(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

etirto- i can share the plain white rompers w u if there are others who want to take the balance. but then means we cant finish it by 7 nov. arggghhh... the gan jiong me gg to shop for white rompers tom

duno is u girls baby luckyor my girl unlucky
i refuse to carry n stand up n walk..
today i jsu smack her ass at ikea when she cry non stop cos she wan to slp...
smack ns ay sternly to her KEEP QUIET... everyoen stare at ME
group polo tee

1. Joanne-1pc
2. Ls-1pc
3. Kim-1pc
4. Hbb-1pc
5. Gina-1pc
6. lamagier
7. Winnie - 1pc
9. coolkero -1pc
10.Jillian- 1 pc
11. Ning - 2 pc (wanna do one for my number 1) too
12. Littlenotes76- 1 pc
13. Peanut- 1 pc
bell - sounds like a jolly good idea. so thats $5 for romper plus a few bucks for letters. now we're talking....
sayang sayang... but hor my boy oso like tis everyday leh especially at nite.. my aunt tell me could b they recognise the surrounding jst like they recognise ppl.. my bb goes to my aunt house at bishan daily n normally will pick him home arnd 7-7.30pm.. anytime after 7.30 we dun pick him he will start to "bian chui" n start to wail non stop till we get him n put him in the carseat... could it b jav oso goin thru tis phrase?? not home at nite so start to fuss??
Hahahahahhaha.. u r so funny.. bet edna got a shock frm the smack.. But hor i oso got smack gareth la esp wen he at war wif the milk bottle.. but i do at home so on one stare at me..
HBB: Your Ikea incident reminds me of the time Ally threw a huge fit there. She refused to sit in the trolley and was having a tantrum. So we put her in and pushed her around even though she was screaming her head off. Told her off sternly twice and after that just ignored her and let her cry. EVERYONE was staring at us but HB and I just ignored them. Its hard to deal with their tantrums when you're out cos people will definitely stare but just have to be thick skin a bit. For us, the same rules of discipline apply at home or outside so she knows she can't try her luck when we're out. Sometimes its so tempting to just give in to her just to avoid creating a scene but we know we'll regret it later.
i alwasy smack her one
even at home if she nottie i will smack aft i giv her time out
i dun care if she understand it now anot. cos i knw sooner or later she will! im stubbon..so is she.. and so we c who win LOL

u r rite... soemtiems feelliek givign in but then surely willr egret later
i rather let ppl tink i abuse her(thou i dun) than let ppl tink i spoilt her hahaaaa
and she is jus plain unlucky! cos we live in sg!!! back in sweden we r not even allow to smack the butt of the kid.. so i told her if she dunw an get smack... beg the daddy move bk thr lor
no luck for her to hav such priviledge haaaaa
oh ya if she milk n bottle war w mi.. i usualy dun smack... i tell her dunw an drink? ok go bk to cot... and wait for nxt feed 4 hour later!
bell, that's better idea compared to the polo tee. so we do DIY? the iron-lettering is so cute, the colorfull one, the diamante also nice but if we take photo then diff to see....and your friend one is doing the letter using that ironing letters or embroidery?

Bestberries, we can list down here for the 7pc romper. But I don't have time to shop this week. Will you be able to buy from mothercare or anyone? oh ya, if can get the sleeveless one better, because the one with the sleeve tends to have slouchy neckline (loosened) after a few wash. and it's supposed to be cheaper too. size should be 3-6M ya?
Re: Group Polo Tee
BabyAtWork replied today, thats the second email I've sent them... disc @ SMH BP is 5%, they up it to 10% yesterday after sending them the first email, today up to 12% after the second email and they said it is the max they could offer...
They say they could do all the coordination for this bulk purchase...

Am finding time to make a trip to Beach Road but always work till 7 plus these few days... think i gonna pester my boss to let me take 1 day leave so I can check things out...

ur lobang very cheap, count me in... would like to share cos 7 pc of the same size would be too many i think. Normally, i dress my boy up in shirt and brief (sometimes no brief, only diaper) in the day at home. Rompers are for gai gai use :>
wahhahahahahaha.. u so so funny... i like the way u educate edna.. coz i do tat too!!! dun drink then forget it dun drink but hor i cave in to his wailing coz my ears cant take it n hubby will start his nagging that bb dun understand why u liddat...kakakkaka..

but wen i smack him my hubby will throw me a dirty look n will give me a earful lor.. but i dun care coz im the one who is takin care of him n im the one takin his nonsense..
my friend is doing the embroidery. iron-on we diy. i also like the colourful iron-ons. but the prob with iron-on is that it might not be that comfortable. (this feedback came from my hubby!) i'm not too sure if mothercare has the sleeveless ones.
gotto train fr young lar... else i suffer
i home alone leh if everyday i let her cotnrol mi tink i will die v fast hahaaaaa
actualy it snot true they dun understand
babies r smart ok!! haaaa they act blur nia
for milk bottle war, i simply stuff the bottle into his mouth until he suckle. else waste my milk powder. expensive leh. bm also very precious le, cannot waste. as such, i encountered a few times that he turn into 'merlion'.
I doubt we can make the group tee in time for the 7 Nov gathering coz got so much coordinating work to settle b4 placing order... We could wear it for Dec gathering? keke...

