink tonnes of water but doesn't really see much improvement. ya... agree with you. will bf till the well totally dry up. initially was a bit upset that cannot meet my target to tbf 6mths. but never mind lah. got bm better than none. since #1 bf him till 8mths, i shall perserve n not short change Amanda

seems like K's prob is more of a reflux issue rather than milk powder prob. Amanda was also like him in her earlier months. now slightly better. will get better as they grow. I spoke to Abbott's person just now. they told me they are discontinuing the old version and has no intention to stop the new ones. she told me the difference is in the new version they added one more nutrient... got fibre (probiotics if i didn't remmeber wrongly).

when u let her have a rest after the first half, do u still warm up the remaining milk or let her drink the not warm milk?
Been missing alot on the thread cos too busy and stress taking care of #1 who kanna HFMD...I tell you strike 4D also not so "lucky"...the more I afraid she will get, the more she kanna...it's been so stressful cos she is so cranky and cannot eat or drink cos so painful and fever was raging to abt 39.6....was so worried my #2 will get it so had to separate them...so tired from running back and forth my mum's place and my own house...lucky my parents and hubby have been very supportive and helpful to help me take care of my very whiney and cranky #1 while I took care of #2...thank goodness all is sunny day again...

Becos of this whole episode my supply also drop tremendously now really dunno how long my factory can last....told myself if can last 6 mths very good already
But like what Sunsweet says, even if 1 oz left I will also give her
ah? so Abbott is gng to discontinue the old similac? and yes kim, 1 mummy mentioned before that abbott said they are NOT discontinuing the old similac wor... can't rem who too... hMmm... *confused*
2nd month was just hepB 2nd dose, 3rd month was when I took her 1st dose of 5in1 and rota, so now 4th month she's taking her 2nd dose of 5in1 and rota, 5th month/next month is the last dose of the 5in1 and rota, 6th month 3rd dose of the hepB.
Yah, I also do occasionally toy with the idea of stop bf cos troublesome and ss dropping. Everyday carry heavy pump, ice pack, milk here and there Especially these few days on course and no nursing room in the training area. But decided that I'm fortunate enough to have quite good supply, so shouldn't short change my girl...

Sunsweet, poohbear, Jia you =p
Saw the below in the June thread

forgot which nice mummy posted the below:

friso : http://www.friso.com.sg/
(their website is under construction so you will have to call them and ask for samples). alternatively, you can email them [email protected].

enfa : https://sg.meadjohnsonasia.com/main.cfm/country/Singapore
(you can sign up FOC as a member and choose which sample you want them to send to you.)

dumex : http://www.dumex.com.sg/
(you can sign up FOC as a member and choose which sample you want them to send to you.)

smilac : http://www.abbott.com.sg/family/freesamples/freesamples.asp
(you can sign up FOC as a member and choose which sample you want them to send to you.)

s-26 / promil : no website to get free samples from but you need to call them at Phone 65-6733-7666
and request for a free sample.

Nestle : www.nestlebaby.com.sg

Heinz : no website so need to call them at 63471700 for a free sample.

huggies : http://www.huggies.com.sg/
(you can sign up FOC as a member and choose which sample you want them to send to you.)

Goon : http://www.diapers.com.sg/help.php?section=freesample
(sign up as a member and they will send you a sample of your choice FOC)

Mamy Poko : http://www.mamypokoclub.com/frmMemberLogin.aspx?page_from=memdefaut
(sign up as a member and they will send you a sample of your choice FOC) - i tried they didnt send seems like based in msia
alternatively, you can call 6265 1648 for a sample.

fitti / petpet : 6861 9155

Drypantz / DrypersDiaper : 1800 466 3002

for pet pet/fitti => pls email to [email protected] to request

for wyeth =. jennifer @ 6830 2876 (very nice lady)
littlenotes $8.00
yan $7.50
beverly $15.50

above mummies pls transfer the money to my account DBS savings plus 033-9-063393 by this friday 2359. i will cancel your order if payment is not made by then. you may e-mail me at [email protected]
WOW! Lamagier, very resourceful!

RE: Similac & bb Spit up
Doc gave K 2 type of med, for vomiting and for reflux. The Vomiting one din really work, but the reflux seem to, but since he said to "hold" the reflux (med for the time being, I secretly gave once), I only gave him once.. Think I better give him.
Ya, I follow Gina's was to separate the portion, so I think I will give FM, reflux med, play with him then give FM. But only thing about my son is, he is greedy, he wants to fin everything 1 go.. when I took bottle out for burping half way thru the feed, he will give the ehgn ehgn ehgn (like wanna ps) "complaining" noise..
Re doing biz together
agree with mashy, everything must state clearly in the beginning to avoid dispute in future. for capital, can get loan from bank (with good biz plan) or get more sleeping partner lor :p
Javier's like Joie!.. keep pulling out pacifier yet wans sth in the mouth..give him the teether to bite but he doesnt seem to like it..n if gif pacifier he will push it to the side n chew on the pacifier..den until i bought this pacifier type teether for him..den he managed to bite for awhile n will smile wen i gif it to him.. so maybe u wanna try since Joie takes pacifier too?..=)

hmmm.. i agree if many are goin got join in.. its gonna b a quite a headache if anything happens.. maybe jus limit to certain amt of ppl like wad gina suggested..

