(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

can put Jav and A together and let them entertain each other at night. My naughy girl also like him. must cry at night then can sleep... same thing, both eyes shut but screaming n gek the tears out. give milk also drink a bit n shut up n then start crying again. funny thing is she's ok wif sleeping in the day. only night time then got such pattern. last time thought it's colic but now she's arleay more than 4mths still like that. cry n cry like very chiam.... but the moment she's alert n awake fr all the crying, she looks at u and start smiling with eyes wet wet n as if nothing happened earlier... weird leh.

End of Year Gathering

Date: 12 Dec 2009 Saturday (tentative)
Time: Afternoon
Venue: Joanne’s place @ Changi (Function Room)
List of attendees:
1) Joanne + hubby + Genevieve
2) HBB + hubby + Edna
3) Winnie + hubby + Shanna
4) Gina + Juen (if my hubby goes, can strike 4d)
5) coolkero + tomi + big sista
6) Sam + hubby + Joie
7) Sabsab + hubby + Xuanyin
8) Bell + Owen
9) Etirto + Naomi + Nigel + Hb (if he's traveling then I bring maid)
10) Muffingirl + hubby + Timmy
11) Bestberries + Tze Yu + Tze See + hb/maid
12) pprincessbaobei + darius + maid(most prob)
13) Jeslyn + Hubbie + Javier
14) fortunemew(Annie) + Hubby + Brian + maid
End of Year Gathering

Date: 12 Dec 2009 Saturday (tentative)
Time: Afternoon
Venue: Joanne’s place @ Changi (Function Room)
List of attendees:
1) Joanne + hubby + Genevieve
2) HBB + hubby + Edna
3) Winnie + hubby + Shanna
4) Gina + Juen (if my hubby goes, can strike 4d)
5) coolkero + tomi + big sista
6) Sam + hubby + Joie
7) Sabsab + hubby + Xuanyin
8) Bell + Owen
9) Etirto + Naomi + Nigel + Hb (if he's traveling then I bring maid)
10) Muffingirl + hubby + Timmy
11) Bestberries + Tze Yu + Tze See + hb/maid
12) pprincessbaobei + darius + maid(most prob)
13) Jeslyn + Hubbie + Javier
14) fortunemew(Annie) + Hubby + Brian + maid
15) Sherryl(pinklilies) + Hubby + Adelle

Joanne,mayb u wanna see hw many u limiting to yr place?...=)if nt ltr will b more n more..
haha..ya both of dem can b gd frens.. haha..ya, they will look at u as if they suffer frm memory loss cant rem wad they did to make us so upset..haha

Javier finally did a successful flip.. ytd while changing him in century, he kept flipping n did it but w his left hand underneath, cldnt balance n rolled back to his back again.. same thing happened at nite n jus nw in the early morning.. den jus nw, he tried again.. n finally he can do it, flip n managed to pull his left hand out so he cld be on tummy.. den aft a while he was tired n actually flipped back onto his back again..haha.. he practically rolled across the whole bed..
sab sab
no such thg as learn hw to discipline lar haa
more like gotto b consistent w the rules n regulation w the lil ones.. =p
im gg crazy
i tink i just got a canary in my home
start singing since 6am.... sing and talk to herself so loudly tat i barely can sleep
proceed w shouts aft tat.. then scream.. and CRY
itot onli toddler can do tat? baby canary also can huh
and refuse to sleep cos she busy talking n singing aft her morning feed. slept onli 1/2 hour n start singing then cry again.. and refuse milk!
tink i gg to giv her bird feed soon if she still act liek canary! arghhhhhhhhh

best part is gf jus pop... i gg to help her w confinement for 2 weeks ... w a canary.. its gg to b challenging!
a bit worried, bb tomi last feed was midnight and still fighting dun want milk until now 2:30pm, yes more than 12 hours without milk. any mommies experienced before?
Tomi got any jabs recently? Tomi fight against latch or bottle?

Minrui last week also not drinking much, even when latch her. Once went 12hrs without milk cos I was trying to force her to take bottle.

