(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Guess mine will be v ex coz the name "Genevieve" too long le...

I try to go Beach Road soon for Polo-T and embroidery... will check out the price and by then, our lil ones can wear the polo-t on Dec gathering...

so the romper for 7 Nov gathering?

End of Year Gathering

Date: 12 Dec 2009 Saturday (tentative)
Time: Afternoon
Venue: Joanne’s place @ Changi (Function Room)
List of attendees:
1) Joanne + hubby + Genevieve
2) HBB + hubby + Edna
3) Winnie + hubby + Shanna
4) Gina + Juen (if my hubby goes, can strike 4d)
5) coolkero + tomi + big sista
Try getting him to go... tell him all the others daddy also coming... they'll keep him entertained de...

No need to email u my addy liao, since u been here b4, keke... gonna tidy up my pig-sty b4 the gathering...
Mothercare Romper@$5 + bell's friend customization
@$0.50 per letter

size: 3-6m
colour: white
1. bell - owen
2. etirto - naomi
3. bestberries - tze yu
4. bestberries - tze something. sorry forgot.
5. peanut - Regis
6. Gina - ju en

size: 6-9m (i've changed this sizing 9-12 is realli too big!)
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. yan - Gareth
2. joanne - Genevieve
keke... My hubby tell me not to buy anymore 6 months & below clothings, now all her clothings 9-12mths leh... if really too big, then do like u suggest, stuff in lotsa tissue papers... :D
Mothercare Romper + bell's friend customization

size: 3-6m
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. bell - owen
2. etirto - elsa
3. bestberries - tze yu
4. bestberries - tze something. sorry forgot.
5. peanut - Regis
6. Gina - ju en

size: 9-12m
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. yan - Gareth
2. joanne - Genevieve
3. coolkero - Tomi
Mothercare Romper + bell's friend customization

size: 3-6m
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. bell - owen
2. etirto - naomi (mommy gina really exhausted tday!)
3. bestberries - tze yu
4. bestberries - tze something. sorry forgot.
5. peanut - Regis
6. Gina - ju en
7. LS - stacia

size: 9-12m
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. yan - Gareth
2. joanne - Genevieve
3. coolkero - Tomi
Mothercare Romper + bell's friend customization

size: 3-6m
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. bell - owen
2. etirto - naomi (mommy gina really exhausted tday!)
3. bestberries - tze yu
4. bestberries - tze something. sorry forgot.
5. peanut - Regis
6. Gina - ju en
7. LS - stacia

size: 9-12m
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. yan - Gareth
2. joanne - Genevieve
3. coolkero - Tomi
4. littlenotes - Natesha
End of Year Gathering

Date: 12 Dec 2009 Saturday (tentative)
Time: Afternoon
Venue: Joanne’s place @ Changi (Function Room)
List of attendees:
1) Joanne + hubby + Genevieve
2) HBB + hubby + Edna
3) Winnie + hubby + Shanna
4) Gina + Juen (if my hubby goes, can strike 4d)
5) coolkero + tomi + big sista
6) Sam + hubby + Joie
Most mummies prefer a weekend slot since some are working.

Lavenderbear & Annie: what about both of you? Let's just wait and see if any more mommies joining and decide later.

Kindermusik Trial (Weekday Class)

Min. to start a class is 8.
Max no. per class is 12.
Length: 45 mins.

Trial fees: $25.50(incl GST)

Trial days : weekends are quite full but weekdays have more time slots.
Mon - 2.30pm or 3.30pm
Tue/Wed/Thur - 11.30pm

Mummies are you still keen with the weekday class? Do you hv a preferred time and day?

1. koko (Gabriel) - anyday
2. poohbear75(caitlyn) - except Thurs
3. lavenderbear .
4. Sherryl (Adelle) - anyday
5. Annie (Brian)
RE: Group Polo Tee/DIY Romper

Is this what our babies will be wearing whenever there is a gathering or for Nov 7???

