(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

I also cannot access this thread earlier, thot it was the censorship here... the page is still not displaying properly, can't see older archives.

bbethan, dun give up, jia you..hopefully it's just a phase they are going thru. mine also fighting milk for these few weeks, will cry and cry but dun want milk until super hungry, from 7-8 feeds now become 4-5 feeds daily. sometime feel heartache when give expressed milk but dun want to drink and have to throw away after an hour.
Bbethan: think its just a phase like what coolkero said. Don't give up but I know how frustrating it can be as well when you can't figure out exactly why they are crying.

Re: group polo tee

1. Joanne-1pc
2. Ls-1pc
3. Kim-1pc
4. Hbb-1pc
5. Gina-1pc
6. lamagier
7. Winnie - 1pc
9. coolkero -1pc
10.Jillian- 1 pc
Hope Amanda gets better soon. Amanda also just passed 3 months?

Yah, I'm also crossing my fingers. Yesterday so discouraged when she keeps crying when bring her home. Wanted to spend time with her so spend so much time to bring her home (baby sitter in woodlands, I stay in Boon Keng...) but she so difficult to handle. Hopefully our babies will outgrow the terrible 3 month change soon
mommies, do u think this product work? thinking to get one just in case my tomi knock here and there when he's older, hahaha...the helmet is cute by itself.
she already passed 4mths liao. into her 5th mth already. it's the fighting with her part in the nite that's really tiring. now i'm a zombie. hope tonight she allows me to sleep longer.
Hi lamagier,
My bb will be 4mths old in 2weeks time. I started work 3 weeks ago and I observe every 1st few days during the weekdays he will not want me to rock/feed him. Will cry and cry until I cannot taihan and will let my MIL to take over. Once my MIL carries him, he will stop crying. Haiz, don't know why it's happening during the weekdays. Come weekends, he will allow me to feed or rock him. Sometimes, I feel hurt or discourage. Is it because he prefers Nai Nai?
Me also zombie from her wailing... (*hug*) we can be panda together...

My bb the opposite. For the past 1.5weeks been wailing everytime my fil carries her. Before that was ok. So now fil very heartpain, only can watch her, cannot carry. Ur mil babysit your bb?

I wonder if babies are smart enough have associative skills? Maybe your baby upset with you for going to work and flares up in the start of the week and taper off as it gets nearer to weekend?

I was wondering if my baby is so clingy in evening as don't get to see me in daytime... but don't know if she's smart enough to know I was away =p
Hi mommies,
Sorry to interrupt.

I have this Sean Lau Photo package to let go. Already paid $94 to Sean Lau as deposit but the balance($84 exc GST) has to be paid after the session.

This is the "Classic Baby" package (valued at $238) as advertised on Sean Lau's website (www.seanlau.com) but based on the promo i was able to get it at only $178.

The photo session is on this Sat, 31st Oct at 130pm to 330pm. I'm willing to sell this off at a fracture of the deposit, i.e $65 only. Please PM me by end of today.

The package includes:
02 Hours of studio session with Sean Lau
05 Pictures printed on 5”x 7”
01 Reprint on 8”x 12” with framing (Tabletop)
DVD with selected images in high resolution

Let me know. Thks!!
ya... my MIL stays with my hb and me so she helps out in taking care of my bb during the weekdays and weekdays' nights. Then weekends I take over. I guess I got to scarifice some sleep and feed the bb during weekdays' in the night. I just spoke to my bb this morning that mummy needs to work in order to buy milk powder for him. Hope he understands. And ya... I was thinking whether my bb is angry with me... that's why don't want me to feed and rock him during weekdays...sigh.... so sad... sob

Ya... maybe it's separation anxiety... that's why your bb is so clingy.
dun look like. she's perfectly ok in the day. but the other day when i brought her for her jab, PD felt her gums n said she's going to teeth soon.
re- baby teething
Our lil ones might be teething soon? Isn't it too fast? Use to be 7 months able to sit. 8 months able to crawl, 9 months teething.
But can see my xr been drooling and chewing on things a lot.
I'm thinking of giving my timmy his 6-in-1 (second dose) with rotarix (second dose)and the pneumococcal vaccine (first dose)...when he is about 4 months.

Seems like many mummies experience their babies getting fever with the pneumococcal vaccine....anyone's baby no fever with the pneumococcal vaccine? I'm just worried cos I will be back at work.
Timmy did not get a fever when he got his 6-in-1 and rotarix the last time.
RE: Sam (MIL issue)
{{hugs}}My gf told me when the secondary care giver of her bb refuse to observe her bb's sked or listen how bb's pacify, she make sure they handle the bb until bb is pacified/ gets to do what she(the bb) is supposed to before they can hand over the kid.

RE: BBEthan
{{Hugs}} I really take my hats off all mommies who latch bb before they go to work.. I for one who can nap in the day already felt very very exhausted..