Like what Etirto said, maybe it's the 3month reduced milk intake syndrome.
I guess prob watch if he gets listless or pale, then have to worry. If still ok, maybe observe for another day or two if appetite will pick up or not?
Haha, your baby canary cute lah. How come go help out confinement for 2 weeks only? Your girlfriend handling the last two weeks by herself? Wah, 2 babies.... must ask bestberries how she handles it =p
hmmm, no jabs lately, but i got chicken pox, wondering if he got it too, bb got no vaccination yet. worried worried. nanny said tomi refuse milk but never this long, until now she is trying to feed but he just cry and cry once putting him in the position to drink milk. and i dun dare to latch first, scared i'm not totally healed yet. i went gp, he said i should be ok after this weekend, and my nanny is going back tomorrow, so if i handle bb, i need to full gear gloves and mask.
End of Year Gathering

Date: 12 Dec 2009 Saturday (tentative)
Time: Afternoon
Venue: Joanne’s place @ Changi (Function Room)
List of attendees:
1) Joanne + hubby + Genevieve
2) HBB + hubby + Edna
3) Winnie + hubby + Shanna
4) Gina + Juen (if my hubby goes, can strike 4d)
5) coolkero + tomi + big sista
6) Sam + hubby + Joie
7) Sabsab + hubby + Xuanyin
8) Bell + Owen
9) Etirto + Naomi + Nigel + Hb (if he's traveling then I bring maid)
10) Muffingirl + hubby + Timmy
11) Bestberries + Tze Yu + Tze See + hb/maid
12) pprincessbaobei + darius + maid(most prob)
13) Jeslyn + Hubbie + Javier
14) fortunemew(Annie) + Hubby + Brian + maid
15) Sherryl(pinklilies) + Hubby + Adelle
16) Gillian + Jayvis
Mothercare Romper + bell's friend customization

size: 3-6m
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. bell - owen
2. etirto - naomi (mommy gina really exhausted tday!)
3. bestberries - tze yu
4. bestberries - tze see
5. peanut - Regis
6. Gina - ju en
7. LS - stacia
8. BBethan - Amanda
9. koko51sg - Gabriel
10. Gillian - Jayvis

size: 6-9m <-- changed! mummies esp coolkero is it ok?
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. yan - Gareth
2. joanne - Genevieve
3. coolkero - Tomi
4. littlenotes - Natesha
5. sabsab- Xuan Yin
6. Minty_mom - Matthew
7. Ning - Isaac
wow.. so many activities going on.. din get to read for 2 days.. Baby Jayvis was a naughty boy for the past 2 days, he rejected the yaolan &amp; I had to carry,rock&amp;pat OR nurse him to sleep.. so tired.. This lil' fella also has the habit of crying &amp; screaming before he finally KO!

ANy mommies here still on tbf? Interval for feeding still 3hr-ly? Is your baby feeding longer ie. from 15mins to 20 mins on each breast? if it is still 3hr-ly &amp; feeding duration same, does it means tt baby intake doesn't increase? Kindly advise TIA.

I hope my boy have the "3month reduced milk intake syndrome" so i don't have to nurse him so often.. Heehee.. one lazy mummy here!

Gina, saw ur FB's message, the dress code for the lil' one are blue for boys n pink for girls.. SO those customised polo-tee/rompers r for the future gathering right?
Will transfer the fund soon

side track, secret recipe 10th anni promo, 50% off cream n cheesecake, going to tamp1 later to get a chocolate banana cake.. gotta eat &amp; eat to keep the stress level down!aiyo. so sinful..
oh, forgot you had chicken pox. Maybe Tomi misses mummy, wanna latch, that's why struuggle with bottle? Or have another person try feeding?

Cos Minrui suddenly totally refuse to let my fil carry or feed. Me, husband and mil sometimes able to feed her bottle, sometimes can't. But ok with babysitter.... My babysitter said minrui recognize people, will take milk easier if let her lie in rocker and feed... will push teat away if carry her and feed
haaa.. shud the gathering near to end of the mth, we could dress our lil ones in halloween costumes horrr.. must b funnn... their 1st halloween!
Hi mummies, the threads are moving simply too fast that i hardly hav any time to read. Thank goodness tmr is the last day of sch and i will be freed soon. Joining all the sahm soon next yr and wonder how's life will be like to be with the little one 24/7...

Mothercare Romper + bell's friend customization

size: 3-6m
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. bell - owen
2. etirto - naomi (mommy gina really exhausted tday!)
3. bestberries - tze yu
4. bestberries - tze see
5. peanut - Regis
6. Gina - ju en
7. LS - stacia
8. BBethan - Amanda
9. koko51sg - Gabriel
10. Gillian - Jayvis

size: 6-9m <-- changed! mummies esp coolkero is it ok?
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. yan - Gareth
2. joanne - Genevieve
3. coolkero - Tomi
4. littlenotes - Natesha
5. sabsab- Xuan Yin
6. Minty_mom - Matthew
7. Ning - Isaac
8. kitty - Lucius

Hmmm sorry, are we getting 6-9mths/9-12mths cox i think my boy is already wearing 9-12mths one now.