I very blur after reading so many posts,...so is it the Group Polo or DIY Romper????? .. paisei a bit slow in processing these days..anybody feeling that????
nt tt i find edna nuisance la bt mre like i tellin her whose e boss haha...sheis a sweetie in my heart hah bt i dn show it to her often haha
Mothercare Romper + bell's friend customization

size: 3-6m
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. bell - owen
2. etirto - naomi (mommy gina really exhausted tday!)
3. bestberries - tze yu
4. bestberries - tze something. sorry forgot.
5. peanut - Regis
6. Gina - ju en
7. LS - stacia

size: 9-12m
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. yan - Gareth
2. joanne - Genevieve
3. coolkero - Tomi
4. littlenotes - Natesha
5. sabsab- Xuan Yin (current boby length 35cm, head to toe 62cm will romper be to big for her?)must wear extra diaper to fit in

if u can, pls let me knw asap if your part time helper can come my place do part time as well.. haiz i jst send back tis 2nd maid.. gosh my blood is boiling.. imagine she can wash clothes but all the clothes still soapy and she tell me its clean oredi.. even baby clothes oso the same.. haiz.. think i give up takin anymore maids..
it's ok xuanyin is also like that sometimes is very pai seh, ppl will stare... but i think all babies are like that.

I face the same prob too... her 3mth doc appt , when the nurse ask, i have to check with my hubby before answering. find myself so lousy... most of the time after coming back from babysitter's place my hubby will play with her & put her to sleep. coz when she cries i can't handle, and my hubby afraid that i would be angry with her. feel so bad..

Where u order the Qipao from? your sure have a lot of lobang

on 7th nov have to learn from u how to discipline Xuanyin then share with my hubby coz, most of the time we are all giving in to her

Can suggest shortsleeves (weather so hot), a sew on (cheaper)? sorry broke after buying so many stuffs. my husband think i'm mad always buying stuff for her
Mothercare Romper + bell's friend customization

size: 3-6m
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. bell - owen
2. etirto - naomi (mommy gina really exhausted tday!)
3. bestberries - tze yu
4. bestberries - tze see
5. peanut - Regis
6. Gina - ju en
7. LS - stacia

size: 6-9m <-- changed! mummies esp coolkero is it ok?
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. yan - Gareth
2. joanne - Genevieve
3. coolkero - Tomi
4. littlenotes - Natesha
5. sabsab- Xuan Yin
End of Year Gathering

Date: 12 Dec 2009 Saturday (tentative)
Time: Afternoon
Venue: Joanne’s place @ Changi (Function Room)
List of attendees:
1) Joanne + hubby + Genevieve
2) HBB + hubby + Edna
3) Winnie + hubby + Shanna
4) Gina + Juen (if my hubby goes, can strike 4d)
5) coolkero + tomi + big sista
6) Sam + hubby + Joie
7) Sabsab + hubby + Xuanyin
I got the red Qipao from one of the BP thread in SMH forum... Search for CNY and u get 4 matches (if I'm not wrong)... I remember the heading got the word "princess" and "CNY", u will see my post in that thread... The qipao not ready stock thou, got to wait till mid nov but I feel it's quite cheap at $16.90 for the qipao... Jus show my hubby the pictures of the qipao, thought he'll yell at me for buying clothes again... Miracle, he didn't scold and approve my purchase... Keke...
Coz I using iPhone now, can't copy paste the qipao link to u... Next time when I use my laptop then I paste here again..
End of Year Gathering

Date: 12 Dec 2009 Saturday (tentative)
Time: Afternoon
Venue: Joanne’s place @ Changi (Function Room)
List of attendees:
1) Joanne + hubby + Genevieve
2) HBB + hubby + Edna
3) Winnie + hubby + Shanna
4) Gina + Juen (if my hubby goes, can strike 4d)
5) coolkero + tomi + big sista
6) Sam + hubby + Joie
7) Sabsab + hubby + Xuanyin
8) Bell + Owen
U r not a lousy mum... I also can't handle my girl... Always my hubby handle her coz she damn fierce and only wants her chou chou (daddy's armpit smell)... I only get to bring Gen home on fri and didn't get to interact with her much coz she'll be sleeping when I rush to my MIL from workplace... Sometimes I wonder if she still recognize me or not, she gave me a puzzled look today when I visit her... But when my hubby arrive later, she gave him a big sweet smile...

Still able to answer my PD queries coz my MIL always give me a DSR (daily situation report) verbally without fail when I visit Gen... That's how I got to know her progress...
If this is for classes in Dec (read earlier post that best to go when at least 4 mths old), then yes, please count me in!

Kindermusik Trial (Weekday Class)

Min. to start a class is 8.
Max no. per class is 12.
Length: 45 mins.

Trial fees: $25.50(incl GST)

Trial days : weekends are quite full but weekdays have more time slots.
Mon - 2.30pm or 3.30pm
Tue/Wed/Thur - 11.30pm

Mummies are you still keen with the weekday class? Do you hv a preferred time and day?