Dec Gathering,
I jus asked my hubby whether can open my place for Dec gathering...
Mummies, if u all dun mind my small place, I could hold our Dec gathering at my place (function room)... Coz mine is not a public residential area, I need time for clearance and also to book the function room... Pls list below if u r keen to come to my "tiny" home for Dec gathering, date to be confirm later but definitely will be on a weekend (tentatively on 12 Dec 2009) as I'm working..

Dec gathering @ Joanne's place (Changi):

1) Joanne + hubby + lil Gen
I posted liao =p
Tooth is the whitish thing next to the plastic gloves.
Like what muffingal said, Minrui's tooth was extracted about 4hours after birth... cos tooth loose, PD scared she would swallow the tooth if it fell... End up had to wait for her tooth to be extracted before could latch her...

But older folks told me not good if baby have tooth at birth. nobody wanted to explain to me why...
ok so we have the list here. 7 plain white rompers/sleeveless tops with either embroidery at $0.50 per letter or iron-on. we vote and see how after we get the list?

1. bell
2. etirto
3. bestberries
4. peanut
i tot enbriodery might not b comfortable leh cos the under side might make the skin itch
then again problem easily solve. jus buy the iron on backing n iron underneath hehe
i think the customisation is nicer for sure. but i dont think i will pay $30+ for it as baby outgrow their rompers v fast. that's y i didnt join the list. i think etirto and bestberries feel the same way like i do esp bestberries as she has twins. that's why we came up with the DIY list. we are not trying to 'overthrown' the idea of customisation tee for the get-together.
unlikely Juen puke out the rotarix since there is some lapse in time fr clinic to home rite?
small amt of the med nia so mayb v fast go somewhere deep in tummy liao? hmmmm
lamagier, hmmm...if extracted next time grow baby teeth or straight to big teeth ahhh. aiyah dun listen to old folk's myth lah...no logical explanation.
Im in for the romper but what size is the romper.. i need 9-12mths size.. is tat possible? Mayb it b easier for u to get mummies to put their babies name next to their names on the list then u wont need to ask for babies names again at a later stage.. jst a suggestion..

1. bell
2. etirto
3. bestberries
4. peanut
5. yan_law - gareth
Forget ask u how much for the romper and where r we getting the rompers frm? Sorry i din manage to read the archives as got prob wif smh so cant seems to catch up wif the conversations..
oh dear, sounds like you had a hard time after lunch. Does he respond well to the massage class and tuina? Maybe can massage the tummy, maybe tummy aches might be a possibility for discomfort. Hope your night gets easier.
Re: Group tee/romper
I'm ok with anything.. Jus let me know if u all decided on the romper that bell suggested so I dun go pester BabyAtWork again (think they must be sick of me, shooting them email daily, keke...)
Jus count me in for anything... Baby Tee, playgym, etc...
good idea!
erm the size we are looking at is 3-6m. haha. but i'm sure there are mummies who wan 9-12m size too. we see how's the response k?

size: 3-6m
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. bell
2. etirto
3. bestberries
4. bestberries
5. peanut?

size: 9-12m
1. yan
joanne i dun mind gathering in dec
Dec gathering @ Joanne's place (Changi):

1) Joanne + hubby + lil Gen
2) HBB + hubby + Edna
So tempted to get the polo tee but scare that it become a white elephant again.. kept packing my ger cabinet and everytime i got to put those clothes that she cant fit into aside and most r worn once only..tell myself not to buy anymore stuff! ugh..

My ger love to be carry facing front and been supporting her neck since then..now she try to stand on her feet when hold upright on a mattress.. maybe my ger will be a good swimmer..always "backstroke" on the bed from one end to the other..hah.