Javier likes to finish his milk at one go too.. n oso he will vomit out if i shud burp him.. so for some time alrdy..i haven been burping him.. cos i notice wen he finishes his milk i put him lying dwn.. or cont to carry him in my arms or place him in rocker.. he will nt vomit out.. n until maybe at least 15 mins aft den i carry him up.. he will burp himself.. sometimes a few burps..=) i cannot stop halfway for Jav..cos he will scream n cry...at least Kaelem n his gf (Juen) r gd.. they can stop n do sth else b4 continuing..
haha my collection of teethers just for 1 baby are growing man. I got a combi one that looks like a huge paci with sides for her to hold on to, cos she like hold on to stuff lately (lol very funny seeing her try to aim the paci back into her mouth after she takes it out). Rotating it with other teethers like those gel-filled type that can chilled or combi one that resemble cookie, just see which one suit her mood. All these still can't replace her thumbs and fingers.
Devilene, I agree with Kim tt we hv to "train" our man and let them get used to the idea tt they hv to pay for the bills if we do not work. Afterall, we also contribute to the house, ours is a 24 hrs job 7 days a week, with no rest day.

Fortunately, hubby also share the same sentiments tt its better to look after bb ourselves rather than by ILs or others. Moreover, I work p/t on wkends so he looks after Gabriel while I'm away. Its a gd bonding time for daddy and Gabriel.

Regarding big ticket items, I hv come to accept tt, cause we women buy things on impulse and usually ours are not as expensive but all small items add to together, also "big" lah...so compromise lor.. hhehee...

Just to encourage you, today I witness Gabriel doing his first flip (back to front) while he's at the playgym. I was really excited to see him achieve tt. So, that's the reward for me :)

RE: teething
So fast your bb teething, Sabsab?
My bb is also drooling much, and is making a lot of chewing motion..very funny whenver I see him "chew".

Does anyone's bb make chewing action together with tongue trust reflex? What does tt mean??? Any idea??

Can look for me to conduct children's activities or parents workshp...think Jes also in early childhood too,...is it you or someone else...arggghh..I am forgetful these days...does anyone feel tt they hv temp. memory loss????
Mashy, u recv your MLMM & Goats Rue yet? The liquid GR was so difficult to swallow, but for bb's sake gotta tahan..

Koko, exactly!! our kind of job also cannot go on MC.. That's why I still think Father's day is nonsense for some fathers I know, these men totally dun deserve..

Sam, K also likes to pluck out the paci and tries to put it back, and always ended up putting the bottom "shell" in his mouth instead of the teat.. sometimes, he even tries to shaft his hand with the paci..
i don't see anything coming out of her gum yet. is the nanny presumation as she is drooling like water from the tap.
how much did u pay for the MLMM?

I'm now taking oats every morning. Just bought the fish bone from market this morning. going to cook the papaya fish soup. hopefully my milk ss will go back to normal.
You taking Liq Goat's Rue & Liq MMP? Taste that bad? What does it taste like? I'm thinking buy motherlove products in liq form in future to save money....

yah got it. I'm still swallowing the pills form that i bought from vitakids. Haven't tried the liquid ones. That bad huh? Hope it's more potent then.
yay yay yay, its fri! see u mummies tom. i'm gg twins garage sale at clementi in the morning. afternoon go siglap for party. zippin around town. maybe we can have quit chat abt this biz thingy. got this flyer on kids party in my post box yest. that gave me an idea...
want to share cab? i'll be taking a bus either to bedok or eunos. think both should reach FOZ's place quite easily. anyone else want to meet n share?
bbethan: Sure, let me know where you want to meet. I'll PM you my contact details. What time were you thinking of meeting? I have to settle my #1 's lunch first before i leave
RE: Liquid Goat's Rue
It's bad... not that I am bad with med, it's bitter and leave a tingling sensation on tongue.. I had to use my boy's syringe, get the liquid and squirt into my throat.. Uhh.. bad..