1. koko (Gabriel) - anyday
2. poohbear75(caitlyn) - except Thurs
3. lavenderbear .
4. Sherryl (Adelle) - anyday
5. Annie (Brian
6. MBaby (Josh) -anyday
Thanks for the encouragement. I will search for the qipao now.

sometimes so paiseh, my hubby seems to better "mum" then I. looking at all the other mums on the forum so handy &amp; involved with their baby. that's why quite nervous to bring Xuanyin on the 7th nov without her daddy.
Thanks for the warm welcome. Glad to have this group support coz I've just relocated to Melbourne, so still figuring my way round here with baby in tow.

I actually just typed jul 09 mum and babes and the group came out.

Wish I could join in the many activities back in SG..
re: teething
my boy alreadi pop out 2 teeth. but not sure whether need to start bring him to dentist? bcos kkh advise so. but if not,then use wa to clean te teeth? i tink toothbrush is too earli.
jus normal hanki wipe?
Count me in!

Mothercare Romper + bell's friend customization

size: 3-6m
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. bell - owen
2. etirto - naomi (mommy gina really exhausted tday!)
3. bestberries - tze yu
4. bestberries - tze see
5. peanut - Regis
6. Gina - ju en
7. LS - stacia

size: 6-9m <-- changed! mummies esp coolkero is it ok?
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. yan - Gareth
2. joanne - Genevieve
3. coolkero - Tomi
4. littlenotes - Natesha
5. sabsab- Xuan Yin
6. Minty_mom - Matthew
that's fast. u can buy those wipes from dept store... just wrap around fingers n wipe.. can't remmber the name. got different flaovours. otherwise, can get fr supermarket... baby's first toothpast. has a finger brush with bristles to use with.

Mothercare Romper + bell's friend customization

size: 3-6m
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. bell - owen
2. etirto - naomi (mommy gina really exhausted tday!)
3. bestberries - tze yu
4. bestberries - tze see
5. peanut - Regis
6. Gina - ju en
7. LS - stacia
8. BBethan - Amanda

size: 6-9m <-- changed! mummies esp coolkero is it ok?
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. yan - Gareth
2. joanne - Genevieve
3. coolkero - Tomi
4. littlenotes - Natesha
5. sabsab- Xuan Yin
6. Minty_mom - Matthew
I don't think you need to take him to pedi-dentist right away... I took my #1 when she was 2 yo ;p Try to use a fingertip toothbrush to brush his teeth and gums, I use the baby toothpaste (fluoride free, safe to swallow type) too.
Mothercare Romper + bell's friend customization

size: 3-6m
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. bell - owen
2. etirto - naomi (mommy gina really exhausted tday!)
3. bestberries - tze yu
4. bestberries - tze see
5. peanut - Regis
6. Gina - ju en
7. LS - stacia
8. BBethan - Amanda

size: 6-9m <-- changed! mummies esp coolkero is it ok?
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. yan - Gareth
2. joanne - Genevieve
3. coolkero - Tomi
4. littlenotes - Natesha
5. sabsab- Xuan Yin
6. Minty_mom - Matthew
7. Ning - Isaac
bell, should be ok on size 6-9, he's wearing mothercare 6-9 months clothing now. but if some mommies want 9-12, then i follow the 9-12, kiasu a bit so can wear longer, hehehehe.
Yes, the centre did mention that it is better to send at 4mths.

Kindermusik Trial (Weekday Class)

Min. to start a class is 8.
Max no. per class is 12.
Length: 45 mins.

Trial fees: $25.50(incl GST)

Trial days : weekends are quite full but weekdays have more time slots.
Mon - 2.30pm or 3.30pm
Tue/Wed/Thur - 11.30pm

Mummies are you still keen with the weekday class? Do you hv a preferred time and day?

1. koko (Gabriel) - anyday
2. poohbear75(caitlyn) - except Thurs
3. lavenderbear - weekday or weekend ok
4. Sherryl (Adelle) - anyday
5. Annie (Brian
6. MBaby (Josh) -anyday
wow, so many posts on rompers and what overnight !

- mothercare rompers in packs of 7. so i sugg we stop both list at 14. bell, is this too many for your friend to handle ? any volunteers to soak up the left over rompers ?

- sugg today 2359 be cut off timing for orders.