I think kids develop faster these days. There is a bb at my ger's infant care who can stand holding the ballerina bar and walk sideway. He's only 8 mths..usually boys develope slower than gers..he's an exceptional case..
Bell, count me in for the romper also... but i KS, wan the 9-12mths de... keke... realise lil Gen cant fit into many of her 3-6mths clothes even though she's so small size... hm... wonder y...

size: 9-12m
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. yan
2. joanne
My girl also love to be carry facing front... When on tummy, she could move and slide forward from one end of the bed to the other... My MIL had to seal off all corners of the bed to prevent her from "moving" to the underneath bedframe... She still cant hold her head up 90degrees when on tummy thou, wonder how she could move so far thou..
keke... Polo-T I wan, romper I wan also... so long the size is 9-12 mths /6-12mths...

Me kiasu, jus ordered a Qipao (romper dress) for my girl for CNY... oh no, gonna kena scolding again... :p
Mothercare Romper + bell's friend customization

size: 3-6m
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. bell
2. etirto
3. bestberries
4. bestberries
5. peanut - Regis

size: 9-12m
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. yan - Gareth
2. joanne
Wah... Edna advance so fast... dunno how to train my girl's neck muscle leh, she's been on tummy since 1 mth but still cant hold her head up 90degrees.. I wonder izzit she's lazy or ?? hm...
Ok if its mothercare romper, sizing shld b bigger than the normal ones.. mayb we can get
6-9mths so more mummies will opt for this. maybe u may wan to consider postage cost as well coz mayb not all mummies wan to self collect due to location differences..
wa blurz...
i have a few questions!!!

1. are we getting the mothercare rompers as 'uniforms' for 7Nov gathering at FOZ? are all mummies who are going agreeable?
2. are we getting rompers with sleeve or sleeveless?
3. are we using iron-on (think most likely the colourful ones if we choose iron on) or are we getting my friend to sew for $0.50 per letter?

if iron-on, there would be a prob. cos most prob, some of us gotta iron-on for others to get it by 7Nov. if we are using my friend's service, then i can try and get her to help us buy and sew by 7Nov.
End of Year Gathering

Date: 12 Dec 2009 Saturday (tentative)
Time: Afternoon
Venue: Joanne’s place @ Changi (Function Room)
List of attendees:
1) Joanne + hubby + Genevieve
2) HBB + hubby + Edna

a. I have X-box 360 at my home with games like FIFA 2010, Gears of War, etc... So those bringing hubby can come up to my house to play games if they feel bored...
b. 2 empty rooms for diaper changing and feeding upstairs
c. Strollers are allowed to be pushed into the function room, however not into my home thou..
d. I have basic home studio lighting in one of the room, can suggest to do up the background and get my hubby to take nice photos of each babies... (gonna find interesting decor and props) 
e. Free parking at my basement
f. Consider catering in the Function Room
i try to ask how big the font can be. if it's really tiny den no point. we do the colourful iron-on.(which is about 5cm in height wor. got very big ones but only black and white about 8cm cost $8.99 each) $4.99 for 3.. we can share if we have the same letters.
Thumbs up for the suggestion for gers with sleeveless... My ger loves sleeveless tee coz its more cooling...

I agree with wat Gina says, set a dateline for the romper. I think its good to list down bb's name & DOB also...

Mothercare Romper + bell's friend customization

size: 3-6m
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. bell
2. etirto
3. bestberries
4. bestberries
5. peanut - Regis

size: 9-12m
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. yan - Gareth
2. joanne (Genevieve - 9 Jul)
aiyoh... gotta sign up for this soon just in case full house again! LOLz!

End of Year Gathering

Date: 12 Dec 2009 Saturday (tentative)
Time: Afternoon
Venue: Joanne’s place @ Changi (Function Room)
List of attendees:
1) Joanne + hubby + Genevieve
2) HBB + hubby + Edna
3) Winnie + hubby + Shanna

count me in for any romper/polo T or whatsoever k?

I just cfm my order with Babyatwork tis noon, dunno if they can rush my order out by fri nt... they said shldn't be a prb... but i haben made pymt as yet... lol...
i agree when u said bbies do understand! when stacia fuss or wail, I normally will 'disturb' her & she'll make even more noise like seeking for attention! Even if i was onli standing fr afar, she'll know i'm kaciao-ing her. So last nite, when she wailed again, i sneaked into her room w/o her knowing & pretended sleeping in front of her. Wif a peeping eye thru my fingers, I saw her kept looking at me but nvr make any noise further!

did Edna cry louder when u smack her? i still can't imagine myself smacking my bb cos' haven't really feel she's a nuisance yet hehe.. maybe also becos' i'm not her caregiver 24/7. If i was a SAHM maybe i can't stand it too. Sometimes I feel real bad abt it like today, PD asked me questions abt her ie did she sleep longer @day or nite, i can't even answer it!
shame shame.. lousy mommy!