I'm also pretty impressed by babyatwork's pdts...looking at joanne's customised polo-tees. Gina and kim, which designs did u all get?
End of Year Gathering

Date: 12 Dec 2009 Saturday (tentative)
Time: Afternoon
Venue: Joanne’s place @ Changi (Function Room)
List of attendees:
1) Joanne + hubby + Genevieve
2) HBB + hubby + Edna
3) Winnie + hubby + Shanna
4) Gina + Juen (if my hubby goes, can strike 4d)
5) coolkero + tomi + big sista
6) Sam + hubby + Joie
7) Sabsab + hubby + Xuanyin
8) Bell + Owen
9) Etirto + Naomi + Nigel + Hb (if he's traveling then I bring maid)
10) Muffingirl + hubby + Timmy
11) Bestberries + Tze Yu + Tze See + hb/maid
12) pprincessbaobei + darius + maid(most prob)
13) Jeslyn + Hubbie + Javier
14) fortunemew(Annie) + Hubby + Brian + maid
15) Sherryl(pinklilies) + Hubby + Adelle
16) Gillian + Jayvis
17) kitty + hubby + Lucius

Lamagier, are you joining us?
ordered from babyatwork, cfm my order ONLY ytd, told them i wan to wear on sat... rec'd a sms from them this morning saying my Polo Tees are ready! FAST EH????? And I haben pay them lehs... they reallie trust their customers... hahaha~
mothercare romper + bell's friend customisation
those who are going for the get-together pls refer to facebook. these are the mummies who are not going for the get-together but are interested in the rompers as well. let me know if there's any mistakes.

koko51sg - Gabriel (3-6m)
yan - Gareth (6-9m)
coolkero - Tomi (6-9m)
littlenotes - Natesha (6-9m)
Minty_mom - Matthew (6-9m)
Hi All,

Do include me pls...

End of Year Gathering

Date: 12 Dec 2009 Saturday (tentative)
Time: Afternoon
Venue: Joanne’s place @ Changi (Function Room)
List of attendees:
1) Joanne + hubby + Genevieve
2) HBB + hubby + Edna
3) Winnie + hubby + Shanna
4) Gina + Juen (if my hubby goes, can strike 4d)
5) coolkero + tomi + big sista
6) Sam + hubby + Joie
7) Sabsab + hubby + Xuanyin
8) Bell + Owen
9) Etirto + Naomi + Nigel + Hb (if he's traveling then I bring maid)
10) Muffingirl + hubby + Timmy
11) Bestberries + Tze Yu + Tze See + hb/maid
12) pprincessbaobei + darius + maid(most prob)
13) Jeslyn + Hubbie + Javier
14) fortunemew(Annie) + Hubby + Brian + maid
15) Sherryl(pinklilies) + Hubby + Adelle
16) Gillian + Jayvis
17) kitty + hubby + Lucius
18) ohyeah + hubby + Kane + maid
Mothercare Romper + bell's friend customization

size: 3-6m
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. bell - owen
2. etirto - naomi (mommy gina really exhausted tday!)
3. bestberries - tze yu
4. bestberries - tze see
5. peanut - Regis
6. Gina - ju en
7. LS - stacia
8. BBethan - Amanda
9. koko51sg - Gabriel
10. Gillian - Jayvis
11. ohyeah - Kane

size: 6-9m <-- changed! mummies esp coolkero is it ok?
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. yan - Gareth
2. joanne - Genevieve
3. coolkero - Tomi
4. littlenotes - Natesha
5. sabsab- Xuan Yin
6. Minty_mom - Matthew
7. Ning - Isaac
8. kitty - Lucius
size: 3-6m
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. bell - owen
2. etirto - naomi (mommy gina really exhausted tday!)
3. bestberries - tze yu
4. bestberries - tze see
5. peanut - Regis
6. Gina - ju en
7. LS - stacia
8. BBethan - Amanda
9. koko51sg - Gabriel
10. Gillian - Jayvis

size: 6-9m <-- changed! mummies esp coolkero is it ok?
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. yan - Gareth
2. joanne - Genevieve
3. coolkero - Tomi
4. littlenotes - Natesha
5. sabsab- Xuan Yin
6. Minty_mom - Matthew
7. Ning - Isaac
8. kitty - Lucius
9. Sunsweet - Xin Rui (If polo tee wouldn't mind a larger size)

Possible to do Slibings tops too? if can I want a size (110 - bossini size) tee for my elder gal with Emb too keke..

I'm not going for the Nov gathering thus i can pick up later.