- also to limit orders only to those attending gathering or active/existing on this thread(dont want outsiders copying)

- bell, i can go buy the Mcare rompers, but when and how to pass to you /your fren ?
Mothercare Romper + bell's friend customization

size: 3-6m
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. bell - owen
2. etirto - naomi (mommy gina really exhausted tday!)
3. bestberries - tze yu
4. bestberries - tze see
5. peanut - Regis
6. Gina - ju en
7. LS - stacia
8. BBethan - Amanda
9. koko51sg - Gabriel

size: 6-9m <-- changed! mummies esp coolkero is it ok?
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. yan - Gareth
2. joanne - Genevieve
3. coolkero - Tomi
4. littlenotes - Natesha
5. sabsab- Xuan Yin
6. Minty_mom - Matthew
7. Ning - Isaac
Bestberries: the post is for you. I will take one of the romper with embroidery and just one more plain. Tks for the trouble.
End of Year Gathering

Date: 12 Dec 2009 Saturday (tentative)
Time: Afternoon
Venue: Joanne’s place @ Changi (Function Room)
List of attendees:
1) Joanne + hubby + Genevieve
2) HBB + hubby + Edna
3) Winnie + hubby + Shanna
4) Gina + Juen (if my hubby goes, can strike 4d)
5) coolkero + tomi + big sista
6) Sam + hubby + Joie
7) Sabsab + hubby + Xuanyin
8) Bell + Owen
9) Etirto + Naomi + Nigel + Hb (if he's traveling then I bring maid)
bell, if your friend can make it for the 7Nov, we better limit these romper only to those who will attend this gathering. Otherwise too confusing, isn't it?
you can move the list into our emails from Jerene for better coordination.
koko - roger, but ehhh, dont know who's co-ordinating. hi bell, r you co-ordinating? need my help ? koko, can u hold on to your thot while we figure this out ?
End of Year Gathering

Date: 12 Dec 2009 Saturday (tentative)
Time: Afternoon
Venue: Joanne’s place @ Changi (Function Room)
List of attendees:
1) Joanne + hubby + Genevieve
2) HBB + hubby + Edna
3) Winnie + hubby + Shanna
4) Gina + Juen (if my hubby goes, can strike 4d)
5) coolkero + tomi + big sista
6) Sam + hubby + Joie
7) Sabsab + hubby + Xuanyin
8) Bell + Owen
9) Etirto + Naomi + Nigel + Hb (if he's traveling then I bring maid)
10) Bestberries + Tze Yu + Tze See + hb/maid
End of Year Gathering

Date: 12 Dec 2009 Saturday (tentative)
Time: Afternoon
Venue: Joanne’s place @ Changi (Function Room)
List of attendees:
1) Joanne + hubby + Genevieve
2) HBB + hubby + Edna
3) Winnie + hubby + Shanna
4) Gina + Juen (if my hubby goes, can strike 4d)
5) coolkero + tomi + big sista
6) Sam + hubby + Joie
7) Sabsab + hubby + Xuanyin
8) Bell + Owen
9) Etirto + Naomi + Nigel + Hb (if he's traveling then I bring maid)
10) Muffingirl + hubby + Timmy
pprincess > don't worry about toothbrush and dental visits - too young for dentist visit, will only cry cry cry - as for toothbrush or wipes to clean the teeth, don't waste money.

Just use a clean little washcloth/hankie, wet it with cool boiled water and clean the teeth daily together with the mouth.
When he is much older and has many more teeth, then you can use toothbrush.
But just using the hankie daily now, will get him used to something in his mouth to clean the teeth later on.
Dentist visits from 2 years onwards, more for the toddler to learn to accept dentist visits before there is an actual dental problem or pain

but don't let baby darius fall asleep with a bottle in his mouth (that means sleep already, mouth still holding bottle long long)...otherwise milk will just pool in his mouth long after he sleeps and can get nursing caries.

dentist's opinion
Bestberries: ok...i'm not attending 7 Nov gathering so don't need to rush. Think like what Etirto said, do those that will attend the 7 Nov gathering first.
So far no problem latching lehs. My colleague ask me like that wun darius bite? I told her I duno. Bcos even before he haf teeth, he sometimes already bite me wif his gum! So I dun bother already. But feel abit ticklish.

I check out the wipes call duno spiffers or wad? It is quite costly. $13.95 for 20 wipes only! Heart ache! Maybe go super market and see also. Hopefully got more choice.