RE: Teething, drooling, chewing...
K had not been anyway better than Amanda and some other bbies here.. In the day he'll fight sleep and worse, he refuses everything, no rocker, no crib, no cot, no bb Einstein, no playpen, no laying down if I hold him... ALL HE WANTS IS FOR ME TO HOLD HIM UP RIGHT AND I HAVE TO STAND UP AS WELL!!! *tired*

I called the PD office to tell them about him rejecting FM, spit ups & increase in saliva, eying our food and suck& chew on his fingers, sleeping longer (if he managed to fall asleep) in the day, less alert/ low energy level in the day etc Nurse think he is cutting teeth *oh no*, I am bringing him to the clinic tomorrow to see if he is also ready for cereal. I am praying that he is NOT cutting teeth!!

RE: bb's polo T
Actually I found K's plain polo (white) in the drawer today, I am thinking if the group order price is not attractive, and Joanne is able to get the army center to do embroidery, I need not spend extra $$ on another shirt for him.

RE: Timmy's 2nd 6in1+Rotarix+Pneumo
K will be having this combi exactly on his 4th month.
Re: group polo tee

1. Joanne-1pc
2. Ls-1pc
3. Kim-1pc
4. Hbb-1pc
5. Gina-1pc
6. lamagier
7. Winnie - 1pc
9. coolkero -1pc
10.Jillian- 1 pc
11. Gillian - 1 pc
i hope she doesn't teeth so early. i dun wish to be bitten or produce strawberry milk. :p

i know of friends whose babies have their first tooth at 4mths.
My girl had no fever for both her pneumococcal jabs (2 and 3 months)> But for both jabs, she was extremely fussy for 2-3days after the pneumococcal jab.

haha, I already have photo of my girl with her first tooth. She was born with a tooth =p

SIgh. I think so too... I'm going to start leaving her with babysitter for the nite starting next week... Guess may have to postpone that if her separation anxiety don't subside soon
Kim > Timmy has been like that since a few weeks ago - ALL HE WANTS IS FOR ME TO HOLD HIM UP RIGHT AND I HAVE TO STAND UP AS WELL!!! - and he wants me to walk walk holding him that way!

But he still drinks his milk, sometimes refuses naps....depending on his mood
Re: group polo tee

1. Joanne-1pc
2. Ls-1pc
3. Kim-1pc
4. Hbb-1pc
5. Gina-1pc
6. lamagier
7. Winnie - 1pc
9. coolkero -1pc
10.Jillian- 1 pc
11. Ning - 2 pc (wanna do one for my number 1) too
Hi Mummies,

I will be brining my boy for 5in1 this Sat..
Wonder will the jab be given on the thighs which is the same as hep B 2nd dose?

Taliking abt teething, my mum called me this afternoon. She said my CL told her that the bb she is currently look after had teeth at time of birth.. Can't imagine!! Thought teething would start at 4th month. Wonder what it happening?
my ger had her 1st dosage of 5 in 1, pneumoccocal & rotarix... no fever for her... PD says 5% of the babies will get fever... so, dun worry... PD will give u paracetomol too de... to standby... =)

wat's cutting teeth? pardon my goon doo-ness.. =p

nodnod, it'll be on the thighs as well! =)
my boy had his 1st dosage of 6in1, pneumococcal & rotarix at 2th month, 2nd dosage of 5in1 (PD says he doesnt need the extra dosage of Hep B), pneumococcal and Rotarix at 3th month. He had fever both rounds and extremely fussy. Cry when carried, cry when you put him down. He only like the tranquility of waterfall sounds.
tinklebellx - teeth at time of birth - that is a natal tooth, not the same as teething. Usually the natal tooth is jsut extracted for ease of feeding. The baby will start teething (milk teeth) at around 6 months still
Kim, from what I read in the "the first year" book, our babies symptoms are very similar to teething but yet my PD said this age (3mths) is too young for teething and most likely is not the case. He was telling me that babies around 3 mths old will have reduced milk intake up to half. Naomi only take 5-6 feeds only and can tahan for 5 or 6 hours.
8am: 60-90ml
12pm: 120ml
3 or 4pm: 120ml
7pm: 120ml
11pm: 120ml (dream feed)
4am: 120ml

Lavenderbear, I'm not sure yet about plan on friday.
hbb, mothercare sells sleveless plain white romper in a pack. I think 7 in 1 pack or smtg like that.we can share if really want to do the DIY
Wa.. teething so early?? better go see PD then since K got so much symtoms that you r unsure of.. My boy been very erratic wif his milk drinkin pattern tis few days.. sometimes 150ml sometimes 180ml n sometimes 210ml.. i gotta keep makin milk as i dont knw how much to make and i dun wan to waste my BM.. funny he keep smacking his lips even after feeding of 180ml sometimes so wonder if he really is tat hungry... wat do u reckon??