As for Dec gathering, it's quite far for me.. I'm staying at Jurong West. Hope to meet up mummies in one of the classes or other ad-hoc meet up

Me tentative cos may have a wedding lunch to attend. Haha, I miss Lucius &amp; Minrui's wailing symphony... How tall is Lucius now?

End of Year Gathering

Date: 12 Dec 2009 Saturday (tentative)
Time: Afternoon
Venue: Joanne’s place @ Changi (Function Room)
List of attendees:
1) Joanne + hubby + Genevieve
2) HBB + hubby + Edna
3) Winnie + hubby + Shanna
4) Gina + Juen (if my hubby goes, can strike 4d)
5) coolkero + tomi + big sista
6) Sam + hubby + Joie
7) Sabsab + hubby + Xuanyin
8) Bell + Owen
9) Etirto + Naomi + Nigel + Hb (if he's traveling then I bring maid)
10) Muffingirl + hubby + Timmy
11) Bestberries + Tze Yu + Tze See + hb/maid
12) pprincessbaobei + darius + maid(most prob)
13) Jeslyn + Hubbie + Javier
14) fortunemew(Annie) + Hubby + Brian + maid
15) Sherryl(pinklilies) + Hubby + Adelle
16) Gillian + Jayvis
17) kitty + hubby + Lucius
18) ohyeah + hubby + Kane + maid
19) lamagier + hubby + Minrui (tentative)

Mothercare Romper + bell's friend customization

size: 3-6m
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. bell - owen
2. etirto - naomi (mommy gina really exhausted tday!)
3. bestberries - tze yu
4. bestberries - tze see
5. peanut - Regis
6. Gina - ju en
7. LS - stacia
8. BBethan - Amanda
9. koko51sg - Gabriel
10. Gillian - Jayvis
11. ohyeah - Kane

size: 6-9m <-- changed! mummies esp coolkero is it ok?
colour: white
cost per romper: $5
1. yan - Gareth
2. joanne - Genevieve
3. coolkero - Tomi
4. littlenotes - Natesha
5. sabsab- Xuan Yin
6. Minty_mom - Matthew
7. Ning - Isaac
8. kitty - Lucius
9. Sunsweet - Xin Rui (If polo tee wouldn't mind a larger size)
10. lamagier - Minrui
Gillian > I have been demand feeding timmy (TBF, mostly latching, 1-2 bottles of EBM a day) since birth and only recently started trying to space out his feeds.
If I don't make him wait, he will feed every 2-3hourly (he thinks he is still a newborn baby)...now especially when at home, I'm stretching it out to every 3 hourly.
He is currently showing no signs of reduced intake.
End of Year Gathering

Date: 12 Dec 2009 Saturday (tentative)
Time: Afternoon
Venue: Joanne’s place @ Changi (Function Room)
List of attendees:
1) Joanne + hubby + Genevieve
2) HBB + hubby + Edna
3) Winnie + hubby + Shanna
4) Gina + Juen (if my hubby goes, can strike 4d)
5) coolkero + tomi + big sista
6) Sam + hubby + Joie
7) Sabsab + hubby + Xuanyin
8) Bell + Owen
9) Etirto + Naomi + Nigel + Hb (if he's traveling then I bring maid)
10) Muffingirl + hubby + Timmy
11) Bestberries + Tze Yu + Tze See + hb/maid
12) pprincessbaobei + darius + maid(most prob)
13) Jeslyn + Hubbie + Javier
14) fortunemew(Annie) + Hubby + Brian + maid
15) Sherryl(pinklilies) + Hubby + Adelle
16) Gillian + Jayvis
17) kitty + hubby + Lucius
18) ohyeah + hubby + Kane + maid
19) lamagier + hubby + Minrui (tentative)
20) Bbethan + hubby + Amanda + Ethan

Another mass gathering... Joanne, u still ok wif yr place or not? if not, we can consider some outside place.
omg, this mass gathering is bigger. cos of the daddies! waaa joanne ur ah kong place can collapse soon if u not going to state a limit!
Jayvis is getting better now compared to when he was 1 to 2 mths.. during that time his feeding sometime can be in the next 1.5 to 2hr..

so when you r out n he cries, you will nurse him even if it is less than 2 hrs? Actually I have this habit, esp. if he starts to cry in the car.. cos' i don;t want daddy/the driver to be distracted by his cries.. end up the feeding schedule all messed up.
Rejection of EBM > timmy was not happy with frozen EBM that I gave him to drink a couple of days ago. The frozen EBM was only 40days old, not even 2 months! I mixed it with chilled EBM (1 day old)...and when my helper fed him, he was like gagging (wanna vomit) like that

This is the first time he has such a reaction to frozen EBM

Any advice?
amanda also doesn't like to drink frozen EBM too. she'll drink, gets upset and spit out. confirmed after trying out 2 nights incl that horrible night I had. I tried mixing half half. was slightly better. now i try not to freeze too much already.
wow see so many hubby joining the gathering.. wonder what the man will be talking abt? haha Who had done diaper change/ bath baby/ babysit baby for 24hrs?