I did see this baby toothpaste. But tinkin whether abit too kua zhang or not.hahahhas. because the tube kinda big and onli abit of the teeth is out. Im onli afraid of earli decay tooth because grow so earli.

He was born wif a tooth bud but after 1 month I brought him back to KKH as they instruct to. But then they still say there’s nothing underneath. Who knows around 3 month already saw got whitish thingy at the gum and after 2 days it just pop out.

Wahs, u so informative hor! I already been cleaning his tongue and gums previously bcos dey sae mus clean the tongue else all the darts there will make them dun wanna drink milk.

End of Year Gathering

Date: 12 Dec 2009 Saturday (tentative)
Time: Afternoon
Venue: Joanne’s place @ Changi (Function Room)
List of attendees:
1) Joanne + hubby + Genevieve
2) HBB + hubby + Edna
3) Winnie + hubby + Shanna
4) Gina + Juen (if my hubby goes, can strike 4d)
5) coolkero + tomi + big sista
6) Sam + hubby + Joie
7) Sabsab + hubby + Xuanyin
8) Bell + Owen
9) Etirto + Naomi + Nigel + Hb (if he's traveling then I bring maid)
10) Muffingirl + hubby + Timmy
11) Bestberries + Tze Yu + Tze See + hb/maid
12) pprincessbaobei + darius + maid(most prob)
yes... it's that brand. like what muffingirl suggest, can just clean their teeth w towel n water. wait till he has more teeth or starts taking solids, then must be more thorough in the cleaning.
End of Year Gathering

Date: 12 Dec 2009 Saturday (tentative)
Time: Afternoon
Venue: Joanne’s place @ Changi (Function Room)
List of attendees:
1) Joanne + hubby + Genevieve
2) HBB + hubby + Edna
3) Winnie + hubby + Shanna
4) Gina + Juen (if my hubby goes, can strike 4d)
5) coolkero + tomi + big sista
6) Sam + hubby + Joie
7) Sabsab + hubby + Xuanyin
8) Bell + Owen
9) Etirto + Naomi + Nigel + Hb (if he's traveling then I bring maid)
10) Muffingirl + hubby + Timmy
11) Bestberries + Tze Yu + Tze See + hb/maid
12) pprincessbaobei + darius + maid(most prob)
13) Jeslyn + Hubbie + Javier
Yah, 1 tube can last quite long. Must read the label carefully, not the big Oral-B Stages toothpaste yah, that one contains fluoride and it's for toddler. But like what the other moms suggest, maybe can hold off on these things till later. My #1 din hv teeth till she was 10 mo, hope this one will wait a little bit also

cos normally my mil is at hm everyday cos shes not working n don normally go out.. sooo.. i tot i'll jus try anyway its near.. but i told myself, if i go up n she isnt in.. den too bad.. it proves tat she doesnt haf 'yuan fen' with me n jav. hahahha.. =P
go doc..cos my two big toes.. have been swollen for a week plus coming 2 weeks.. its v painful wen i walk or step on it.. its like sth growing at the sides.. sooo.. i see hw isit tonite.. maybe ask hubby bring me to doc again..

hmmm..i dono? but so far we brought him out at nights.. hes ok.. even if he cries for slp.. will oni b awhile n he'll dose off.. but ytd was a nitemare.. n till nw i jus cant und y he slp need to fuss n fuss n fuss non stop..=S

yah.. i do the massage w him still.. but he cry ytd plainly cos he wanna slp.. sigh* cos he was crying w both eyes shut.. but screaming at top of voice.. haha.. hes a lil weird boy la..mus cry b4 he slps each time..even at hm

even upon reaching hm.. he still cried.. wonderful rite?.. till i finally gave in n popped in the bottle.. den he stopped n fell asleep.. without finishing the milk ok!he jus drink for comfort.. angry man.. HBB, i oso smacked him ytd.. den ppl tink im crazy mummie smacking a small bb n asking him to keep quiet n stop crying.. i don care, those who stared at me i stared back. sometimes these ppl r jus so irritating oso.. TSK. somemore some haf kids.. stare for wad? like as if yr bb don cry meh?... =\ haha.. i tink im too affected by ytds incident.. anw, i was still a lil upset till this morn..cos midnite he cried again..den jav jus gave me this wonderful big smile wen i woke up this morn n looked at him.. n it jus melted my hrt...sigh*..sometimes, hes jus too cute.