SMH page still not workin fine thou.. cant see archives.. dun knw wat happen..
my gf bought from FOX baby a plain polo tee sometime back. not sure if they're still selling. i will drop by plaza sing to check out later at dinner time. spotlight is also having grand opening sales till 1st nov. will check out if they have iron-on. see if the total cost would be lesser than customized ones.

if u still interested for naomi to swim, i will wait for u. so are we still meeting this fri or mon? if we are meeting this fri, lavenderbear, we surely wun mind u joining us. ^^
Re: group polo tee

1. Joanne-1pc
2. Ls-1pc
3. Kim-1pc
4. Hbb-1pc
5. Gina-1pc
6. lamagier
7. Winnie - 1pc
9. coolkero -1pc
10.Jillian- 1 pc
11. Ning - 2 pc (wanna do one for my number 1) too
12. Littlenotes76- 1 pc
u mean if it will be on the same thigh? u didnt have hepB and 5in1 together ah? i'm not sure if it will be on the same thigh, mostly likely u can request i think. cos when my boi had his 5in1 and pneumococcal, he had 2 jabs together on 2 thighs at the same time. so my guess is it doesnt realli matter which thigh.
Hi Ladies!

So we are going to have our babies wear the same colour on the 7 Nov or all are wearing polo tees?

Xuanyin doesn't have a lot of clothes of different style or colour so need to tell me earlier so can buy for her or she & me would be odd one out on the 7 Nov.

Can keep me posted, coz I usually lost on thread or can i sent u a message in FB closer to the date. Sorry to alway trouble u coz so far only communicate with you more often.

Have u received my PM on my details for the 7 Nov?
lamagier, really ahhh..may i see the pic of your bb wif tooth? izit in your fb?

bbethan, dun scare me wif strawberry milk leh...but i was just thinking if i should weane off when bb teething, i would imagine them biting, ouch ouch.
etirto, thanks for sharing doc info, at least i feel more relieve that our bb reduced milk is normal, wah without this forum, i would have freak out why their milk intake cut by half.
if Jav really sayang me.. he shud cry less!..haha..

im sooo sooo soooooooooo tired out.. went MIL place jus nw but shes nt in..in the end i wanted to take bus to interchange but dono whether does the bus go n waited for long time, gave up n wanted to take cab out to kembangan mrt..but, i have no cash w me..(haha..used up for lunch n didnt withdraw) den i jus heck, hailed a cab, asked if can oay nets if i jus wanna go kembangan mrt which was jus outside the road.. the uncle say can.. in the end, the uncles refused to tk my nets..keep insisting he jus gave me a ride out as hes coming out too.. (so nice rite)..haha.. den i went to paya lebar n to century square to wait for hubbie cos gonna haf dinner n see doc.. in the end, ALL THANKS TO THE MONSTROUS JAVIER.. i DIDNT get to see the doc(which is the main reason y im at Century)i'm so pissed w him.. he was screaming, crying plus wailing at the top of his voice for the whole 30 mins or more at the lift lobby.. n wen i passed by the dustbin located outside the lift lobby i had a sudden urge to jus throw him into the dustbin n leave..(best part, my hubbie kept commenting tat he mus b hungry.. hw to? wen i jus fed him like an hr ago?!!) n even aft much comforting he refused to stop, i was so angry n told my hubbie i wan to leave, wen i reached the car, i jus left Jav on the carseat n let him wail all the way hm............
n all these wailings.. took place for almost an hour.. wonderful rite?.. i think soon u all can see my face n Jav's face n names pasted outside every shopping mall jus like a no smoking sign.
ERGH. worst day out with him.. =\

oopss.. sorry for long post..heeee.. needa vent my anger on him... if nt i tink i mite jus strangle him real soon.
the helmet looks cute! but wat's the material inside? scared it's too hot & bb will perspire.. now in aircon room she also sweat like nobody biz..
no luck in finding polo tees. however i have good news for the letterings! these are the iron-on @ spotlight. there are other v cute iron-on too.

even better news! i have a friend who agree to help us personalised our babies' tee/rompers at $0.50 per letter. i've checked out the rompers at mothercare, 7 plain bodysuits at $35. here's the font she has. she actually sells personalised clips, bows and headbands.

what do u gers think? ^^
kim & muffingirl
Stacia is exactly the same w/ your K & Timmy!!! Onli wanna be carried facing front & must STAND UP & WALK AROUND! The moment i sit down, she'll wail & dun even wanna rest her head on my chest..keep pushing her head to the front like wanna move herself forward.. when i stand, she'll stop wailing & v happy turning her head left & right.. haiz! my arms r breaking.. bet yours even worse cos' my bb onli 5.9kg. K & Timmy def a lot heavier than tat!!! Hahaa..