AND its like a big crowd.. at least 40 adults and 20 kids..

Maybe should consider outside then we can do it like a early christmas party for the kids!

If in town probably I can join in with my 2 kiddos.

Of cos someone can start looking for some sponsors too for this year end gathering
e.g maybe some baby food co. can start promoting to us cos our bb will be of have started weaning
muffingirl, u mean frozen bm can be mixed with chilled ebm? I heard it's nt so gd to mix bm expressed at different timing...can get spoiled easily. There's a time when i mixed and i usually tried the bm before giving my boy, i noticed it turned sour quite easily.
Gillian > I never feed him inside a moving car....there have only been 2 instances when we took him out of the carseat in the middle of the journey when he cried, screamed until no voice type of cry...but that was because his back was very hot (in contact with carseat) as we learnt later on.
But if I'm at someone's house or out at a mall, I will just feed him to keep him from fussing too much.

BBEthan, I have enough for 40-50feeds in my freezer cos right now, production is more than his consumption. Not sure what will happen when I go back to work....I thot mixing half half would make it taste better....but I know that frozen EBM has a fishier smell
Yeah lamagier, i miss too. A pity lucius cannot attend the gymboree trial on sat cox he's taking the jab that morning. Not too sure how much he's grown....need to find out on sat
I am tbfing Mattthew (latch-on). on average his interval is 3hs too. occasionally can stretch to 4hs. used to be 2-2.5h and since he turned 3mths, i decided to follow the 3h as a guideline so that i get to rest and also it's almost impossible to have a decent trip out if he needs to drink every 2h
so far he doesnt show any signs of reduced intake. sometimes when he is distracted (tv/ongoing conversations) he will nurse for a shorter time...hong sim. some feeds are longer and some are shorter but from daily average (estimation) i think it evens out.
our babies all getting more and more active liao.. cannot expect them to just cry, slp n drink milk. my girl also start her screaming stunts a wk ago. also learnt to be talkative n talk real loud.

wow... u got a separate freezer? my depleting soon as my fresh supply getting limited since start work. dun know how long i can last tbf.

my girl now very hong xin when comes to latching. prob used to bottle liao. when latch, only takes 5-10mins n start fidgeting liao. i guess bcos of this, each latch doesn't last more than 3hrs.
BBEthan > no, but I use a separate compartment of my freezer - normal fridge. This smaller upper compartment of my freezer used to be the icecream section now totally taken over by EBM....bigger lower compartment is for food
u r funny la.. lil edna frm canary becum crow den becum kangaroo..hahaahaa.. but i can see she ralli loves the jumperoo ar..like every moment shes on it.. hee.. n will miss it wen she isnt in it..

Frozen ebm..
i have like mayb 90 pkts or so in the freezer aft giving 60 pkts away.. i haven tried to let jav drink frozen ebm so far.. mayb i shud try.. n see if he rejects..=\if he doesnt take i tink i can prepare to throw away the frozen ebm..=S
wah... Me jus off work only... Gosh... The response for Dec gathering is so good... I'll limit it to 22 mummies... Else, my "ah-gong" place going to collapse le...
hi Gillian,
my boy is on total breast milk. He's 13 weeks now n continues to feed at 2.5 to 3 hr interval. I guess if he poops normal, he should be getting enuf milk.

All mummies,
are ur babies sleeping thru the nite? My little one still wakes up approx 2 times at nite. He goes to bed by 7.30pm. Last feed of the night usu before midnite but he wake up at like 2 plus and sometimes 5-6 plus to feed again. If I don't, he wails and that wakes the whole household up. So I juz nurse him to prevent him from crying. :p how???

meng lee > medical definition of sleeping thru the night is sleeping for more than 5 hours, according to the baby sleep books. So your son sounds like he has reached that stage. Slowly, gradually he should slowly increase that, until he really sleeps and only wakes up at the wake up time.

I think it is probably tougher for our TBF babies since breastmilk is thinner. It is normal to dream feed as well....feed them in the middle of the nite and they are still half asleep then after the feed they continue sleeping.

I actually cherish these dream feeds
the quiet nite, docile baby, no fussing...kinda heart pain as timmy threatens to cut down the night feeds to only 1