RE: Sharing transport
Hey, take into consideration of the Cab insurance restrictions and the barang (the items you intend to place you bb in such as rocker or bumbo as no stroller is allowed in the house) you need to bring along cos not all cab can accommodate that many thing in their trunk..
so gd! tmr's the gathering but i'm not in! =(
all mummies, enjoy! =D

any mummies here taking th H1N1 vaccine?
company's subsidizing, not sure if wanna go not...
Yan & Bbethan> Wakodo milk powder dissolves easily compared to other formula milk. Nutrition wise not as good as Similac or Enfalac. Only heard babies who drink japanese formula milk are less active/wild. =)
My boy used to drink Wakodo & Enfalac, and is ok with both FM.
Re: End of year Gathering

Will the following mummies please PM me your contact details:

1) Sam
2) Muffingirl
3) bestberries
4) pprincessbaobei
5) Gillian
6) kittyng
7) ohyeah
8) Bbethan

in the following format:

Real Name / SMH Nick:
Baby name:
Baby DOB:
Contact No:
Email add:

As I need to restrict the number of ppl to my house, can the following mummies please take out 1 adult as I'm limiting it to max. 2 adults per mummy:

1) fortunemew
2) ohyeah

Seek your cooperation to provide the details soonest and also to the 2 mummies whom had registered earlier for 3 adults to limit it to 2 as there are 48 adults + 25 babies + 3 toddlers for the gathering...
u dun accept pm wor... okies, u add me in FB den i msg u my details... they nid IC no. only right?
can add me @ [email protected]

but hor, metro having 20% storewide, can go to the mothercare @ metro paragon, better disc than the member card... hehehe...
Hi mummies,
I have one opened tin of NAN Pro.1 to give away.Just opened yesterday. Actually want to switch from NAN HA 1 to NAN Pro.1 but found he is not suitable.
Interested party, pls PM me.
Self collect at Jurong West.
Hi kim, how's the liquid goat's rue? Is it more effective? I tried the MLMMP and goat's rue together. Increase is not a lot
Think hopeless liao.

Joanne, hav pm you my contact details le
Jillian, bbethan,
if you don't mind, I can pick you up from Kembangan MRT. It's the nearest MRT to FOZ's place. 5min away only. Can PM me to arrange

anyone else need a lift too?
Added you & msg u also le!

Anyway, wun be packed de, coz now the 20% quite frequent... kekekek~ A few times i went, the crowd was alright... =D
Kitty, I m not sure if the MLMM+GR is effective, I express and is not much diff, but when K takes to the breast, he usually becomes satisfied after 1 breast.. Not sure if he is getting distracted cos he just kept looking at me and give me big smile..

Today, I decided to swaddle him and shut the night curtains, he fell asleep about 2 hrs ago, till now, and the paci did not drop out of his mouth either.. kekeke, think I am gonna cont this so he sleep well in the day.
Sorry I think I will pull out the year end gathering. Let others have the chance to join as I will joining in the tomorrow's gathering.
So sorry.
Minty mom/ Jillian
Have dropped you gals my contacts. Minty_mom, thanks for the offer. Same like Jillian, i need to settle my #1's lunch first. And hb may be bringing him out. so i can't commit on time now. Hopes to leave by noon. If i can't meet any of you, will sms u.

For those who wants to get Carlson wipes at JL...
I just went to Marina Sq to get the wipes. Still have a lot there. I regretted getting 6 packs and walk all the way back to City Hall. My arms are aching now... LOL.

*hi 5. I just did the same to H too! Also decided to swaddle her today and she's been asleep since 2pm.

winnie mummy
i dun wanna be guinea pig. :p Since it's not that serious an illness, why bother with a vaccine?
Carlson wipe is pretty good. Sloft and moist. only grouse is it is a bit too stretchy for my liking and a bit hard to seperate current piece from next, so a bit troublesome to pull using one hand only.

I would say my current fave is Pigeon wipe, but it's double the price of carlson.

Haha, I also went to JL at marina Square before going to the doctor's. Supposed to be on course, but bad sore throat and feverish, so letf at morning break. The husband thinks I'm weird and priorities all skewed. Buy carlson wipe more important then go see doc.....

LS, I got Naomi pierced at the wisma atria basement 1. It's called B-dazzled or something...don't get conned into buying the diamond studs. Unless you have extra money to throw. The 18K with diamond stud as little as dust cost $280 (the piercing is included). I got the 14K with crystal, coz the diamond ones I have it already standby for her when she gets into her toddler years. I bought another baby earring (hoop types) with eternity design, white gold 18K in far east plaza. so tempted to buy the pearl ones too. Then, I still have 1 set of 5 pairs of disney princess earring for her waiting...hahaha....
I heard from my gf there is one brand in US specialized in making baby jewelry in gold. And she said it's really nice with the colored gemstone bumble bee etc. Not sure what brand is that. Anybody knows?
